Space cadet 2024 Movie Trailer

  • 2 months ago
Space Cadet is a light-hearted comedy about an unlikely astronaut candidate, Rex (played by Emma Roberts), who stumbles into the NASA program thanks to a mistaken application. Here's a breakdown of the film's pros and cons:

**Thumbs up:**

* **Fun, feel-good comedy:** If you're looking for a laugh-out-loud good time, Space Cadet delivers. Rex's fish-out-of-water antics and the quirky group of astronaut hopefuls provide plenty of comedic moments.
* **Emma Roberts' charm:** Roberts shines as the ever-optimistic Rex, carrying the film with her charisma and comedic timing.
* **Positive message:** Despite the silly premise, Space Cadet has a heart-warming message about perseverance, friendship, and believing in yourself.
* **Family-friendly:** There's no violence or profanity, making it a safe bet for a movie night with the whole family.

**Thumbs down:**

* **Unrealistic plot:** Don't expect any real science lessons here. The plot hinges on the implausible scenario of Rex, with no prior qualifications, making it deep into astronaut training.
* **Clichéd characters:** The film relies on some well-worn stereotypes for its supporting characters, like the nerdy scientist and the uptight competitor.
* **Predictable story:** If you enjoy predictable feel-good comedies, you won't be disappointed. But those seeking something more surprising might find the plot a little formulaic.

Overall, Space Cadet is a fun and lighthearted movie perfect for a night in when you want to relax and have a few laughs. It won't win any awards for originality, but it delivers on its promise of lighthearted entertainment.
00:00Once upon a time, I had bigger dreams.
00:03I see a girl.
00:04Look, look.
00:05Three, two, one.
00:08That's gonna be you one day, right?
00:09I know it, Mom.
00:10But sometimes, life doesn't always work out the way you planned.
00:14Yo, yo.
00:15Can I get you another drink?
00:19Ten years ago, I got lost.
00:20Last call, everybody, last call!
00:22But it's not too late.
00:24I'm gonna be an astronaut.
00:29Oh, my God.
00:30Wake up again?
00:31Dear NASA.
00:33Oh, girl.
00:34This resume will never get you in.
00:36But let's make a few changes that will.
00:38Dear NASA, I've accomplished everything I've ever wanted.
00:43Dr. Tiffany Simpson, you have been selected for astronaut training.
00:46I'm gonna be an astronaut!
00:48Johnson Space Center.
00:50I'm actually here.
00:51Dr. Stacey Kellogg, M.D., Ph.D.
00:56Violet Marie Wyslowski.
00:57We have a special name for astronaut candidates.
01:08Over the next nine weeks, you will be trained and tested.
01:11Most of you will not pass.
01:13Mama, is that an astronaut?
01:14Not with my tax dollars, she's not.
01:18Are we sure Dr. Simpson belongs here?
01:21We need unconventional candidates.
01:23She built a series of gates to protect the manatees from speed boats.
01:27When we were kids, you inspired me.
01:31You took everything out about my resume being made up and said it wasn't made up.
01:34Get your ass back home before you hurt somebody's speed.
01:39I was born to do this.
01:40Once you let your dreams out of the box, you can't just shove them back in.
01:43Seven, two, three, you're clear for takeoff.
01:45Launch it, Flamingo.
01:54Is this thing hard to land or what?
