• 3 months ago


00:00$ale of the Century, only on GSN.
00:10Welcome to America's favorite word game.
00:13It's Lingo.
00:14And here's your host, Chuck Woolery.
00:21Thanks, everybody, and welcome to Lingo.
00:23We have two teams playing today
00:24for a chance to win $5,000,
00:26a fabulous Heron's Vacation Package.
00:29This is going right now. Paula?
00:30Great. Thanks, Chuck.
00:31On our yellow team, we have friends
00:33who enjoy painting together,
00:34and they are from Carmel, California.
00:36Well, my name is Neil, and I'm in sales.
00:38I'm Katie, and I'm a student.
00:40Good luck, guys.
00:41And on our red team,
00:42we have a boyfriend and girlfriend
00:43that met at the gym,
00:44and they are from Venice, California.
00:47Hi, I'm Greg.
00:48I'm the vice president of a fitness company.
00:50Hello, my name is Tiffany.
00:51I'm a model and personal trainer.
00:53Good luck, guys.
00:54Thanks, Paula.
00:55Here's how we play Lingo, everybody.
00:56The team in control gets up to five chances
00:58to guess a mystery word.
01:00We start with the first letter of the word.
01:01Players take turns making guesses,
01:03and our board will indicate if a letter is correct
01:06and if it's in the right place.
01:08A correct answer is worth 25 points.
01:11But if at any time you give us a word that doesn't fit,
01:14isn't a real word, or you take too long,
01:16our Judge Stacey will let you know.
01:18Then control passes to the next team,
01:20and they have a chance to win those points.
01:22Now, the team with the correct guess
01:24then gets to draw two Lingo balls
01:25with corresponding numbers to their Lingo board.
01:28All you have to do is complete a row of numbers,
01:30either five across, up and down, or diagonally.
01:33Each Lingo is worth 50 points,
01:36and a free letter during Bonus Lingo.
01:38That's how you play the game.
01:39It's easy. We'll have fun.
01:40Neil and Kate won the toss backstage,
01:42so you'll be going first,
01:43and Stacey's gonna show you her Lingo board.
01:46All right, let's go.
01:48Take away ten numbers.
01:52Okey-doke, Greg and Tiffany.
01:53Okay, once again.
01:56Take away ten numbers.
02:00All righty, Neil and Kate won the toss backstage,
02:02so here's your first word and first letter.
02:03It begins with a...
02:12Okay, T out of place.
02:16Wolf. W-A-L-L-S.
02:21Got an S out of place.
02:23What's the next one?
02:28Greg, Tiffany, here you go.
02:30You can pick this one up.
02:31Bonus letter falling in.
02:32There it is.
02:35Waste. W-A-I-S-T.
02:39Uh, well, it's not gonna work.
02:42Waste. W-A-S-T-E.
02:46There you go.
02:47Got it very nicely done.
02:49That's worth 50 points.
02:50And reach in there and get a couple of Lingo balls.
02:52How many Lingo balls do you have, Greg?
02:59I said that's worth 50 points.
03:01It's actually worth 25, but we'll get to that.
03:09All right.
03:10As I said, the score is now 25 to 0.
03:13Greg and Tiffany still in control,
03:15so here's your next word.
03:16And, Stacey?
03:17Right, here we go.
03:18And we start with Q.
03:27Quiet. Q-U-I-E-T.
03:30Oh, you got it.
03:32Well done, Stacey.
03:34That's two for you, Tiffany.
03:36So far, your brains are showing.
03:37Very nicely done.
03:39All right, the score is 50 to nothing.
03:41Neil and Kate got to do a little work here,
03:42but they're gonna get a chance a little bit later on.
03:44But first of all, we're gonna get a couple of balls
03:46on the board and see what we got.
03:53Twenty-six will do it.
03:54All right, Tiffany.
03:55Hope for a twenty-six.
03:59No, it's okay.
04:00We got time.
04:02All right, as I said, score is 50 to nothing.
