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00:00My love, this is the time to talk.
00:06No, I couldn't see anyone. I don't know who kidnapped me.
00:10Please send me the picture to my cell phone.
00:13I'll see if we can find out who took the phone.
00:16If you remember anything, please let me know.
00:19Excuse me and good night.
00:21Thank you.
00:26My love, why didn't you accuse her?
00:28She put your life and our baby's life at risk.
00:31No, it's not necessary.
00:33She is already detained for the death of Alma.
00:35I want to forget everything that happened forever.
00:47I can't believe what I'm seeing.
00:49Listen to me, please.
00:50Shut up!
00:51Listen to me.
00:53Since when do you understand each other like this?
00:56I'm surprised by you, Mom.
00:59You pretend to be a great woman.
01:01Lying in Bruno's bed.
01:03Isabel, please.
01:04And what about you?
01:05What do you want to do with my mother?
01:07A management position in the company?
01:09More shares or what?
01:10Didn't you leave with the one you already stole?
01:13Isabel, please.
01:14Things are not as you think.
01:16And how are they then?
01:18Do you think I'm an idiot or what?
01:21I don't have to be a genius to understand what's going on here.
01:24It's very clear that my best friend is sleeping with my mother.
01:29Isabel, listen to me, please.
01:31What do you want me to listen to, Monica?
01:33What do you want me to listen to?
01:35What are you looking for?
01:36For this miserable trick?
01:37Because my father doesn't want to give you anything anymore.
01:39Is that it?
01:40I don't need you to say anything else.
01:43You guys go on.
01:45I have more important things to do.
01:47Isabel, son.
01:49Wait, please.
01:55That's it.
01:56That's it, Monica.
01:57Forget it.
01:58He won't want to listen to you.
02:00Shut up!
02:02Don't touch me, you idiot!
02:09Please, doctor.
02:11Don't let them put me in jail.
02:14You know I have amnesia and I can't defend myself from everything they accuse me of.
02:18I'm sorry, I can't do anything.
02:19It's not fair!
02:21They can't put me in jail under these conditions.
02:24I'm sorry.
02:26Didn't I tell the police that I have amnesia?
02:29Please don't let them take me to jail.
02:32I have no way of preventing them from taking you to jail tomorrow.
02:35How are they going to put her in jail?
02:38And how is she going to help me?
02:42I don't know.
02:43I don't know who this woman is.
02:45She knows I don't remember anything.
02:47That I have amnesia.
02:48I'm sorry, doctor.
02:49I didn't know anything about her health.
02:51I recommend that you help Mrs. Rebeca recover her memories.
02:54But without altering her.
03:02I need you to help me.
03:03I have to pay a good lawyer.
03:05Besides, I already did what he asked me to do.
03:07The safest thing is that Mr. Misael discovers his mother with that idiot Bruno.
03:11It's too late, Romina.
03:13You heard the doctor.
03:14They'll put me in jail tomorrow.
03:16So you'll have to deal with it on your own.
03:19I won't be able to help you.
03:23Please, Monica.
03:25We need to talk about our relationship, okay?
03:28Look, now that your son knows, we won't have to hide anymore.
03:33We'll be able to make our relationship public.
03:35What are you talking about, Bruno?
03:37Well, about us.
03:39Let it be clear to you that I only used you.
03:42I used you as entertainment, you understand?
03:45Or what did you expect?
03:46For us to live happily ever after?
03:49Well, no, Bruno.
03:51You're not up to me.
03:53And you'll never be.
03:55We had a great time in bed.
03:57But that's it.
03:59Because you mean so little to me.
04:01That I don't want to waste time with you anymore.
04:08Your father and I are going to separate.
04:11Are you going to get a divorce?
04:13Yes, but please, I don't want you to worry about that.
04:16Everything is going to stay the same.
04:18Your father is going to love you, and so will I.
04:21It's just that now we're not going to live together anymore.
04:24That's all.
04:25I'm not a little boy anymore.
04:27I know that when parents get divorced, they don't live together anymore.
04:31Many of my friends have divorced parents.
