Coronation Street - Opening Scene (3rd July 2024)

  • 3 months ago


00:00Don't tell me you've tricked me with this one before.
00:02Eight. No, nine.
00:05Technically eight.
00:06Pluto was reclassified as a dwarf planet in 2006.
00:09It'll always be a doctor, mate.
00:11Hey, I'm thinking I might not come in today.
00:13My stomach doesn't feel great.
00:15Oh, no? Do you need to go and see someone?
00:17Er, no, I'm sure I'll be fine.
00:19Well, I know you don't want to hear this,
00:20but negative emotions can lead to physical symptoms.
00:23You're right, I don't.
00:24Aren't you meant to be catching your bus?
00:26They're not running today. Leanne said she'll take me.
00:28Ah, right. Trip to the bakery, then, is it?
00:31Well, he's a good lad. They like to spoil him.
00:33That suits me. I'm going to work from home this morning.
00:35Oh, right. Erm...
00:37Do you know what? I might go in, actually.
00:40Everything all right?
00:41Er, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:43You want a roll?
00:44No, no. I mean, no, I just don't want to be getting in his way.
00:48Yeah, it's nothing. Just leave him.
00:49Yeah, besides, I mean, who's going to open up the bistro
00:51if these two are skyrim?
00:52All right, whatever you want to do. Come on, Sam, we'd better go.
00:55Right. See you later.
00:59You ready?
01:07This is all too much.
01:09I should never have got in touch.
01:10Well, honey, you did, so, erm...
01:12I'm going to have it out with him. No, no, I wouldn't.
01:14Getting methanol's going to make things worse,
01:16especially after yesterday.
01:18Gemma's been evicted, Paul's dying, I can't cope.
01:21He's turning my family against me when they need me the most.
01:24Oh, darling, they know you and they will come round.
01:27Well, maybe I should talk to him again,
01:29you know, explain what's going on.
01:30Keep burning.
01:32Are you not listening?
01:34Gemma said she, what, needed space?
01:37So I should just do nothing?
01:39So give them space.
01:41Give things time to calm down.
01:42Show them more that you're the reasonable one here, yes?
01:48He's nothing like James Bond.
01:50James Bond's a spy.
01:51Yeah, but he's dead dishy, though.
01:53Bet he'd look good in a tux or trunks
01:55coming out of the sea with a spear gun.
01:57Mum, will you stop it? Kit is a colleague.
02:00I think you should try and be his partner.
02:02I can just see you two, like, stasky and hutch.
02:04Oh, I would love to be back in CID, me.
02:07You know, he is exactly the sort of copper that I would want to be.
02:09Are you sure about that, mate?
02:12He's got an offer on beans.
02:14Two for one. Oh, nice, I love beans, mate.
02:17Here, I'll put them peas back where they were.
02:19There's no point mouthing off.
02:21You said it yourself, it'll only make things worse.
02:26He's a good-looking fella, really, isn't he?
02:28I don't use that.
02:30So what are you going to do with him?
02:32Put him in the loft till it all blows over.
02:34The loft?
02:36That's what I meant. Are you out of your mind?
02:38That's ridiculous. Anyone could find him up there.
02:41I mean, it goes in the loft.
02:44No, you need to get rid of him permanently.
02:47Chuck him in the canal.
02:49Well, I would, but, you know...
02:51What's wrong now?
02:53Well, someone might see me.
02:55All right.
02:57All right, put him in the bin, then.
02:58Well, then the bin man might see it.
03:02You can't do it, can you?
03:04What do you mean?
03:05After everything he's done to you,
03:07nobbling your missus in your house,
03:09in your marital bed,
03:12you still love Tommy Opington, don't you?
03:14Wash your mouth out. No, I don't. I flippin' hate him.
03:16Go on, then.
03:18Smash him up.
03:20What, now? Go on.
03:22Smash his cheating face in.
03:25All right, I will.
03:27No, I can't.
03:34Can I borrow your bag? What? This bag?
03:36Yeah. I'm gonna go to the gym after work.
03:38Erm, no, I'm, er, using it.
03:41What for?
03:43I'm gonna put stuff in it.
03:45You never use that bag.
03:46Well, I'm using it today, so get off.
03:48OK. I'll just use a different one.
03:50All right.
03:52What's the hammer for?
04:01Listen, you're gonna have to sort this out and fast.
04:05Cos if you don't and you get caught,
04:07there'll be a load of county fans in Weatherfield Nick
04:09wanting to have a little word with you.
04:12There you go. Toasted tea cakes.
04:15Oh, thanks, love. Thanks.
04:18Is Roy coming down?
04:19He said he will, but I wouldn't hold out much hope.
04:26Ah. Yasmeen.
04:28Lovely to see you.
04:30Ditto. Ditto.
04:32How are you feeling?
04:33It'll be good. Yeah, fine.
04:37Something you wanted?
04:38Yes, yes, I...
04:40I have a gift for you from Kathy.
04:43Oh, very kind.
04:45She sends her best wishes.
04:49Excuse me, there's something I need to...
04:52I'm sorry.
04:55Oh, well.
04:56I suppose it's progress.
04:58A miracle.
04:59Just keep trying, onwards and upwards.
05:04Finally, I was hoping you'd be back by now.
05:07Finally! I was supposed to finish quarter past.
05:10I'm so sorry.
05:11I've got the bacon, the sausages, salad and all the veggie stuff.
05:15I can't stay.
05:16Why not? It's your shift.
05:17Yeah, I know, but Lily's sick and she's off school.
05:19Well, can't David look after her?
05:20Well, he's at work.
05:21Well, can't someone else? He's loads of you.
05:23Yeah, but they're working and Claudia's got a migraine
05:24and Gail's at a live drawing class again.
05:26I just wanted a break.
05:28Well, Bernie's doing the lunchtime shift, isn't she?
05:30No! She's booked the day off.
05:32Look, I've got to go. She's on her own. I'm really sorry.