• last year
Ages 1 - 100 Fight For $500,000 | MrBeast


00:00Behind me are 100 people and they range from the age one all the way through age 100
00:05And I've trapped each of them in their very own glass cube the last one to leave their cube
00:10It's going to win half a million dollars the challenge has officially begun. Let's see which age is the best
00:16Representing for 31. I've got the best view and the best motivation you want the best you got it right here
00:21My daughter's turning three this Saturday. Emory daddy loves you. This is for you 69 feeling fine
00:26I got winning on my mind
00:30What's your strategy to win this challenge?
00:33Keep in mind I have over 300 cameras set up literally everywhere
00:37So we'll be monitoring their every move and one of the first things I noticed was that the kids had a crazy strategy
00:44My strategy is to make a lot of noise
00:47So people like don't get any sleep and they really want to get out and I can't believe it
00:51But it's working the old people were not having it and they started leaving right away
01:01And even some of the kids got out because of them he's building up suspense
01:06Did you want the money?
01:10I have good news for you. You've survived longer than the one-year-old. Come on. Do you think this will be easy?
01:16I am a World War two veteran big penis. Hey, I appreciate your service. Thank you
01:22We're a couple hours into the challenge and ten people I've already got now
01:25So we decided to leave them alone for the rest of the day, which caused even more people to get out
01:30I want to go home over to see my kids, but I gotta go to school
01:35I just don't think it's for me at night. I got really bored and I miss my dog. Here's some money for playing
01:42But some people were more determined to stay, you know, I'm a big family guy. Hopefully pay off my sister's student debt
01:47I have a deal with one of my grandkids. I'm here to show him how strong I am at 70
01:54I don't need a strategy. I'm good till Christmas
01:59It's the start of day two and only 76 people remain let's see how the hundred-year-olds do
02:04How's it going? I'm boy. It's the start of day two. Do you want to keep going or do you want to get out?
02:10I think I'm gonna quit. It's something my family will never forget. He fought in a world war and competed in a Mr. Beast video
02:18I'm going into day two. I'm feeling pretty good. The money's right there. It's right there within my reach. Whoa
02:25How are you drawing so much on the walls?
02:28It's always amazing to see how people fight their boredom in these last sleep challenges
02:33Some draw on the walls with deodorant while others build pillow forts
02:36So I'm gonna give them an opportunity to take this challenge to the next level
02:40We're 24 hours in and it's time for a vote in each of your rooms
02:44You'll notice a green button and a red button and if a majority of you press the green button
02:49We'll do a challenge, but that will eliminate a bunch of you
02:53Majority of you press the red button. We won't and we'll just continue as usual
02:56I chose red why take unnecessary risks and uploading green
03:00I am ready to do something get some people out of here green as we do a challenge read it
03:05Okay, reveal the results
03:0763 people voted for a challenge and 13 didn't I've got my game face on today
03:12The game is three cup Monty, but we made it slightly bigger a ball is placed under one of these three cups
03:22Whoever remembers where the ball is stays in the game. Everyone else is eliminated guys is so cute
03:28It's hard to keep my eyes on the cups. Have you ever seen someone that focus before?
03:35What's that over there you are unbelievably tricky. Oh my gosh, what's that over there?
03:40I'm not not not going for them. It worked on the 82 year old. Do you have any idea which cup it says I?
03:47Guess it's up to chance, but some people lost track of the ball and had to trust their neighbor for the answer
03:52It's like you blink or you look away for a second and it's gone. We relied on a consensus here
03:59We're not gonna tell them the correct thing when they ask it's a different color. I trust my people. I think I'm good
04:05I'm nervous because I don't want to get kicked out
04:08They've been watching these cups for an hour straight and they still know which cup the ball is under that's really impressive
04:15Everyone I need you to lock in your votes hit the button that lines up with the cup you choose
04:19I don't know who to trust. We he said rich red. She said blue
04:27I don't trust man over there and all you're done big boy
04:34Review what color they pick
04:37I think only three people pick green Nolan where those three people right? They were not
04:44Most people pick blue. Let's see if they're right
04:57By the end of the challenge on day two only 52 people still remain and the tensions are getting higher
05:04We got an enemy now, the old guy. I know look at him. There's friction between these two groups. He told me red
05:10She told me the truth
05:11He's the people he's been talking to the whole time we're here and they told him the wrong color
05:15Her and I were just playing with him giving him the wrong color. We were just having fun with them
05:20They took it the wrong way if you got a win by line, and that's not the way we want to play
05:24What they've done is they've turned a bunch of folks against a bunch at this point
05:29You're probably wondering how they use the bathroom push this down
05:33Okay, the light outside the cube just turned on which means Chris is now gonna bring you a toilet
05:38I couldn't get plumbing in all hundred rooms. We have portable toilet. This is now a bathroom. Let's get out
05:43But in the day to almost half the contestants have been eliminated
05:47It was fun to tell them the wrong color because they didn't know what's the game
05:50Wait, why do you want number 22 out so bad? We were beat bigger
05:55Tension now, is that an all-time high?
