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Tark e Wafa Episode 1 | Mohib Mirza | Hina Chaudhary | 6 July 2024 | ARY Digital Drama

Tark e Wafa explores the dark complexities of loyalty and manipulation within a family. When sibling rivalry escalates, it's Sabtain's love that keeps the family united amidst all odd circumstances and conflicts.

Writer: Rabia Razzaque
Directed by: Kashif Ahmed Butt

Mohib Mirza,
Hina Chaudhary,
Shahood Alvi,
Fazila Qazi,
Sameena Ahmed,
Zainab Qayoom,
Maya Khan,
Ammara Saeed,
Mujtaba Abbas,
Fareeda Shabbir,
Asad Zaman,
Sabrina Naqvi,
Ayesha Gul & Others.

Watch Tark-e-Wafa Daily at 7:00 PM only no ARY Digtial

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00:30Let me die at your doorstep
00:36I am a mind reader, a yogi
00:41Let me worship love
00:46Let me worship love
01:00Let me worship love
01:06Let me worship love
01:12Let me worship love
01:30Let me worship love
02:00Let me worship love
02:06Niyat sahib, the destination was easy.
02:09Brother, we have to go to the bakery in front and come back.
02:12It's a little early, don't ask for too much money.
02:14Okay madam, give us whatever you think is appropriate.
02:17Let's go.
02:35Phone ringing
02:42Sitan bhai, please bring my favourite cake on your way back.
02:45You know very well how busy it will be there.
02:47And if I go there to get your cake, I will get stuck.
02:50And I won't be able to reach on time for my meeting.
02:52Brother, your meetings are going on, right?
02:54But if I feel like eating cake, how can I refuse?
02:58I want to eat cake. Please, please, please.
03:00You can at least do this much for me.
03:02Sister really likes the pastries and biscuits there.
03:06She was saying that it's been a long time since she ate them.
03:08You have become very clever.
03:10You are a proper blackmailer.
03:12You knew that you will take sister's name and I won't be able to refuse.
03:16Do one thing, ask Sajeela too.
03:18She doesn't want anything from there.
03:20Sajeela bhaji really likes the patties there.
03:23So, have you asked her?
03:24Okay, I will go now.
03:25I will pick it up and send it to the driver.
03:28Okay, hang up now.
03:30Thank you so much.
03:41Brother, I had ordered my cake two days ago.
03:43Please pack it and give it to me.
03:44Here you go.
04:03Pack all the biscuits except the salty ones.
04:07Are you going to open your own bakery?
04:12No, no.
04:13Actually, my sister really likes the biscuits here.
04:15So, I was not able to remember which one to buy.
04:17So, I told her to buy all of them.
04:19Okay, for sister.
04:21Then do one thing.
04:22This peanut topping and classic one is the most famous one.
04:25Pack this for sister.
04:26She will definitely like it.
04:27Brother, pack these two.
04:29But don't pack too much.
04:30It won't look good if they get stale.
04:32You can't even eat this much at a time.
04:34And it's a bad thing to waste the risk.
04:37Do as she says.
04:41Here is your cake.
04:44What is this, brother?
04:46It had to be written Hoor Bano and Happy 75.
04:48I had told you on the phone.
04:50But you had told me on the phone that it had to be written Dadu.
04:54I had told you.
04:56Then it's fine.
04:58Give it to me.
04:59Thank you very much.
05:24It's been so long.
05:28Who is he?
05:29I don't know, sister.
05:31Oh no!
05:33I am already getting late.
05:41What is this?
05:42You have parked the car in the middle of the road
05:44and have blocked the way of others.
05:46You are right.
05:47It's my mistake.
05:48I am really sorry.
05:49I had to double park.
05:50I am sorry.
05:51She is saying that it's her mistake.
05:53I am really sorry.
05:54I shouldn't have double parked.
05:58you are also coming in my way again and again.
06:00I have no interest in coming in your way.