04:04And Neil and Kate a little bit behind.
04:06We're gonna take a break soon.
04:07Come right back for more Lingo right after this.
04:09Stay with us.
04:10We'll be right back.
04:11We'll be right back.
04:12We'll be right back.
04:13We'll be right back.
04:14We'll be right back.
04:15We'll be right back.
04:16We'll be right back.
04:17We'll be right back.
04:18We'll be right back.
04:19We'll be right back.
04:20We'll be right back.
04:21We'll be right back.
04:22We'll be right back.
04:23We'll be right back.
04:24We'll be right back.
04:25We'll be right back.
04:26We'll be right back.
04:27We'll be right back.
04:28We'll be right back.
04:29We'll be right back.
04:30We'll be right back.
04:31We'll be right back.
04:32We'll be right back.
04:33We'll be right back.
04:34We'll be right back.
04:35We'll be right back.
04:36We'll be right back.
04:37We'll be right back.
04:38We'll be right back.
04:39We'll be right back.
04:40We'll be right back.
04:41We'll be right back.
04:42We'll be right back.
04:43We'll be right back.
04:44We'll be right back.
04:45We'll be right back.
04:46We'll be right back.
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06:47Five signs of healing make a shot
06:49When they fall, always squeeze
06:52Then stick
06:53When they fall, always squeeze
06:56Then stick
06:58Non-lawyer paid spokesperson.
07:00Paxil is a drug approved for the treatment of various forms of depression.
07:03A recent study suggests that women taking Paxil while pregnant,
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07:19But if you are taking Paxil while pregnant
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07:25call 800-579-2913.
07:32Welcome back to Lingo, everybody.
07:33We're going to find out more about our players starting with Neal here.
07:35Tell me more about yourself, Neal.
07:37I like to paint, and I also enjoy baseball, so I paint baseball pictures.
07:42Have you ever painted Steve Garvey?
07:45I'm a Philly fan, not a Dodger fan.
07:47Sorry, Steve.
07:48I'm in there pitching for you, man.
07:49He's a friend of mine.
07:50I wish you'd have painted him.
07:51Anyway, it's nice to have you here, Neal.
07:52Hi, Katie.
07:54How are you?
07:56Tell me about yourself.
07:57Well, one of my favorite hobbies is hiking.
07:58And I've gone on a few trips that are a month or longer,
08:01just out in the wilderness.
08:03I mean, where did you go from, like, Idaho to Montana, or what?
08:05I went on a long trip around Washington and the San Juan Islands,
08:08slipping out under the stars.
08:09Just an outdoors woman.
08:10Yeah, I love it.
08:11It's nice to have you here.
08:12Good luck to both of you.
08:13Thank you.
08:14How are you doing, Greg?
08:15Good, how are you?
08:16Nice to see you.
08:17Tell me about yourself.
08:18Well, I'm an adrenaline junkie.
08:19That's my thing.
08:20Oh, well.
08:21I skydive, I, you know, cliff dive, do anything I can.
08:24But, yeah, the main thing that gets my heart racing is...
08:28Nice to have you.
08:29Thank you.
08:30Yeah, hi, Tiffany.
08:31How are you?
08:32Hi, good, thanks.
08:33Tell me about yourself.
08:35I do a little bit of writing for the fitness magazines.
08:37Oh, and you have that adrenaline kind of thing, too?
08:39Similar, but I wouldn't say as high as...
08:41Anything close to what this guy's got, yeah, okay.
08:43Greg and Tiffany are going to be placed first, as a matter of fact,
08:46and Greg's going to start.
08:47Well, Chuck, our first letter is B.
08:51All righty, here we go.
08:52Come on, guys.
08:53Beans, B-E-A-N-S.
08:57Ooh, three, that's good.
09:06Oh, gotcha.
09:08Boy, Neil, Katie, you might be able to steal this one.
09:11Here's your bonus letter.
09:13Okay, boats, B-O-A-T-S.
