humanology 2058.1

  • 2 months ago
00:00:00Hello friends! Welcome to Humanology 2058.1.
00:00:08Yeah, so I worked out some more.
00:00:13Zoom software digitalization complete.
00:00:16Yeah, this does not work.
00:00:18I worked out some examples.
00:00:20Two examples.
00:00:22Yeah, when n is odd number, it does not work.
00:00:26When n is even number, then it works.
00:00:28So in general, they are not equal.
00:00:31And then I did some more factorization.
00:00:34And then we have formula here.
00:00:37Tonight, we'll plug in some numbers and verify whether this formula is correct or not.
00:00:44But that's tonight.
00:00:46We did enough mathematics.
00:00:49Let's take five minutes break, and then we'll go to Instagram Live together.
00:00:57Okay, five minutes break.
00:00:58Okay, thank you.
00:01:02Yeah, I'm kind of getting drunk.
00:01:04Okay, so, yeah.
00:01:14Five minutes break.
00:01:15Thank you.
00:01:16There we go.
00:01:18If you want to take a look at it.
00:01:19Thank you.
00:01:23Five minutes break.
00:01:24Thank you.
00:01:27Five minutes break.
00:01:28Thank you.
00:01:32Five minutes break.
00:01:33Thank you.
00:01:36Five minutes break.
00:01:37Thank you.
00:01:41Five minutes break.
00:01:42Thank you.
00:01:45Five minutes break.
00:01:46Thank you.
00:01:50Five minutes break.
00:01:51Thank you.
00:01:55Five minutes break.
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00:02:00Five minutes break.
00:02:01Thank you.
00:02:05Five minutes break.
00:02:06Thank you.
00:02:10Five minutes break.
00:02:11Thank you.
00:02:17Five minutes break.
00:02:18Thank you.
00:02:22Five minutes break.
00:02:23Thank you.
00:02:27Five minutes break.
00:02:28Thank you.
00:02:32Five minutes break.
00:02:33Thank you.
00:02:37Five minutes break.
00:02:38Thank you.
00:02:42Five minutes break.
00:02:43Thank you.
00:02:47Five minutes break.
00:02:48Thank you.
00:02:52Five minutes break.
00:02:53Thank you.
00:02:57Five minutes break.
00:02:58Thank you.
00:03:02Five minutes break.
00:03:03Thank you.
00:03:07Five minutes break.
00:03:08Thank you.
00:03:12Five minutes break.
00:03:13Thank you.
00:03:17Five minutes break.
00:03:18Thank you.
00:03:22Five minutes break.
00:03:23Thank you.
00:03:27Five minutes break.
00:03:28Thank you.
00:03:32Five minutes break.
00:03:33Thank you.
00:03:37Five minutes break.
00:03:38Thank you.
00:03:42Five minutes break.
00:03:43Thank you.
00:03:47Five minutes break.
00:03:48Thank you.
00:03:52Five minutes break.
00:03:53Thank you.
00:03:57Five minutes break.
00:03:58Thank you.
00:04:02Five minutes break.
00:04:03Thank you.
00:04:07Five minutes break.
00:04:08Thank you.
00:04:14Five minutes break.
00:04:15Thank you.
00:04:19Five minutes break.
00:04:20Thank you.
00:04:24Five minutes break.
00:04:25Thank you.
00:04:29Five minutes break.
00:04:30Thank you.
00:04:34Five minutes break.
00:04:35Thank you.
00:04:39Five minutes break.
00:04:40Thank you.
00:04:44Five minutes break.
00:04:45Thank you.
00:04:49Five minutes break.
00:04:50Thank you.
00:04:54Five minutes break.
00:04:55Thank you.
00:04:59Five minutes break.
00:05:00Thank you.
00:05:04Five minutes break.
00:05:05Thank you.
00:05:09Five minutes break.
00:05:10Thank you.
00:05:25So in human analogy, tripartite balancing act.
00:05:31Work, play, rest.
00:05:36We are following the regime.
00:05:39in humanology yeah we've worked now it's play time yeah in the target life socialization
00:05:45party time all right and after that yeah rest just as an audience yeah like facebook live
00:05:54we just watch some youtube videos together and after that i just go to bed eat some nice food
00:06:00and then i go to bed and sleep you know yeah tripartite balancing act in humanology okay
00:06:06it's about balance work play and rest okay yeah this is play time sure yeah
00:06:17socialization is part of time right yeah in your second life yeah sure
00:06:23we were part of mathematics right yeah we earned the right to
00:06:29to party i mean the beastie boys okay
00:06:37we have to fight for the right to party
00:06:45yeah that's what got them very famous okay so beastie boys
00:07:19yeah let's do this
00:07:21hello friends yeah welcome to front uh the human as the insane live edition and uh happy
00:07:32july 4th if you're in america otherwise yeah happy thursday happy thursday morning yeah cheers yeah
00:07:46yeah so past two hours yeah we did mathematics as promised in the july 4th morning
00:07:54yeah in alaska america yeah we're making good progress in the number theory dealing with integers
00:08:03yeah it's uh yeah so welcome yeah good morning from alaska
00:08:14yeah so yeah good times cheers yeah
00:08:27time in alaska like 8 a.m it's still early
00:08:33i woke up 12 hours ago like actually wait a little bit before that like maybe 5 30 a.m
00:08:44yeah had a good night's sleep and so
00:08:57during the work days i struggle to wake up in the morning but during holiday or weekend
00:09:07i tend to wake up very early why because i cannot wait to get out of bed and play
00:09:16okay but during the work days uh it takes some effort to get up get out of my bed because
00:09:27i have to go to work you know uh okay i i i don't get me wrong i i uh i love my job okay
00:09:35don't get me wrong but it's just not as fun as holiday or weekend where i have freedom you know
00:09:45just saying okay i'm just being honest yeah cheers yeah
00:09:56i'm like anybody else yeah
00:10:02yeah welcome yeah
00:10:08yeah welcome happy drive for us yeah if you don't wake up otherwise a happy uh thursday morning
00:10:27yeah the petting dog bashing dog oh it was fantastic yeah last night's dinner oh it was nice
00:10:38great taste so dog is a foul bird edible bird
00:10:48and um but it does taste very different from chicken
00:10:53chicken yeah they're quite related species i guess but it tastes so different okay yeah
00:11:00i love dog meat it was good yeah welcome yeah
00:11:14yeah i love chinese food yeah
00:11:22my favorite chinese food dog do you seek it
00:11:26oh yes petting petting dog it's my favorite chinese food yeah
00:11:35yeah welcome yeah
00:11:50welcome yeah yeah
00:11:57yeah welcome yeah good morning yeah welcome
00:12:17yeah i'm good thank you yeah
00:12:31oh yeah good times yeah
00:12:42so do you seek a dog uh how would i describe the taste of dog meat in english
00:12:51it's different from chicken like uh
00:12:56the taste is like um
00:12:58um to describe in english dog meat do you see k okay
00:13:12in analogy i would say it's like uh beef ox or cow beef versus goat meat g o a t
00:13:23all right uh so dog versus chicken is kind of like that i would guess okay
00:13:31maybe uh goat meat g o a t versus pork pig pork meat okay
00:13:41uh goat meat it it has stronger taste only slightly bitter but pleasantly okay
00:13:49okay dog meat is like compared to chicken okay it has uh more flavor
00:13:57slightly bitter but in a nice way okay so uh there'll be the
