Perfect World,70,Perfect World Ep 170 English Sub,Perfect World Ep 170 Sub Indo,Perfect World , Wanmei Shijie,Wanmei Shijie 2,Perfect World 2,Perfect World 170 ,Wanmei Shijie 170 ,Wanmei Shijie 2 170 ,Perfect World 2 170, Perfect World 170 sub indo,Wanmei Shijie 170 sub indo,Wanmei Shijie 2 170 sub indo,Perfect World 2 170 sub indo,Perfect World 170 English Subtitle,Wanmei Shijie 170 English Subtitle,Wanmei Shijie 2 170 English Subtitle,Perfect World 2 170 English Subtitle.
In a realm unlike any other, where villages vie for supremacy and authority, our protagonist, Shi Hao, emerges as a singular genius, graced by celestial favor despite being born into the direst circumstances. His lineage is shrouded in enigma, concealing a past that holds the key to his destiny. Set against a backdrop of relentless power struggles and primal conflicts, Shi Hao's tale unfurls as a captivating odyssey of ambition and self-discovery.As a beacon of promise within his clan, Shi Hao's potential becomes the focal point of their aspirations. Bound by an unbreakable determination, his family spares no effort in nurturing his cultivation, pushing through perilous encounters with fervent beasts and engaging in fierce rivalries with other clans. The crucible of challenges he faces is an unyielding forge, refining his spirit and abilities as he navigates the treacherous landscape of power dynamics and ancient rivalries.
Shi Hao's journey is a mesmerizing expedition through uncharted territories, his footsteps marking the path towards true greatness. From humble origins, he rises as a formidable force, traversing unexplored domains and confronting the unknown. His unwavering resolve is matched only by his unquenchable thirst for knowledge and strength, propelling him ever closer to his ultimate destiny. Yet, this is a quest not without its sacrifices. The clash of ambitions and the clash of worlds paint a portrait of a hero who must grapple with his own identity and unravel the mysteries that bind him.
As he unveils the secrets of his lineage and discovers the true potential coursing through his veins, Shi Hao emerges as a transformative figure, capable of shaking the very foundations of the world itself. "Perfect World" weaves a spellbinding narrative of valor and tenacity, capturing the essence of a hero's journey from obscurity to ascendancy. Amidst a tapestry of alliances and conflicts, Shi Hao's evolution becomes a symphony of growth and empowerment, as he emerges from the crucible of trials to stand as a force that can reshape the destiny of nations. In a world where power is paramount, his path is a testament to the unyielding spirit of a singular individual who defies all odds to carve his name into the annals of history.
Subtitle Arabic ,Hindi ,Indonesia ,Japanese ,French ,Malay ,Portuguese ,Spanish ,Thai ,Vietnamese , English ,Chinese
In a realm unlike any other, where villages vie for supremacy and authority, our protagonist, Shi Hao, emerges as a singular genius, graced by celestial favor despite being born into the direst circumstances. His lineage is shrouded in enigma, concealing a past that holds the key to his destiny. Set against a backdrop of relentless power struggles and primal conflicts, Shi Hao's tale unfurls as a captivating odyssey of ambition and self-discovery.As a beacon of promise within his clan, Shi Hao's potential becomes the focal point of their aspirations. Bound by an unbreakable determination, his family spares no effort in nurturing his cultivation, pushing through perilous encounters with fervent beasts and engaging in fierce rivalries with other clans. The crucible of challenges he faces is an unyielding forge, refining his spirit and abilities as he navigates the treacherous landscape of power dynamics and ancient rivalries.
Shi Hao's journey is a mesmerizing expedition through uncharted territories, his footsteps marking the path towards true greatness. From humble origins, he rises as a formidable force, traversing unexplored domains and confronting the unknown. His unwavering resolve is matched only by his unquenchable thirst for knowledge and strength, propelling him ever closer to his ultimate destiny. Yet, this is a quest not without its sacrifices. The clash of ambitions and the clash of worlds paint a portrait of a hero who must grapple with his own identity and unravel the mysteries that bind him.
