Teri chayoun main episode 6 only on hum tv

  • 2 months ago
Teri chayoun main episode 6 only on hum tv staring by danish Taimoor Laiba Khurram
00:30If you ever try to do something like this again, I won't be here to join hands with you.
00:34I won't get married.
00:36What? What is she saying?
00:38How can she say no just like that?
00:40For God's sake, have mercy on yourself.
00:44Open the door or I'll break it.
00:53I love Salar a lot, Appu.
00:56A lot.
00:57I love him a lot.
00:59I will only marry him.
01:03If you want, you can kill me right now.
01:06But I won't get married, Appu.
01:09Yes, Appu.
01:27Look, brother, don't feel bad.
01:46Your daughter has trapped a goon.
01:49She got my son attacked.
01:52This is our decency that we didn't file a police report.
01:55Brother, it's not like that.
01:57Actually, that boy is also troubling Deema.
02:00Enough, Amtul. Let it be.
02:02You are not such a small aunt.
02:04If there is a problem from both sides, then something happens.
02:06You have told us everything very well.
02:09Now you tell me what you want.
02:11Look, brother, don't be angry.
02:13Listen to me calmly.
02:15If someone tries to harm the girl,
02:18then he will be killed by the lion on his chest.
02:23And our son is still ready to marry her.
02:31So what?
02:32I am your brother.
02:33My blood is not white.
02:35If I give you my word, it will be done.
02:38I just have one request.
02:39Until the wedding is over,
02:41pull your son's ropes.
02:46And yes, you have given your share to him.
02:49You don't worry.
02:51I have only one daughter.
02:52Whatever I have is hers.
02:54For your satisfaction,
02:55I will sign the papers on the day of the wedding.
02:59So I will also transfer on the day of the wedding?
03:01What do you say?
03:02Yes, but only when the wedding is over.
03:09Why do you say that?
03:11Everything will be fine.
03:42What is his name?
03:51Does he love you?
03:57And you?
04:01Do you also love him?
04:09How long has this been going on?
04:15I will not say anything to you if you answer me.
04:20It's been a while.
04:25It's been a while and you like him so much.
04:29And I am so bad.
04:33Why is that?
04:36I don't like him.
04:38And what's wrong with me?
04:41Love is like that.
04:43Just like an addiction.
04:46Once it happens,
04:47it makes you want to do it again and again.
04:51Until you don't die,
04:52you don't stop chasing it.
04:58You used to make good girls homeless.
05:03And now you are one of those homeless girls.
05:10But I will get rid of you.
05:14You must be thinking
05:15that after listening to you,
05:16I will leave you for that two-bit boy.
05:22You can't even imagine
05:25what I am going to do to you
05:26because of what he has done to me.
05:33Just wait for a few days.
06:15I will be there in 10 minutes.
06:17Yes, I am coming.
06:48Stay alive.
06:54I have come to beg for my daughter's life.
07:00Her father will kill her.
07:04Spare her life.
07:07And if your daughter marries that executioner,
07:12will she be happy?
07:15She will stay alive.
07:18That's enough for me.
07:19It's not enough for me.
07:21And how can it be enough for you?
07:25Your daughter is being sold to a few shops.
07:28And you are saying that there is nothing for you?
07:33Your daughter is not at fault.
07:36She was not having any trouble staying with her daughters.
07:42But her fate is not in her hands.
07:45She got entangled with my beliefs.
07:51I have killed some of her daughters.
07:54Some are left.
07:56I will kill them right now.
08:01As far as your daughter's life is concerned,
08:05you have complete control over me.
08:09I promise you that nothing will happen to her.
08:11Just trust me a little.
08:41What happened?
08:42Did she listen to you?
08:45Why are you quiet? Why don't you speak?
08:47Did you explain to her what I told you?
08:49She said what you told her.
08:54But I didn't understand.
08:59How dare you come to my house?
09:01Look, you are getting angry for no reason.
09:03We have come to talk to you.
09:05I don't want to talk to you both. Get out of here.
09:08It's about your daughter.
09:10It's better that we sit and talk.
09:13Both the boy and the girl are ready.
09:16You are forcing us for no reason.
09:18If you stay here for one more minute,
09:21I will call the police.
09:23Call them.
09:25Call the police.
09:27We will also tell the police
09:28that you want to get Vadima married without her consent.
09:31And all this is happening for the sake of the shops.
09:34You are Vadima's father.
09:36Doesn't her happiness mean anything to you?
09:38I don't need your advice to decide my daughter's life.
09:45Don't come here again.
09:47Get out of here.
10:09I don't know where I made a mistake in my upbringing.
10:16Vadima has grown wings.
10:18She hasn't grown wings.