09:15Boy, just as plain as the nose on your face.
09:18$25 puts you right back in the game.
09:20Select a couple of balls there,
09:21and let's see what you get on the board.
09:28All right.
09:36Here we go.
09:38All righty.
09:39Neil and Katie, 25, and Greg and Tiffany are up to 50.
09:42So, here's your next word.
09:45And we start with T, Chuck.
09:47All righty.
09:48And, Neil, your turn.
09:58Help you, Katie.
10:05Ooh, that hurt.
10:12Good guess.
10:14That didn't help, though.
10:20Last chance at it, Neil.
10:22Make it count.
10:27Is trape a word?
10:29I'm afraid it's not a word, Chuck.
10:33Goes over to Greg and Tiffany.
10:35You get a bonus letter, and here it comes.
10:40Oh, that was...
10:42Oh, yeah.
10:44Well, a nice steal on your part.
10:47Reach in there, get you a couple of lingo balls,
10:50see if you can make a lingo.
10:51What do they need to make one?
10:5326 or 66?
10:54There you go.
10:56You got it.
10:59All right, Greg and Tiffany up to 125.
11:02Neil and Katie have 25.
11:04All right, here's your next word.
11:07And we start with S.
11:08There you go.
11:14Got an A, T out of place.
11:19May pick up something, but no.
11:22Keep going, Neil.
11:29Got three in a row now.
11:30Should help.
11:32Okay, Stan.
11:34Could that be it?
11:38Last chance at it.
11:48That's not it either.
11:50Well, Greg and Tiffany, you get a shot at this,
11:52but you get it with a bonus letter.
11:54Here it comes.
11:55Did that help you?
12:00Oh, okay.
12:02Good for you.
12:04I would have gone for stall.
12:06I was just in that horse thing, and I don't know why,
12:09but you were right and I was wrong.
12:12All right, reach in there, get you a couple of lingo balls.
12:14Back to the board.
12:19All right.
12:21And Tiffany?
12:29Okay, Greg and Tiffany, 150 points.
12:31Neil and Katie got a little catching up to do.
12:34All right, that sound means that it's the end of round one.
12:37Don't go away.
12:38More to come in lingo right after this.
12:40Stay with us.
12:41We'll be right back.
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14:00Exposure to asbestos in mills, factories,
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16:00Welcome back to Round Two, everybody.
16:01Yeah, everything's gonna get a lot more fun.
16:03This round, points are doubled,
16:04meaning a correct word is worth 50 points,
16:06a lingo is worth 100 points.
16:09We've also added three question mark balls,
16:11and they act as wild cards.
16:13Remember, at the end of this round,
16:16the team with the most points will get a chance
16:17to play bonus lingo for $5,000 in cash
16:20in that fabulous vacation at Harrah's
16:22we were talking about.
16:23Neil and Kate, they're gonna get to go first,
16:25and here's your board, and here's your first letter.
16:31Money, M-O-N-E-Y.
16:33Wouldn't that be nice?
16:35Well, got an E out of place.
16:42A match, M-A-T-C-H.
16:46I want to encourage you to go a little faster
16:48so you don't lose your spot.
16:52I just knew that was gonna happen.
16:54Greg, Tiffany, another break for you.
16:56You get a bonus letter, too.
16:59A movie, M-O-V-I-E.
17:03Oh, got it right off the board.
17:05All right, very nicely done.
17:07Okie dokie, reach in there, get you a couple of lingo balls,
17:09and here we go again.
17:15All right.
17:1732 for lingo.
17:18Okay, Tiffany, 32 will get it.
17:20What do you think?
17:25All right, score is now 200 for Greg and Tiffany.
17:29Neil and Katie have 25.
17:31You've got some catching up to do.
17:32All right, Greg and Tiffany still in control.
17:34Next board, what do you think, Stacey?
17:36Here we have it, a B, Chuck.
17:52No help.
17:53Bricks, B-R-I-C-K.
17:59Ooh, three in a row.