00:14:06best way to describe it in english for me okay i mean to translate
00:14:13food flavor in english that's a challenge
00:14:43i mean i speak korean and english okay when i speak english i have accent korean accent but
00:14:52look i'm a writer so i'm pretty good at english okay so uh but yeah welcome so
00:14:58but whatever language your first language may be uh to uh describe food flavor or smell
00:15:10scent fragrance in english uh that's not an easy kind of translation from like smell sense of
00:15:19olfactory or the but taste but like tongue
00:15:29even sound right yeah
00:15:33yeah uh to translate to a language like spoken language verbal or written language
00:15:47that's a challenge okay it's different kind of translation it's not like foreign language
00:15:51translation but it's like different sensory it could be touching tactile sense or sound
00:16:00yeah olfactory like smell scent fragrance or
00:16:07taste of food to translate that to a language like written or verbal language
00:16:15that is not an easy task that's uh even as a writer okay it's challenge it's different
00:16:21challenge it's different kind of translation all right yeah
00:16:37well when it comes to vision the things that we see
00:16:43uh that's a lot easier to translate to a language written language verbal language
00:16:52describe the scenery okay there's tree bird
00:17:00yeah visually
00:17:04our ancestors named those objects and animals plants cloud water fall
00:17:14a person
00:17:16also we can discover feelings yeah i'm happy uh yeah i'm in a good mood
00:17:27thanks to your friends but to describe a smell taste
00:17:50maybe a culinary artist right they know the names of all different spices like cilantro
00:18:02or food items like anchovy pepper chili lime lemon juice
00:18:20maybe they can describe better than i can do they have all these terminologies of spices
00:18:29okay i guess it's about vocabulary
00:18:40that i'm not quite familiar with okay like paprika
00:18:45garlic onions culinary arts right yeah okay
00:18:57but to describe the taste in a language verbal language or written language
00:19:04i think that's still a very challenging
00:19:19interesting question huh
00:19:25all right yeah friends yeah let's take five minutes break okay thank you welcome thank you
00:19:30for joining us i need some vocal rest okay yeah and we'll talk some more okay yeah the challenge
00:19:35of describing taste in uh you know language okay sure yeah it's a little bit uh philosophical
00:19:43okay yeah we'll take five minutes back okay welcome thank you yeah how interesting
00:19:51sure sure it's linguistics and philosophy ontology epistemology okay sure sure sure
00:20:00yeah about like perception right yeah existence very cool welcome to humanity
00:20:07thank you yeah very cool yeah
00:22:32welcome back
00:22:36so yeah welcome to humanity we are very optimistic positive people here
00:22:43and yeah we are artists scholars scientists okay so uh sure let's talk about this
00:22:54linguistics okay language right and philosophy okay so uh in the universe
00:23:04like sounds music right we we have ears right we have two of them and uh the organ
00:23:18ears okay music very small eardrum very small tiny
00:23:27tiny but this entire universe of music
00:23:34yeah welcome welcome to humanity okay so it's quite miraculous and amazing if you think about
00:23:41it philosophically okay so our tiny eardrums we have two of them right but we perceive this entire
00:23:50universe of music yeah many different musical instruments some of them are very big like
00:23:59cello or contrabass double bass okay and like you have trombone
00:24:07trumpet yeah music's fantastic right big instruments like uh
00:24:16bassoon yeah the the brass right
00:24:23horn like uh yeah big piano organ like in a church right pipe organ this as big as a building
00:24:39pipe organ organist like uh johann sebastian bach is great organist okay also organ engineer
00:24:49okay that's what uh you this was his job okay in uh germany or austria some europe okay
00:24:59so organists people who play pop organ they use their feet and hands fingers okay it's amazing
00:25:11okay yeah the pipe organ is as big as a building right yeah some churches have that stuff okay
00:25:21as big as a building right yeah some churches have that stuff okay
00:25:28she's fantastic it's beautiful pop organ okay
00:25:33like yeah the
00:25:37yeah tokada and fuga right yeah the johann sebastian bach right big big
00:25:44musical instruments okay they play with their two feet the ten fingers it's just multi-tasking okay
00:25:52that genius is right huge fan yeah it is amazing
00:26:02but we humans
00:26:12big musical instruments right yeah i like writing stories yeah yeah thank you yeah
00:26:22yeah literature right yeah sure yeah so this amazing gigantic pipe organs as big as like
00:26:33building but our human perception depends on these two tiny little organs that we call ears
00:26:41eardrums okay so that that's what's so amazing if you think about it okay so
00:26:48yeah this tiny little organs eardrums okay we can discern and distinguish all different musical
00:26:55instruments like cello, timbalo, harpsichord, piano, pipe organs, violins, string instruments like
00:27:09cello, contrabass, double bass and brass like metal instruments like
00:27:19bassoon or english horn or
00:27:21clarinet they made made this some woods wood pipe like uh or like uh
00:27:30i forgot the names of those musical instruments but um
00:27:37piccolo or like um
00:27:42what's that uh sideway the flute
00:27:51um yeah it's amazing i mean
00:28:00yeah how about our eyes very tiny organ we have 12 of them right eyes but you can see
00:28:12the universe cosmos clouds sky big world
00:28:24we can perceive these big things with tiny little organs like eyes or nose ears
00:28:35if you think about it this miraculous that's amazing
00:29:00i mean i have many musical instruments in this room okay i have the keyboard electric keyboard
00:29:08uh uh the uh recorder yeah plastic recorder and then harmonica and
00:29:15some percussion yeah tambourine i have there and triangle yeah
00:29:23maybe it's good time to play some music okay i mean i i do not know how to play the tune
00:29:30i was guitar as well okay it's like out of tune but uh let's take five minutes break okay i
00:29:35some vocalist okay and then let's play some musical instruments sure i don't know how to
00:29:41play a tune melody okay when i play musical instruments it's random it's like yeah i kind
00:29:50of cared a little bit okay for harmonica as well okay how about that i think it's good it's been a
00:29:57while so let's do it yeah after five minutes break okay thank you yeah let there be music
00:30:06it's a good idea okay yeah sure time check real quick
00:30:13uh it's been 30 minutes okay good yeah we have plenty of time sure yeah
00:30:21five minutes okay thank you yeah