06:03Please get the car out of here.
06:05I am in a hurry.
06:06The surprise will be ruined.
06:21I am sorry.
06:22I am sorry.
06:52Fazal, why have you put these fragrant flowers?
06:55I had told you that Sibte is allergic to fragrant flowers.
06:58Remove all of them.
06:59Okay, sister. I understood.
07:01I don't know when this allergy started.
07:05Yes, I remember.
07:08We had gone to my mother's grave for the first time.
07:12She had put flower petals
07:13and then came home and got so sick.
07:19I have been very careful since then.
07:22By the way,
07:23your brother is very lucky.
07:25He has such a caring sister.
07:28Who else will take care of him if I don't?
07:31He is not a brother to me.
07:32He is my son.
07:34I have brought him up like a son.
07:36I have educated him.
07:38Now he is at such a high position.
07:46Mother, come quickly.
07:50Keep it here quickly.
07:52Grandmother's cake is very tasty.
07:54Keep your hands away.
07:55Don't touch your head.
07:56Hey, hey, hey.
07:57There won't be a fight right now.
07:58And why are you being so impatient?
08:00I know you have decorated it very well.
08:02Have some patience.
08:03Your father will also be coming.
08:05It's his mother's birthday.
08:06He won't be upset.
08:08Mother, you know that
08:09he makes faces on his birthday.
08:10At least wish him.
08:11He will get angry.
08:12Okay, enough.
08:13Where is sister?
08:14She is coming.
08:15She is bringing her.
08:38What is this?
08:40By the way, a person's sleep
08:41shouldn't be so weak
08:42that he wakes up
08:43due to the noise of the wind.
08:44At this age,
08:46you don't wake up due to the noise of the wind.
08:48You wake up
08:50due to the sound of children's footsteps.
08:56Tell me one thing.
08:58Did grandfather come in your dream?
09:00Hey, move away.
09:01Why would he come in my dream?
09:03He must be sitting there
09:04having fun
09:05in the crowd.
09:06Okay, leave all that.
09:08Happy birthday.
09:10Hey, child.
09:12Who celebrates birthday at this age?
09:14The curtains are opening.
09:16What happened, grandmother?
09:18You have a lot of time
09:19to get old.
09:20Come on, get up.
09:21We have to celebrate your birthday.
09:22Come on, get up.
09:23What is this?
09:24And you know,
09:25we have to finish
09:26this celebration
09:27before father comes.
09:28Come on, get up.
09:29Very good.
09:31Get up.
09:32Come on, get up.
09:33Your stubbornness…
09:48What are you doing?
09:49Sister, you…
09:52What is all this?
09:55All this is for you.
09:56No, there was no need for this.
09:58Why wasn't there a need, mother?
10:03how did you like all this?
10:05Very good.
10:07Let's cut the cake, mother.
10:08Yes, let's go.
10:09Come on, let's go.
10:10Come on, let's go.
10:11Come on, let's go.
10:12Come on, let's go.
10:13Come on, let's go.
10:14Come on, let's go.
10:15Come on, let's go.
10:16Come on, let's go.
10:17Come on, let's go.
10:19What's going on?
10:29it's grandmother's birthday,
10:30so I thought
10:31we should cut the cake.
10:33I don't understand
10:34how you celebrate
10:35when you have less than a year
10:36to live.
10:39don't put so much burden
10:40on your mind.
10:43you should keep your principles
10:44aside for the happiness
10:45of your children.
10:47And you come here.
10:48Come here to me.
10:49Yes, hurry up.
10:50Then this candle…
10:53Come, come.
10:54Stay happy, stay blessed.
10:59Come on,
11:00let's all cut together.
11:02Come on, father.
11:04let me do it.
11:17Let me do it.
11:47What's going on, friend?
11:48You were in a bad mood today.
11:50You lost both the games.
11:53This is my life experience.
11:55I shouldn't have any
11:56quarrel with my wife in the morning.