04:35Look, David.
04:36I wouldn't like you to feel bad about that.
04:38And please, don't be sad.
04:40If we make this decision, it's so that we're all better.
04:44So you're not going to fight anymore, right?
04:47No, no.
04:48Now we're going to get along better.
04:50And your father won't have a reason to get mad anymore.
04:52So if it's better this way, it's fine.
04:58I'm going to take care of you.
05:00And Renato.
05:02And Renato, why?
05:04Because he's always worried about us.
05:07Even more than my dad.
05:09Tomorrow I'm going to tell him about my new game.
05:12Yes, son, go ahead.
05:13Go play.
05:18I'm sure that if I hadn't fallen in love with Angelina,
05:20I would have fallen in love with a woman like you.
05:40What a beautiful arrangement.
05:42Thank you.
05:48Here you go.
05:49Thank you.
05:54Oh, whose are they?
05:56Are they Renato's?
06:05They're Aker's.
06:12It's because I'm a son of a bitch.
06:14How is it possible that I didn't realize
06:16what was inside my mother and Bruno's stupidity?
06:19I trusted that idiot.
06:35You're going to regret this.
06:37You're going to regret it.
06:39I'm going to hit you where it hurts the most.
06:42I'm going to see what face you make
06:43when you realize you don't have access to my money.
06:46Because you'll never see a dime of my money again, you idiot.
06:52And no matter how much I begged Isabel to let me see my son,
06:55he threatened me.
06:58He told me that if he saw me outside his house again,
07:00he was going to call the police to take me to jail.
07:02Those rich bastards think they can treat the poor like their underpants.
07:06But the truth is that it's not so easy to mess with Monica's witch.
07:10And especially not with her son.
07:12He's very stingy.
07:15And I just want to be close to my Pedrito.
07:18Let's see, Juanita.
07:19None of that.
07:21Because you already confirmed with a DNA test
07:23that Pedrito is your son.
07:25And the fair thing is that he also knows that you are his mother.
07:29But he's not going to love me, Lupe.
07:31On the contrary.
07:33He's going to despise me.
07:36No, my Juanita.
07:38But if the kids are not stupid,
07:40despite what that Monica can say,
07:43he's going to end up accepting you when he sees that you're good,
07:46that you're his mommy, that you love him.
07:48He's going to feel it.
07:52Do you really think so?
07:54And Lupe is right, Wanda.
07:56It's just that Pedrito knows you better.
07:59But for that, you have to be close to him.
08:04If those two demons don't let you see your son,
08:08I know who can guide us to know what to do.
08:15I'm sure she can help us so you can get your kid back.
08:19Oh, my Wanda.
08:21You'll see that very soon you'll have him in your arms.
08:26Don't worry.
08:32Don't worry.
08:39Why don't you want to report Rebeca?
08:42Why do you insist on keeping something so serious a secret, my love?
08:47Not my baby.
08:48No, please, Rebeca.
08:50Not my baby.
08:51Leave my baby.
08:52Don't take it away from me.
08:54Let it go.
08:56No, don't do it.
09:00Don't worry, my love.
09:02It was just a nightmare.
09:04You were dreaming about Rebeca.
09:07She was hurting our son.
09:09Tell me the truth, Angelie.
09:13Is that why you don't want to report her?
09:16Because she threatened you?
09:23That's it, right?
09:26Rebeca threatened you by hurting our son.
09:32You can't tell her anything, Rebeca.
09:34Jose Emilio, you can't.
09:36Rebeca is very bad.
09:37She's very bad and she's capable of doing anything.
09:40Don't worry, my love.
09:51Misael, where are you?
09:53We need to talk, please.
09:54You have to listen to me.
09:56It's all your father's fault.
09:59He always abandoned me.
10:01I don't want to talk to you.
10:03Don't even think about coming.
10:04I don't care about your explanations.
10:07Now I understand why my father never loved you.
10:11You don't deserve anyone's love, Monica.
10:15You don't deserve a man like my father.
10:17And my father definitely didn't deserve a...
10:20Don't you dare, Misael.
