
  • 3 months ago


00:00Love is truly a beautiful thing. When you find that one special person in your life
00:06who makes everything better, there really isn't many more feelings that can compare to that.
00:11Most of us tend to have preconceived notions about love and what two people in a relationship
00:16should look like. However, if there's one thing that our world consistently shows,
00:21it's that things don't always have to conform to our norms. And this includes people who are
00:26in relationships as well. From lovebirds with incredible age gaps to those who have very
00:32different body statures, we'd like to shed some light on some of the couples that have defied
00:36the odds time and again and prove that there really is no playbook for this thing called love.
00:43Join us as we have a look at 15 couples who can prove that love is blind.
00:4915. Sean and Amelie Jennings
00:54Now, personally, I would like to think that there are several things that we need to
00:58collectively get rid of as a society, and beauty standards are surely one of them.
01:03We all grow up with specific notions of what beauty is, and that means that many of us tend
01:08to want to live up to unrealistic standards, for ourselves and for others. And if someone
01:14doesn't conform to these standards, well, they're viewed as being a weirdo.
01:18Take Amelie Jennings, for instance. Amelie had trouble growing up because of her weight,
01:24and she was considerably bigger than most of the other children her age.
01:28That would immediately mean that she was bullied and pretty much mocked all throughout her childhood.
01:33As a child, I realized how fatphobic media is. Eddie Murphy, he made a series of films.
01:41The experiences continued on for her, and it seemed as though she couldn't make any friends
01:46or even have a normal life because she would be seen as fat and unattractive.
01:50The entire thing really affected her self-esteem.
01:54Binge eating. I started self-harming, and I just had a really horrible
01:59self-image. I hated looking in the mirror. I hated picking out clothes because nothing would fit me.
02:08Most of the people who would have made fun of her would have thought that she would never find
02:12someone to love her. However, she put all of those doubters to shame when she met the love of her
02:18life, Sean. And as she would explain, she and Sean had met online, and they had seen pictures
02:23of each other before meeting physically. Of course, we had seen pictures of each
02:28other, but it was like he didn't care anyway. You could see how fat I was in the pictures,
02:34but he kept talking to me. So we became best friends really fast.
02:38The couple eventually got married in 2017, with Sean saying that he truly loved her for who she
02:44is. As she put it, it's not about being attractive to a specific type. He just loves who he loves,
02:50and that person is Emily. Wow, is someone cutting up onions in here?
02:56Because I think I just shed a tear.
02:5814. Yolacin Fernandez and Evie Medeiros
03:03Now, you've probably heard of a long-distance relationship. Our next couple is on something
03:08like that. However, instead of the distance being geographical, it's more of a personal thing.
03:14Meet Yolacin Fernandez. As a child, Yolacin developed a rare form of gigantism that left him
03:20taller than pretty much everyone else around him. By the time that he was 30 years old,
03:26this giant was standing at a staggering 7 feet and 8 inches tall, towering over literally every
03:32single person in Brazil. Because of his incredible height, he developed a few self-esteem issues and
03:38challenges as well. He would be bullied as a child and lived most of his formative years as a
03:43recluse. However, thanks to the power of social media, he found his eventual wife, Evie Medeiros.
03:50The relationship between the two would spark on Facebook and they soon hit it off,
03:54eventually getting married. The only problem, however, is that Yolacin is almost twice as
04:10tall as Evie. No, seriously, she's pretty much only as tall as his waist region.
04:15As soon as news would get out about their relationship, people wondered how they were
04:20able to make things work, especially when it came to showing affection. But, despite the height
04:25difference, both partners don't really mind. When you love someone, you don't really care
04:30what other people think. You find a way to make it work, and we wish them all the best of luck.
