Limbo - Gestern waren wir noch Freunde ist eine schwedische Dramaserie mit Rakel Wärmländer, Louise Peterhoff und Sofia Helin in den Hauptrollen. Darin wird das Leben der Freundinnen Ebba, My und Gloria auf den Kopf gestellt, als ihre Söhne in einen Verkehrsunfall verwickelt werden.
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00:04It's Gloria's fault!
00:06Yes, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
00:07It's not your fault.
00:08Thank you.
00:09When am I going to pick up Sebbe?
00:10Oh, so you're going to be there when I'm here.
00:13Yes, that's how it works.
00:20Ebba Bäcker?
00:22Yes, that's me.
00:25The accident happened at Gärdet.
00:27In Vidrekakten's tower.
00:28Why can't we talk?
00:30Because I'm your son.
00:41You say we should let her get away with anything.
00:45Just because her son isn't in the hospital.
00:52None of this would have happened if you had been honest from the start.
00:58I wouldn't have made it without you.
01:01I don't need you.