La promesa - Temporada 3 - Ep 390
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00:16Please, don't do this to me.
00:23Vera, don't play with my feelings, please,
00:25because it's broken my heart,
00:26and I haven't been able to put the pieces together.
00:28I'm not playing with your feelings.
00:30I would never do something like that.
00:31You don't realize that this destroys me.
00:33Don't you understand?
00:35How do you think I am?
00:38I haven't been able to stop loving you for a moment, Lope.
00:44But now things have changed,
00:47and I don't want to stop loving you.
00:50I can't,
00:51and I don't want to give up everything I feel for you.
00:54Vera, I'm sorry to insist on this,
00:57but look where we are.
01:00I need to know what is so serious about your past.
01:04I need to know what is the secret
01:06that allows Santos to have you enslaved.
01:08Lope, I can't tell you.
01:09Vera, please.
01:12If you want to face him,
01:13I want to have the same information that Santos has.
01:17I could help you.
01:20I need to find a way to solve it on my own.
01:23Let me help you, please.
01:26I'm going to face Santos on my own.
01:38As you wish.
01:40In fact, that's what I'm going to do.
01:43I'm going to face Santos.
01:45Well, at least let me be with you when you do.
01:50It would be better if I do it on my own, Lope.
01:53I don't want you to get in the way.
01:58And don't make that face.
02:01I'm sure you know how to handle the situation.
02:12Are you sure?
02:19I'm going to end this once and for all.
02:35I assure you that your daughter is in the best hands, Margarita.
02:37I don't know, Ignacio.
02:39It's very difficult not to listen to Cruz.
02:42Always with the same canteen.
02:45If he sees that he can hurt you, he will do it with pleasure.
02:48It seems like a lie that you don't know him.
02:50But now he hurts me more than ever because I think what he says is true.
02:54Cruz and you have always bored each other.
02:57And that enmity is above any circumstance.
02:59I mean, I don't lack reasons to have her in line.
03:02But this is ...
03:03Where do I want to go?
03:04She enjoys seeing you suffer.
03:07And that's what moves her.
03:08The desire to hurt you.
03:10Not the reason or concern for your daughter.
03:15For the last time.
03:17Martina is well attended.
03:20In a cozy and comfortable place.
03:23Your sister-in-law doesn't care.
03:28I guess you're right.
03:36I think ...
03:38I think we should take advantage of Martina's temporary absence.
03:42And I don't mean an escape.
03:45Something much bigger.
03:48For what?
03:50Well, I think ...
03:52Since Martina is recovering in the sanatorium ...
03:56You and I should definitely seal our love.
04:01Are you talking about getting married?
04:06Well, I find it inappropriate and very hasty, don't you think?
04:09No, not at all.
04:11We are no longer children, Margarita.
04:13At least me.
04:14Yesterday it was too late, as they say.
04:16I don't think it's a good idea to get married behind Martina's back.
04:19On the contrary.
04:21I think the best way to deal with her is to move on to a policy of consumed events.
04:26Sometimes I think ...
04:28That if we had gotten married ...
04:30At the moment we knew we loved each other, none of this would have happened.
04:34It is clear that what moved your daughter to try to kill me was her desire to prevent us from getting married.
04:39Please, Ignacio.
04:40What you say is horrible.
04:42Yes, it's horrible.
04:44But also very right, I'm afraid.
04:46Once we are married, Martina will have no choice but to accept it.
04:50And she will have nothing to fight against.
04:55I think that will help her calm down.
05:01When your daughter sees that we are already husband and wife ...
05:04And that we are happy together ...
05:06And that ...
05:08I don't intend to take her father's place ...
05:11When she sees that her life has not changed for the worse, but quite the opposite ...
05:15She will see that all her fears were unfounded.
05:28Residence of the Marquises of Lujan, tell me.
05:31Please, don't be bad news from the front.
05:35Ma'am ...
05:37It's a call from the sanatorium.
05:39Apparently, Miss Martina has attacked another patient.
05:43My God ...
05:44I'm going crazy.
05:51Tell me.
06:02I am already aware of everything that has happened with your in-laws.
06:04And how much they ask you to give your son a real fortune.
06:10In the end, I have everyone worried about a problem that is actually only mine.
06:14No, no, no. It is not.
06:16I am here to help you with whatever you need.
06:18And of course, also make an economic contribution to contribute to making everything fit in the best possible way.
06:24I thank you very much, Mr. Pellicer.
