
  • 2 months ago
00:00That's a good managing for the call back to Houston John and Stu
00:05Rob the ninth consecutive penalty shootout for Argentina that Lionel Messi will take first
00:11He has made every single attempt bar one when he put it high against Chile in the 2016 Copa America final
00:18It's an Argentina team that was ready to go quick ready to go. They were out there at the
00:23Halfway line Ecuador had more of a team huddle. They were delaying things Argentina ready for business
00:30So important the first kick. That's why I messed
00:35He goes you set the tone for the rest of the shootout
00:39Huge moment for Argentina here against 37 year old Alexander Dominguez who again won three penalty shootouts with his club team last year
00:52Paneg is off the top of the bar into the roof of the net Messi missed
01:01Oh my goodness
01:03Talk about setting the tone and Lionel Messi looks so calm and focused
01:09Had a clear plan of what he wanted to do, which was the