11:58It ruins my mood
11:59for the whole day.
12:02You are angry again.
12:04There is only one issue
12:05with my anger these days.
12:07I have to make her my family.
12:09And I am in such a confusion
12:11whether I will be able
12:12to take up this responsibility or not.
12:16I think
12:17girls are smart
12:18in this matter.
12:22because of her smartness,
12:24my life will be a mess.
12:26I know,
12:27children will be born
12:28at some point or the other.
12:30But the responsibility
12:31of their upbringing
12:33ends day and night.
12:36Well, I disagree.
12:37I think
12:39if you had children,
12:40you would have been
12:41more focused.
12:42Life would have been
12:43more smooth.
12:44And there would have been
12:45a good reason
12:46to go back home.
12:47Wait, wait, wait.
12:49How are you
12:50defending this responsibility?
12:51How do you know
12:52whether this is
12:53a beautiful relationship
12:54or not?
12:55The one you love,
12:57their life
12:58becomes their goal.
13:02Then why couldn't
13:03you find
13:04such a goal
13:05in your life?
13:07That's true.
13:09How long
13:10will you spend
13:11such a single life?
13:12And what if you
13:13keep burning us?
13:14By the way,
13:15if you say,
13:16let's ask Ayesha
13:17and talk to someone
13:18about it.
13:20Ayesha is very excited
13:21about your marriage.
13:23And I guarantee
13:24that the work
13:25that has to be done
13:26in four days
13:28will be done in two days.
13:30That's a good thing.
13:31Shall we go?
13:32This is the answer
13:33after such a long story.
13:35I heard your story.
13:37And I promise,
13:38my love, come.
13:40let me have coffee.
13:41I will get you coffee
13:42and I promise
13:43that I will try to understand.
13:45So you were saying
13:46that the work in four days
13:47will be done in two days.
13:50Ayesha will talk
13:51to you about it.
13:59Yes, that's right.
14:00But Siddhi,
14:01when I do your work
14:03I feel at peace.
14:04That's your love.
14:05But when you have
14:06so many house staff,
14:07why do you need
14:08to do the work yourself?
14:10I am so grateful
14:11to God.
14:13I am so blessed.
14:14That's true.
14:15Thank God.
14:17By the way,
14:18Anam's relatives
14:19were asking
14:21they should come
14:22to meet me.
14:23What should I say?
14:25Whenever you say,
14:26I am okay.
14:27Just let me know
14:28a day in advance.
14:29That's it, Siddhi.
14:31Once I complete
14:32this last responsibility,
14:33then we both
14:34will go for Hajj,
14:35God willing.
14:37We will definitely go.
14:38You said the right thing.
14:39God willing.
14:40But Anam's marriage…
14:41Look at this.
14:42They are planning
14:43to get her married
14:44and why is this
14:45careless girl
14:46so pampered
14:47and spoiled?
14:48How will she survive
14:49in a stranger's house?
14:50There will be servants
14:51behind her all the time.
14:53I don't know
14:54how to make her understand.
14:56It won't look good
14:57if you get hanged, right?
14:58You don't get eaten
14:59all at once.
15:00And it's a bad thing
15:01to waste the risk.
15:06Everything will be better
15:07with time.
15:10will you please
15:11feed me?
15:12Right now?
15:13Don't you want to eat?
15:14No, I am not hungry.
15:17If you had cake right now,
15:18it would have been
15:19so good with tea.
15:20I told you,
15:21it's my brother's favourite.
15:22But no,
15:23you must have sent half to Sajeela
15:24and ate the other half yourself.
15:25I didn't get anything
15:26in your or my fate.
15:27It's okay.
15:28It's okay.
15:29I don't want cake.
15:30Just give me tea.
15:31I am not hungry anyway.
15:38Wow, thank you.
15:42When will you talk
15:43to your brother?
15:44He sends you
15:45all these things
15:46and you just
15:47get happy with this.