06:28When he asked me, I didn't dare to tell him everything because ...
06:33I didn't want to confuse him with my things.
06:35Don't think about those terms again.
06:37Here we share everything. And the problems too.
06:39But ...
06:40And we will be your superiors.
06:42But apart from watching you do things right, that this goes to the ground,
06:47we are also here to support you and help you in everything you need.
06:52Thank you again.
06:54From now on, I promise I will take it into account.
06:56I hope so.
07:00By the way, Virtudes, you may not have seen Mr. Romea by chance.
07:04Yes, it's just that ...
07:06I need to send him to town to buy paper and ink.
07:09I've run out of both.
07:11No, I haven't seen him, but ...
07:13But? Yes?
07:15Well, if you don't mind, I'll go and deliver the message.
07:21For some specific reason?
07:23I wouldn't mind going to Lujan.
07:25You know, I'm thinking of approaching the church and talking to Mr. Fermin.
07:31You know, to make sure he doesn't back out and keeps thinking of giving me the job he said he was going to give me.
07:37I understand.
07:38As things are with my in-laws, I don't want to take a last-minute surprise.
07:45Okay, you can go.
07:47Thank you. Thank you very much, Mr. Pellicer.
07:49But don't entertain yourself too much.
07:51As soon as I have fulfilled my task and spoken to the priest, please come back as soon as possible,
07:55because the last thing I want is to have another disagreement with Mrs. Arcos.
07:57I don't miss you.
07:59I'll be back as soon as I can.
08:29Thank you.
08:59Thank you.
09:09Now I can fit in all the books.
09:11I no longer have to have some scattered around the hangar.
09:14Was that the intention?
09:16More than as a book, they looked like alfalfa skirts.
09:21Tell me, what are your favorite books?
09:25I don't know what to tell you.
09:26I couldn't choose.
09:29Well, imagine that you go to a deserted island.
09:32Which one would you choose?
09:36Yes, like Robinson Crusoe, right?
09:39Well, but if you had to choose which one to take to that island,
09:42that doesn't care about going back to him,
09:44which would they be?
09:49Well, look.
09:51This would be one of them.
09:53Pride and Prejudice, by Jane Austen.
09:57I mean, it's not enough to read it,
09:59you also have to do it in another language.
10:01Let's see.
10:03There are very good books that are not translated into Spanish.
10:06But I have no doubt that this one will soon be translated.
10:10Its literal translation would be ...
10:12Pride and Prejudice.
10:15And what do you think?
10:17If you can explain it to me in a language that I understand better.
10:22Well, as in most of the best books,
10:24it's not so much what it tells,
10:26but how it tells it.
10:29It tells the opposite of an arrow.
10:34I don't think I understand it.
10:36Let's see.
10:38He and she meet at a dance.
10:41He is modestly interested in her,
10:43she just can't stand him.
10:46So it's not a love story?
10:49Well, in a way it is.
10:51What happens is that after countless misunderstandings,
10:55and after the triumph of Pride and Prejudice,
10:58they both meet.
11:01Like us?
11:05Yes, in reality what the author intended was to criticize the narrowness of looks.
11:10What made women at that time
11:13could only aspire in this life to the sad goal of getting married well.
11:18Well, that's why it's still happening.
11:21Yes, but we are less the women who give up on it.
11:26You are an example, of course.
11:30I am not an example of anything.
11:35But look, Emi Librontes was.
11:40She published her first book with the male pseudonym Elisbel.
11:44And it's a novel that I would also take.
11:46Wuthering Heights.
11:48I think its translation would be ...
11:50men erase things.
11:57Look, I would also take this one.
12:04Fortunata and Jacinta.
12:08It tells the story of two women,
12:10a poor and a rich, who fall in love with the same man.
12:14It was the book I wanted to give you.
12:16And it is in a language that you understand.
12:20You have to start reading novels.
12:22You don't know what you're missing by not doing it.
12:26You are insistent, huh?
12:28And when you finish reading it, we'll talk about it.
12:31You'll see, you'll love it.
12:34I don't know if I'll accept it.
12:38You are rejecting a gift from me.
12:41I could accept it, on one condition.
12:45They give you something and you put conditions on top of it.
12:48In this case, yes.
12:50And what is that condition you want to put?
12:54That you accept my invitation to dinner.
12:59That I invite you to dinner.
13:04When and where?
13:08Here, if you don't mind.
13:11Don't turn around, I'll take care of everything.