18:04Bright, B-R-I-T-E.
18:07I'm sorry, Chuck, that's not a word
18:09from the recording tradictionary.
18:11I'm sorry.
18:12I'm shocked.
18:13I really am.
18:14But, well, she's the expert.
18:16All right, Tiffany, over to you.
18:18You've got a bonus letter.
18:19What is it?
18:22Bring, B-R-I-N-G.
18:25Is that it?
18:26Got it.
18:28Puts you right back into the game.
18:30So, go ahead and get your couple of lingo balls
18:32before we do the score.
18:33I'm always so anxious to let you know the score
18:35because you're behind.
18:37It's a question mark.
18:38Oh, it's a question mark.
18:39Well, what are you gonna use it for?
18:42That'll do it.
18:43Got a lingo.
18:45All right, score right now is Neil and Katie
18:47up to $175.25 off the lead with Greg and Tiffany
18:50in the lead with $200.
18:52And Stacey's gonna give them a new board.
18:54And here we go.
18:57Take away ten numbers.
19:00All right, and that'll put Greg and Tiffany in control.
19:03Here is your next puzzle, your next word.
19:06And we start with D.
19:08All righty.
19:09Uh, dodge.
19:24Stay in the game.
19:32Stay in the game.
19:38Uh, I knew it was gonna happen.
19:40Bonus letter going over to Neil and Katie.
19:47Gotta be it.
19:49They stole it again.
19:51And, you know, this is actually kind of interesting
19:53because you guys started off stealing from them,
19:55and now they're stealing from you.
19:57The only difference is, Greg and Tiffany,
19:59is the points are doubled.
20:01Neil and Katie, reach in there and get you a couple of balls.
20:03But you can also catch up quicker, too.
20:15Question mark.
20:16Put it anywhere you want.
20:21Yeah, it doesn't really help,
20:22other than just create a place for a couple of lingos.
20:25But that's okay.
20:26Still in the game.
20:27Let's go to our next puzzle.
20:28The score is 225.
20:30Uh, Neil and Katie and, uh, Greg and Tiffany have 200.
20:33So, 25 ahead.
20:34Here we go.
20:35What do you think?
20:36And we have...
21:08Chuck, according to our dictionary,
21:10that is a small or narrow bay.
21:14Boy, this is not much help, is it?
21:16Same thing.
21:17It's coming up.
21:22Well, maybe you can glean something out of that.
21:25Well, you did, Katie.
21:26Out of place.
21:27Last chance at it.
21:32Um, inset.
21:39Well, Greg, Tiffany, you're gonna get a bonus letter
21:42and a chance to steal back.
21:43Here we go.
21:53She is so smart.
21:54She is smart.
21:57Yeah, you didn't pick her for just lifting weights.
21:59She's smart.
22:00Yeah, I can tell.
22:01That's very nicely done.
22:03Reach in there and get you a couple of lingo balls.
22:05What do they mean?
22:06It's either 52 or 32 for lingo.
22:08Yeah, so three shots at it.
22:09I'm at a question mark.
22:10Well, that'll work.
22:1132, please.
22:12And there's your lingo.
22:15Alright, let's see.
22:17That brings Greg and Tiffany up to 350.
22:19You just leapfrogged right ahead.
22:21And Neil and Katie are at 225.
22:25That sound means that Greg and Tiffany with 350,
22:28you're our winners.
22:29So, congratulations.
22:31And for Neil and Katie, thank you for playing.
22:33We've got a little party gift for you,
22:34a really nice one, too.
22:35And we're gonna come...
22:36When we come back, we'll see if Greg and Tiffany
22:38can take home all that cash and prizes
22:40in today's Bonus Lingo Round.
22:42Big time.
22:43Coming right up.
22:44Stick around.
22:51In my mind, for women, there's a three-hook-up rule.
22:53After three times, girls, choose.
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23:11I got to know my grandkids here.
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25:50Welcome back, everybody.