15:49Then don't eat.
15:50Who told you to eat?
15:51Leave it.
15:53I am not eating.
15:56How many times
15:57have I told you
15:58to go and talk to your brother
15:59to set up
16:00a business for me.
16:01Why should I go?
16:02Why should I tell him?
16:04Doesn't he know my situation?
16:06Doesn't he know
16:07how much pain I am in?
16:08Your sister
16:09has blindfolded
16:10your brother.
16:11Your sister
16:12is the real problem.
16:13She is enjoying
16:14with your brother's money.
16:15She is enjoying
16:16with her fate.
16:17What can I do?
16:19The way you misbehaved
16:20with her,
16:21she swore
16:22that she won't
16:23see your face.
16:24I did the right thing.
16:25Your sister
16:26is a very cunning woman.
16:28She has kept
16:29her brother's wealth
16:30as an amulet
16:31but I don't know
16:32how she dies
16:33helping you.
16:34Because of
16:35these things
16:36you do,
16:37children spend
16:38more time with
16:39their parents.
16:46if your sisters
16:47have the right
16:48in that house,
16:49then don't you have
16:50the right?
16:51So go and
16:52ask for your right.
16:53So what business
16:54do you want to do?
16:55What will you do?
16:56I have brought money
16:57from there 10,000 times
16:58and kept it in your hand.
16:59What have you done?
17:01It is said that
17:03belongs to women.
17:05If it was in your fate,
17:06I would have got it too.
17:09Then my brother
17:10doesn't have a woman
17:11in his fate.
17:12Can't you see her fate?
17:15It is possible that
17:16there is a woman in his life
17:17and the way
17:18someone looks,
17:19that doesn't happen.
17:38look at this.
17:39I have made
17:40bitter gourd juice for you.
17:41It is very tasty.
17:42Come on,
17:43drink it quickly.
17:52I am talking to you.
17:56Tell me,
17:57which scientist
17:58said that
17:59bitter gourd juice
18:00is tasty?
18:02It was not a scientist,
18:03it was a nutritionist
18:04who said that.
18:05And don't try
18:06to change the topic.
18:07For now,
18:08I have said that
18:09bitter gourd juice
18:10is very good for
18:11sugar patients.
18:12So drink it quickly.
18:14don't act like my mother
18:15and stand on my head.
18:17You know very well
18:19I hate
18:20this thing
18:21called juice.
18:23And you have given me
18:24so many types of juice
18:25that it has ruined
18:26my digestion.
18:29your excuses
18:30are very cute.
18:32Juice doesn't ruin
18:33your digestion,
18:34digestion is fine.
18:35So drink this juice
18:37Come on.
18:38My mother
18:39has gone through
18:40so much,
18:41but after hearing
18:42your scolding,
18:43I miss her.
18:46There is no need
18:47to be sad, dadu.
18:48Because I don't
18:49feel pity for you at all.
18:51So drink this juice
18:53Keep it,
18:54I will drink it.
18:56And tell me,
18:57when is your
18:58aunt coming?
19:02mom heard it.
19:03She will be so sad.
19:05She is so emotional
19:06about her parents.
19:07All women are like this.
19:09Now see,
19:10I have reached this age,
19:11so much time has passed,
19:12but our home
19:13is our home.
19:14Now I miss someone,
19:15I miss my mother,
19:16I miss my sister,
19:17I miss my siblings.
19:20Come on,
19:21now drink the juice.
19:28A little.
19:41So bitter.
19:43So bitter.
19:45What happened dadu?
19:47It's not that bitter.
19:48It is.
19:49People from our
19:50neighborhood are
19:51more bitter than this.
19:53Your aunt
19:54or your mother?
19:57will you make me die?
19:59Okay, come on,
20:00drink a little more.
20:03my dear grandmother.
20:04Come on, come on.
20:05In the name of God.
20:11Oh God,
20:13so you,
20:14why didn't you
20:15tell us?