10:20She wants her will in her marriage.
10:24Did you have your will in your marriage?
10:28Your mother's will.
10:30I don't have my mother's will.
10:32I don't have my father's will.
10:34I don't have my father's will.
10:36Did you have your mother's will in your marriage?
10:42What kind of disobedience is this?
10:46Times have changed, Muzaffar.
10:51Times haven't changed.
10:53There is a lack in your upbringing.
10:56There is no lack in upbringing.
10:59We have spent our entire life in the same place
11:02from where we were tied up.
11:03Vadima won't do this.
11:05She is a modern girl.
11:07Naveed earns well.
11:09He has an uncle.
11:11One will leave the house and the other will go to her own house.
11:13What can be better than this in Vadima's life?
11:16It is possible if we let it happen.
11:18What do you mean?
11:22My daughter is my entire life's earning.
11:27But I am in the hands of a boy from the past
11:29and I am not going to give up.
11:33My daughter will get married where I want her to.
11:37You are doing wrong.
11:39I have only one request.
11:42That boy loves Vadima a lot.
11:45And if Vadima is ready
11:48then don't force her to marry Naveed.
11:51Don't you dare.
11:53If you ever support that boy in front of me
11:55then that will be your last day in this house.
12:07I know.
12:09I know how to handle this matter.
12:25I am coming. Don't ring the bell again and again.
12:28The bill is due.
13:00Sir is calling you.
13:12Yes, tell me.
13:14Where is your son?
13:16He doesn't live here anymore.
13:18If he doesn't live here then where does he live?
13:21I don't know where he lives.
13:22I threw him out of the house some time back.
13:27Why did I throw him out?
13:29Actually, I...
13:32Why did you throw him out?
13:34It's our personal matter.
13:36Get him in the car.
13:38Get him in the car.
13:40Why are you doing this?
13:42I didn't tell you.
13:44Tell me later.
13:45Tell me.
13:51Tell me.
14:16I knew that Vadima's father would react the same way.
14:22it was our duty to go there.
14:25I am sorry, brother Majid.
14:27You had to listen to so many things because of me.
14:29What are you saying, Sardar?
14:31You are like my brothers.
14:35I don't understand, brother Majid.
14:39How can a father do this to his son?
14:42Why can't he see that his daughter is not happy?
14:46He is an old-fashioned man.
14:49He thinks that he has lived his life.
14:53He is putting his will on his children.
14:57Actually, this is a frustration.
15:00He is taking revenge
15:02for what his own father did to him.
15:05Nothing else.
15:07I won't let Vadima's life be ruined like this.
15:09It won't be ruined.
15:10It shouldn't be ruined.
15:18Greetings, mom.
15:21Why are you crying?
15:24What happened?
15:29The police took father?
15:32Please don't cry. I am going to the police station.
15:35Yes, I am going to the police station.
15:37Brother Majid, the police took father. I am going to the police station.
15:42I thought about it for a long time, but
15:46I don't understand one thing.
15:49That boy knows everything about our family.
15:56Why are you getting married?
15:59What is the matter with the shops?
16:02When will you marry Naveed?
16:08How does he know all this?
16:15If the phone is locked,
16:18then how do you contact him?
16:24If you don't want to tell me, then don't tell me.
16:28I will get to know.
16:32I am your father.
16:39Try to understand, Vadima.
16:43That boy's father has expressed his disconnection with him.
16:48So how will that boy be?
16:51Son, I love you very much.
16:55You are my only child.
16:58I will not want anything bad for you.
17:02I will not do anything bad for you.
17:04I will not want anything bad for you.
17:08Son, these things are not your pride.
17:11You belong to a respectable family.
17:15And the girls of a respectable family
17:18marry according to their parents' wish.
17:22I don't like that.
17:24I feel very bad.
17:27Vadima, the girls of a respectable family
17:30don't talk like this in front of their parents.
17:31If they don't talk like this,
17:33then I will forgive you.
17:37I will forgive you.
17:39You just marry Naveed.
17:44I will take care of the shop.
17:48I will not do it.
17:54Son, you will marry Naveed.
17:57This will happen, son.
18:00And it will happen at any cost.
18:03As long as you are here, I will see
18:06how your wish will be fulfilled.
18:09After marriage, Naveed will definitely
18:12fix you.
18:27I will fix you.
18:57I will fix you.
19:13Sir, can I get some tea?
19:16I am feeling sleepy.
19:18I have been sitting for a long time.
19:20Sir, you have come to the police station,
19:22not for a feast.
19:24Go out and sit.
19:25Go out.
19:38What else will I have to see because of you?
19:43I am sorry, father.
19:45You had to come to the police station because of me.
