My Brain is like a jelly - Cfind #11

  • il y a 15 ans
Spéciale dédicace à tous les gros mous du bulbes du genre The Do, Daft Punk ou Cocoon, qu'ont trop feignassé au lieu de bosser le français

si tu veux plus de détails, viens là:

I don’t have anything to say
I know I’m french, but I’m lazy
To tell my message I don’t find the way
So I’m building a wall between You and Me

You don’t understand what I say
You don’t speak english, oh I’m lucky
I’m hiding behind a misunderstanding way
I’m breaking the bridge between You and Me

I sing my song in a Shakespearean way
It keeps me safe from a tragedy
I have no choice upon the mean to play
Because my brain is like a jelly

