One Door Closes: Korey's Courage-The Documentary | movie | 2023 | Official Trailer

  • 3 months ago
A documentary. | dG1fZTVFVmZjbm44R2c
00:20Piano music
00:24Piano music
00:28Piano music
00:32Losing my leg seems like
00:36a no brainer.
00:40And just the thought of having this procedure just makes me so happy
00:44because I just dream of all the things that I'm going to be able to do that I haven't been able to do
00:48in 20 or 25 years.
00:52Piano music
00:56Piano music
01:00Piano music
01:04It was a beautiful fall day in October 2007
01:08when I had my accident. I decided to go out for a ride
01:12on my bicycle. I had completed a triathlon three weeks earlier.
01:16I was out about 10 miles from home having a relaxing
01:20ride after a long summer of training and sort of the suffering
01:24that goes along with that. So I decided to relax for a change on the bike.
01:28Piano music
01:32Piano music
01:36This was out at
01:40Jefferson Beach and they would have talent shows out there
01:44and so both of us had signed up. Frida in the senior division, I was in the junior
01:48division. We both sang. Our father, Frederick Payne, had
01:52taken us out there and Frida performed
01:56and I performed and when I came back
02:00off stage after doing my number, I can't even remember what I sang, and I
02:04walked up to Fred and said
02:08how did I do? He said you didn't sound very good.
02:12And I just went like inwardly.
02:16So we were like 14 and 12, something like that, or 13
02:20and 11, but that really crushed me what he said.
02:24It really did have an impact and I didn't realize it until years later
02:28I had this feeling of not being good enough.
02:32Piano music
02:36Piano music
02:40I have this prayer that I say often and
02:44the prayer goes like this
02:48When I remain focused on positive outcomes
02:52I will draw those things to me. My life
02:56is continuously blessed with the love and guidance
03:00of God.
03:04Piano music
03:08Piano music
03:12Piano music
03:16Piano music