13:20Would you take this book to your island too?
13:24Theory of flight mechanics, engines and propellers.
13:28Let me think about that one.
13:30I understand.
13:40No, listen to me.
13:42Has anyone bothered to inform Mr. Navarro that the Marquis of Lujan wants to talk to him?
13:51It's just that I need to know the details of my niece's alleged assault.
13:55And I want to know what the director is going to do about it.
13:58But I want to know it before I do it, do you understand?
14:03Will you call me when you have a moment?
14:06That's what they always tell me when I call.
14:09Well, I hope you do.
14:11Good afternoon.
14:14I was talking to the sanatorium, sir.
14:16Yes, it's desperate.
14:18They call to say that Martín has assaulted another intern.
14:21And when I call to explain what happened, they kick me out.
14:26It torments me to think about what is happening to my niece there, locked up.
14:29It's not surprising, sir.
14:31If there is something I can do ...
14:33Well, unfortunately, I'm afraid not.
14:36Are you going to take any action?
14:38Well, for now, I'll wait for the director to call me back.
14:41But if he doesn't, or what he tells me doesn't convince me, I'll see what steps to take.
14:48I suppose you have come to tell me something.
14:50I'm afraid the news I bring you is not good either.
14:53Do you know anything about the front?
14:55No, no. Regarding that matter, there is no news for better or for worse.
15:00I understand then that it is our great farce.
15:05Well, you understand well, the farce is still going on.
15:08But a problem has arisen around it.
15:11A serious problem.
15:14It's about Gregorio Castillo.
15:20You know, we shouldn't pay much attention to what the DIGA says or stops saying.
15:27It is clear that he is bilingual.
15:29Who would believe that he is to give moral lessons to anyone?
15:33Beyond the fact that he has no idea of the unfortunate state in which Eugenia was when we decided to return her to the sanatorium again.
15:38Of course not.
15:40Nothing to do with Martina when she was taken out by force.
15:43Exactly. They are not comparable situations at all.
15:48But that is what makes me most indignant of everything.
15:50In fact, what does remind me of this situation is when the shameless baroness of Grazalema and you entered me in a retirement home.
16:00Can you believe that I had forgotten it?
16:05Well, I don't know how. Because you were part of such a pantomime to lock me up.
16:10And to get you out later? You only look at the negative.
16:15I have considered it on your part.
16:17What do you think of a thank you?
16:19Look, Lorenzo, I don't owe you anything and you know it.
16:23In fact, the accounts turned around a long time ago.
16:26Cruz, you were talking about Lisa de la Vega.
16:28Don't be offended.
16:31That woman was the devil himself.
16:34And I swore to her.
16:36Luckily for everyone's sake, she got the shot in the ass.
16:40What would have happened to her?
16:45It's not very difficult to imagine, is it?
16:47You're right. That woman was incorrigible.
16:53Is something wrong with you, Antonia?
16:56You seem absent.
17:00No, nothing. I'm fine.
17:02What happens is that Cruz has been with that feeling of bad omen for several days.
17:07And the news that comes from the press, well, it doesn't help much either.
17:11But you will see how soon you will receive good news from your son Manuel.
17:14Telling you that everything is fine and that he will soon be back home safe and sound.
17:25A few days later.
17:35Hey, miss.
17:37Mr. Beza. Is there any news?
17:40I have already spoken to the person who can help us on this matter.
17:43With Mr. Marquez, right?
17:45Yes. He is very smart, Miss Expósito.
17:47And what did he say? How did he take it? That Gregorio has returned here?
17:50He flies straight ahead as he is used to.
17:53Has he made any decision about it?
17:55Well, yes. Something that has to do very directly with you.
17:59He has decided that María Fernández and you will leave here.
18:04What? María and me?
18:06That's what I said, yes.
18:08But where are we going?
18:10To the cave. They will be there with Mrs. Darre for a while.
18:15Well, I don't understand.
18:17We just talked yesterday that I couldn't leave here because Mrs. Arcos is constantly watching me.
18:24And besides, Gregorio also knows about my departures.
18:26Don't worry. It would be so fast that Mrs. Arcos would not have time to notify.
18:32And when will it be?
18:36Yes. The time it takes to prepare the supplies you will need for all three.
18:40But how are they going to justify that we leave?
18:42The Lord will say that he called me directly because his friend, the duke of San Rafael, asked for help.
18:49He asked for help?