10:21Because I'm still your mother.
10:22Like it or not.
10:24Well, unfortunately, Monica.
10:27Because you have no idea how much I despise you.
10:30I deny you.
10:32I deny that a woman like you is my mother.
10:35Listen to me.
10:36Don't come because I don't want to see you.
10:52What are you doing?
10:53I'm looking for ways to help Matilde now that she's going to be wheelchair-bound.
10:57I found a lot of ideas.
10:59I'm glad, son.
11:00What a good idea.
11:01You're doing a great job helping her.
11:03Poor girl.
11:04And I hope she can walk again very soon.
11:07That's right, Mom.
11:10But Matilde's father is right.
11:12Matilde will need everyone for her recovery.
11:16I want to help her in every way I can.
11:20Oh, son.
11:22That's why you're my son.
11:25Well, if we can help you with anything, let us know, son.
11:27We're here for you.
11:29There you go.
11:30Thank you.
11:31I love you, my love.
11:32Get some rest.
11:35Let's see.
11:45Today we will say goodbye forever, Mother.
11:49You gave me life.
11:53But you controlled me for years.
11:58And now...
12:01Now I need to get rid of you.
12:05And all the hatred you planted in me.
12:12I have to do it, Mother.
12:15I have to do it.
12:19And not just for me.
12:24Also for Pedrito.
12:28I don't want him to become the piece of shit you made me.
12:34Oh, Mother.
12:49Today I'm separated from you forever.
12:58I got rid of your yoke.
13:01The umbilical cord that always brought us together.
13:06And fed my son with so much hatred.
13:11I won't be your son anymore, Mother.
13:15I won't be your son anymore.
13:19No more.
13:22Goodbye forever, Mother.
14:02Do you know if Misael has arrived?
14:03No, he hasn't arrived yet.
14:27The best thing to do is to destroy everything.
14:46It can't be, it can't be.
14:48Damn Misael changed the passwords.
14:50He can't get into the accounts.
14:59Actually, I was going to explain that if you agree,
15:02we can take your results with Dr. Balboa,
15:05an excellent oncologist that I highly recommend.
15:11Everything will be fine.
15:13I'll be fine.
15:18I'll be fine.
15:37You're not alone, Cristina.
15:39I'm here and I'll always be with you.
15:41You're a very strong woman and you'll get through this.
15:52Thank you.
15:56Thank you.
16:01Last night, Rebeca received the notification
16:03that she will be transferred to the recluse today.
16:07You see, my dear?
16:09You won't have anything to worry about anymore.
16:12At last, we will be able to continue with our lives.
16:16But this is a reason to celebrate, right?
16:19We can organize a meal to give the news to the rest of the family.
16:23If you agree.
16:25It will be a great peace of mind for everyone to know.
16:28Thank you.
16:46Well, why do you look so worried, little boy?
16:50Oh, I'm very worried about Lolis and Mrs. Marisa.
16:55I promised Mrs. Ana that I would be in heaven with my grandmother.
16:59I said I would take good care of them both.
17:03And well, living here, I can't do anything.
17:07But if you're a boy, you have to take care of yourself,
17:11and not the other way around.
17:13Besides, I realized that Carmelo is very concerned about Marisa and Lolis.
17:20I'm sure he will take good care of them.
17:24Do you think so, grandpa?
17:26Of course, Pedrito.
17:28Look, what you have to do is study a lot,
17:32so that tomorrow you will be a man of progress,
17:36a man who is well prepared, just like me.
17:40Just like me, very good, very nice, everything.
17:44I want to be like Don Tutor.
17:46Well, like my uncle, José Emilio.
17:50I wish he was my dad.
17:53Oh, Pedrito.
17:56Did you see who came to see you?
18:00Hello, Pedrito.
18:02How are you?
18:08I don't know what to do.
18:09Oh, son, don't take his words the wrong way.
18:13Pedrito is a child.
18:15He is very confused.
18:17Try to understand him.
18:19I think I understand him better than anyone, grandpa.
18:23I wanted the same thing as a child.
18:26Well, I'm sure Adolfo was always worried and tried to be a good father to you.