00:32:36okay we're back welcome back
00:32:42so we're in the realm of philosophy and linguistics okay so yeah translation of taste
00:32:51to a human language for example english okay if english is my main language i'm in america okay
00:32:58uh korean language i that's my native language okay but i forgot vocabulary okay so
00:33:03how would you describe in english the taste of lobster i'm sure gourmet culinary artists
00:33:12the connoisseur maybe they can do better job than i can i'm pretty sure okay but i had lobster before
00:33:20okay yeah succulent moist soft texture and uh very meaty proteinous and uh
00:33:37maybe a little bit oily i don't know but
00:33:42i can say it's good taste okay yeah the lobster i i'm a huge fan okay yeah
00:33:50a crab meat yeah i when i was in korea i had some crab meat and it's great texture and great taste
00:33:58salty right very soft and uh but i have some allergy when i eat crab meat uh
00:34:11some parts of my mouth you know lining it gets swollen when i eat crab meat okay just a little
00:34:18bit okay so i'm kind of allergic to crab meat okay but it's good taste okay salty yeah
00:34:29but as promised okay yeah let's grab this nice harmonica and uh continue this discussion
00:34:37of language translation yeah translation from musical language the sound and uh
00:34:46human language like for example english okay
00:34:55when i play music is random because i don't know how to play melody okay the tune i don't know
00:35:51there we go yeah it's a little bit poetic kind of like a serenade okay yeah it's kind of
00:35:59expression of emotion yeah i can do that with harmonica okay harmonica is very generous
00:36:06lenient kind of instrument okay cheers
00:36:13to to translate the sound of harmonica to human language like english okay
00:36:21translation from musical language sound language yeah audio okay uh to english human language
00:36:33uh yeah it's steely made with metal
00:36:39kind of hard metal okay stand still yeah still very strong sound like uh okay
00:36:57all right that's best i can do to be honest okay so let's uh grab another instrument maybe
00:37:06some comparison may help recorder okay made with plastic okay uh back in the days they
00:37:13used to make it with wood but they'll be more expensive nowadays too yeah record okay yeah
00:37:21kind of like fluid okay wood right i used to make you with before plastics they used to make it
00:37:28with wood like tree okay uh nowadays they do too but that's more expensive okay now
00:37:43yeah i learned it in south korea uh elementary school okay we use mandatory instrument okay
00:37:57oh yeah
00:38:33i don't know some sort of human right i don't choose whatever
00:38:44cheers welcome yeah happy july 4th yeah
00:38:52how about guitar sure it's totally out of tune but i have it okay yeah yeah let's do this
00:39:57there we go
00:40:01okay having fun with musical instruments it's like a toy for me because i don't know how to play them
00:40:10but i play like a child because i don't know how to play it okay i i i just don't know okay
00:40:18okay because it takes a long time and patience and training that i don't have
00:40:25so i just play with it okay as opposed to actually playing it the right way i i don't know how to do
00:40:33it okay it's just yeah welcome friends yeah we're just playing with uh musical instruments okay
00:40:41cheers yeah
00:40:42yeah but we are friends we can actually play musical instruments okay i i don't know how to
00:40:51do that okay so yeah they're better than me you're better than me absolutely okay mighty proud okay
00:41:00yeah yeah happy july 4th yeah yeah happy july 4th yeah cheers yeah
00:41:06hmm yeah
00:41:10welcome yeah
00:41:13more musical instruments uh yeah how about percussion tambourine okay sure
00:41:23yeah okay i bought this in okay like
00:41:40right yeah so
00:41:44when i was in korea months ago okay my parents and i we went to karaoke bar and they have
00:41:49tambourines okay yeah i did something when my parents were singing yeah i did some tambourine
00:41:56yeah uh some more percussion i have triangle
00:42:09yeah uh
00:42:21yeah it's kind of like this
00:42:41it is spiritual right like church bell yeah
00:42:47and also whistle like
00:43:06yeah very cool now let's take five minutes break okay
00:43:10and i'll bring the keyboard electric keyboard there and we'll play some
00:43:15keyboard okay okay i don't know how to play it but we just play with it how about that
00:43:24okay five minutes break thank you welcome yeah yeah good morning from alaska yeah
00:43:31welcome five minutes break please thank you very cool okay fantastic having fun with musical
00:46:51okay friends welcome back we are back let's bring the uh keyboard kind of like a electric
00:46:57piano sure yeah welcome yeah good morning so okay and let me get some more drinks
00:47:07uh you know long time yeah i want to drink some whiskey okay so let me bring a cup
00:47:22where's my whiskey cup
00:47:35well any plastic cup will do
00:47:41yeah let me pour myself some whiskey yeah happy july 4th yeah
00:47:51good enough yeah
00:47:57cheers yeah happy july 4th yeah happy independence day yeah from alaska america thank you
00:48:08quite nice yeah whiskey is kind of like a taste like caramel
00:48:15okay okay let's grab this electric uh keyboard i think i bought this either from amazon
00:48:26or walmart it's quite bulky and heavy
00:48:37all right let's turn this on and uh
00:48:52too loud
00:49:02general yeah
00:49:32but i can't sing but i cannot play piano the tune i tried to uh play is uh the the movie big
00:49:45tom hanks okay
00:50:02i i can sing but i i cannot play you know
00:50:09because it takes long training right i just don't have patience
00:50:13to learn how to play piano okay i tried okay
00:50:22maybe i retire
00:50:26as an old person yeah maybe i'll start to learn piano
00:50:31you know or guitar as well okay i i it's just something this uh very difficult for me to learn
00:50:41musical instruments okay but i admire people who can play it okay so i'm a huge fan it's just uh
00:50:52playing musical instruments is something i'm not good at it
00:50:55but yeah some random chaotic whatever experimental avant-garde yeah
00:51:21too loud
00:53:31yeah so when i made that movie therapy for metamorphobia okay so uh i i i i had like
00:53:38keyboard like this okay so i play with it and then uh yeah some of the background music
00:53:46therapy for metamorphobia like yeah it was an incidental accidental okay i just playing with
00:53:51keyboard and play it backwards sometimes okay so yeah it worked somehow okay
00:54:01oh yeah okay okay we had great fun with musical instruments okay okay let's put this behind us
00:54:09it was nice huh yeah great toy and yeah play time yeah it's good hobby and uh
00:54:18well i admire people who can actually play