As he unveils the secrets of his lineage and discovers the true potential coursing through his veins, Shi Hao emerges as a transformative figure, capable of shaking the very foundations of the world itself. "Perfect World" weaves a spellbinding narrative of valor and tenacity, capturing the essence of a hero's journey from obscurity to ascendancy. Amidst a tapestry of alliances and conflicts, Shi Hao's evolution becomes a symphony of growth and empowerment, as he emerges from the crucible of trials to stand as a force that can reshape the destiny of nations. In a world where power is paramount, his path is a testament to the unyielding spirit of a singular individual who defies all odds to carve his name into the annals of history.
Subtitle Arabic ,Hindi ,Indonesia ,Japanese ,French ,Malay ,Portuguese ,Spanish ,Thai ,Vietnamese , English ,Chinese
00:30看我 于夏节大黄斑弄五四七 独行一生无名书兴风四溢
00:44哪有我生来这般桀骜非福矣 吹雪之谜于江里柳顺
00:50借春雪上肝胆纵横折天地 一箭破空两不幸运三
00:56天地左右勾拳四面楚歌五方埋岸前守住 马脚摆鹿骑海望向玉带兔
01:04随旋不输我去辱贺二十多道造不贺 共成一脉同仇一开五一阵前踏入
01:10与众千里不遇先行千里路带头 随旋为我黄帝专命迈步
01:16与众千里不遇先行千里路带头 随旋为我黄帝专命迈步
01:31万千州 万千地 我要这万寸地
01:41目睹这雪撑起那天地 浑身都是那英雄气
01:47茫茫青山是我的身躯 铁蹄踏过三千里
01:54刀光剑影谁比我锋利 且看孤雁中谁畏惧
02:00我的旗帜是一身正气 好美终不放浪继续
02:11Translated by 雅miyabi
02:41Translated by 雅miyabi
03:11偏偏今日还仙道气息 锋利一场 万不能让他沾身
03:21这人体外有仙气缭绕 看不透其内在虚实
03:25原来所谓迈出那一步 是指仙气出现
03:32仙气 我终有一日 也要踏出这一步
03:41Translated by 雅miyabi
04:04快封住伤口 不然那花瓣中的仙气 惊起惊来
04:12该历练的也都历练了 不需再让他如此冒险
04:24诸位 阵劫就在前方 这是最后一波
04:38Translated by 雅miyabi
04:50马上就要出去了 先坚持一下
04:55糟了 被围住了 怕是难以全身而退
05:08Translated by 雅miyabi
05:16快走 快走 快走
05:38Translated by 雅miyabi
05:55凶潮之局 我已布置了数十 每次都可以斩获十万多人的神血符文 你们竟能逃出去
06:06岌岌无名的人物罢了 你们无须知道
06:10你就不怕 我们将你死魔传扬出去
06:18如今已是仙谷最后一番争夺 凶潮之局再无异议
06:24你等大可随意 后会有期
06:36Translated by 雅miyabi
07:06用万灵的精血交换凶潮 以战养战强化杀阵 夺万族造化
07:13他的心机之深 太可怕了
07:20那倒不见得 十冠王已经成功了
07:23六冠王宁川 绝印古今 定会渔月渔海 华龙腾天
07:31宁川有何机缘 我等不知
07:34传闻中 十冠王是得到了一株仙道树苗