18:51Yes, because the duke had received an unexpected visit and needed people to attend to him.
18:56Then the Lord consulted me and after that he decided that it was you two.
19:01So a farce to cover up another farce.
19:04Well, if Mrs. Arcos is so concerned about you that if Maria Fernández accompanies you,
19:10then we will avoid raising unnecessary suspicions.
19:14No, it's also true.
19:17In addition, Maria Fernández is a very good girl and trustworthy and will not give us away.
19:22At least not wanting to.
19:24Well, yes. She is very talkative and sometimes imprudent.
19:27That is why it is better to separate her from the rest of the service.
19:31What worries you, miss?
19:34Do you really want Maria Fernández to come with me?
19:37That's the idea.
19:40Yes, but you have to keep in mind that the place where she is going to come is where she was kidnapped and almost lost her life.
19:46But still, I think it's the best option.
19:49Well, I don't know if I see it, Mr. Baeza.
19:52No, you will see that when your friend sees Mrs. Darrio living and hanging out, she will forget everything.
19:57Well, let's hope so.
19:59It is important that they do not tell her anything until she is there.
20:03Well, anyway, I think it's a good idea because Maria Fernández was starting to suspect
20:08and she already had the fly behind her ear, so ...
20:10More reason then.
20:12I'm going to prepare everything and if I get there on time, they can leave tonight, the sooner the better.
20:18And about Petra, do you take care of her?
20:21Yes, I'll talk to her.
20:24They won't be there for long. Don't worry.
20:27Let's hope so.
20:39I shouldn't be here.
20:42Breathe again and release it when I tell you.
20:52I'm not sick anymore.
20:55I'll have to judge that, don't you think?
20:58Well, it was time. Since I got here, I've told everyone I wanted to talk to you and no one has listened to me.
21:04Now you have the opportunity to talk to me.
21:06Yes, it's better late.
21:08What do you think if I start by explaining what happened?
21:12Juana says you tried to strangle her.
21:15That's not true.
21:17It's not?
21:20Who has marks on her neck, her or me?
21:23I haven't found any significant marks, miss.
21:26I don't understand that, but she grabbed me and squeezed me.
21:32How was it? Tell me your version, please.
21:38Look, I didn't even start the fight.
21:41It was all her thing. She went crazy and started saying she was Martina.
21:47And you didn't like that?
21:50Well, no. No, obviously I didn't like it.
21:54And what happened then?
21:57That I asked for explanations.
22:00Didn't you throw yourself at her?
22:02No. I really asked for explanations, that's what I'm telling you.
22:06And she gave them to you?
22:08No, she threw herself at me.
22:13She knocked me down and started trying to drown me. I was just defending myself, really.
22:18However, according to the guards, it was Juana who asked for help, not you.
22:23I don't know why I asked for help, but I couldn't ask for help because I couldn't get my lungs in line.
22:29Of course.
22:30I was drowning.
22:33And the bracelet?
22:35Is it true that you gave it to Juana?
22:39No, no, no, no. Why would I give it to her?
22:44You didn't give it to her?
22:46No, no, no, no, no. She ...
22:49She took it from me and that was another reason why we were fighting.
22:55Doctor, I ...
22:57What I wanted to tell you from the beginning is that I shouldn't be here.
23:01That it was a mistake, really, that someone in my house tried to set me up, but ...
23:06Everything has its time, miss.
23:09Now you should rest.
23:11We will talk about all this calmly and you will be able to explain to me in detail what you want.
23:21Double the dose. That girl has gotten worse than we thought.
23:42I was afraid that Mrs. Arcos would show up asking about you.
23:45I couldn't get there before.
23:47I hope so.
23:48The doors.
23:49Thank you.
23:52And how is it going? Did everything go well?
23:57Yes? Did the nurse give you any trouble?
23:59No, none.
24:00Then I understand that the job is yours.
24:03Yes. Well, in two months.
24:06Of course, of course.
24:07And ...
24:08Well, in two months.
24:10Of course, of course.
24:11And if you don't mind, I would like to continue cleaning this before they tell me anything.
24:16Yes, go ahead.
24:28You won't be thinking about that green aloe vera with chicken, will you?
24:31What if I have? It's not bad at all.
24:33Let's get along.
24:35Let's get along, huh?
24:37The recipe for the rice with chicken doesn't have green aloe vera.
24:41It has never had them and it won't have them.
24:43Andela, don't be so inflexible.