00:54:22music instruments but i just play with it because i don't know how to play it
00:54:27in a correct fashion okay so now let's take five minutes break okay thank you yeah welcome to
00:54:31humanity thank you how nice right yeah okay five minutes break please thank you time checking uh
00:54:47yeah yeah it's been almost one hour okay cool yeah very cool yeah yeah awesome yep
00:55:06all right five minutes thank you yep
00:56:51right okay welcome back we're back and uh
00:56:53uh yeah we are talking about like philosophy and epistemology ontology and uh music
00:57:03linguistics translation yeah yeah welcome friends yeah
00:57:12oh yeah oh yeah you are the future leaders we admire younger generations okay they are
00:57:20amazing very smart people geniuses future leaders okay well you got my support okay yeah absolutely
00:57:27yeah so okay so uh musical language sound language to translate to human language okay
00:57:40uh it's like this okay so
00:57:44uh one way to think about it one aspect is this okay so we play piano right
00:57:50yeah the electric keyboard okay kind of artificial piano modern piano okay okay very cool
00:58:03so in the keyboard
00:58:06uh there's like a
00:58:10like tonality okay like
00:58:15like baritone that's more like adult male then high pitch female or children okay like
00:58:27do re mi fa so la si do do re mi fa so la si do do re mi fa so la si do
00:58:41i can do three octaves okay yeah as a male adult yeah high pitch that is called facetto
00:58:50false voice okay in italian tongue okay so yeah so there's some contrast there
00:58:59like low tone voice and high pitched voice like high pitched voice and low tone voice okay
00:59:07yeah some contrast there like male adults versus children or females okay yeah yeah
00:59:16very cool
00:59:22yeah cheers yeah
00:59:37so in different contexts like biology maybe
00:59:42welcome to humanology okay we talk about everything everything that is good okay
00:59:48not wars violence crimes we don't really talk about that okay but more like about science music
00:59:55peace literature philosophy linguistics good stuff that's what we talk about okay so mostly okay
01:00:04okay so like uh male adults traditionally in biology history yeah it's about muscle like
01:00:16strength business whatever power but children females uh it's about beauty
01:00:27yeah children females they're beautiful and then um
01:00:34traditionally yeah we male adults we want to protect and preserve them okay yeah females
01:00:41children women and children yeah we male adults our job is to protect them right
01:00:48but that's like old school traditionally right back in the days
01:00:53we are historians too we study history okay so yeah but nowadays yeah it's not quite like that
01:01:04okay so because uh sometimes like news youtube like uh children protecting adults women protecting
01:01:18males okay because they are very good at martial arts okay that's fantastic
01:01:23yeah absolutely okay yeah cheers yeah
01:01:34yeah so we play some musical instruments okay now let's play some martial art instruments
01:01:44after five minutes break how about that i have many musical instruments
01:01:50in my house i also have many uh martial weapons too okay safe ones like wooden swords okay
01:01:59yeah we can play with that safely they're wooden samurai swords okay it's very safe
01:02:07right sure we can do that yeah after five minutes break okay sure sure martial arts is so important
01:02:17okay human arts okay okay we take five minutes break and then i bring my martial weapons one
01:02:23by one i have many okay they will say blunt very safe light wooden or aluminum
01:02:31okay yeah okay five minutes we will play with martial weapons okay
01:02:36yeah uh musical instruments i'm not good at it but with martial weapons i'm better at it
01:02:43not very good at it but better than i'm better than musical instruments okay
01:02:50because to me it's a lot easier to play
01:02:53to me it's a lot easier to play with martial weapons than musical instruments okay
01:03:01maybe because i'm asian
01:03:06okay now time say okay in a television we're having a lot of fun right yeah
01:03:13television we're having a lot of fun right yeah
01:03:20like it's been more than one hour okay yeah so okay five minutes break okay thank you
01:03:27yeah happy july 4th yeah yeah
01:03:31okay five minutes thank you yeah
01:03:37very cool yeah fantastic
01:05:57welcome back we're back so i have this two samurai sword that wooden then a metal leg okay so it's
01:06:05cheaper lighter and uh safer it's made with tree wood okay so uh some background stories okay so uh
01:06:21when i was in south south korea uh middle school okay so i went to hagwon that's like a
01:06:29school after school okay it's like uh what's that uh hagwon is like hakyo is like a public k-12
01:06:37like elementary school middle school high school in korea okay
01:06:42and how does hakyo public school k-12 in korea okay
01:06:51publicly funded okay mostly okay and then then after that hot one that's like private school
01:06:58our parents have to pay for it okay yeah so uh my parents upper middle class both of them worked
01:07:06great success okay my my father uh professor in economics my mother uh uh she uh ran a small
01:07:17business highly uh successful like korean pottery business okay yeah so yeah the upper middle class
01:07:27okay my parents in social square back in we're talking about the 1980s 1990s okay when i was in
01:07:34k-12 like middle school high school okay so so in the hagwon school after school okay private school
01:07:40and a mathematics teacher in hagwon okay yeah he was in his 30s i was in my teenager yeah like maybe
01:07:51years old maybe 14 okay he was in his 30s okay so he's married with children and
01:08:00he said like yeah yeah my son yeah he plays very well when he's alone
01:08:10uh in korean language
01:08:16okay yeah even if he's alone he plays very well with his toys maybe maybe lego i don't know
01:08:22okay yeah my son yeah he plays very well when he's alone even even if he's alone okay he plays
01:08:29very well
01:08:33cheers okay
01:08:36so that's the situation here okay so yeah i'm alone here okay yeah i guess it's july 4th
01:08:43it's kind of too early to okay so maybe barbecue party july 4 celebration okay so i'm alone here
01:08:50and uh uh but yeah i can play very well okay yeah
01:08:56okay yeah so i have wooden samurai sword and i bought this in comic con comic conference
01:09:06convention okay in anchorage okay which is one hour south of wasilla okay yeah wooden sword
01:09:13okay this is not metallic okay yeah it's samurai sword okay but this wood is not metal
01:09:22because it's safer cheaper and lighter okay yeah i have two of them okay yeah
01:09:35they're old maybe three it's lighter cheaper and um safer okay so we'll take five minutes
01:09:44okay and then we'll do some double swordsmanship swords partisanship okay