20:17What happened all of a sudden?
20:20Your problem
20:21is our problem.
20:22That's the problem
20:23of today's generation.
20:25They are defocused,
20:26they don't have
20:27any presence of mind
20:28and if you pick up any design,
20:29it is either AI generated
20:30or borrowed from somewhere.
20:33I found a few portfolios online,
20:34I have contacted them.
20:35Let's see.
20:36Sir, may I come in?
20:55Oh God,
20:56look at you.
20:58You will never
20:59stop dressing up.
21:00You are getting ready
21:01as if today is your wedding
21:02and you have to be the bride.
21:06what do you think?
21:07Dressing up
21:08is only for the wedding?
21:11I say,
21:12if you had learned
21:13something from me,
21:14you would have been married today.
21:18If I had been married today,
21:20you three orphans
21:22would have been yearning
21:23for two meals
21:24on the doorstep
21:25of your aunts and uncles.
21:27The children whose parents
21:29their relatives
21:30forget about their
21:32except for the right
21:33to kill.
21:35I am sorry, sister.
21:37I didn't mean
21:38what I said.
21:39What did you mean?
21:40You always
21:41taunt me like this.
21:42I am used to it now.
21:44I am just
21:45used to it now.
21:47You always remember
21:48to taunt me.
21:50No one remembers
21:51my sacrifice.
21:53I carried a small
21:54sleeping book
21:55in my lap
21:56and my mother
21:57went to the hospital
21:58to pick you up.
22:01You came into this world
22:06your mother didn't
22:07come back home.
22:09I became a mother
22:10of three children
22:11sitting at home.
22:24Anyway, sister.
22:25Stop it.
22:26You start crying
22:27every day.
22:29I know one thing.
22:31I made a mistake
22:32by talking to you.
22:34I just said
22:35that if you got married,
22:38you would have
22:39your own family.
22:40Aren't the three of you
22:41my family?
22:43I have brought up
22:44the three of you.
22:46The one who brings us up
22:47is also a mother.
22:50If it was someone else,
22:51he would have got married easily.
22:52I even broke
22:53my engagement
22:54for the three of you.
22:56What would have happened
22:57if you got married?
22:58We would have
22:59stayed with you.
23:01You would have
23:02stayed with me.
23:04No one wants to
23:05take the responsibility
23:06of other children.
23:10your favorite Sajeela.
23:12She did what
23:13she wanted
23:14for her own happiness.
23:16She was not even 18
23:17when she started
23:18dreaming of marriage.
23:19I should have done the same.
23:21Then you would have known.
23:22You wouldn't have been
23:23sitting here
23:24and dressing up.
23:35Here you go.
23:37I have put up the curtains.
23:40Wow, Piya.
23:41You have put up
23:42the curtains upside down.
23:44This is what happens
23:45when Abdullah is crazy
23:46about getting married.
23:48Should I change them now?
23:50Leave it.
23:51Aunt Asiya will come
23:52and she will think
23:53it is a new fashion.
23:54Leave it.
23:56That is fine.
23:58But who will listen
23:59to mom's scolding?
24:01you can fix them later.
24:02I will put up the curtains now.
24:04I will fix them.
24:06But where is your mind?
24:07My mind is here.
24:08You don't need
24:09to act like a grandmother.
24:11So what?
24:12I am not stupid like you.
24:14I have a lot of brains.
24:16If you don't want to get married,
24:17then refuse.
24:19I did refuse.
24:21Mom had taken away
24:22the sleeping pills
24:23of grandmothers.
24:25Sleeping pills of grandmothers?
24:26What was mom supposed to do
24:27when grandmothers
24:28can't sleep on their own?
24:30Come here.
24:31Let's go.
24:33Don't worry about
24:34your mother's worries.
24:35Mom's worries
24:36are like this
24:37about her daughter.
24:39Ever since Saba
24:40tried to commit suicide,
24:41mom is very worried.