24:45Are you sticking to traditional recipes?
24:47Why are they traditional? Because they are fine as they are.
24:50You should pay more attention to Lope.
24:52Look, one of the things I've learned from the boy is that you shouldn't be afraid of the new.
24:57It's nothing new. We add green aloe vera to the rice.
25:00But to make paella.
25:01Now, if we add green aloe vera to the rice with chicken, it will look like we are making a paella.
25:05And a bad paella, with so many ingredients missing.
25:08Come on, what nonsense.
25:16Ah, we have paella.
25:19But aren't they going to put carophones?
25:21Be careful, you are the cooks.
25:24But it seems to me that a paella without carophones is not paella.
25:29There you have it.
25:30No, green aloe vera is for something else.
25:33We have prepared seafood cream, first, and rice with chicken, second, which is almost ready.
25:40Well, I also wanted to bring you this, which is to help Virtudes with her son.
25:46Thank you very much from the bottom of my heart, Mr. Pellicer.
25:49Well, don't be fooled, it's not much, you can't get three hard ones.
25:52From there, get the 550 pesetas that are missing.
25:55Something is beginning.
25:56I am convinced that we are going to gather all the money.
26:00Also, don't forget that we have the church on our side.
26:04How is that?
26:05Yes, Candela asked Mr. Fermin to ask for my virtues and my grandson when he officiated the mass.
26:11That will be fine.
26:13Anyway, he has already done it today.
26:15Not today, Mr. Ricardo.
26:17Mr. Fermin has been out of Lujan for a few days and will be back in a little while.
26:22I didn't know.
26:23Yes, he told me himself.
26:24He has gone to visit a friend of his who is sick, in Cordoba, in the convent of the Carmelitas.
26:29I'm sure that when he returns, he will fulfill what he promised.
26:33In case, I'm going to take advantage of my free afternoon to go with virtues to remind him and close the deal of the job well.
26:40Do you think it is necessary?
26:41It is better to prevent.
26:42Because Mr. Fermin is a charm of a person and honors the word given.
26:46But the memory ...
26:48It is as it is.
26:49Now our writer has to take the father.
26:52Seen that way.
26:53And I want to remind him what he promised.
26:55As soon as Felipa leaves, I will give the job to Virtudes.
27:00I love you.
27:12Come in, come in.
27:14But what's going on, Hanna?
27:15Why are you in such a hurry?
27:16What are you going to snatch?
27:19So that later you say that lately you have not been a little mysterious.
27:21And weird.
27:22Shut up and listen to me.
27:23With many secrets.
27:24Shut up, Maria, please.
27:25I don't know where to put the delicacy.
27:27Maria, please, now.
27:28Shut up.
27:31What's going on?
27:33What's going on is that you're going to make the luggage.
27:35And for several days, because you and I are leaving.
27:38You and me?
27:39You and me, yes.
27:40What do you mean we're leaving?
27:41Where are we going?
27:42And those days you say, how many days are they?
27:44And above all, Hanna, why are we leaving?
27:48Well, let's see, when we leave, we leave ...
27:50We are leaving right now.
27:52And ...
27:53We are going to the palace of the Duke of San Rafael.
27:56Well, I have the pleasure of knowing him.
27:57Well, I know.
27:59It turns out that he is a friend of Mr. Marquez.
28:02He needs a couple of maids of reinforcement.
28:04He has been introduced to the whole family suddenly, yes.
28:07How many days are they going to be?
28:10Maria, can you stop asking questions and get your luggage ready before it's too late?
28:13Get your luggage ready ...
28:15Maria, now.
28:17Even for that I need to know more data, like, for example, I don't know ...
28:19Well, that's it.
28:22Where is that palace?
28:26What else does that give?
28:27Of course it does, Hanna.
28:28Of course it does.
28:29Well, what do I know, Maria?
28:30I don't know.
28:31I don't know.
28:33The only thing I know is that we don't have to wear the uniform because they leave one for us there.
28:36But why are we leaving at night?
28:38And why in such a hurry?
28:43Okay, Maria.
28:44Let's see.
28:45I need you to listen to me.
28:48Tell me.
28:49I want you to trust me.
28:50Because this is very important.
28:52And I promise you that we will be fine.
28:55This is very strange, Hanna.
28:56I know.
28:57But please trust me and don't ask me any more questions.
29:07Thank you.
29:08But first I need to do something important.
29:25What is it?
29:43My God, what do you have there?
