
  • 3 months ago
Witness the incredible transformation of a young and selfish brat after his rich father taught him a lesson in empathy. Upon seeing his spoiled kid ignore a homeless guy's plea for a water, the man froze his bank accounts. Fortunately, the vagrant ended up playing a crucial role when it came to guiding the youngster toward redemption ....
00:00I'm telling you this car is just amazing just great car
00:06Excuse me, sir, and I have some work, please
00:20What I was talking about yes, Ferrari just a great car and it would be an awesome gift from you dad Josh
00:28He just asked you for some water
00:32Just ignore him and he'll walk away. So when someone asks you for something you think it's okay to ignore him
00:39Great ideas. Thank you. You're welcome. Oh
00:45Thanks, bro
00:49I'll do the same to you
00:52From now on all your back accounts are frozen
00:56Hey, hey, hey
01:04Hey you you're coming with me
01:21Hi dad
01:23I'm sorry. I get it now. How can I help you sir? Hi. All right. Oh
01:37Yeah, I came here to say how your son helped me
01:42He took me to the barber and bought a new suit. Oh
01:47You're that guy who asked for some water. Yeah
01:51You look good now, thanks you did well sound
01:58Something else. Yeah, actually
02:13Actually, I would love to talk, you know about the Ferrari thing
02:31The hell are you smiling at
02:35Spend my last money on the beggar. What do I have a smiling beggar?
02:42Thank you. They ever show up in front of me again and now get lost
02:47Whatever you say about it now
02:54So I'll fly into Beijing next week we'll stay there for three nights. Hey uncle Pete
03:03It's okay
03:13Gosh this is embarrassing
03:17Can you do me a favor
03:23Can you lend me a thousand bucks thousand bucks this time, yep, what are the repayment plans on this I
03:29Heard your accounts are frozen. Oh
03:32It's it's it's not a problem. It's it's it's it's my dad. You know my dad did I'll pay you back
03:38Where were we?
03:39So next week I fly to Beijing. Are you kidding me? I need money
03:45Have you seen the fog have you seen the weather?
03:48What should I do? What do you want me to do to sleep under the bridge?
03:52Ignore him and he will
03:55Go away
04:22Hi princess
04:24Are you cold? Uh, no, but we are not come on take a future get get up me get
04:35I'll help you. You help me. No one will help you. Come on. Take a fish. No, just oh, it's my size
04:44All right
04:49Don't touch him. Oh, so hit with you Bob seems like it
05:00Sorry, but
05:11What was that
05:15And why didn't you help me right away because first you demand it then you ask for it
05:24Fair enough
05:27Well, at least you respond to my requests unlike my father
05:33When you ask him for a Ferrari you have no idea how much money he has so
05:39Ferrari's nothing for him man. Ferrari is just a whim
05:45It's not necessity
05:48You want me to show you he's really in me
05:51Come on
05:53Do you really want to teach me morality?
05:58It's either that or stay here freezing bon appetit
06:10Hey, wait, please wait
06:22Sometimes I come here to help. Hey, oh, sorry. Excuse me, sir
06:30May I have a glass of hot water
06:34Are you talking to me? Yeah
06:39Thank you
06:42Take it
06:47Well, I guess it's cold here
06:52Take my coat
06:56Sorry, but it's okay. It's okay. Don't worry
07:00Take it
07:07Is this our money our money yes it is
07:12How do you know this
07:15well, I
07:19Used to work as a manager in one of these stores, well, that's that's really impressive
07:27Sorry for a personal question, but how did you end up on the street?
07:34When I
07:36Out in the hard times
07:39Everyone just ignored me
07:48Stop hey, Bob
07:52Actually, I wanted to ask you something
07:55Is there any shelter where any person can get help?
08:01There used to be one runs by
08:04Breaking. Yeah, but they close it down to the leg of founding
08:09Break-ins does name mean something to you? Oh, yeah
08:14Do you have any plans
08:17It's no idea what to do. Oh, thank God you're here
08:22It's yours. You're a really kind person
08:33I guess I know what to do
08:36We're gonna make cuts in two areas and that will return profits not bad
08:47Have you got completely crazy in your offices, huh? Josh quiet
08:51What's wrong with you people not now kids until I get the explanation for why you close
08:56Shelter for homeless people. Do you really want me to order security?
09:01Security get to the conference room now, please wait, please
09:11Let him speak
09:13Don't play so innocent
09:16Hundreds, maybe thousands of people are left without shelter and food because you decided to cut funding nice. This is
09:23Funding nice. This is
09:28If that's true Peter
09:32Folks the hungry and the homeless
09:36They don't deliver profits
09:39Profits Wow when you do something good. You don't ask for anything else in return
09:45You just do what is right you all jerk security get these muppets out of here now. Shut up already
09:54Maybe security should kick you out
09:57Pete if I knew you wouldn't do it this behind my back. I would have thrown you out long ago get up
10:03No need for that Alex. I'm out of here now, whatever you say
10:08That's enough for today a meeting is over
10:15Have a good day. Well, we'll make sure to take care of that shelter son. Thank you. Thank you
10:23Give me a hug
10:32And what about that Ferrari you mentioned come on
10:36It's a whim not a necessity
10:40We're gonna use that money for something far more important Wow
10:45We're looking for can I have some war yeah sure. There's just ignore him
10:53I'm kidding. Let's have some dream