06:03I'm hungry
06:07Which naturally caused more people to leave
06:11It's time to go home you got really far
06:14Thank you by the end of day 354 and 74 were the biggest targets. How's it going everybody?
06:23We're halfway through day four
06:25Which means it's time to vote on whether or not we do another challenge if you vote
06:29Yes, a lot of people are gonna get out
06:32This is not the same as the last challenge. So vote with caution. How's it going? What'd you vote for challenge?
06:38You're not worried. It could get you out. I like to sow seeds of chaos. It's more fun this way
06:44Why are you pressing it so much? Let's do the challenge. All right
06:50The results are in and only nine voted against it you each have a piece of paper and a sharpie
06:56I want you all to write a number of one of the remaining
06:59Contestants on that paper whoever gets the most votes is eliminated 60 second timer starts now
07:04I told you this challenge would be brutal. This is gonna stink. That's what's going through my head
07:09I'll bet you they're trying to vote me off right now in the last challenge. There was a lot of lying
07:14So now the people that were lied to are gonna vote out the people that lied to them
07:18So it pays off to be honest. What's your vote? Thank you for his cockiness and his lying
07:2374 she's not a very grateful person. Somebody needs to go would be her heat her that down quick
07:29Yes, we got this whole block. So everybody's voting for 54. Yes, we're gonna see who has more influence
07:35Things are about to be real interesting
07:37Everybody reveal your answer in three two one. Oh
07:43I'm seeing a lot of same numbers up here such a big war between
07:4774 and 54 the results are in and it was actually scarily close within two votes
07:53the loser is
07:5674 with 14 votes
07:59Nolan, can you please show 74 out?
08:04One down now we need to do that nine more times
08:08We all just basically came to a consensus at the same time that ten needs to go
08:13He's so annoying like he literally voted for me and it didn't do anything to him
08:16That's a strong-minded child right there. If he stayed the whole time he could win the ten-year-olds my favorite
08:22I really hope he stays it. Yeah, I'm thinking ten
08:24I'm so sorry ten, but if I don't vote for you, then they want me
08:28Yeah, I'm not a hundred percent sure but I think you voted for me three
08:33One. All right, everyone show your vote to the camera. Oh
08:38Oh my god, that is a lot of ten. I'm sorry a little man. This is officially the first decade eliminated
08:46You guys are sick in the head
08:48How else in this entire boat?
08:50The only reason they voted you out was because they were scared. I felt so bad for ten
08:55I invited him on stage with me to co-host the rest of the challenge
08:58Oh, he's probably to kick me out. Okay, I need every single one of you to vote for 14
09:0814 14 14 14 14 14, um, I don't know how to put this but almost everyone voted for 14
09:18We have to think in terms of who's the biggest threat and this one's gonna be tough get ready
09:22It's time to go the 50 year olds were determined to eliminate people and they had the most voting power by far
09:2973 is also one of those bad apples
09:3273 15 votes. They got a pretty big power block right there
09:36Oh my god, the 50s might single-handedly take out everybody in their 70s
09:43But 71 got 15 votes I've never been so threatened by 50 year olds
09:49It's kind of scary. We lost some good friends hate to see them go
09:57This is insane
10:01Almost everyone voted 69. I feel so sorry for you 69. You've been voted out. Look at what you've done
10:08The next person is
10:1035 with 9 votes we randomly chose and I'm sorry to say 21
10:16We can only all be friends for so long. I'm actually seeing a lot of 96
10:20So let's go hear what she has to say. She's very close to being eliminated great. This is what you want. I'm happy
10:25She's so cute. The fact that she's sweet tells me that I know her grandkids miss her at home
10:32Let's see who you savages dogpiled on show the numbers over half of you voted for 96
10:38I don't understand you people
10:44Everything you know, it's the way it is and I'm happy, you know, it's what everybody wants and that's what's important
10:50This is heart-wrenching
10:52The purge is now officially done if you're in your cube you survive because of their Alliance the 50s made it through the entire
10:59Voting game untouched and yet again somehow 54 survived on to the next either challenge or no challenge
11:05I vote no challenge because I can wait it up
11:13It's time for another challenge vote
11:15I know for a hundred percent I can win if I do no challenges the rest of time
11:18I vote yes for challenge. My chances are getting better and better. Just like everybody else
11:24I could wait it out. My house would be paid off. I'm ready to retire. This could be it for me
11:2920 of you voted for a challenge. Why are you gambling? You guys are crazy?