29:46I brought ...
29:49a humble mantle.
29:52My mother made it when I was little.
29:55So for me it is the most beautiful mantle in the world.
29:59And for me it is an honor that you bring it.
30:08You know that from there it is a table, right?
30:11Mantles are usually put on top.
30:13No, Catalina.
30:16This mantle is the one we use when we go to eat in the field, when we work.
30:22I want you to have the full experience.
30:24As long as you can get out of your aristocratic protocol.
30:30Do you think I follow the protocols a lot?
30:34Don't make me talk.
30:44I brought ...
30:47a pisto
30:49that I made with these hands of here and with vegetables from the garden.
30:54It smells very good.
30:58A chicken that I made in the fields.
31:01Chicken from my corral.
31:03How delicious.
31:05Young wine.
31:09Some candles made with the wax of the bees of the village beekeeper.
31:21And some flowers that I picked up along the way.
31:30What do you think?
31:33Well, everything looks great.
31:37Catalina, I ...
31:40I know this is too humble for you.
31:45But I assure you that everything is made with a lot of love.
31:49All the love in the world.
31:52And although ...
31:55the chicken ...
31:57has burned a little here.
32:01I have to tell you that I like the churruscadito.
32:05It seems like a perfect dinner to me.
32:07And surely the churruscadito is also perfect.
32:09The churruscadito is perfect.
32:14Thank you.
32:17You don't deserve it.
32:19No, I don't say it for dinner.
32:23You make me forget everything bad around me.
32:27It's like I stop seeing it.
32:31When I'm with you, I feel very good.
32:35And I feel myself, too.
32:36I feel more ...
32:38as I am.
32:41I feel the same way.
32:45With you I can be myself.
32:51The best thing would be for us to start eating,
32:53because this cold and churruscadito is going to make your teeth itch.
32:57Of course, of course.
33:00Thank you.
33:07I love you.
33:15Let's see when you learn to make a knot in conditions, huh?
33:18Well, never.
33:23That's it.
33:24See? But I always have someone to do it for me.
33:26A mature face is what you have.
33:29Hey, what are you doing dressed like that?
33:31Aren't you going anywhere?
33:33I mean, I'm going to the palace of one of Marqués' friends.
33:36And that?
33:38As a reinforcement.
33:40Because it is known that the man has presented himself 100% to the mother there
33:43and the service is not enough.
33:45And for how long are you leaving?
33:48Good idea.
33:50And Hanna doesn't know either.
33:52Well, go.
33:53Well, if that's what I say, then go.
33:55Let's see what I do now.
33:58What are you going to do?
34:00For me, a day without your kisses is like not getting out of the sun.
34:07Anyway, it's all a bit strange, isn't it?
34:10Of what?
34:12Well, everything.
34:14That it is so urgent that you have to leave right now, at night,
34:18and that that man has to turn to the Marqués,
34:21that you can't look for a couple of maidens right there.
34:25It also seems a bit strange to me, the matter.
34:28And Hanna, what does she say?
34:30What is there?
34:32What is there? That says.
34:33What is there?
34:35What is there? That says.
34:39Are you going to try to look at the good in her?
34:41Well, I don't see it.
34:44Well, I'm going to look at myself, much more than here,
34:47to see if I get a good ratification,
34:49which is going to be a very short tip.
34:51And that we don't take yours for the colet.
34:53And so we will have less for our little house,
34:56and to get married at once.
34:59Yes, please, I'm looking forward to it.
35:01Although that does not mean that I, in the palace of this duke,
35:04know a black man more handsome and more handsome.
35:08And where I say, I say, I say Rodrigo.
35:10Very good, very good.
35:12You leave Rodrigo, if Diego, if Salvador.
35:14You are Salvador.
35:16But it can happen.
35:17It cannot be ruled out.
35:19Well, very good.
35:20Well, if it happens, I tend to resign, to see what it was half.
35:23Now, yes, I can also look for another maid.
35:26Someone more docile.
35:27More docile?
35:29More docile?
35:31Not that I was a horse.
35:32Sorry, sorry, I understand.
35:34Does that mean you don't like how I am?
35:37Not much.
35:40You are the perfect woman, María.
35:44You know what?
35:46Many times I pray,
35:48because the rest of the world does not realize it.
35:50And don't go with another.
35:52Only for me there is no other.
35:58I love you.
36:09So, do you like dinner?
36:11The dinner was wonderful.
36:13The food was very tasty.