01:09:53okay uh i'm not good at it but i know some
01:09:59swords partisanship because we want to be gender neutral okay
01:10:05taking this swordsmanship swordsmanship whatever okay we'll take five minutes
01:10:09okay yeah we practice some martial art with wooden samurai sword okay
01:10:17uh but uh okay yeah in japan yeah the descendants of samurais okay they practice with wooden
01:10:28sword bamboo stick bamboo sword candle okay because they want to practice safely they do
01:10:36not use metallic sword samurai sword okay candle yeah the way in korean word yeah condo okay the way
01:10:47of sword okay candle can means sword to means tau the way it's very philosophical
01:10:59so japan's candle they heavily emphasize about discipline spirituality
01:11:05that's amazing okay so yeah uh far east martial arts like japan korea china uh it's like it has
01:11:20religious religious influence of like confucianism taoism buddhism okay it's amazing you wanna join
01:11:31you wanna join us sure after five minutes break okay yeah
01:11:35yeah okay sure yeah welcome welcome yeah five minutes break please and some vocal rest okay
01:11:43yeah welcome yeah oh yeah yeah five minutes break please yeah then uh we invite our guests okay
01:11:50thank you fantastic mighty proud yeah welcome yes
01:11:57welcome welcome five minutes break please thank you
01:14:11okay welcome friends yes you wanna join us sure yeah yeah yeah good morning uh yeah
01:14:19oh thank you yeah thank you good morning from alaska america
01:14:23yeah yeah
01:14:29yeah we can do bazaars right later okay so yeah but sure yeah if internet works yeah
01:14:37hello welcome welcome yeah hello long time no see you remember me right uh maybe yeah
01:14:47i know it's been a while so i'm sure it might be a little difficult to kind of jog your memory
01:14:52okay um yeah basically i just want to say i'm going to be in spruce island alaska
01:14:58in two weeks so i'll be i'll be near neck of the woods mr mr uh yeah welcome welcome to alaska
01:15:06i'm really excited i'm going to be in an orthodox monastery with the uh the russian
01:15:11orthodox church okay i'll be uh i'll be uh spruce island which is right off of kodiak okay
01:15:19i wanted to share that with you sir thank you thank you yeah why don't you uh introduce
01:15:26yourself yeah absolutely my name is logan i am a orthodox christian or sorry attempting
01:15:34to become orthodox so very much an ongoing process um i currently live in florida and
01:15:41i'm looking forward to uh to going to alaska oh thank you thank you now what's your ambition
01:15:49ambition uh like i said earlier uh become an animator although right now i am studying to
01:15:55become a legal assistant um on the side okay now tell us about your exercise routine
01:16:05my exercise routine um it's not as it's not as good as i would like it to be
01:16:11uh but with my job i'm outside a lot i walk around a lot especially in the florida heat i'm
01:16:17definitely being very active a lot of the time okay do you know martial arts
01:16:24no unfortunately not but um i am interested in uh in martial arts isn't there a martial
01:16:31arts that was invented by a korea okay tell us about it well if i'm not correctly to type on
01:16:41okay okay good what belt what belt um well i i haven't uh i don't have
01:16:49any belt right now but ideally i'd like to get the best belt okay okay very cool
01:16:59what about you hunky what's your ambition uh i'm running for u.s president in 2024 yeah
01:17:06yeah well uh are you excited what what have you put what have you done to uh
01:17:16what have you done to achieve this so far uh well i'm also a mathematician and uh uh so uh uh i have
01:17:26made different hobbies so uh running for u.s president is one of my hobbies yeah so running
01:17:33president is a hobby yeah nice okay okay how about you what's your hobby
01:17:42my hobby uh my hobby is animation and uh storytelling nice stories and uh not like
01:17:50lying but telling stories more so meaning um just you know telling stories yeah so tell us a story
01:17:59um well i can't think of anything on the spot that requires a lot of like you know plot structure
01:18:04i gotta put everything together um i can tell you right now i am actually working on an animated
01:18:09series called um nikonov and it takes place in alaska specifically near and uh i'm currently
01:18:19working on it it's going to be a really fun story it's gonna be very silly but it's also gonna have
01:18:24a lot of cool moments it's uh i i kind of want it to be almost like an anime you know what i mean
01:18:31yeah that's that's what i'm working on right now but i'm really excited for it oh yeah i'm excited
01:18:37too now uh where your ancestors came from my ancestors um well my ethnicity and background is
01:18:47irish scottish polish and african-american okay what about you monkey uh i'm korean
01:19:01it's korean like a very ethnically is korea a very uh homogenous state ethnically yeah okay
01:19:11that's very interesting because in the u.s like people come from all over so
01:19:15it's not really a single person that would look like the average american
01:19:20okay what's your hair color um i would say brown what's your skin color
01:19:29i would say uh maybe white okay what's your eye color
01:19:33okay what's your eye color brown okay okay okay okay how old are you
01:19:43uh 22 okay are you going to college yeah i'm currently getting my associates in art arts okay
01:19:53okay okay yeah okay okay so uh you like okay what kind of animation do you like you like
01:20:03japanese anime or american cartoon or yeah for sure my my biggest uh the animation that i really
01:20:12like the most is uh probably i would say older japanese animation like from the 90s tell us
01:20:20uh yeah so for example perfect blue um the studio ghibli films from there like brave of the
01:20:27fireflies uh kiki's delivery service uh like that uh but i also am a pretty big fan of uh
01:20:37uh vintage i wouldn't say vintage more like 40s to 60s disney animation i think it's uh i think
01:20:43it's very very awesome i think it has a lot of soul in it unlike some of the other animation that
01:20:50we see coming from the west um hi alex nice to meet you sorry my friend alex commented but um
01:20:58yeah i'm just overall i really like animation i love studying and i love the process for me
01:21:03like i've always been a big fan of behind the scenes for like even filmmaking so it's really
01:21:07cool you can take that process and put it into uh animation okay very cool very cool yeah good
01:21:15good taste thank you thank you i also know a little bit of korean
01:21:22oh thank you thank you yeah yeah
01:21:27you're you're remembering me now as a piece is kind of forming together
01:21:32uh maybe a little bit but uh okay so tell us about your childhood
