
  • 3 months ago
Do you equate being rich with being happy?

John, a homeless guy, walked into a fancy restaurant. The staff, of course, tried to get rid of him. But he slapped $500 on the table and said that he'd pay for every other customer's dinner. While John was giving his "speech", the manager looked into his bag and saw thousands of dollars inside....
00:00Over here!
00:11Ah, finally! Let me get a-
00:15Get out of here!
00:21Here's 500 bucks. For the table.
00:24Will that do?
00:25Doesn't matter.
00:26Sir, he has the money.
00:29So what? We have a dress code.
00:31You're making our customers uncomfortable.
00:35Right. Good point.
00:57Ladies and gentlemen,
00:59I am honored to announce that
01:02all your meals this evening are on me.
01:05I have a hundred thousand dollars,
01:08enough for everyone!
01:10So eat, drink, and be merry!
01:13Thank you all.
01:21Let's come over here.
01:24Now you're serving this table.
01:26But, sir, I'm currently serving others.
01:28You shouldn't have provoked him.
01:37On your main course, sir, this is the last one.
01:39Then bring on the desserts.
01:42Three expensive ones.
01:45Which one?
01:47Surprise me!
01:56I apologize.
01:58I know I probably shouldn't be asking,
02:00but, sir, what are you doing?
02:03With this money you could invest.
02:06You could find yourself a place to live.
02:08I don't know, start a life anew.
02:10And you're just-
02:11Where do you see yourself in five years?
02:17Well, I'm working on a project right now.
02:21I'm working three jobs to save up
02:23and never really seen much of the world.
02:26But I'm confident it will start generating income
02:29and then, you know, I'll start to live life like...
02:35Where do you see yourself in five years, sir?
02:39You see, that's the difference between you and me.
02:42You, you're young.
02:45You can plan for the next five years.
02:49That's a miracle.
02:51As for me,
02:54I've spent the last 20 years on the streets
02:56and if there's one thing it's taught me,
02:59you can only plan until the evening.
03:01And even then, that's not always the case.
03:03So right here, right now,
03:07I'm living my best life.
03:15How about those desserts?
03:18Right away, sir.
03:27Well, I'd love to say yes, but I have to say no.
03:31Okay, I'll call you back.
03:33Hey man, listen.
03:35Here's the situation.
03:36My money was stolen recently and I came here-
03:39100 grand.
03:41Homeless guy with a beard.
03:43I beg your pardon?
03:44Excuse me, sir.
03:45My name is Alex Mercer.
03:46I'm the manager of this establishment.
03:49A homeless guy walked in here with 100 grand in the back.
03:52I overheard part of your conversation
03:54and thought it might be yours.
03:58Yes, yes, it's mine.
04:01Get that rat out of here.
04:02Shouldn't we call the police?
04:04We were appropriate.
04:05Well, he might be gone by then.
04:06Look, he already noticed me.
04:08He's right.
04:09You, follow me.
04:15Mister, could you explain me
04:16where did you get your money you're spending tonight?
04:22On your account.
04:24I won it.
04:25In the lottery.
04:26Do you have any proof?
04:29Look, this man came to us claiming that you stole his money.
04:41if the gentleman said so, so be it then.
04:53Take it.
04:57Head to the exit, please.
05:01It's the hospitality, sailor.
05:11Thank you so much.
05:12I hope you're not expecting me to pay for this mess
05:14because I'm not going to.
05:15Of course, sir.
05:16It's on the house.
05:17Okay, I'm leaving now.
05:21On your account.
05:24Clean up this table before I assign you more cleaning duty.
05:27Come on.
05:41Sir, sir, you forgot your ticket
05:44that you used to claim your lottery win.
05:46One sec.
05:48You used a nice combination, you know, 30, 10, 20.
05:54But why?
05:56Ah, the combination.
05:58Yes, yes, yes.
05:59I love numerology.
06:00That's why I picked symmetric numbers.
06:02Thank you so much.
06:03Yeah, well, best of luck.
06:04Thank you.
06:08There were different numbers on the lottery ticket.
06:11Yes, my mother's birthday, December 2nd, 1937.
06:16She was a wonderful woman.
06:17You know, I never remember when I saw you
06:21and I just realized you're the man who lost his wallet, right?
06:25On the restaurant exit.
06:27There it is.
06:31Now you may give back the money that you stole.
06:34Give it back.
06:45Here's the money, sir.
06:50Keep it, sailor.
06:53You need it more than I do.
06:55I think it should be enough for your project.
06:59Just remember, when you're chasing the future,
07:02don't forget where you are now.
07:05Because life is here and now.
07:09Enjoy it.
07:36Thank you.
