Do Not Disturb: Lady Boss in Disguise! Part 11-15

  • last month
To become the heiress of her family hotel chain, Violet Trenton goes undercover as a cleaning lady and takes out the troublemakers one by one.
00:00wait I heard that the CEO is doing a surprise visit to you wouldn't want the
00:07cleaning team understaffed when mr. Trenton comes would you what do you know
00:13about the CEO you're just a garbage girl don't believe me call the COO right now
00:18and ask fine keep your jobs but clean this shit up I want these floors
00:27sparkling like a mirror got it well you two rats got lucky this time but this is
00:40far from over move Wow pilot I've never seen anyone stand up to them like that
00:51is that really how management treats all of their staff
01:28what's that disgusting lipstick off your face we're being summoned by the new COO
01:38mr. Johnson what a surprise Tyler McDougal I'm your general manager of
01:51this branch William Hart chief director of HR Camilla Brady manager of HR got
01:58promoted twice within three months I know the hotel and the people that I run
02:02miss McDougal and one thing you guys need to know is I answer directly and
02:07only to Violet Trenton the CEO of this company but she's not around it's my way
02:12or the highway we're clear good I'm glad we're all on the same page really you
02:21guys are free to go
02:26and miss Brady congratulations on your very well-deserved promotion
02:48this is bad and this is bad Lila I think it's on to us
02:53get a grip you idiot
02:57this is our hotel is our turf it's gonna take a lot more than some asshole from
03:02corporate to bring us down Trent hotel pays well and I've been working here
03:09since 19 I know that being a maid isn't the most glorious job but it's the most
03:13rewarding job I've ever had I've never had a job like this before I've never
03:18had a job like this before I've never had a job like this before I've never
03:22and I've been working here since 19 I know that being a maid isn't the most
03:26glorious job but it puts food on my table and pays the bills everybody's job
03:31is glorious when it's honest work you know I have to say about it you're not
03:36like anyone else I've met here you're smart but you're also nice hey I bet you
03:42didn't pack a lunch you can share mine is that your brother yeah his name is
03:47George he's in the hospital now leukemia he's the only family I have
03:53which is why I can't lose this job you're not gonna lose it I promise
04:06leave us alone Camilla we're just having lunch oh mm-hmm
04:11oh my god Violet oh my god Violet miss Brady please you can't tell me what to
04:21do you jerk I told you this wasn't over take your hands off of me
04:29this is harassment you could get fired for this you know what I'll make you a
04:34bet if you get me fired I'll clean all the
04:38toilets in this godforsaken hotel oh my god oh mop head this your lover no
05:14look what you did
05:20stop what
05:26mr. Johnson this maid tried to attack me she pushed me in the water and oh you
05:35have to believe me that's not true okay she tried to get this photo wet and it's
05:39true sir I swear on my life hmm well if what you're saying is true miss Brady we
05:46always check the footage give me your ID badge what you heard me miss Brady
05:56you're fired for workplace harassment give me your badge mr. Johnson I feel
06:02like she learned her lesson maybe we can give her a second chance all right one
06:12more slip-up though you're done you're fired all right yes sir I need to see
06:20you in my office everybody let's get back to work
06:27Violet Dawson I'm gonna make your life a living hell
06:42it's just a scratch KC what are you doing what do you think I'm doing
06:53come on
06:58thank you this isn't a game violet okay if you keep doing this you're gonna get
07:04hurt again this isn't about me you have been slapped