18:34I'm not talking about my father.
18:36No, he always did what he could.
18:38Well, when he found time to get on his schedule, of course.
18:41He spent it working.
18:43Although I understand, you know.
18:45I mean, it was the last thing I wanted to do when I got home, so I wouldn't be close to my mother.
18:50I'm talking about her.
18:52She was never a loving mother.
18:55In fact, when I saw my aunt Cristina with my cousins,
18:59how she talked to them, how she showed her affection,
19:04I thought how much I wanted her to be my mother.
19:14I deny you.
19:16I deny that a woman like you is my mother.
19:19Now I understand why my father never loved you.
19:23You don't deserve anyone's love, Monica.
19:26No, you don't deserve a man like my father.
19:30If you knew that Adolfo is not even your father, son.
19:53The true story is written here.
19:57In my old diary.
20:01But you will never know, my Israel.
20:04I will take this story to the grave forever.
20:07You will never know, son.
20:14Come in.
20:17Mrs. Monica, your son, my Israel, is in the big house with Mr. Emi.
20:22As you asked me to let you know, I came running to tell you.
20:26With your permission.
20:32My Israel, son.
20:51I was making a living dancing, but that's it.
20:54I had nothing to do with the clients.
20:56My Israel was there and insisted and insisted until I agreed to go out with him.
21:00He was a kid to me, but I fell in love like a teenager.
21:04But now he's behaving well, asshole.
21:07When Wanda tried to see Pedrito,
21:09the very evil threatened her with throwing her in the police car so they could take her to prison.
21:13He didn't even care about the DNA test I gave him.
21:16He even broke it.
21:18Oh, Angeli.
21:19What can we tell you?
21:21You know my Israel very well.
21:23You know how he is.
21:25Yes, I know how he is.
21:27And I don't think we can convince him so easily.
21:32Although thinking about it, I do know who can help us.
21:36I don't know.
21:38Don Emilio.
21:41He's going to make you, Wanda and Pedrito
21:43reunite as a mother and son again.
21:47I recognize the great importance of a mother's love.
21:53That's why I'm asking you, my Israel,
21:55to tell me the name of Pedrito's mother.
21:59The child needs her, son.
22:01I already gave you my reasons, Grandma.
22:03No, no.
22:04Whatever the reason,
22:06the child has the right to be with his mother.
22:10Think about it, son.
22:13Pedrito will be happy to meet his mother.
22:20I can't.
22:21If you really want to show Pedrito
22:25that you care about his happiness,
22:28this is the opportunity to do it, son.
22:32My Israel, son.
22:34We need to talk.
22:40Why did you cut your bangs?
22:45Since you were a child,
22:47you've always liked to have it.
22:52For us, everything has always been
22:54a symbol of union, of...
22:58of a secret complicity.
23:02You just said it, Monica.
23:04It was.
23:06It's in the past.
23:08Because from now on,
23:10things will be very different for us.
23:12I don't want to listen to you anymore.
23:14I don't want to have anything to do with you.
23:17So if you can, avoid speaking ill of me.
23:21You can't ask me that.
23:23Because whether you like it or not, I'm your mother.
23:26By accident, Monica.
23:28Because if I had been given a choice,
23:30I would never have chosen you.
23:35You're going to respect me, my Israel!
23:40I didn't want to intervene before
23:42to know how far you were willing to go.
23:48you have to seek reconciliation.
23:51In my house,
23:53in my house,
23:55I'm not willing to see
23:57the distance between mother and son.
24:00Both carry my blood.
24:03Both are a Rivero Cuellar.
24:14Jose Emilio spoke.
24:16He wants to invite us all to eat
24:18at the Olmo restaurant.
24:20It's very important that we communicate.
24:23He wants us all to go.
24:26Will you join us for dinner, my Israel?
24:30I'm sorry, Grandpa, but I really doubt
24:32that my cousin would want to see me.
24:35And besides, I have a commitment that I can't cancel.
24:39I'll see you later. Excuse me.
24:41My Israel, son.
24:42My Israel!