19:47But I didn't do anything
19:49to embarrass you.
19:51I was embarrassed when you were born.
19:52You are the biggest embarrassment in my life.
19:55And these police officers are not crazy
19:58who are looking for you.
20:01Father, these police officers don't know me.
20:04But you know
20:07that I am your son.
20:09You have raised me.
20:11You have to trust me a little.
20:13And listen,
20:15the one who will ask you,
20:17I had asked him too
20:19why he left this house.
20:20So I told him that
20:22it is our personal matter.
20:24Okay? You tell him this.
20:28And what?
20:30Don't tell SJ
20:32that I got you married to that girl
20:34just for the sake of money.
20:36Don't tell him this.
20:38Do you understand?
20:40Father, if I tell all this to the police,
20:43they will put you behind bars instead of me.
20:45Have you gone mad?
20:47Will you put your father behind bars
20:48for raising you?
20:50Don't worry, I won't do anything like that.
21:11Take it.
21:15You won't come back, right?
21:19Why, sir?
21:21Stop your drama.
21:24The girl's father has filed a complaint against you again.
21:27In fact, his identity is in the IG office.
21:30He has filed a complaint against you there.
21:32The girl's father is half mad, sir.
21:34I have come here to file a complaint against him.
21:37Have you gone mad?
21:39Should I fill your keys again?
21:42You can do whatever you feel is right, sir.
21:45But I will tell you the truth.
21:49Vadima and I love each other
21:52and want to get married.
21:54But Vadima's father
21:56wants to get her married to someone else.
21:58And this is the truth.
22:01This is what you are saying, right?
22:04The girl's father is saying something else.
22:07Really? Then do one thing.
22:09Call Vadima here.
22:11Ask her directly.
22:13If she says that I am troubling her,
22:15I will step back.
22:18I promise you that.
22:26Look, son. I don't care about all this.
22:30I have accepted the love of many lovers like you.
22:35Live peacefully and let it be.
22:38Otherwise, it won't be good for you.
22:40My father has just come.
22:42I will lock the house tomorrow.
22:44Sir, thank you very much.
22:46You called me here and made me understand.
22:49Now if you allow me,
22:52can I go?
22:54I have my eyes on you.
22:57Try not to meet me now.
23:00Otherwise, I will not leave anyone worthy of meeting.
23:04Thank you very much.
23:18Thank you.
23:50Your father has again sent me to the police station today.
23:54But don't worry.
23:56No matter how hard he tries,
23:58he won't be able to keep you away from me for long.
24:01Has my next lift arrived?
24:03No, it hasn't.
24:05Will father get it done and let me go?
24:08Don't you trust me?
24:13Then that's it.
24:15Your father will not let you go.
24:17Your father, my father,
24:20or any person in this world, no matter how hard they try,
24:24you will be mine.
24:26You will be mine.
24:28Salar, how will all this happen?
24:32I am afraid of being with Naveed.
24:36If I get married to him,
24:39I will be poisoned.
24:41How can you even imagine this?
24:43This is not going to happen.
24:44How is this not going to happen?
24:46Everything is decided.
24:48You just have to show a little courage.
24:51You take one step, I will take the rest.
24:55And please,
24:57don't even think about harming yourself.
25:02Wait for me.
25:04Wait for me till the last moment.
25:09Even if I have to die,
25:10even if I have to die,
25:13I will ask for some time and reach you.
25:17This is my promise to you.
25:19Don't say this.
25:21If you were not there in my life,
25:23I had nothing to say to you.
25:25Now I can't even think of my life without you.
25:28I don't know what will happen to me, Salar.
25:33When I was locked up all my life,
25:36how can I be free?
25:37How can I be free?
25:39I don't know where that scared girl has gone.
25:42My love made that scared girl brave.
25:48Love drives good people crazy.
25:53And the one who goes crazy in love,
25:56can't be cured.
26:00I love you.
26:08I love you.
26:10I love you.
26:48Madhima, get up.
26:55Get up.
27:04Are you looking for this?
27:13Dear, I am very worried.
27:15Your father has been talking on the phone since morning.
27:19Maybe you will get married next week.
27:22And you will get married on that day.
27:27So what?
27:29You are getting married.
27:31My wish is not included in this marriage.
27:33What can you do?
27:35I can't do anything.
27:37But I will do what I don't want to do.
27:40Madhima, where did you learn all this from?
27:43Everything was going fine.
27:45You already knew that all this was going to happen.
27:49Then all of a sudden the change is not right.
27:53I already knew that
27:56one day we will die.
27:59And then everyone should commit suicide.
28:03Look, a lot of problems have already arisen.
28:05Stop it now.
28:07Your father will forgive you.
28:10Forget this girl.