07:38并以它成就了自身根基 迈出了一步 以超越先贤 不可挡 不可敌
07:45如此说来 修出仙气并无定法 全看个人机缘
08:02你们是彻底消灭崇群 还是直接打败了那个吹笛子的
08:06都没有 算是相互忌惮 各自停手吧
08:10哥哥 你接下去有什么打算
08:13自然是去修出仙气 没有几世的祭奠 恐怕不太可能
08:20岁月如熔炉 火炼真金 去无存经 我必须迈出那一步
08:27今日的囚禁 我可不想再经历一次
08:31好 那我将来 也要迈出那一步 这就拜别了
08:37如此甚好 知不足便知如何下功夫
08:44如果将来在星谷内寻到什么神药 帮我留意
08:48我听闻青灵界药草遍地 你不如去那儿重重运气
09:32这是明子第二名将 是上古神师
09:36我 我也听说 他在这一世通灵 刀枪不入 杀过不止一位初代了
09:45就是你们四处悬赏 征集荒的线索
09:51此事机密 我隔绝内外 也是为防隔墙有耳
09:56特意找到我是受了月缠的指点吧 他自己没来吗
10:01月缠仙子冰雪聪明 月缠仙子应是尚在闭关
10:06仙子遇见 想必比小人要方便许多吧
10:10我去透透气 你且等着
10:32公子 我的东西掉了 可否帮忙捡一下
10:41仙子风姿如此动人 我自然愿意相助
11:01你现身相见 却又假装不识 是告诉我不要暴露身份
11:29刚刚在他发迹上留下了通感法印 请
11:36方才你说 你家大人要发悬赏令缉拿荒
11:41没错 这次 这次难逃一死
11:47但我听闻 你仙殿当世传人曾败给荒野
12:06如今大人神态皈依 眼看将修出仙气 无敌于天下
12:13正该血洗前耻 还需什么别的高手
12:17姑娘有所不知 我家大人在悬赏令上说了
12:23一旦发现荒 大人会出关亲自镇压
12:27故此 凡是有能力提供线索者 必有重赏
12:32那这么说来 若有人能提供荒的线索
12:36不仅会得到重赏 还能看到你家大人亲临
12:46听说荒这家伙身份特殊 又极善伪装
13:03前日见到你们缉拿荒的悬赏 可还作书
13:12怎么 看不起人哪
13:15赶紧拿百株圣药 十株半神药来
13:19朋友 狮子大开口勒索仙殿 你胆子不小
13:26耽误你们家大人的事 你才胆子不小
13:32仙下已答应他 拿到消息之后 再请有机会请上
13:37好 就依你
13:45我看 是你们诚意不够吧
13:47若消息属实 我们冥土愿出一半报仇
13:52我乃冥土第二战将 代表闭关的神子大人
13:57与仙殿结盟 取皇性命
14:05你们可一定要杀了花 我还怕被他报复呢
14:09好 成交
14:24道兄 你的消息若是有误 可没命拿这些宝药
14:30你们不会是先口头答应 然后得了情报再击杀我 抢回宝药吧
14:37道兄说笑了 仙殿怎会如此行事
14:41对了 忘了告诉你们 我的消息啊
14:44消息啊 只对你们仙殿大人强
14:50这里有一个算一个 谁是皇的对手
14:54事关重大 何不派人通知一下你家大人
14:58是否当面听此人的情报 由他自己决定
15:02你听听 这姑娘可比你们通透多了
15:06有什么处理不了的问题 就向上反应嘛
15:12喂 快点 别让我等着急了
15:21跟上来 找到地中藏身之所
15:27地中 我们又要见面了
15:41姑娘 这等美味我怎好独享 不知可否赏光 供你一杯
15:47道友 人贵有自知之明 区区太古八阵中的两种 就想请仙子一步
16:06朋友吃饱了吗 吃饱了我们这就出发 去见大人
16:12怎么 不是应该他来见我吗 放肆 姑娘 吃好了
16:18再多些菜也可继续享受 店家 如果我自带食材 你们是否帮助
16:26客官吩咐便是 小的照办 你是大鹏对吧
16:30那就给我来一道 红焖金翅大鹏
16:35竟敢戏耍我等 直接抓起来烤焖便可
16:42仙子请慢用 我失陪一会儿
16:46那个食材 初来受死 你胆敢一再挑衅仙殿
17:41饿了 不玩了
18:37配菜有了 接下来是主菜
18:48殿下能走到这一步 还真让我意外 不过也只能到此为止了
18:55在我眼中 你只是修炼路上一块小小败角石而已
19:14如果我遗忘了我 你是否会抓紧我
19:21跨越宇宙的尽头 将我
19:35跨越宇宙的尽头 将我
19:58岁月 忽而
20:25苍茫大地 荒野沉寂
20:32无法触及 你的气息
20:41宿命如意 在所不惜
20:56视角这世间 地狱的温暖
21:06心脉的轮廓 还隐隐浮现
21:27没说完 眷恋跌落深渊