24:43Enough, Monica. Leave him alone.
24:45He already told you that he doesn't want to talk to you.
24:48And now what the hell did you do to him?
24:54Nothing. I didn't do anything to him.
24:59You better stay with your perfect daughter.
25:02Your favorite of a lifetime.
25:14Don't listen to him, Dad.
25:16I wish I could, daughter.
25:20But I'm desperate for your sister to be like this with my Israel.
25:25But you know what I see, daughter?
25:27What, Dad?
25:28That paternity is sensitizing my grandson.
25:35I wish.
25:37I wish, Dad, because
25:39my Israel has always been a victim of his mother.
25:45And he...
25:46He still has time to straighten his path.
25:50He has a whole life ahead of him.
25:52He's young. He's healthy.
25:56He has...
25:58All that, which many times...
26:01We don't value.
26:03Oh, damn.
26:05Why do you say that, daughter?
26:08Is something wrong?
26:10No, Dad.
26:12No, I hope not.
26:33Excuse me, princess.
26:35I invited you to eat because
26:37after everything we've been through
26:40it's a very important day.
26:42It must be something very important
26:44for you to invite us all to eat.
26:47Enough, Jose Emilio. You're making us sick.
26:50Yes, please, Dad.
26:52Give them the news.
26:54I inform you that at this time
26:56they must be transferring Rebecca to the prison.
27:10Rebecca Sanchez, we're transferring her to the prison.
27:13She's accused of the death of Mrs. Alma Trejo.
27:18understand that I'm not well.
27:21I don't remember anything of what they're accusing me of.
27:23You can't judge a woman who doesn't remember anything.
27:26My mind is blank. Understand that.
27:29Let's go.
27:30It's time to face the truth.
27:31No, no, no. One moment, one moment.
27:32There must be something we can do because
27:35like I told the doctor,
27:37I don't remember anything.
27:38One moment, please.
27:39The medical evidence indicates that
27:41Mrs. Rebecca Sanchez suffers from amnesia.
27:44The judge has granted her freedom under bail
27:46so that she can take her case to court.
27:48I don't remember anything of what they're accusing me of.
27:50You can't judge a woman who doesn't remember anything.
27:53My mind is blank. Understand that.
27:58The judge has granted her freedom under bail
27:59so my client can't go to any prison, right?
28:17I think it's time to close this moment with a golden brush.
28:22Yes, and
28:23if something makes me very happy,
28:25it's what we're living.
28:26My love, I want us to resume our lives together.
28:30But we're already living our lives
28:33in peace
28:34and with great hope for our son.
28:36Yes, yes, that's right, but
28:38there's something else missing.
28:40What is it?
28:45Do you know what you mean to me?
28:47Yes, my love.
28:49And that's why
28:50I want to ask you...
28:53My love! marry me again.
29:01Yes, my love!
29:04Of course I'll marry you!
29:06I'll marry you a thousand times.
29:08Yes, my love.
29:16I'm so excited!
29:17I'm so excited!
29:18Cheers, my love!
29:20I feel very happy because
29:22if there's something I wanted,
29:23if there's something I wanted with all my heart,
29:25it's for our son to be born
29:27while you and I are married.
29:29Of course, of course.
29:31What do you think?
29:33Yes, my love!
29:35He's so cute!
29:36What a gem!
29:37I agree with you, my love.
29:40I want our son to feel the security
29:42of being born into a solid family.
29:45And strong.
29:46Just like our love.
29:50You know, your happiness
29:52and the birth of this baby, my grandson,
29:54gives me a lot of light
29:56in the midst of all this that's happening.
29:58Thank you.
29:59Thank you.
30:00I can't imagine how difficult it must be for you, Elena.
30:04But cheer up.
30:05From now on,
30:07all of us,
30:08all of us,
30:09have a new reason to move forward.
30:14The birth of this baby
30:16is a great blessing from God
30:18for our family.
30:21And this baby
30:23is a very desired child
30:25for Angelita and Jose Emilio.
30:27Congratulations, boys!
30:30Thank you, Grandpa!