01:21:40my childhood um i grew up in rural new england it was very peaceful small town community we got a
01:21:47lot of what state what state i'm not a kid in new england okay uh my we raised ducks and chickens
01:21:58and uh my stepfather's family owned a farm and uh they used to have cows there but by the time i
01:22:06came into the picture it was uh it was all uh it was all storage units unfortunately but yeah
01:22:14very peaceful very peaceful hey alex yeah thank you for uh speaking korean language
01:22:21great honor in the chat room yeah thank you now uh yeah okay i get it okay so now
01:22:29do you know any foreign languages do i know any foreign languages
01:22:35uh the language that i probably know the most fluently is spanish
01:22:39but i've been learning uh because being an orthodox christian we have an arabic that spoke
01:22:48so i've been learning greek arabic and a little bit of russian as well but
01:22:53not anything where i would consider myself fluent do you know some japanese do i know any japanese
01:23:03well my friend alex does but i unfortunately uh i unfortunately do not i know like
01:23:08arigato and good yeah
01:23:17are there any words in korean that you would uh be willing to teach
01:23:21well uh hello is like i know i say oh i know
01:23:25that's hello and uh comes out with uh that's uh thank you and uh yeah
01:23:31yeah thank you yeah yeah thank you yeah
01:23:38what's your favorite type of uh sandwich
01:23:44uh i like software sandwich i like uh like um the cold cut combo or spicy italian yeah
01:23:53what about do you like um spicy teriyaki yeah sure no okay if you ever get the chance um
01:24:04if you're ever in florida there's this beautiful oh by the way we just had subway recently
01:24:11so i'm going to send you photos of these coupons but no you can't use them in alaska i don't think
01:24:17can you use it you know how like all the coupon things it's like not eligible in alaska and hawaii
01:24:23yeah can i'm talking about yeah yeah not valid in alaska point i would have given these to you
01:24:29though oh hey that's fine okay now i i just want to learn about you so you're very interesting
01:24:37person so do you know how to dance no i i'm learning how to dance though i'm not very good
01:24:46at it though what kind of dance are you learning
01:24:50uh i just want to be able to dance at my wedding and that looks silly wedding
01:24:58okay yes sir how old are you
01:25:03oh uh 22 okay when do you want to get married well uh i already have it i'm already getting
01:25:13married next year so oh yeah are you engaged yes okay congratulations
01:25:23thank you okay okay sure so do you want to have children yeah absolutely boy or girl
01:25:35well um whatever the lord gives me i'm grateful for uh i think i'll do a lot better with boys so
01:25:41i would prefer boys but if it was girl if it was a girl i wouldn't be uh i wouldn't be upset i'd
01:25:47be very happy tell us about your religion oh yeah i'm a eastern orthodox christian
01:25:55okay and uh i converted into the church for protestantism i've been an eastern orthodox
01:26:02christian for about two years now okay so tell us about mr jesus mr jesus what do you mean
01:26:11tell us about your opinion about mr jesus well if you're talking about jesus christ he's the son
01:26:18of god with the only begotten of the father of all worlds uh he's co-eternal with the father
01:26:25um he's the son of god he came down from heaven as man to uh to die for our sins and uh
01:26:35he's done great works on earth and uh through him all things are possible
01:26:40not the only way to the father's through him as well that's probably
01:26:44the most broad thing i could say without trying to upset anyone okay okay i grew up as a methodist
01:26:53protestant in south korea i so uh be part of me very much christian too okay so
01:27:01uh but i kind of deviated from christianity somewhat so uh okay so
01:27:11uh now what do you think about martyrdom about what martyrdom
01:27:23martyrdom oh i'm sorry martyrdom i apologize i'm feeling um yeah martyrdom is the is the
01:27:30one of the greatest honors that you can have as an uh as a christian because it shows that you have
01:27:37an un an unending uh belief in christ but there is more than just uh but there's also different
01:27:43types of martyrdom there's red martyrdom which is when you're killed and i believe that there's
01:27:49uh other martyrdoms in the orthodox church like martyrdom of uh when you become a monk
01:27:56and then i also believe is martyrdom of uh like political death like being put in a position where
01:28:03you don't have any say or rights or being abused by if i remember correctly
01:28:10okay okay i'm not not the sole authority i definitely recommend speaking to uh to a priest
01:28:18yeah uh what's your politics
01:28:20my politics um i mean i'll definitely probably describe myself as conservative
01:28:28i mean i'm in florida so you can have to work with the apparatus that you have as much as i
01:28:31don't like our republican party of florida i definitely probably describe describe myself to
01:28:36that okay what do you think about january 6th 2021 january 6th um there's a lot to be said about
01:28:47that i think it's sad that it happened um but other than that nothing really more that i really
01:28:55feel comfortable talking about in life just because i don't know if this is going to be
01:29:01saved and i don't want to go for the record without having okay so uh what do you think about down that
01:29:09wrong uh uh i think he's a i think he's a good president uh well besides besides maybe
01:29:19honestly besides me hopefully i think i feel like you'd be doing a much better job to be honest
01:29:23thank you yeah i think are you are you running for your party lucky well i'm independent
01:29:32independent okay so other than an independent candidate when i think donald trump will be the
01:29:38solution okay explain please um well i think he has the correct take on the border i don't agree
01:29:47with his abortion policy though that is one thing that i don't agree with him on
01:29:52i think that abortion should not be something that's carried out and legalized
01:29:59but i think he's strong on the border i think he's strong on the economy
01:30:02and i think he is just the right fit for the fit for us i mean i didn't have a mental
01:30:10strategy ready for for this i didn't know our conversation was going to go down this route
01:30:18so i the reason i brought it up is this okay on january 6 2021 uh some people uh passed away
01:30:26and they're like a kind of political martyrdom okay for the cause
01:30:34yeah donald trump and some other people back in the days they passed away in the cause of
01:30:40christianity martyrdom okay uh it's kind of similar politics religion this common denominator
01:30:47okay so uh i am against martyrdom period whether it's cause of donald trump