11:36Inside of each of your cubes. It's a Jenga tower
11:39We're gonna pull blocks out one at a time and if your tower falls, you're eliminated
11:45Pull your first block it can be any block besides the red ones
11:49We're gonna keep doing this until there's only ten people remaining
11:54Pull the second block out
11:58Looks like no one has been eliminated yet. Let's do another one
12:03My heartbeat is so fast. I'm just waiting to hear the crash of Jenga blocks
12:10Oh my gosh, I called it. One person down
12:1314 more to be eliminated. This is gonna be crazy. And while they're pulling pieces
12:17I want to tell you about the shop app. It's the most amazing way to shop from your phone
12:25The shop app makes shopping extremely fun from buying feastable bars to e-bikes to whatever else you're interested in. It's super easy
12:34And when you're ready to buy you can speed through checkout using shop pay
12:37It's not coming out. The shop app uses AI technology to scan hundreds of millions of products and recommend the ones best for you
12:45I'm so nervous. So am I
12:54I can't touch
12:58Shop will even track all your packages at one place
13:00So you'll know exactly when each of them arrived and remember we're doing this until there are ten people left
13:25What are you doing? You can't be trusted
13:33Yeah, I noticed
13:35It all comes down to this. She could be the last person. I can't believe this hasn't hit the ground
13:39I know what but your tower is tilted 30 times. I
13:43Can't look I can't I gotta look I can't look I go. Come on. I'm ready to think about the backyard Jenga backyard
13:50Jenga don't have
13:55I can't believe it
13:5890 gone 10 left. Let's go
14:02We are going to
14:04Download the shop app right now
14:06We're gonna be selling Jenga blocks and other parts from this set on the shop app
14:09Which I'll tell you more about at the end of the video
14:10This challenge has eliminated everyone above the age of 60 the right side of the map is a wasteland
14:16And now that 15 people just got out we have to tear down 15 cubes
14:28There's no way they're gonna vote for another challenge tomorrow
14:31Look at how many people have gotten out every single one of these exes used to be a person. There was a human right here
14:38I'm the youngest one here. If I leave I leave on a challenge. I'm not leaving walking out
14:44I have not come this far to give up. I'm gonna let you guys say your votes over the microphone
14:49Do you want a challenge? Absolutely. Yes or no? Yes. Yes
14:55Yes, or no?
14:58Mike drop Mike drop
15:02In our squid games video you guys love the marble game so we brought it back
15:07Just like last time the contestants are playing 1v1 against their neighbor
15:11Each players given 10 marbles and they choose what game to play by the end of 30 minutes
15:16Only the person with 20 marbles moves on these guys just wanted to get it over with. This is a
15:23$500,000 coin flip. Oh
15:31Ladies and gentlemen, I'm so sorry
15:36First two wins right? It's up to you guys. Oh my god sunk it. That's one point. Oh
15:43If you make it into any bucket you win right here
15:52Oh my god, he won it
15:59I'm sorry, buddy. All good. All good. Count them up. You have 20
16:05Got 10 blue 9 red you're missing a marble you count again
16:1019 you are one short. I'm not holding on to any interesting. There's only seven minutes left
16:16So if you care for this man, you should find it. Where is it?
16:23You're currently at 18 marbles and you're two marbles
16:40Whoa, there might be a comeback it might be I
16:46Found it. Really? Yeah, it was in my bedsheet. Oh, yes one more marble if you win with that one marble, that'd be crazy
16:59One more I thought that was it
17:03That's it Oh
17:05You can officially suffer. Oh
17:08That feels so bad. This keeps going back and forth
17:17Remember he said we both go home
17:19So one of us gonna have to decide a different game rock-paper-scissors for half a minute bad, dude
17:24Okay, this is for all the marbles. We're gonna do all or nothing. Does that sound fair? This is for all the marbles
17:29Yeah, but you have 14 marbles and he has six. Why are you gambling? I'm not in a minute and a half
17:34Hurry up rock-paper-scissors
17:42Got them all 54 escaped elimination again
17:4730 seconds remain
17:49Okay, we're done the last two it was the same position as this only a couple minutes ago
17:54And the thing is a minute ago with me. Is there anything you want to say to each other before this? I love you
18:00Let's just do this, right
18:14Lost to an amazing person. It was rough. The only people left are 23 40
18:2143 52 and 54 look at the graveyard of X's these were all
18:27Cubes like mine at the start. I'd lied if I said I wasn't nervous things have been getting a little more
18:35Today's my daughter's birthday. It's just hitting home now that I'm not gonna be there
18:41Can you all hear me
18:44When we started there was a hundred of you and now we're down to five
18:48Do you want to reduce it even further with the challenge?
