Congress leader Rahul Gandhi on Saturday said by trouncing the BJP in Ayodhya, the INDIA bloc has defeated the Ram temple movement once led by L K Advani, and expressed confidence that the saffron party will meet the same fate in Gujarat in the next election. He said the Congress has been challenged and threatened by the BJP, but it will defeat the saffron party and Narendra Modi in Gujarat just the way it was defeated in Ayodhya. Gandhi was addressing party workers days after the Congress and BJP clashed outside the Gujarat Pradesh Congress Committee (GPCC) office when saffron party workers went there to protest against his (Gandhi's) remarks on Hindus.
#RahulGandhi #BJP #Gujarat #Modi #INDIA #Ayodhya #PoliticalRally #ElectionCampaign #Congress #Opposition #IndianPolitics #VowsToDefeat #ElectionBattle #RahulVsModi #GujaratElections
#RahulGandhi #BJP #Gujarat #Modi #INDIA #Ayodhya #PoliticalRally #ElectionCampaign #Congress #Opposition #IndianPolitics #VowsToDefeat #ElectionBattle #RahulVsModi #GujaratElections
00:00I have come here to tell you that they have attacked your office, your employees.
00:07Now you don't have to be afraid, you don't have to be scared.
00:11They have threatened our office, broken the office and challenged us.
00:19What is the challenge?
00:21In the Gujarat elections, I am telling you, we are all going to defeat them in Gujarat.
00:26What I have said, write it down and take it.
00:29Write it down and take it.
00:30The spirit of the Congress Party will fight in the Gujarat elections.
00:37In the Parliament House, you must have seen that it is a strange thing.
00:48The entire movement of BJP,
00:50the Ayodhya movement of the Ram Mandir.
01:00It was started by Advani ji.
01:04There was a chariot ride.
01:08You saw Advani ji on the chariot.
01:12It is said that Narendra Modi ji helped Advani ji on that journey.
01:21It started there.
01:28The chariot ride went on.
01:31And in the Parliament, I was thinking
01:35that they inaugurated the Ram Mandir.
01:42And in the inauguration of the Ram Mandir,
01:45Adani ji was seen.
01:48Ambani ji was seen.
01:51But no poor person was seen there.
01:53The people of Ayodhya got very angry
01:59when they saw that in the inauguration of the Ram Mandir,
02:03there was not a single person from Ayodhya.
02:07This was the reason.
02:10But why am I telling you this story?
02:14Because the movement that Advani ji started,
02:19that movement,
02:22whose center was Ayodhya,
02:25that movement was defeated by the India Gatbandhan in Ayodhya.
02:34I am saying a very big thing.
02:37I mean, their entire center,
02:41there, we,
02:44workers like you,
02:47workers of the Congress Party,
02:50and you go and ask there,
02:52ask any leader of the Socialist Party,
02:55and he will tell you
02:57that the worker of the Congress Party, Babbar Sher,
02:59stood with us.
03:01He did not move an inch back.
03:07So in Ayodhya, the Congress Party,
03:10the India Gatbandhan,
03:12defeated them.
03:17So what is the next step?
03:22Now what did they do?
03:25Okay, I will tell you what is inside.
03:29Now I have come here,
03:31I am talking to the family,
03:32so I will tell you the inside track.
03:35The inside track is,
03:38that MP told me,
03:40Rahulji, there was a survey here three times.
03:44Narendra Modi ji,
03:46did not want to fight Varanasi.
03:49Narendra Modi ji wanted to fight Ayodhya.
03:53His surveyor came three times.
03:56Narendra Modi ji came.
03:58And the surveyor told him,
04:00Narendra Modi ji,
04:02if you want to fight Ayodhya,
04:04you will lose in Ayodhya.
04:08Don't fight in Ayodhya,
04:10because if you do,
04:12your political career
04:15will end in Ayodhya.
04:19So he did not fight Ayodhya,
04:20he fought Varanasi.
04:22And in Varanasi,
04:23we made a few small mistakes,
04:25otherwise we would have dealt with them there.
04:29I mean, you see,
04:32in Ayodhya,
04:35their own people told them,
04:37you will lose.
04:39And in Kashi,
04:43how many won?
04:44Only 100,000 votes won.
04:45I mean, they saved their lives.
04:49It is the truth.
04:53Like I said in the Parliament House,
04:56our work,
04:57this thing I have put up today,
04:59this symbol I have put up,
05:01what is it called?
05:02It is called Abhay Mudra.
05:03It is your symbol,
05:04don't forget it.
05:06You will go back today,
05:11you are people of different religions.
05:15In every religion,
05:16you will see this symbol.
05:19Look at Guru Nanak's photo,
05:21look at Mahavir's,
05:22look at Buddha's.
05:25In Islam also,
05:26like I said in the Parliament,
05:27prayers are made with both hands.
05:32look at Shivji's photo,
05:34you will see this.
05:36And it means,
05:37don't be afraid,
05:38don't scare.
05:40And I have come here to tell you,
05:43they have attacked your office,
05:45your staff.
05:48Now you don't have to be afraid,
05:50you don't have to be scared.
05:53They have threatened our office,
05:55they have broken our office,
05:58and challenged us.
06:01What is the challenge?
06:03In the elections in Gujarat,
06:05I am telling you,
06:06all of us together,
06:07we are going to defeat them in Gujarat.
06:10What we said,
06:11and write it down,
06:13write it down,
06:14Congress Party,
06:16that the soul,
06:19will fight in the elections in Gujarat,
06:21and Narendra Modi,
06:22and BJP,
06:23the way we have defeated them in Ayodhya,
06:27in the same way,
06:28we are going to defeat them in Gujarat.
06:31Who will defeat them?
06:33Our leaders will defeat them,
06:35our Babbar Seth Tiger will defeat them.