25:52It's time to play Bonus Lingo.
25:54Greg and Tiffany did a great job getting here,
25:56and now it's time to see if they can take home all that cash and prizes.
25:59Here's what I'm going to do.
26:00I'm going to give you 2 minutes to guess as many 5-letter words as you can.
26:03You're going to have up to 5 guesses for each word.
26:05For every one you get right, you're going to get a lingo ball.
26:07You'll use that to try to complete your Bonus Lingo card
26:09in order to win that $5,000, that Harrah's Strip, okay?
26:12Great stuff.
26:13Okay, Stacy's going to tell you how many bonus letters you have.
26:16All right.
26:17You get 3 bonus letters, 2 for the lingos you got during the game,
26:21and 1 for advancing to Bonus Lingo.
26:23So that'll help a lot.
26:25Clock's going to start when you see the first 2 letters, okay?
26:27Here we go. Go.
26:29Boxes, B-O-X-E-S.
26:33Oh, very nice.
26:37How about A-B-O-U-T?
26:40Oh, jeez.
26:43Hooks, H-O-O-K-S.
26:48What's the X in here?
26:49Bonus letter.
26:53Hulks, H-U-L-K-S.
26:55That's what it looks like. Is that it?
27:02Bonus letter.
27:04Hunks, H-U-N-K-S.
27:06Well, how interesting that was.
27:11Clouds, C-L-O-U-D-S.
27:13No, it's too many letters, but that's okay. It's not cloud either. Here we go.
27:19One bonus letter left.
27:20Clean, C-L-E-A-N.
27:22Oh, you do have a bonus letter left, okay.
27:24One more.
27:25Want to use it?
27:26Bonus letter, please.
27:29Go, go, go.
27:30Crumb, C-R-U-M-B.
27:32Well, it's got an L and an E in it someplace.
27:37Crumble, C-R-U...
27:39No, it's too many, baby.
27:42Crutch, C-R-U-C-H.
27:44Oh, it was too late. He couldn't get it.
27:46Oh, no.
27:47Okay, there it is.
27:49Keep going.
27:52Films, F-I-L-M-S.
27:57Farms, F-A-R-M-S.
27:59Oh, very nice.
28:01Nice to meet you.
28:04Trunk, T-R-U-N-K.
28:07Trunk, T-R-U-N-K.
28:17Train, T-R-A-I-N.
28:20Well, unfortunately, that's not going to be it.
28:22And you're done.
28:23All right, you guys.
28:24The final word we were looking for was...
28:26That was toner.
28:27Oh, well.
28:28Look, you're doing real good.
28:29And here's your lingo board, Stacy.
28:31Here we go.
28:32Mark off 12 numbers.
28:35Okay, Paula's got the instant winner ball.
28:38Yes, guys.
28:39If you get the number 44 on your first pull,
28:41you will win $5,000,
28:43and each of you will also win a fabulous Harrah's Vacation Package.
28:47How good is that?
28:48So, good luck.
28:49So, we're looking for 44.
28:51Reach in there and get it, somebody.
28:53Tiffany, what a gentleman.
28:55She's been thinking so far.
28:59All right, that's not it, but you're still playing for $5,000.
29:04How good is that?
29:11That's not going to do it.
29:13Keep going.
29:19Does that make it?
29:21It does.
29:24Very nicely done.
29:26All right.
29:27Congratulations, Tiffany.
29:28Good job.
29:30Listen, everybody, just remember,
29:31it's not just letters, it's lingo.
29:34To find your prince, you've got to kiss a lot of frogs.
29:37That is pretty disgusting.
29:39On Baggage, we uncover the warts for you.
29:41I have over 2,000 comic books.
29:45I think environmentalism is stupid.
29:48Mr. Perfect.
29:49I dump girlfriends if they gain weight.
29:52Now couples can skip to happily ever after.
29:55I can accept your baggage.
29:57Fairy tales come true.
29:59Baggage, tonight at 635 Central, only on GSN.