30:31Thank you, Grandpa!
30:32Congratulations, Dad!
30:34I don't offer myself to be the godmother
30:36of your son,
30:37because I'm sure you've already thought about
30:39Cristina and Elena.
30:41Since they'll be the grandmothers,
30:43it's a right that no one can take away from them.
30:45Well, you're right, Monica,
30:47but I could be the godmother.
30:50Of course!
30:52I'll be counting the days.
30:55Well, I'd love for them to get married
30:57as soon as possible.
30:59If you want, I can help you organize
31:01a beautiful wedding.
31:03Yes, I'd love to see them together as soon as possible.
31:08Mom, I don't understand why the urgency,
31:10but well, I'll help you.
31:11Thank you.
31:12Mom, are you feeling okay?
31:14Yes, I'm fine.
31:15I'm fine, my love.
31:17I'm just very excited to finally see them together.
31:20Yes, that's right.
31:22We all want to see them married
31:24and to be together,
31:25waiting for their baby to be born.
31:33Cheers, my love!
31:36Cheers, my love!
31:37Mom, are you okay?
31:38Yes, yes, my love.
31:39I'm very happy, finally.
31:41Well, for you.
31:42And Jose Emilio is right.
31:44It's fair that you can be happy like this
31:47and that your sister stops being a threat in your life, my love.
31:50Thank you.
31:51Thank you, my love.
31:55My custody?
31:56What do you mean by that?
31:58Due to your amnesia,
31:59someone must be responsible for you
32:01so that your address appears in the legal file.
32:04Oh, I see.
32:05Well, my family will probably do it
32:06when I can go home.
32:07Until the person who assumes your custody
32:09signs the documents that are required.
32:11Call my mom.
32:12She was here yesterday.
32:13She'll probably come get me.
32:15I just want to go home.
32:17I want this to be over.
32:23The ring is beautiful!
32:24You do have good taste, sister-in-law.
32:26But more than anything,
32:27what I like most about this celebration
32:29is knowing that Rebeca will finally stop hurting us.
32:41Well, do you have a date for the wedding?
32:43Well, you know that the restaurant
32:45is going to serve the banquet, right?
32:48And since everything is so rushed,
32:50I think it would be better to do the reception
32:52in my dad's garden, right?
32:54Because I don't think your guest list
32:56is too big, right?
32:58The guests are going to be the ones who have to be there, aunt.
33:01All our close friends,
33:02the women from the cooperative,
33:04the friends from the neighborhood we have.
33:07The neighborhood?
33:09Is this the last one?
33:10Are you serious?
33:11Of course!
33:12Yes, Monica.
33:13Our wedding is not to save appearances.
33:15We want to share such an important day
33:17with the people who love us
33:19and that we also love.
33:23That's Agent Corral.
33:24He's probably calling me to confirm
33:26that Rebeca is already formally detained.
33:29How's it going, Agent Corral?
33:31How's Rebeca's arrest going?
33:37It can't be.
33:38But when was that decided?
33:42Yes, I understand.
33:43Thanks for letting me know.
33:45What's going on, dad?
33:47Rebeca was not transferred to the prison.
33:53Why? What happened?
33:55At the last moment, she changed lawyers
33:57and appealing to her health,
33:59she got Rebeca to take the trial to freedom.
34:02They will release her as soon as someone
34:05assumes her custody.
34:08They will release her as soon as someone
34:10assumes her custody.
34:16Hi, Jimé.
34:18I remembered that the furniture from the kitchen
34:20is arriving today.
34:21And I wanted to be here so you don't receive it alone.
34:23Well, I'm glad I left them well installed.
34:25Thanks, Renato.
34:26You've always helped me a lot.
34:29Renato, it's great that you came.
34:32How are you, David?
34:33The oven is about to arrive.
34:35And soon we're going to make pizzas.
34:37Yes, yes, yes.
34:38Look, we're going to put the oven there.
34:40I'm sure they're going to be the best pizzas
34:43in the whole area.
34:46Yes, but for that you have to teach me how to do them well.
34:48Because I only know how to put the cheese and the pepperoni.