04:3713. Mikel Ruffinelli and Reggie Brooks
04:41Today, there are thousands of women who would pay just about anything to alter their bodies and
04:46achieve the perfect figure. However, for Mikel Ruffinelli, things are not so clear cut. Mikel
04:52would be born in Los Angeles, California, and as she grew older, she found that her hips had
04:57continued to widen. Through a combination of genes and the natural effects of childbirth,
05:02her hips literally grew to over eight feet in circumference. With this, the beautiful woman
05:08claimed to have the biggest hips in the world. With hips as massive as these, you could
05:25understand how challenging it would be for her to go about her daily activities, and even when she
05:30moves around, many people pass on comments about her body and shape. Still, though, Mikel has a
05:49love in her life. She would meet her husband Reggie while she was in college, and they both
05:54got married in 2022. Despite what everyone else says about her, Reggie maintains that Mikel is the
06:01most beautiful woman he's ever seen. In fact, her massive hips are the primary reason why he stays
06:08A lot of people say they don't believe in love at first sight. However,
06:12that's how it was for me. She had a sweet disposition about her that really attracted
06:16me to her. I like to tell people all the time, I have a license to work with heavy equipment.
06:23The man definitely loves his wife, and you can't be mad about that.
06:2812. Shawn Stevenson and Mindy Nis
06:33I've already pointed out a relationship where the man was significantly taller than his
06:37wife, but it seems only fair that we should flip things around and give you a taste of
06:42how the other half lives. Meet Shawn Stevenson and Mindy Nis. The couple made waves in 2015
06:48after being featured on a television show that documented their love, and it's quite an interesting
06:54relationship. Both motivational speakers, Shawn and Mindy met each other after being introduced
07:00by mutual friends. They developed a relationship and tied the knot in 2012. However, anyone who
07:06saw them at the time might have had a lot of head-scratching to do because of how they appeared.
07:12You see, while Mindy has the appearance of a normal woman, Shawn was born with a rare condition
07:17called Brittle Bone Disorder. As a result of this, he was physically deformed and only 2 feet 8
07:24inches tall. Compare this to his wife, who was of average height, and you can see just how that can
07:30be a bit of a pickle. Now, you might think that having to cater to Shawn would have been difficult
07:48for Mindy, however, even as she attested, it's not necessarily the case. Due to this general desire
08:03for independence, Shawn and Mindy have actually lived a fairly normal life. The couple has
08:09admitted that they faced some hard times, but they were always committed to doing the work to keep
08:13their relationship healthy. Sadly, though, Shawn had passed away in August of 2019 after suffering
08:20a serious concussion. His wife was right at his side as he breathed his last breath, and I'm sure
08:26that she misses him every single day. 11. Paolo Gabriel da Silva Barros and
08:33Katyusha Hoshino They say that you should only marry someone
08:38that you have things in common with, and if that's the case, I think that these two people
08:42hit the jackpot. Paolo and Katyusha are a Brazilian couple that came into the limelight
08:48in September of 2020 after they were given the honor of the world's shortest married couple
08:54by the Guinness Book of World Records. The two had been dating for eight years before they got
08:59married, and according to them, it's been nothing short of a blissful relationship.
09:03Of course, the fact that both husband and wife are so short can be strange to some people.
09:09At the time that they got awarded, Paolo had measured just 88.5 centimeters in length,
09:14while Katyusha clocked in at a little taller at 89.5.
09:26Still, though, the couple doesn't necessarily see it as an issue. As Katyusha would explain,
09:32they're basically a regular married couple, just a little bit shorter than others.
09:36I'm not sure if a little shorter is the right estimate, but I sure do get the point. Besides
09:42the fact that they were both born with dwarfism, they both also share a lot of things in common.
09:55Paolo added that his wife supports him in everything that he does,
09:58and even their friends will attest to the fact that they're so in love with each other.
10:03When you have that, who really cares about all the other stuff?
10:11While beauty standards can be annoying, there's no doubt that many of us have them.
