Natasha Irons is the newly elected Labour MP for Croydon East

  • 2 months ago
Natasha Irons is the newly elected Labour MP for Croydon East
00:00There's been a big sea change across the country, it looks like. What explains that change?
00:06I think what explains that change is the desire for change in our country. I think people
00:10up and down, when you knock on doorsteps in any single constituency in any part of Britain,
00:16you get that sense that people want change, people want to feel like they can trust decision
00:22makers, they want to feel like their public services work again, they want to feel like
00:25their children will be better off than they are. This was the first government in modern
00:30history where the standard of living was worse at the end of its term than at the beginning,
00:34and people really feel that, and we want to turn that around now.
00:37And you said in your speech how important it is that Labour doesn't squander this opportunity
00:41that it appears to have won. What did you mean by that?
00:44I mean that we need to continue to be a party that puts country first and party second.
00:50We need to be absolutely focused on delivering for people now. People don't want to have
00:54empty promises, they want a decade of national renewal, they want to see a government that
00:58is in their service and is there to make sure that we are focused on the issues that matter
01:03to them.
01:04A seat that a lot of people are interested in just next door, Croydon South, it's never
01:07voted Labour before. How confident are you of seeing a victory there?
01:11I think it's too early to tell just yet. We know that we've run a really great campaign
01:15there. Ben is an outstanding local candidate. He's put in a great amount of effort and would
01:19be a fantastic representative for Croydon South, but it's too soon to tell.
