Baby, Just Say Yes Ep.16-20

  • last month
Betrayed by her fiance and her own sister, Victoria Branson marries Teddy Lloyd without knowing his real identity – a secret billionaire. Together, they have to stand up against Victoria’s evil family, take back her mother’s company and find their happy ending.
00:02How dare he treat us this way! We have to do something, Paul!
00:06Very well, Thera Lloyd, you won't play dirty. We'll play dirty!
00:13It's me. Get something you want. I want online in an hour. Name your price.
00:19Penny, the food! Let me go.
00:31Hey, not when you look like this. Oof, I'm starving.
00:36Okay, well, your plate's over there. Go sit.
00:40By the way, I saw your sister and ex-fiancé today.
00:51What? Where?
00:53Don't worry, I didn't give him a chance to see me.
00:55Good. You should stay away from them, Teddy. You don't know what they're capable of. I don't want you to get hurt.
01:02Is there something on my face?
01:04No, you just look adorable when you're worried about me.
01:09I promise nothing's going to happen.
01:12Grandpa called and he wants to take you dress shopping so he can introduce you to everyone at the banquet on Saturday.
01:21Okay, is this banquet going to cost a lot? Do I need to transfer you some money?
01:26I got it covered. I have enough.
01:28Do I need to transfer you some money?
01:31I got it covered. I have enough.
01:33Just let me know if you need any help, okay?
01:35Yes, my sweet wife.
01:42Oh, I got to get this.
01:51Boss? Oh, thank God you picked up. I just emailed you a couple links.
01:56They're talking about the company online and it doesn't look good.
02:05Theodore Lloyd deceived and abandoned his client without good cause? Can we still trust this young CEO?
02:11What do we do, boss?
02:13Have the PR team handle the press and we'll get back to you.
02:23Hey, I saw the news about the Lloyds. Is your friend okay?
02:26Yeah, he's working on it.
02:29I have an idea. I think it could help save the Lloyds.
02:31Do you remember that product line that Paul released last fall? The one that won the Green Dot Design Award?
02:38Yeah, of course. It's the whole reason the Lloyds wanted to work with the Cox Corporation.
02:42Right. Okay, so what if I told you that Beth stole those designs and presented them as her own idea?
02:48What? How do you know this?
02:51Because they were my designs.
02:54I didn't want to call them out because I didn't want to hurt our company.
02:57Send this to your friend. Once they release the proof, no one will blame them for terminating the contract.
03:01Thank you.
03:04For, um, my friend.
03:07Yeah, you're my husband. Your friend is my friend. We're in this together.
03:21Hey, Alec, I'm sending something over to the legal department.
03:24I'm sending something over to the legal department. Tell them to look out for it.
03:34Beth? Paul? What are you doing here so early?
03:41Theodore Lloyd assumes for defamation. Now there's proof that you stole last year's design.
03:46That's a lie. I didn't steal anything.
03:49Alright, calm down. Paul, this is just Victoria's trick to try and get in between you and Beth.
03:54You go back to the office and handle things. Leave Victoria to me.
04:00I have my way to make her pay.
04:19What do you want?
04:21Victoria, come home now.
04:23I don't have time for your circus show.
04:26Don't forget, I still have something you want. If you don't come home, you will never see it again.
04:34I'll be there in 30 minutes.
04:43Teddy has enough to worry about. I'm not dragging him into this.
04:49Victoria, how can you call your own sister a thief? Apologize to her now!
04:54I didn't come all the way over here to hear you bark like a crazy dog, so this was a mistake, and I'm leaving.
04:59Hey! You're not walking out of that door, bitch!
05:07Hey, I was thinking, uh...
05:10I was thinking, uh...
05:13Hey, I was thinking, uh...
05:24At my dad's. It's urgent. See you later. Yours, B.
05:31See you later. Yours, B.
05:36I know it was you! You're the only one that had the original sketches!
05:39I know it was you! You're the only one that had the original sketches!
05:42Oh, so you admit that my sketches of the originals and yours are stolen.
05:47Not so fast. You're not leaving until you make a public announcement saying you were the one that stole from Beth.
05:53In your dreams, Dad.
05:55Victoria, we can do this the easy way or the hard way.
05:58I'd rather die.
06:00Hard way it is. You can stay here.
06:10You okay?
06:12Yeah, I'm fine.
06:14What do you think you're doing? This is trespassing!
06:17Oh, yeah? How about I call the police right now? We'll see who ends up behind bars.
06:23Looks like you already forgot what I said.
06:26Bully my wife, and I'm coming for you.
06:29I guess my warning wasn't enough.
06:32I guess my warning wasn't enough.
06:34I guess my warning wasn't enough.
06:36I guess my warning wasn't enough.
06:47Trash everywhere in the house.
06:49What, are you crazy? Get out!
06:51No, Teddy, please. This is my mom's house. I don't want to see it destroyed. They're not worth it. Please.