10:16We look up to a few people and think, I'd really like to look like that guy or that lady and such,
10:22but for most of us, this attraction stops there, at the attraction stage. However,
10:27for Anastasia Reskos and Quentin Dahar, a desire to be beautiful is much more than just a desire,
10:34it's become an obsession. The pair met in Saint-Tropez in 2013, and sparks flew the
10:40moment that they met each other. But why? Well, they had bonded over their love for
10:45crazy beauty standards, and they never looked back since. You see, Anastasia has worked her
10:50entire life to look like Barbie, and Quentin has done his very best to look like a Ken doll.
10:56Together, they form a match made in doll heaven. Between the two, the couple has spent well over
11:02$300,000 on cosmetic procedures. Basically, if there's any new surgery that's hot
11:15and which could alter their appearance, they will go for it. Interestingly, as Quentin puts it,
11:20this desire to be the real-life Barbie and Ken is exactly what keeps the bond between him and
11:25his girlfriend going. They both aspire to be beautiful people, which is the literal foundation
11:31of their love. Now, I'm not necessarily sure if this is what you want to build a healthy relationship
11:37on, but then again, who am I to judge? 9. Philip and Susan Eling
11:44At this point, I think that we can all agree that disabled people deserve to find their own
11:48happiness as well. Considering how much hardship a disabled person has to go through in their life,
11:54it's truly wonderful when they find someone who loves them in a genuine way.
11:58Philip Eling is one disabled person who is lucky enough to say that he's found the love of his
12:04life. Born in Australia, he would be diagnosed early on in his life with Bethlehem myopathy,
12:10a rare form of muscular dystrophy that meant that his muscles would get progressively weaker.
12:16By the time he was just five years old, he was already confined to a wheelchair.
12:21Still, though, he didn't allow his condition to get the better of him. He grew up to become
12:25an author, and in 2017, his life took an even better turn when he met Susan.
12:43Of course, there are a lot of offices that have policies against employees dating,
12:48but this is one office love story that seems to be working out.
12:52Even with Philip's physical challenges, he and Susan maintain the spark in their relationship,
12:57with their love growing even stronger over time. And they also have pages on social media where
13:03they flaunt their love and their relationship. As you can imagine, the two have faced a great
13:07deal of slander. Some claim that she's just a gold digger, while others insult Philip for
13:13his deformities. Still, the lovebirds don't allow the haters to get to them.
13:19Kate Cathcart and Darren Donaghy
13:22Now, to show you just how universal beauty standards have become,
13:26there's literally a prize for punching above your weight in Northeast England.
13:31Essentially, this award is given to the person who manages to pull partners who are considered
13:36to be more attractive than they are. In 2018, Darren Donaghy was crowned the Punching Above
13:42Your Weight champion, along with his partner, Kate Cathcart. Basically, the award recognized
13:48that Kate was significantly more attractive than Darren, and he did an awesome job at getting her
13:53to be his girlfriend. It's pretty weird. The relationship between Darren and Kate began
13:58when she moved on his street. They were introduced by her brother, and then they got to talking.
14:04One thing would lead to another, and that's when they began dating.
14:08To be fair, Kate seems out of Darren's league by conventional beauty standards.
14:12I mean, just look at how happy he was to win the Punching Above Your Weight champion award.
14:18Besides the paid holiday, Darren also won a million pounds, and that same year,
14:30he and Kate got married in a lavish ceremony. Darren, you are one lucky guy.
14:377. Kyle Jones and Marjorie McCool
14:41In the world of cougar hunters, some specific men absolutely blow the term out of the water,
14:47and Kyle Jones is one such man. Back in 2014, Kyle and his then-girlfriend Marjorie broke the
14:54internet when their love story came out. Now, I know there are a lot of men out there who are
14:59attracted to older and more mature women. However, considering that Kyle was 31 and Marjorie was 91
15:07when their love story became public knowledge, you've got a real head-scratcher there.
15:12As Kyle would put it, he didn't care about Marjorie's age.
15:16In fact, that's what made her even more attractive to him at the time.
15:19It's wired their own way. Some people are wired towards blondes, brunettes, big women,
15:23skinny women, various ethnicities. I'm wired towards older women.
