感受到人类善意?幼崽掉沟渠 母象全程静候等施救

  • last month


00:00A small elephant fell into a drainage ditch on the east-west highway.
00:11Fortunately, it was rescued by the Rilis County Wildlife and National Park Service and the elephant was reunited with its mother.
00:20On June 30, the Rilis County Wildlife and National Park Service dispatched eight staff members to the 13-kilometer-long highway on the east-west highway to rescue the elephant.
00:29The staff first tied the rescue rope to the elephant and then pulled the rope with their hands to pull the elephant out of the drainage ditch.
00:36During the process, the mother elephant has been patiently waiting by the side without moving and obstructing rescue, as if communicating with the staff.
00:44After the elephant was rescued, it followed the mother elephant across the road to its base.