24:43She just wants
24:44you and me
24:45to get married.
24:47Saba committed suicide
24:48because her fiancé
24:49was blackmailing her.
24:52How is this
24:53related to your marriage?
24:55I don't know.
24:56Don't irritate me.
24:57Do your work quickly.
24:59Aunt Asiya will reach
25:00before time
25:01with her.
25:03For her,
25:04the best proposal
25:05in the world
25:06is for you.
25:07The boy from the departmental store.
25:10He has gone to school
25:11till his matriculation.
25:12I don't know
25:13whether he studied
25:14after that or not.
25:18I don't care.
25:19You get married tomorrow.
25:20I will come to your
25:21departmental store
25:22to get your stuff.
25:24You will come
25:25if I get married, right?
25:27What did you say?
25:28I mean
25:29if our family
25:30is destined
25:31to get married,
25:32then it's not necessary
25:33that I also have
25:34to drink their tea.
25:35They always
25:36have a good sense of humor.
25:45The business
25:46our company has done
25:47this year
25:48is 40% of
25:49our overall business.
25:53The business
25:54your company has done
25:56doesn't have
25:57anything special
25:58in it.
26:01the overall market ratio
26:02has increased.
26:03The business has increased.
26:04So has your business.
26:06But stopping
26:07other people's way
26:09is not a success
26:10of the business.
26:11This is
26:12simple manipulation.
26:20I think we are
26:21wasting time.
26:22This merger will not happen.
26:23How can you say that?
26:25Did you come here
26:26to do this deal?
26:28You have a name
26:29in the business community.
26:30If you make a miscommitment,
26:31you may face
26:32a loss.
26:36So should I stop
26:37making the right decision
26:38because of this loss?
26:40No, sir.
26:41This is not a part
26:42of my personality.
26:43I am really sorry.
26:44I am not making
26:45a miscommitment.
26:46Your company
26:47has been making
26:48a miscommitment
26:49with its employees
26:50for the past 5 years.
26:51Your profit is increasing
26:52but their salaries
26:53are not increasing
26:54and you are not
26:55giving them any benefit.
26:56Their blood and sweat
26:57is included
26:58but their prayers
26:59are not included
27:01Thank you everyone.
27:02I am done for now.
27:10What kind of a person is he?
27:13Doesn't he realize
27:14that if the deal is over
27:15he can get out of the market?
27:17I don't think so.
27:18Because he gave
27:19a lot of time
27:20to the business community
27:21to get his name
27:22and work done.
27:23And I have heard
27:24that he is very honest.
27:27He is young.
27:28He is young.
27:29Let's see
27:30how he grows in the market.
27:42I don't understand.
27:43There are lights
27:44and fans everywhere.
27:46They are not in the room
27:47but they are still on.
27:49It's free electricity.
27:51I will get the fans removed
27:52and throw them away.
27:53I don't think
27:54I will get a pass.
27:59I can hear you.
28:02Oh God.
28:04So you?
28:05Why didn't you tell me?
28:07What happened all of a sudden?
28:10Your problem
28:11is my problem.
28:14Okay fine.
28:16God willing
28:17you take care of yourself.
28:19What happened?
28:21It was sister's call.
28:24She was coming here
28:25for Maryam's proposal.
28:26When she was getting ready
28:27brother Safdar fell ill.
28:28When we took her to the hospital
28:29we found out
28:30that she had a heart attack.
28:32That's bad news.
28:34You should have been careful.
28:36You should have eaten
28:37whatever you get here.
28:38You can't digest food
28:39without meat.
28:40I have a doubt.
28:42She had to come here
28:43for Maryam's proposal.
28:45I don't know
28:46what she will think.
28:48What does our relationship
28:49with Maryam have to do
28:50with this?
28:53There is a relationship
28:54but she is Zahra's sister.
28:55She can do whatever she wants
28:56with whatever she wants.