15:28Kyle had explained that he first realized his attraction towards older women when he was about
15:3312 or 13 years old, and more specifically, he pointed out that he was really into a lot of
15:39things that these older women tend to be more self-conscious about, whether it be their wrinkles,
15:43lines, and all that stuff. Kyle has dated a lot of older women in his life. However,
15:58despite the controversial nature of his relationship with Marjorie, the two seemed
16:02to have been really smitten with each other. The lovebirds met in 2009, and it had been one
16:08fairytale journey ever since. Marjorie would explain that she had been single for 37 years,
16:26and it was refreshing to find someone who was interested in her again.
16:30This is a bit of a weird one for sure, but sometimes there are things about love that
16:36cannot be explained. 6. Chyna Bell and Anton Kraft
16:42The relationship between Chyna Bell and Anton Kraft is yet another proof that size doesn't
16:47matter when it comes to finding true love. Anton is a 4'4'' bodybuilder who makes up for his lack
16:53of size with considerable brawn. Being a relatively short person, he made a rule not to date anyone
16:59that was shorter than him, which is understandable since he would want his children to grow up and
17:04have a possible height advantage. Fortunately, he doesn't have to worry about that because he met
17:10Chyna Bell, a transgender woman who stands a towering 6'3", and their relationship has been
17:17a blissful one. With his short stature, Anton was picked on a lot when he was younger. However,
17:34as he would explain, that also helped him to toughen up, and it was the foundation for his
17:39bodybuilding career. Interestingly, this same affinity for bodybuilding is exactly what made
17:45Chyna fall head over heels in love with him. A bodybuilder who likes tall women, and a tall
17:50woman who loves buff guys, talk about a perfect match. I guess opposites
18:04do attract now, don't they? 5. Nick Vujicic and Kanae Miyahara
18:11Pastor Nick Vujicic is a popular evangelical minister and motivational speaker who became
18:16popular after his life story had inspired millions of people. Born without any of his limbs, Nick is
18:22known for living his best life, one without any limits, and he loves to call himself Prince
18:28Charming with a couple of bits and pieces missing. Despite the fact that he has a legion of adoring
18:33followers and a best-selling book, Nick has said several times that the greatest gift he ever
18:39received was his wife, Kanae. Nick and Kanae first met at a public event in 2010, and as Nick would
18:55go on to put it, this was love at first sight for him. Interestingly, she did point out that she
19:02wasn't so sure about the relationship at first. Eventually, however, she came to fall in love
19:08with his personality and inner being, and she knew that he was the right one for her. Fast forward
19:23to two years later, and that's when they got married. As you would expect, navigating life
19:29can be tough given Nick's physical condition, but the minister was always one to take on a
19:35can-do, limitless approach to life, and it's made things so much easier for the both of them.
19:40It looks as though Prince Charming ended up getting his princess after all.
19:454. Elisane and Fransinaldo I've already covered the love story of
19:51Yolison Fernandez and his wife, so we'll flip that around as well. Meet Elisane, known as Brazil's
19:57tallest woman. She stands at a height of 7 feet. She had been born with gigantism, and her condition
20:04led to a lot of challenges as a child. From the bullying to the taunting, she confirmed that
20:09growing up was not necessarily the best experience. Things would become even worse for her as she
20:15developed several extensive health conditions as a result of her height. And because her family
20:20could not pay for the expensive medical bills involved, she would eventually cut a deal with
20:25a local television station to tell her story in exchange for a paycheck. Following the feature
20:31that was done on her, she then began to become quite popular. However, even fame could not fix
20:36the fact that she always felt lonely and out of place wherever she went. All of this changed in
20:422011 when she met Fransinaldo. Even though she was only about 2 feet taller than him,
20:48she fell for Fransinaldo as he had been the only person to really treat her like a human being.
20:54And in a world where she always felt odd, being with him really gave her a lot of comfort.
