एक साल में लोकप्रियता खो चुकी है कांग्रेस की जनविरोधी सरकार : विजयेंद्र

  • 2 months ago
कर्नाटक में भाजपा के प्रदेश अध्यक्ष बीवाई विजयेंद्र ने कहा है कि पूरे देश में अगर कोई राज्य सरकार है, जिसने राज्य में सत्ता में आने के बाद एक साल के भीतर अपनी लोकप्रियता खो दी है, तो वह राज्य की कांग्रेस सरकार है। अपनी जनविरोधी नीति के कारण शासन विरोधी लहर का सामना कर रही कांग्रेस सरकार अब चंद दिनों की मेहमान है। वे गुरुवार को बेंगलूरु में भाजपा राज्य कार्यकारिणी की विशेष बैठक में बोल रहे थे।


00:00We have all participated in this special event as a symbol of unity.
00:06We have all witnessed a historic victory.
00:12After independence, a third party like the Congress,
00:18that is, BJP-NDA party led by Narendra Modi,
00:23has come to power.
00:27We are all very happy about this.
00:32When Lok Sabha was inaugurated,
00:35we were all sitting in front of the TV.
00:38The inauguration was happening.
00:40We were hearing the sound of firecrackers everywhere.
00:42Now that the inauguration is over,
00:44BJP-NDA party led by Modi has come to power.
00:48But on the other hand,
00:50we are seeing the enthusiasm of the Congress.
00:52We don't understand.
00:54The Congress party has become the leader
00:56under the leadership of Rahul Gandhi.
00:59On one hand, under the leadership of Narendra Modi,
01:01a third party has come to power.
01:05BJP-NDA, Narendra Modi-NDA.
01:09On the other hand,
01:11a third party has come to power.
01:13Let us experience independence.
01:15Let us experience independence.
01:17On the pretext of bringing the Congress party to power,
01:22BJP-NDA party led by Rahul Gandhi
01:25has come to power again.
01:29But forget that.
01:31On the pretext of bringing the Congress party to power,