18:52All right
18:53But you guys chose this in this challenge the 95 contestants who have already left will vote
18:59And the three of you with the most votes are gone Wow
19:03I'm definitely worried about this challenge certain people here. I've got to brush people the wrong way
19:08You have no idea what people they give you at this point
19:11I'm rather glad that I didn't really make any enemies
19:13Do you think the people that lost liked you for the most part?
19:16Are you willing to bet half a million dollars that they liked you? I don't know about that one
19:20Do you think the people that were eliminated liked you? No, what's not to like? Let's find out
19:26We literally asked every single one of the 95 eliminated people who they want gone
19:32Hearts about to jump out of my throat. How many votes does it say you got Joe 10, which is not enough to be eliminated
19:38He's one of the two that passed which means only one of these four cubes
19:43Remains, so I'm bad with this stuff. You wanna wanna handle it. You got it
19:4923 yes
19:51You were in fact eliminated. No to lose it in top five when I've come as far was super painful
19:58I really didn't expect 23 to go and now only one of these three remain. Do you think it's you?
20:03I hope so. That didn't sound confident. You received 15 votes
20:10I'm not gonna lie losing out on that was crushing after spending
20:14Roughly seven days here and getting that close to that grand prize and not getting it there
20:20And now the two of you. All right, we'll come over here. It's a stance very tense
20:2554 I got the most votes. I know wait, how'd you know that? I don't trust the man over there at all
20:33I just know yeah, you did you got 37 votes, which means 52 you passed
20:41This is a once-in-a-lifetime chance, I've got a 50% chance. I'm gonna half a million dollars
20:52A reward for making it to the final two. I have one last surprise for you. What do you think it is?
20:56Oh, I have no idea. What is this right here? That's for my daughter. Today's her birthday. Yeah. Well, let's see
21:03What comes through the curtains? Oh
21:10Oh my god, I'm not gonna let you miss her birthday
21:15Is that your daddy?
21:24Regardless you can't lose. We're proud of you. You can do this
21:30This is the fail
21:38I couldn't ask for anything else. That was my everything right there
21:43Yeah, I got this now
21:46Only ages 52 and 40 remain and they've been living in these cubes for over a week
21:53day 8
21:55In a while, right here. I am I can't believe it every challenge
22:00I've said thought it was out thought it was out. I
22:03Made it it's a lot more feasible now in my mind because it's not me versus 98 other people
22:09It's me versus one person all these X's were cubes with people in them and everybody's gone now and it's just
22:16Another day here's not gonna make somebody quit to come down to something actually forcing one of us to leave
22:20I give them a chance to say no to a challenge, but oh my what should we do? I
22:28Can't believe they chose a challenge they are taking a half a million dollar gamble
22:33inside one of these briefcases is the check for
22:36$500,000 and everyone on set is blindfolded including the cameraman while I mix up the cases
22:42I promise this will make sense in just a minute
22:44The briefcases are now mixed and because you guys chose a challenge you can step out of your cubes and beat in the middle
22:51Half a million dollars is about to go to 52 or 40
22:56I'm going to flip a coin to decide who gets to look inside of their briefcase
22:59Making them the only person on set that knows where the money is. It's a game of bluffery
23:04That's right, because then it's up to the other person to choose which briefcase they want to take home heads or tails
23:17Whenever you're ready look inside your briefcase, I don't even want to know what's in there. I can't stand the burden
23:2652 now has to decide whether she's gonna keep her briefcase or steal his Joe. Do you have 500,000 in your briefcase?
23:38Joe are you lying?
23:41What do you think?
23:43Was there anything else in the briefcase?
23:46Other than the money. I saw the mr. Beast logo
23:50Saw a check in there
23:54Joe are you honest you spend enough time? I mean, what do you think?
23:57This is so nerve-wracking half a million dollars on the line. Is she going to keep her briefcase or take his Wow?
24:04It's a big decision, what do you think that's right now in your head? Do you think it's in there?
24:09I don't think it's in there. I think it happened
24:12So nervous. I'm actually my heart's beat. I'm actually feeling anxious for you guys
24:18Can you swear that their money is in your case?
24:25I don't think it's in there. I think I'm gonna pick my case. You're gonna keep this locked in
24:30All right, Joe, what is inside your briefcase?
24:53Oh my god, what a crazy
24:56You he told the truth and he got it we said all along good guys can't win so it pays off to be honest
25:06Even though you didn't win we still want to give you $10,000 and your family a trip to Disneyland
25:14We took items from the set and turned them into collectible pieces that we are selling for only one penny and you have to act quickly
25:20Because there's only a limited amount of them and they're gonna sell out fast
25:23Click the link below and download the shop app right now subscribe and you can win half a million dollars later
25:28Also, he supposed is available in every 7-eleven Speedway and Walmart in America. Go buy these schools right now