21:00The two are now married and even have a son named Angelo. And who knows, perhaps he could
21:05grow up to be Brazil's tallest man one day. 3. Akiko Kondo and Hatsune Miku
21:12Now, we live in a technologically advanced time. And these advancements in technology have also
21:18apparently affected the way that we view love and relationships as well. Case in point,
21:23take the story of Akiko Kondo. Back in 2014, the then 35-year-old caused a stir after he
21:31had gotten married to a literal hologram named Hatsune Miku. In a small wedding ceremony that
21:38was only attended by a few people, the two said their vows, choosing to live happily ever after
21:43as a man and, well, wife, I suppose. Speaking about his decision, Akiko explained that Hatsune
21:50makes him very happy, and as long as he finds his happiness in her, it doesn't really matter
21:56whether she has a physical body or not. His pursuit of happiness has definitely had its
22:09drawbacks though. For instance, the wedding ceremony held for the couple cost him about
22:14$17,000 at the time. And his relationship with the hologram has also made him estranged from
22:20his parents. Nevertheless, and costs be damned, the guy loves his hologram wife,
22:26and that's all that matters. He lives in an apartment in Tokyo where there are physical
22:30dolls of his wife everywhere, and if he's in the mood for some company,
22:35he simply loads up her software and speaks to her.
22:38This is one for the weirdness hall of fame, but it also goes to show that the robot revolution
22:55is definitely here. 2. The Darger Family
23:00Up next, we have a couple that are going to kick things up a notch. Meet the Darger family.
23:06They're a family of fundamental Mormons that live in Salt Lake City, Utah, and they became
23:10famous in 2012 thanks to a report that highlighted their dynamic. Apparently, the family is made of
23:17twin sisters, Vicki and Valerie, who both got married to the same man named Joe. And the
23:23craziest thing? There's a third wife, Vicki and Valerie's cousin Alina. Joe was just 18 years old
23:30when he began dating Vicki and Alina at the same time. In a joint wedding ceremony in 1990,
23:36he married both of the women, establishing his polygamous home. Then, Valerie joined the family
23:42in 2000, meaning that Joe is literally married to three women, all in the same family.
24:00Polygamous families are still quite uncommon in the Western world,
24:04but a polygamous family where the wives are all literally related to each other?
24:08That's just something else. You may scoff at this, but Mormon culture actually allows for
24:14polygamous marriages. Despite the seeming weirdness of it all, the Dargers appear to
24:19be getting along quite well. As they explained, each wife has her own room, and Joe alternates
24:24between the three of them every evening. Managing their 24 children can be a bit of a chore,
24:31but considering that there are four parents, it shouldn't be so hard. The Dargers have also
24:36shared their story multiple times, so much so that they've put it online for the entire world to see.
24:42It's where we have a regular blog we publish, Love Times Three, and so we work on that
24:52and coordinate who's doing what on our blogs.
24:56It may be unconventional, but, you know, whatever floats your boat.
25:011. The Mondell Sisters and Jasmudin Ahmad Life as conjoined twins can be challenging.
25:09Just ask the Mondell sisters. Known as the Spider Sisters, the two were born conjoined at the
25:14abdomen and pelvis, meaning that while their upper bodies are different, they share the same legs and
25:20lower body. The two were brought up to believe that they would never find love. However, in early
25:262014, the sisters, who worked with a traveling circus, met Jasmudin Ahmad, a part-time salesman,
25:33and that's when they fell in love with the kind-hearted man.
25:37Given that Jasmudin was pretty much the only person who had showed the sisters
25:50any kind of affection, it's not much of a surprise that they fell for him.
25:55And as for him, being able to be there for his sister loves, as much as he can, means the world
26:02Props to him, because he is truly a good person.
26:06If these relationships have shown you anything, it's that love can always find you,
26:11even when you least expect it. As long as you find the right person,
26:15who really cares what everyone else has to say?
26:18But what do you think? Are any of these relationships a bit strange to you?
26:22And are you in a strange relationship yourself? Be sure to let me know all about it in the
26:27comments down below. You should also put a like on this video and subscribe to the channel for
26:32more videos like it in the future. Thanks for watching and I'll see you next time.