01:30:56the cause of christianity i think it's extremely harmful
01:31:03yeah i mean i definitely think that you that what you're getting at is correct it's just
01:31:10i think that there's a very clear distinction between political martyrdom and martyrdom for
01:31:14christ um yeah voluntary martyrdom for christ i apologize um what you saw with like
01:31:25i'll word it like this before i joined the faith i was very involved politically
01:31:28and i was very lost and it wasn't until i found that utopia through political means or utopia
01:31:34through through selfishness or like any way to uh pursue just just pursuing your own personal
01:31:41gratification that isn't the way to utopia the only way to utopia is through christ so i think
01:31:48that uh i think that if you get so enamored by politics then that's not that you are willing
01:31:56to die for it i don't think that's the correct take uh i think that the only person or thing
01:32:01you should die for is christ uh voluntarily and if you look through through the through
01:32:06years there's been many christians who have taken on the crown of martyrdom
01:32:12okay thank you and uh uh the point i want to express with your permission is that uh uh
01:32:19very become politics or religion uh i think i'm a humanologist that's the religion i created okay
01:32:29we put human being on top of on top of politics or religion okay we put human being at the center
01:32:37of the universe okay so very human centric okay so we don't want humans to be sacrificed
01:32:46for politics or religions okay so i'm against martyrdom period
01:32:51for sure i i definitely think that you have a specific opinion on it i don't agree with it but
01:32:59i think maybe we're not seeing eye to eye on that and i would definitely um if you'd like after the
01:33:03slide i'd be more than happy to send you some resources that you could uh that you could look
01:33:08at that would kind of um voice what i'm trying to say a little bit better than i can i mean
01:33:15i mean look my friend we are here together okay uh so voice your opinion
01:33:24well i mean for the most part i've already kind of said what uh my two cents on it but
01:33:31like i said i'm not a i'm not a spiritual father and i don't have the ultimate authority on
01:33:37orthodoxy so i i can't say anything past just the general strokes so that that makes any sense i do
01:33:44apologize okay you're 22 yes 22 yeah you're still young okay i'm 46
01:33:56okay so my advice to you is this okay i used to be christian like you okay uh as you get older
01:34:06okay you'll meet different people and you'll be exposed to different religions like buddhism
01:34:15islam or judaism or confucianism sikhism okay and as you meet more people and you get exposed to
01:34:26different belief system okay i all i can say is that keep an open mind and be willing to learn
01:34:34be willing to learn from other people absolutely and and i have done that um i definitely know a
01:34:44lot of spiritual seeking before i got orthodoxy um but i just find that it is the the church
01:34:51established by christ um i always have an open mind i mean i live in a very diverse state in a
01:34:57very diverse city in a very diverse role as my job so i see so many people from all walks of life so
01:35:05and i always have an open mind because i never want to come most hateful and potentially lead
01:35:12someone away from me away from christ so i always try to have an open mind and usually whenever i
01:35:17have these conversations it's really good because it allows me to kind of like kind of think about
01:35:23things and then look into it later and glory to god every single time that's led me to reaffirm
01:35:30my faith in christ so i'm very blessed in that nature but uh i definitely will pray for you and
01:35:35that uh these things to resolve oh thank you thank you and also um yeah i look yeah before i go i
01:35:46just wanted to ask because i will be in alaska i'll be in coastal alaska is there any advice
01:35:51that you'd give for living in because i'm going to be in alaska for two weeks yeah i love my
01:35:56because alaska we are bears and moose and there can be so much dangerous animals practice my
01:36:09yeah so uh yeah education is great in school religion okay but at the same time it can be a
01:36:18little bit brainwashing okay so uh i want you to think about uh not group identity as a political
01:36:31party religion okay there's a group identity but that's not you okay i want you to be more like
01:36:38creative your own political party your own religion okay as you grow up as you become adult
01:36:46and uh be creative and have your own thing that's not like some past generation stuff
01:36:54inheritance like brainwashing i will learn from past generation but as you grow up
01:37:02do your own thing be independent absolutely thank you so much until god bless you yeah thank you
01:37:10happy july 4th thank you happy july 4th yep
01:37:17yeah yeah hey happy july 4th independence day okay that's the main theme today right
01:37:24is independence day america is about independence okay fantastic hey friends thank you for uh
01:37:31joining us and thank you for your patience and we'll take five minutes break and we invite our
01:37:36next guest okay thank you for joining us thank you for your patience too okay yeah
01:37:40five minutes break okay thank you for your patience yeah yeah five minutes break please thank you
01:37:48now time second daily motion
01:37:52intellectual discussion fantastic
01:37:54yep yep uh
01:38:03yeah we are like 10 minutes left okay in telemotion okay we will take five minutes
01:38:09break okay thank you yeah thank you for your patience thank you okay five minutes thank you
01:38:16yep fantastic
01:41:13all right we're back welcome back friends uh let's uh invite our next guest
01:41:18uh uh telemotion yeah time check okay we have like what 20 minutes left
01:41:28about okay yeah hey thank you for your patience yeah let's invite our next guests
01:41:35yeah sure if you don't want okay yeah welcome happy july 4th yeah from alaska yeah yeah
01:41:47oh my god yeah welcome welcome yeah happy 4th of july yeah salamat salamat
01:42:00well i i we're in alaska we have some uh philippine friends friends from philippines
01:42:06yeah i asked them how to say hello in tagalog yeah salamat yeah
01:42:11wait so you're friends with filipinos oh yeah in alaska yeah we have uh philippine friends yeah
01:42:17yeah yeah okay cute um so can you invite my friends or do you not allow like more than one
01:42:25person anymore huh do you do you only allow like one person on your life now yeah yeah
01:42:33yeah why we used to go live with like all my friends uh yeah they can join us
01:42:43salamat is an arabic word means hope
01:42:48oh yeah it also means peace yeah yeah in arabic yeah
