
  • 3 months ago
Ist eine Reise nach Lima (Peru) sicher?
Is Lima Peru veilig om te bezoeken?
Lima, Perù, è sicura da visitare?
Lima, Pérou, est-il sûr à visiter ?
Er Lima Peru sikkert at besøge?
Är Lima Peru säkert att besöka?


00:00So, I've had people asking me about, is Peru safe, is Lima safe, in particular, right,
00:13because I'm in Lima, and that's what I'm going to talk about in this video.
00:17So from my experience, let's talk about driving.
00:22I don't know if most people from the United States could handle driving here.
00:30It's, you'd have to, it's a special style, it's not a style that many people in the United
00:38States or in the Western world would be used to.
00:41Even Mexico, I don't know if you can really compare it to Mexico, right.
00:47So another thing about safety, in terms of catching taxis and what not, it's really unique
00:57because there is low-end taxis, and then there's high-end taxis.
01:04For example, today I rode, I caught a ride in a Lexus, a brand new Lexus, which you would
01:12have, you know, in the United States, it would have been pretty expensive, here, it was not
01:17that expensive.
01:22For example, I went for, from San Ysidro, which is the neighborhood where my hotel is,
01:29the financial district, to downtown Lima, which is considered more dangerous, which
01:38I'll talk about in the next part of this video.
01:44And that ride took about 20 minutes, because of traffic and what not, and it only was $12.
01:54So that was 20 minutes in a Lexus, which normally with a meter in, say, New York City or Los
01:59Angeles would have been $30.
02:02So like a bus like this, for example, if you can get in a nice bus, safety.
02:08So Peru has this, for lack of a better word, cash system, where if you can afford to travel
02:15in some of the more first world type accommodation and what not, you're going to be in a safer,
02:23more secure area.
02:24If you're on a low budget, and you're staying in areas like central Lima, it might not be
02:31as safe or great of an idea.
02:35Now the third thing about the dangers of central Lima and what not, when I was down there in
02:44central Lima, I had, I watched two guys yelling at each other.
02:51But before I even went down there, I had someone warn me, saying, you know, watch your stuff
02:56down there in central Lima.
02:58So locals, they're aware of it, they don't like it, they don't like the dangers that
03:05exist with it, but it does exist.
03:07So I just wanted to put that out there.
03:09I stopped there because I was going to cross the street, but I don't know if that's a crosswalk.
03:13So I'll just keep pushing forward.
03:18So there are certain areas that I've been told don't go there, and that comes down to
03:23the whole, is it a tourist place?
03:26Stick to your tourist itinerary.
03:29Once you start going off the tourist itinerary and you start doing things that you would
03:34normally do in comfort, you know, go off a beaten path in the United States or wherever
03:40you're from, not such a great idea here.
03:45And that comes straight from the locals, they'll tell you that.
03:48I've probably received at least three warnings from different locals about being careful
03:56and what not.
03:59Also, if you can befriend a taxi cab driver or someone that you can trust, that's always
04:08a great idea.
04:10Because then they can, you know, look out for you.
04:17So another thing about finance, like how to get your money right, there are better ATMs
04:26in my opinion here than Mexico.
04:29Mexico, some of the ATMs, they have these shady situations where the ones on the street,
04:34you know, they play these games with you and they double charge you and stuff like that.
04:39I haven't really seen too much of that with your finance here in Lima like I did in Mexico
04:47in particular, and the tourist areas there.
04:53The food, for the most part, is safe.
04:57The thing you might want to keep in mind about that is the water, out of the tap, you cannot
05:04drink, but you can drink.
05:09At some of these hotels, they'll have wells, and that's safe water to drink.
05:18So as you can see, I'm walking here, San Isidro next to Scotiabank, big building, and
05:29these transport buses like that, I haven't ridden on one of those, I've ridden on more
05:34of the municipality of Lima buses, I haven't ridden on one of those.
05:41I was also told that if you're trying to go to Cusco on a bus, there's different types
05:46of bus that'll go there.
05:48So for about $200 soles, you can go to Cusco, which is around about $70, it's a full day
05:59trip, but it's a safe bus, you're going to be on a very safe automobile, or a safe bus.
06:10That's just one way though.
06:12So this is the main drag.
06:20They do have a Chinatown here.
06:26If I was to go this way more, that would be Miraflores.
06:31So anyways guys, if you guys have any questions about Lima, I'm more than willing to answer
06:45I've been here for a few days now, which isn't a lot of time, but it's enough to explore
06:51and experience.
06:52Every day has been this foggy, cloudy weather.
06:57One day was a little bit of sunshine, the sun made an appearance.
07:02Like I said, this is, in the other videos I said, because it's August here, this is
07:08the equivalent of January in the Northern Hemisphere.
07:19Lima is a desert.
07:21So, low altitude, this is not the Andes.
07:26Even Cusco, if you look at the weather temperature here in winter, Cusco is actually considered
07:32warmer than Lima.
07:36Today in Cusco it's 68, today in Lima it's 63.
07:41I just kept walking that way, I keep seeing more of the financial district, which is all
07:48around here.
07:49I mean, this is really what the San Ysidro area looks like.
07:54Here's a great example of safety, also seeing the police, you can see the police in the
08:02Lots of police out here, and whenever you see the police, their job is basically, boots
08:07on the ground, keep the area safe.
08:11And being that this is a financial district, it has a lot of police, so San Ysidro is a
08:15safe place to stay.
08:17Miraflores, a safe place to stay.
08:21This is the San Ysidro area.
08:25So, San Ysidro is a safe place to stay.
08:28Miraflores, a safe place to stay.
08:32Near the Barranco seems modestly safe, but if you can stay in Miraflores or San Ysidro,
08:40you should be pretty good to go here in Lima.
08:46I would say, I would say more than just pretty good to go, you would be safe, it is safe.
08:55I just wanted to show you guys what it's like, just walking around so you get an idea
09:01of what you would be feeling.
09:03You can see, we haven't seen any sketchy, shady characters around here, so nothing to
09:12be concerned about with that.
09:21Let's see here.
09:25Those are some apartments.
09:27Man, they've got a lot of high-rises out here in Lima.
09:30I did hear they have earthquakes too, so that was a little bit of a surprise.
09:38They have warnings that say, if you feel an earthquake, take the necessary steps.
09:45So this is Parque Paratodos, which means Park of Everything.
09:55And there is a residential building.
10:05Here's some more, some more, some more.
10:14Look at this, look at that road.
10:19The trees and everything.
10:30Yeah, just stay in the safe zones.
10:33The city tourist areas and the high-end, high-rent districts.
10:39Even if you're on a low budget, still try to find a hostel or hang out in those areas.
10:48I mean, like I said, I've gotten three warnings from locals who said the same thing about
10:55be careful, be careful.
10:57Yesterday I was being approached by these people who come up to you to try to sell you
11:03jewelry, authentic jewelry, and I was like, no thank you, but they wouldn't give up.
11:09And then I finally agreed to buy something.
11:13And that was, it ended up being expensive.
11:16Coffee? Café?
11:19Oh, sí? Okay.
11:20Americano, espresso.
11:23Cappuccino, espresso.
11:24No cappuccino?
11:25Oh, okay.
11:27Americano and espresso.
11:28Yeah, I'll take an Americano and coffee.
11:32Sí, con leche es un poquito.
11:35Sí, bien.
11:37And ceviche?
11:43So, yeah, I can keep this vlog going or stop it here, but I'm going to have a cup of coffee
11:50to show you guys around and see you guys later.
