
  • 2 months ago
00:00Before taking power, the ADAP often used the slogan
00:04No to political exams
00:06They firmly stated that political exams
00:10will only ruin the country's interests
00:13Only with a meritocracy system, the country can develop
00:18They once firmly opposed this practice
00:23Because the slogan, no to political exams
00:27is only a game of sharing power
00:30After taking power, did the situation change?
00:34Yes, only the ADAP changed
00:37They started to say, no to political exams
00:41can build a country
00:44The same exam, different explanation
00:48They truly changed when their position changed
00:53What they once criticized, has now become their routine
00:59And their reasons are still flourishing
01:03Not because of merit
01:05But many who use these positions
01:09to get support, to strengthen their positions
01:14They have 40 MPs in the government
01:18and are the largest party
01:21When it comes to people's issues
01:23Where are they?
01:25They are all hiding
01:27Not daring to speak up for us
01:31We chose them
01:33with the hope that they will speak up for our interests
01:36Now it looks like they only care about
01:39the promotion and political benefits
01:42We need to ask ourselves
01:45Are the MPs we choose really representing us?
01:50Today, I want to emphasize to my friends
01:54We can no longer be deceived by these empty promises
01:58We need leaders who are truly serving the people
02:03Delivering people's concerns
02:06Not those who only care about personal gain
02:10and betray their promises
02:13We need to monitor them
02:15and we can't let them take away our wages
