Team India received a thrilling welcome in Mumbai as sea of fans gathered at Marine Drive for the victory parade. The Indian team players took an open-top bus ride from Marine Drive till Wankhede stadium amid huge applause and cheers from fans. Captain Rohit Sharma, Virat Kohli, Hardik Pandya showed the T20 World Cup trophy to the fans as who had gathered in very large numbers. BCCI secretary Jay Shah and vice-president Rajiv Shukla were also part of the celebrations. Coach Rahul Dravid was all smiles as fans cheered for the men in blue. The players were seen capturing the joyous occasion on their phones. The Mumbai police asked people to avoid commuting to Marine Drive as fans had gathered in large numbers. After the victory parade, the Rohit Sharma-led team reached Wankhede stadium for the felicitation ceremony. Watch the video to know more.
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