28:12Is there a reason to forget her?
28:14Forget myself?
28:16This is not possible.
28:18What is there in her?
28:24I am there.
28:26Mom, I am there.
28:31Whenever I see myself
28:32whenever I see myself
28:34whenever I see myself
28:38Look, son.
28:40As a mother
28:42I can only tell you one thing
28:44keeping in mind my experience and my love.
28:49Life goes by.
28:52After marriage, every boy is a husband.
28:56He doesn't have any importance.
28:58At this time, one decision of ours
29:01can change a lot.
29:03Mom, your experience
29:05your love
29:07everything is fine.
29:09But you just answer me this
29:12are you happy with your life?
29:21If you are not happy
29:23then why do you want me to follow the path
29:25why do you want me to follow the path
29:28that you have chosen?
29:30Because I am scared.
29:32I am scared that something might happen to you.
29:44Don't worry.
29:46I will be very happy with him.
29:56This is your signature.
29:58And this is your signature.
30:01Mr. Shaukat, you will sign on this.
30:04And Mr. Muzaffar, you will sign on this.
30:06After the signature,
30:08on both the stamp papers
30:10there will be your daughter's signatures.
30:12And after this, you all
30:14will have to go to the sub-registrar's office.
30:17After that, the ownership rights of these shops
30:20will be given to both of you to Ms. Vadima.
30:25I don't have any objection.
30:27We will go to the sub-registrar's office on the second day of the wedding.
30:31Okay. Then we will meet you the next day of the wedding.
30:36Do I have your permission?
30:38It's done.
30:39Good bye.
30:47I have brought some stuff for your dear daughter.
30:50I will come to give it tomorrow.
30:51We have spent a lot.
30:56Now I pray to God that they get married peacefully.
30:59What do you mean by get married?
31:01The marriage is taking place.
31:04Do I have to explain this to you?
31:11Brother, this is not the way to talk.
31:13We are getting married.
31:14We are not doing any favor.
31:17We are getting married to sister-in-law.
31:19Tell sister-in-law to control her tongue.
31:22You should have controlled your daughter as well.
31:26And we are doing a favor on you.
31:29You should also have a kind heart.
31:49Be careful.
31:51Don't break the marriage.
31:53They are above the ground.
31:55They are inside as well.
31:58You keep calm.
32:08Sir, I have sent the client.
32:09I will tell you as soon as I get the answer.
32:11Okay. Just follow up.
32:12Tell me as soon as you get the answer.
32:16So what did you both think?
32:18We didn't think anything.
32:20Because we are not capable of thinking.
32:23And I don't know how this will happen.
32:25Shut up Sameer.
32:26Shut up?
32:27I should shut up.
32:29We are getting married on Saturday.
32:30But not with her.
32:31With Naveed.
32:32And he has called brother to the police station twice.
32:35As far as I know,
32:36one or two policemen are roaming around his house and office.
32:40Ask him to write to me.
32:41His father must have given the application.
32:43That my daughter is in danger of being kidnapped.
32:45So he should be given police protection.
32:47Now tell me.
32:48I should shut up.
32:50Sameer is right.
32:52How will this happen?
32:55I don't know.
32:58But I won't let Naveed get married to Vadima at any cost.
33:02Then what will we do?
33:05I will talk to him tonight.
33:06Then I will tell you what to do.
33:09We will have to do something.
33:11Okay. But whatever you do,
33:12we are with you.
33:15Thank you.
33:16There is no need to thank me.
33:18Just give me a pizza.
33:20I am very hungry.
33:30This is the wedding dress.
33:32These are the bangles.
33:35And these are the ornaments my mother-in-law gave me.
33:39Now may God protect us.
33:42May everything go well.
33:44Yes, God willing.
33:46Everything will go well.
33:48Yes, everything will go well.
33:50Your daughter has left your hands.
33:53Just take care of her.
33:57The ornaments worth lakhs have been ruined.
34:00The dignity of crores will also be auctioned off.
34:05Vadima, get me a cup of tea.
34:11Sit down.
34:13I want to talk to you.
34:17You got the tea, right?
34:19I will get the tea.
34:25Look, girl.
34:27When you will get married after two days,
34:30then you come to a new house.
34:34And that house will be different from this house.
34:37It will be different.
34:39All the wings you have,
34:42we will slowly, one by one, pluck them.
34:51That boy had broken my son's hand, right?
34:54You will see
34:56what my son will do to you.
34:59You will see.
35:07You will see.
35:38Why are you getting tired, son? You won't find him.
35:50He is with me.
35:55I was wondering
35:59how you were getting in touch with him.
36:02Anyway, what had to happen has happened.
36:09You are getting married day after tomorrow.