01:42:55okay you're basically just filipino you kind of look at i mean yeah philippines uh uh
01:43:13tagalog it was influenced by like spain and also uh middle east like
01:43:21uh arabic and also uh the native language there yeah yeah
01:43:31oh yeah
01:43:34someone in the comments said no i just got jumped by filipinos years ago and memorized the word
01:43:41wait so can you allow my friend up or well there's nobody in the waiting room
01:43:52carlos um just invite yourself
01:44:05oh my god honk you're so cute oh thank you like just just looking at you like
01:44:10it just makes me smile like you're obviously the love of my life thank you thank you thank you
01:44:19yeah um so what are you doing for the fourth of july
01:44:26uh well i did some mathematics earlier today and then uh uh i have some leftover food from
01:44:36yesterday it's a duck d-u-c-k have you ever had duck d-u-c-k
01:44:44duck d-u-c-k d-u-c-k duck a bird have you ever had that
01:44:51i think i had it when i was younger but i forgot what it tastes like yeah it is fantastic yeah
01:44:59what does it taste like well you have to be careful about the bones
01:45:03because dogs yeah they have very strong bones okay so you have to be very careful about that
01:45:09it's like fish right but it it does not taste like chicken it tastes more like uh
01:45:17maybe a goat goat meat g-o-a-t goat
01:45:24oh have you ever had a goat before it was not that good oh okay okay
01:45:29yeah oh my god yeah i had to spell it out d-u-c-k duck is a bird you know
01:45:46she had dog before though okay yeah yeah have you well i i had dog d-o-g yeah when i was in korea
01:45:56yeah when i was in korea yeah yeah in korea i didn't think it was like you kept there like
01:46:03like what did where was he selling it like just like on the street or like what
01:46:08yeah d-o-g dog uh i had some of that in korea back in 1980s when i was a child yeah
01:46:18oh my god oh yeah i forgot you're old but like you like you just like have like such like a young
01:46:24vibe to you like like even your personality like you just like give like a young person thank you
01:46:30yeah um
01:46:40okay okay bye okay yeah happy drive forth yeah you too bye bye thank you yeah yeah
01:46:49yeah yeah fantastic yeah great friends right yeah geniuses future leaders great artists okay so and
01:46:59great philosophers yeah that's why i'm so optimistic about the future of the humanity okay great uh
01:47:07uh talents geniuses oh yeah mighty proud oh yeah very cool yeah mighty proud
01:47:20yeah so okay
01:47:26so how about we wrap it up for uh this episode okay because daily motion have two hour limit okay
01:47:32daily motion and then uh honkily sound orchestra yeah and um uh
01:47:42uh how much time do we have uh 10 minutes i guess
01:47:51okay we have like 10 minutes yeah maybe one yeah last call yeah one more guest sure yeah
01:47:58yeah sure yeah if internal also sure welcome
01:48:22hello yeah welcome welcome yes
01:48:31do you hear me right yeah yeah
01:48:35please yeah
01:48:41how are you i'm good thank you yeah
01:48:43i'm good thank you yeah yeah
01:48:53um ask me anything please what's your ambition
01:49:01i don't know i don't have okay uh what's your dream job
01:49:13um i didn't think about it like i'm in college now but what do you study
01:49:21what do you study in college
01:49:25uh chemistry nice chemistry science yeah fantastic
01:49:34yes that's that's great yeah
01:49:36yeah thank you yeah what's your favorite molecule
01:49:48so many i really can't tell am i drinking
01:49:58what's your favorite atom
01:50:04the long one
01:50:07okay are you in chemistry right your molecules atom and okay okay very cool
01:50:19are you good at mathematics
01:50:27i in chemistry yeah it can be physics or biology right yeah the uh
01:50:35chemistry and biology like photosynthesis plants amazing yeah
01:50:44yes um chemistry and physics okay actually okay do you know yeah do you know thermodynamics
01:50:54yeah okay tell us about it
01:50:56about it
01:51:00i really can't say it in english i'm not very good at it what's your
01:51:11okay what's your what's your first language
01:51:16arabic arabic okay hey
01:51:19shukran ghazilan marhaban yeah shukran marhaban i'm from saudi arabia actually
01:51:40yeah it's actually um to allah who is our god
01:51:50i'm also arabic okay yeah
01:51:54really yeah
01:51:57that's good i actually have learned korean for two years but i forgot almost all of it
01:52:07thank you
01:52:13yeah you are a genius yeah thank you so much you too
01:52:26yeah i i told you i know arabic yeah
01:52:51yeah peace be unto you yeah
01:52:59wow i like it yeah thank you
01:53:08have you ever listened to arabic music or something yes
01:53:13beautiful yeah beautiful yeah
01:53:18yeah it's very good
01:53:23what do you think about nbs
01:53:27what is it
01:53:30uh crown prince of saudi arabia muhammad bin salman oh yeah crown prince yeah i i think it's a
01:53:38modernizing saudi arabia is modernizing saudi arabia i i think it's a good man i think it's a
01:53:46very good man yeah yeah you should go to saudi arabia yeah yeah crown for country and safe
01:53:54change absolutely yeah
01:54:07i do not know what that is
01:54:10uh it means uh i'm good say i am oh i'm not okay okay yeah i'm not yes i'm not yep yep okay
01:54:20okay um what's your favorite animal my favorite animal is uh give me one second uh
01:54:35i have to do time check and then emotion real quick uh
01:54:41yeah it's five minutes okay yeah yeah my favorite animal is my favorite animal is bear alaskan bear
01:54:49grizzly bear yeah oh i like it like this my mom throws my dog away
01:55:08you are very good person yeah thank you
01:55:12um i was about to say some something but i forgot
01:55:25do you have best friends huh best friends do you have a best friend
01:55:32uh well i do not have girlfriend i'm straight uh but i do have friends like you but do i
01:55:45yeah i have friends like you yeah
01:55:51uh i don't have a girlfriend so like i am bisexual actually please be straight okay
01:56:00be straight i like men so yeah okay that's good that's good yeah that's good yeah yeah yeah be
01:56:08straight be man to woman woman to man yeah it's better that way yeah i would yeah i hope i get
01:56:32you have a religion right yeah
01:56:37what is it well i'm humanologist but humanology is my religion but i'm a huge fan of islam islam
01:56:46is great religion okay yeah
01:56:53oh is that a real thing i thought you made it up
01:56:57yeah quran yeah i love islam yeah islam is great religion yeah yeah
01:57:05it's a quran quran yeah
01:57:07yeah oh i didn't know
01:57:14huge fan i'm a huge fan of quran
01:57:19very good religion
01:57:24um why don't you watch my stories like you're following me
01:57:30or what okay uh give me one second okay uh okay i'll see you tomorrow it's time
01:57:38and running out okay so i'll see you tomorrow okay maybe see you tonight thank you