29:00I think
29:01our Maryam
29:03will not be a good wife
29:04for her.
29:06She could have come
29:07for the proposal.
29:10But now
29:12don't insist on this.
29:16I didn't like this proposal.
29:20Maryam has started
29:21talking like this.
29:23You have given her
29:24a lot of support.
29:26But let me tell you
29:28that I won't
29:29allow her to work anymore.
29:31She has studied and written.
29:33She has fulfilled
29:34all her desires.
29:35Now I will find
29:36a good proposal
29:37and get her married.
29:39This is not the time
29:40to keep young girls
29:41at home.
29:43The marriage will take place
29:44at the right time.
29:45The time doesn't change
29:46if you insist on it.
29:50Do one thing
29:51that you go
29:52for your brother-in-law's
29:56Let's go.
29:57I don't think we should be late.
29:58We should reach on time.
30:15order something good
30:16for me quickly
30:18I am going to give you
30:19a good news.
30:20It's a very good news
30:21and I can't bear it.
30:24You order food for yourself
30:25and I will give you money.
30:27And please keep your good news
30:28to yourself.
30:29I have to complete
30:30this layout on time.
30:31I don't know
30:32in which competition
30:33Afia has sent my name.
30:35So you don't want
30:36to listen to the good news.
30:39Tell me
30:40because you won't stay
30:41without telling me.
30:42That's right.
30:45have become the owner
30:46of a departmental store.
30:48What do you mean?
30:49They are not coming now.
30:51Uncle Sabdar
30:52has suffered a heart attack.
30:56that's so bad.
30:58Uncle Sabdar has suffered
30:59a heart attack
31:00and you are telling me
31:01the good news.
31:03where is mother?
31:04She must be very worried.
31:05Yes, but the money…
31:13Let's see
31:18Anam, you have
31:19packed my online…
31:20Oh God!
31:21What have you done
31:22to the room?
31:23Do you know
31:24if your in-laws see
31:25your room by mistake
31:26they will refuse
31:27like this.
31:31and me?
31:34Sister, it's your mistake.
31:36They have a jackpot.
31:39They are getting
31:40such a beautiful girl.
31:41What else do they want?
31:42No, no, no.
31:43Don't live in this misunderstanding
31:44that your in-laws
31:45are giving so much
31:46respect to you
31:47because of your beauty.
31:49They are doing this
31:50only because of your
31:51brother's wealth.
31:52Because they know
31:53that Sipte
31:54will fulfill
31:55every wish of his sister.
31:56So what?
31:58If he is my brother
31:59then I have a right
32:00on his wealth.
32:02Why are you
32:03eyeing your brother's
32:04wealth like this?
32:06It's wrong.
32:07Whatever Sipte
32:08does for us
32:09is his favor.
32:12this big bungalow
32:13which has
32:14Aneela's nameplate
32:15on it
32:16I don't think
32:17you need anything
32:18other than that.
32:19And I want my share.
32:22What will you get
32:23all your life?
32:25Don't you know?
32:26Even if you get the share
32:27you will still say this.
32:28Stop it, sister.
32:30You just start.
32:31You don't listen
32:32and just start.
32:35I am telling you
32:36I want to get
32:37a very good
32:38furnished house
32:39and a very good
32:41And after that
32:42we will discuss
32:43what to give
32:44to Ayaz.
32:46Have you gone mad?
32:48If Sipte
32:49gives everything to you
32:50then he will become
32:51a pauper himself.
32:52My brother has
32:53such a big business.
32:54He will give me
32:55things according to
32:56his status.
32:57And anyways
32:58brothers are there
32:59before marriage
33:00and after that
33:01wives are there.
33:02No, no, one second.
33:03Where did this topic
33:04of Sipte's marriage
33:05come from?
33:06Today or tomorrow
33:07we have to do it.
33:08I am not delaying.
33:09I am testing the girls.
33:11Where I will get
33:13a girl of her standard
33:14and liking
33:16I will get her married
33:17in a grand manner.