36:15The wine is at the level of the food.
36:20But if I have to choose,
36:23I stay with the company.
36:26that's me.
36:28Yes, I don't see anyone else here.
36:31For me, the truth is that the company
36:34was not or was not.
36:36I had no choice.
36:38But well, I am satisfied.
36:41I see.
36:43Well, then you will like this.
36:51When you told me that you invited me to dinner,
36:54I also wanted to bring something.
36:58I actually ordered it.
37:00Ah, they made it for you.
37:04why deceive us?
37:06But the best one,
37:08López Ruiz,
37:10the one who started the jam recipe.
37:12They are cakes of different flavors.
37:14I hope you like them.
37:16They are made with the fruit of the best quality
37:19and with the jams we used to make.
37:22But are they still being made?
37:25Yes and no.
37:28Now they are made under the dictation of the Captain de la Mata,
37:31who is the one who told you that he ran the jam business now.
37:36López's recipes are no longer made.
37:40Now the most common jam is prioritized,
37:44of worse quality,
37:46but with more money.
37:49A shame.
37:51Well, it is.
37:54But well, let's stop talking about sad things.
37:59I propose a game to you.
38:03A game?
38:06You close your eyes,
38:09I give you cakes to taste,
38:13and you have to guess
38:14what the jam each of them is made of.
38:21Do I close my eyes now?
38:29Let's see.
38:31This is the simplest of all.
38:43Yes, that's fast.
38:48Yes, but ...
38:50there is another flavor.
38:52It's pepper.
38:54It's pepper.
38:57This is one of the first recipes we got from López,
39:00with which everything started.
39:02I liked it a lot.
39:04A lot, but ...
39:07there is a flavor
39:09that I think I've never tasted.
39:11Let's see what you think of this other one.
39:17Are you going to give it to me?
39:21Or pear.
39:22Well, it's the same, right?
39:25But ...
39:29it's a salty fig.
39:31That's right.
39:33Another one of López's craziness.
39:35It looks like an impossible mixture, and yet ...
39:39It's so delicious.
39:42Maybe it's my favorite.
39:44Maybe it's my favorite.
40:00Cold, cold.
40:04What could it be?
40:07Orange with cinnamon?
40:11Bitter orange
40:13with a touch of cinnamon.
40:14Mmm, delicious.
40:19Give me another one.
41:44Come in.
41:51And all this?
41:54All this is what we have to take.
41:59Yes, everything.
42:01And why?
42:03And for whom?
42:04Well, for whom?
42:05It's going to be, Maria, for us.
42:07Ah, for us.
42:10And who is that duke, San Rafael?
42:12A duke or a beggar?
42:14Even we have to carry the water, the food, the mattresses.
42:18What does this mean, Hanna?
42:21Maria, I remind you that you promised me not to ask questions.
42:24No, no, no, no, no.
42:25I didn't promise you anything.
42:26You asked me for one thing, but I didn't promise you anything.
42:28It's true.
42:29And I don't want to be a burden.
42:32But it is not understood that we have to go out at night,
42:34until now,
42:35and that we have to go out at night,
42:37but it is not understood that we have to go out at night,
42:39until now,
42:40and carry like a mule.
42:43Or carry like a ...
42:44Well, enough, Maria.
42:48But you will understand everything when we get to where we have to get.
42:51Because the palace has nothing, right?
42:55Do you want to shut up about a saint instead of helping me with all this, please?
43:00Pick that up.
43:02Pick that up.
43:07Pick that up.
43:23Maria Antonia.
43:25Maria Antonia, wait.
43:26No, no, it's not the moment.
43:27Really, I'm very tired and I just want to sleep.
43:29I won't be the one to stop you.
43:31I just want to tell you that you can't go on like this.
43:34I don't know why you say that.
43:35Yes, you do.
43:37And I'm going to tell you something else.
43:38No matter how hard you try not to hide it,
43:40you notice more and more that something is happening to you.
43:43No, I don't think so.
43:45If something happens to me or not,
43:46I take care of behaving normally.
43:50Like before with Cruz?
43:51You haven't said a word for half an hour,
43:52and when you finally opened your mouth,
43:53it would have been better if you shut up.
43:55Of course you notice that something is happening to you.
43:58Well, even if it is,
44:00I ask you, please, not to meddle.
44:02There are things that it is better not to stir up.
44:04But who is talking about stirring up anything, Maria Antonia?