34:52I don't know how to do everything else.
34:55Well, I promise I'm going to give you an extra,
34:57extra, extra intensive course.
35:00Okay, okay.
35:01But you have to give me a little patience.
35:03Because it's not always that fast to learn.
35:07I'm going to give you all the patience in the world.
35:09Don't worry about that.
35:10And you'll see that soon you're going to make the best pizzas.
35:14Hey, Renato.
35:15Do you love my mom?
35:19David, those questions are not asked, son.
35:22Why not?
35:24Don't you love her?
35:26Of course I love her.
35:28Your mom is amazing and we get along very well.
35:31We're also very good friends.
35:33And of course I love her and I love you too, David.
35:36So, since my mom is going to divorce my dad,
35:40you two can be a couple.
35:44Let's see, son.
35:45No, no, of course not, David.
35:47I already told you that Renato and I are just friends.
35:50Well, I would like us to be a couple.
35:54Too bad.
36:00I see that David is taking your divorce very well.
36:03Yes, yes, I talked to him yesterday.
36:06I am determined, Renato.
36:09I made sure to make it very clear to Iker.
36:19Come in.
36:20Excuse me.
36:22This just arrived for you.
36:24Thank you.
36:28But what a beautiful family you have, Iker.
36:31Thank you very much.
36:33Excuse me.
36:42The divorce suit.
36:49You can't let Rebeca leave. She's a criminal.
36:53In the law, justice is not always so fair, Angeli.
36:56Mr. Medina is a fairly recognized lawyer
37:00for winning all his cases.
37:02To this day, he has not lost a single one.
37:04Well, if he is such a prominent lawyer,
37:06his fees must be very high.
37:09I am sure that Rebeca does not have the money to pay that lawyer.
37:13As soon as it is known who will take care of Rebeca,
37:16she will be able to leave the hospital.
37:18For God's sake, no one can believe that Rebeca has amnesia.
37:21It's a lie.
37:23The doctors argued that the blow that Rebeca received in the head
37:27was very strong.
37:28They did several studies on her
37:30and they have no doubt about the state of Rebeca's amnesia.
37:34And they say it is impossible to know when she will regain her memory.
37:38It could be at any time. It could also take years.
37:42That bitch is a manipulative hypocrite who deceives everyone.
37:48It is impressive that Rebeca always has to get away with her own.
37:51If she is a criminal, she should be in jail.
37:53Of course.
37:54Yes, it is outrageous.
37:55Yes, of course it is outrageous.
37:57Especially because Rebeca is a dangerous woman.
37:59We know it here.
38:01Mr. Medina knows it all.
38:05And he is using Rebeca's state of health to benefit his clients.
38:10Thanks to that, she is now better defended than her victims.
38:14No, this makes sense.
38:16Rebeca is accused of murder. She should go straight to jail.
38:20How is it possible that they fire her and she is free? How?
38:23Mrs. Elena, I'm calling you from the hospital. It is very important.
38:26Thank you.
38:27Excuse me.
38:30Good afternoon, this is Elena Del Olmo. What can I do for you?
38:34Good afternoon, Mrs. Del Olmo.
38:36I'm calling to know if you accept the legal custody of your daughter Rebeca.
38:43Daughter? How can you call me daughter?
38:46I understand that she is also your daughter, but you were about to die because of the sedatives she gave you.
38:51Mom, if you receive her again, Angeli and I will be orphans.
38:57I lost my dad because he died when he tried to rescue her.
39:01Mom, please, we don't want to lose you.
39:04My love.
39:13What happened, doctor?
39:14My mom is coming for me. Did she tell you that I was discharged?
39:17Mrs. Elena Del Olmo wants to talk to you.
39:21Mom, I'm waiting for you.
39:24Daughter, I want you to know that my heart will be with you until death.
39:31But you need professional help, don't you?
39:35No, right now I need you.
39:39Daughter, I'm not going to leave you, but I can't neglect your brothers either.
39:46I'm going to make sure you have the attention of the best specialist so you're okay.
39:53But what I want is to be with you.