33:18Wear this.
33:19It will look good on you.
33:28Sister, you are
33:29very smart.
33:30You are not getting
33:31a girl for your brother
33:32and you are not able
33:33to get her married
33:34on my wedding
33:35instead of tomorrow.
33:40you know
33:41they are not coming today.
33:42They refused to come.
33:44Yes, I know.
33:46And they will not come again.
33:50you too with her.
33:52Your mother
33:53herself said
33:54that her sister
33:55is very superstitious.
33:58she has gone mad.
33:59Mother said
34:00that she wants to get married
34:01and she immediately
34:02said yes.
34:03Mother said
34:04that she doesn't want
34:05to take the name of job
34:06and she became quiet.
34:08I think she is very crazy.
34:10How do I make her understand
34:11that there is a time
34:12for everything.
34:14If I had already
34:15fought with mother
34:16and said that I want
34:17to do this job
34:18then what was the use of it?
34:19I didn't have
34:20the surety of a job
34:21and I didn't have
34:22an offer letter.
34:23If I had both these things
34:24then I could have
34:25fought with mother.
34:26That's why
34:27I listened to her
34:28and now she will listen
34:29to me.
34:32Maryam is actually
34:33very smart.
34:35She knows
34:37and understands
34:39Now go
34:40and make me
34:41a cup of tea.
34:43Yes, grandmother.
34:44She doesn't understand.
35:07I love you.
35:09I love you too.
36:01That's the problem
36:02of today's generation
36:03that they are defocused
36:04and don't have
36:05any presence of mind
36:06and if they pick up
36:07any design
36:08then it is either
36:09AI generated
36:10or borrowed from somewhere.
36:11Well, I have got
36:12a few portfolios online.
36:13I have contacted them.
36:14Let's see.
36:15Sir, may I come in?
36:26Well, you are
36:27already inside.
36:29Come in.
36:33Is this your office?
36:34Yes, this is my office
36:35but if you want
36:36to go somewhere else
36:37then it's a different matter.
36:39No, no.
36:40I wanted to come here.
36:42I got a call from
36:43your elevation design
36:46My design has been
36:47selected in the competition
36:48in your company.
36:51Come, sit.
36:53Thank you.
37:04Maryam Najeeb.
37:07Why this particular field?
37:09You could have gone
37:10into fashion designing
37:11or you could have
37:12become an interior decorator.
37:13Why this field?
37:15Actually, I liked
37:16these big buildings
37:17from the beginning.
37:19Their architecture,
37:20their structure,
37:22even the construction
37:23material fascinated me
37:24a lot.
37:26And I just wanted to
37:27find the answer
37:28to my question
37:29that how is all this made?
37:31Fair enough.
37:35Our work is to be
37:37in an outdoor field.
37:40So, as a woman,
37:41as a lady,
37:43don't you have
37:45a skin sensitivity
37:47Is this a part
37:48of the interview?
37:50Is it necessary
37:51for me to answer this?
37:53Well, this could be
37:54one of our concerns.
37:57No, I don't have
37:58any such problem.
38:03Are you married?
38:08I'm sorry.
38:09I don't want to invade
38:10your personal space.
38:11I just want to understand
38:12so that we know
38:14how much focus
38:15we can have on work
38:16and how much workload
38:17we can take.
38:18Is that it?
38:20No, I'm not married.
38:25since when
38:26will you join us?
38:31your design layout
38:32is excellent.
38:34the outdoor spaces
38:35you've designed
38:36and utilized
38:37are amazing.
38:38I hope it's not
38:39AI generated
38:40or borrowed from somewhere.
38:41Do you doubt
38:42my capability?
38:43No, not at all.
38:44Just tell me
38:45since when
38:46will you join us?
38:48I'll let you know
38:49in a couple of days.
38:50Okay, fine.
38:54Thank you, sir.
38:55Thank you.
39:00Thank you.