44:08All I'm telling you is that if you keep your tribulations to yourself,
44:10they will end up bursting.
44:13I'm offering myself to help you.
44:15To help you or to listen to you, whatever you want.
44:18If it's in my hands,
44:20and if it's your wish.
44:24I don't know.
44:27Maybe it would be good for me to vent.
44:29Of course it would be good for you.
44:32Trust me, tell me what happens to you.
44:34I don't know.
44:35Lorenzo, I would like to, but ...
44:39what happens
44:42is that it is something very serious and delicate.
44:46And honestly, I'm very ashamed.
44:48Forget the shame.
44:51Trust me.
44:55Alonso kissed me.
45:04I just think what they have told us is not true.
45:07It is impossible,
45:08impossible for Martina to have done something like that.
45:12Or to have sex with a girl,
45:14being she an educated and judicious girl.
45:17I have to remind you that she slapped me in front of everyone, Margarita.
45:21And then she took the case where the jewel she had given her was,
45:24threw it at me and broke the bonsai.
45:27Let's not fool ourselves.
45:28Martina loses her nerves from time to time
45:30and I'm sure they will treat her properly there.
45:33I'm on this with Margarita.
45:35Because one thing is a slap and another very different thing is to get into a fight.
45:39Unfortunately, we still don't have enough information to know what really happened.
45:43Well, your husband has been calling all day to see if he found out anything.
45:47What is left out of the question
45:49is that the people who are in those places
45:51are not like Martina.
45:53They are not like Martina.
45:55They are not like Martina.
45:56They are not like Martina.
45:58They are very unbalanced people
46:00who can really be really dangerous.
46:02Don't say that, Cruz, please.
46:04It's the truth, Margarita.
46:06Because of you, Martina is exposed to endless dangers.
46:10Well, for me it's clear.
46:12You two are the only ones responsible for everything that can happen to her.
46:15You shouldn't have brought her into that place.
46:17You're exaggerating.
46:18Martina is perfectly fine, I'm sure.
46:20It's not that I'm exaggerating.
46:22My sister-in-law and you are running out of the bag.
46:24Now that you're being cursed, of course.
46:27What you're saying is offensive.
46:29That's the truth.
46:31You know, look around you.
46:33For me, the offensive thing is that you allowed yourself to bury poor Martina alive.
46:37She tried to kill me.
46:39That's what you're saying.
46:40No, no, it's not that I'm saying it.
46:42It's that everything points to her.
46:50What's going on, Alonso?
46:55I just spoke to the military contact that Lorenzo gave us and...
47:01and the worst news has been confirmed.
47:05What are those news?
47:09It seems that several enemy attacks have occurred in the place where Curro and Manuel were and...
47:16and there are many dead.
47:19The problem is that many of them are unidentified.
47:24So our son could be one of them.
47:28I think we should keep calm, dear, and wait for more information.
47:32I knew it.
47:34I knew it.
47:36That's why I had so many nightmares lately.
47:39It wasn't a coincidence.
47:44Excuse me.
47:45Ma'am, sir, you have an unexpected visitor.
48:06Where is my son, Manuel?
48:16Can you tell me where Juan and María Fernández have gone?
48:20Do you think these are ways to enter the office, Mrs. Arcos?
48:24Does he know or not?
48:26Don't you understand what I feel from here?
48:29And without even giving me any explanation...
48:36María has been kissing you all day.
48:40Now you start doing other things, don't you?
48:46I guess so.
48:47Please, let him go.
48:48You would never have imagined something so scandalous.
48:51I had my brother-in-law as a man of impeccable morals,
48:54and now he lets himself be carried away by his low passions.
48:57Well, tell me, what did he say? How did he react?
49:00Vera, don't lie to me. Did he force you again?
49:02López, no. Calm down.
49:03Are you sure?
49:04Yes. Quite the opposite.
49:06According to what you told me, he met with Don Fermín to talk about your job.
49:09Isn't that right?
49:10That's right. That's what I did.
49:12I know for a fact that Don Fermín hasn't been in town for several days,
49:16so it's impossible for him to meet with you.
49:18Why did he lie?
49:19Don't give him any more excuses, Margarita.
49:21It was an unimportant altercation.
49:23Well, I'm supposed to have brought my daughter to that place
49:25so that her spirit would calm down,
49:27and not for her to get into fights.
49:29I can't even imagine my daughter living in that sanatorium in fear.
49:33No, no, no!
49:34I can't do it!