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00:00Can you explain to me why the mortgages haven't been paid in time?
00:06Why, Misael?
00:08That's causing interest to multiply and you're the only one responsible for those payments.
00:13So I demand that you explain to me right now what happened.
00:17Well, what's going on, Misael?
00:20What was the problem so that those payments weren't made in time and in shape?
00:24I don't know.
00:25We're starting off very badly with this loan because it seems like it's on purpose.
00:27Is that what you want? On purpose to generate interest?
00:31Calm down, Jose Emilio.
00:33It's so easy to come and scream and demand results when you were very happy on vacation.
00:40If it hadn't been for Misael, this company would have fallen.
00:45You're right, aunt.
00:47Because Misael is in charge, he has to explain what happened.
00:50Let me hear you.
00:51I already told you I don't know, Jose Emilio.
00:52How do you not know?
00:53I don't know!
00:54I gave precise instructions.
00:56I'm just finding out that those payments weren't made in time.
00:58But look, don't worry.
01:00I'm going to find out what happened.
01:02And why don't we find out together?
01:04As you will see, I also want to know what happened
01:07and who was responsible for these interests being charged to us.
01:10Come on, I'll follow you.
01:11What's wrong with you?
01:13Do you want to make me look bad in front of all the employees or what?
01:16But you're not going to come and supervise me as if I were hiding something.
01:20Or worse, doing inappropriate things.
01:22I remind you that you were already involved in a fraud.
01:25That fraud was committed by my father, I clarify it to you.
01:28Misael had absolutely nothing to do with it.
01:30Well, my grandfather remembered something else very different, aunt.
01:33But that will be clarified when we find the documents
01:36that mysteriously disappeared from my grandfather's safe.
01:40Exactly, Jose Emilio.
01:42All that will be clarified when that contract appears
01:45and everyone sees my grandfather's signature there.
01:47But in the meantime, I'm not going to allow you to come and get into my work.
01:49I remind you that my grandfather trusts me.
01:52And I'm going to be the one to find out what happened.
01:55So don't come and face yourself just to look good in front of everyone.
01:58Okay, we're going to solve it the way it has to be.
02:01I'm going to ask for a results meeting
02:04and you're going to deliver the exact figures of those interests,
02:08which, as you well know, will translate into losses for the company.
02:13And don't forget to include the name of the person responsible.
02:16In the name of the person responsible.
02:27I have to destroy that contract today.
02:34Oh, I can't believe it.
02:36This is serious.
02:38Hello, Guadalupe.
02:40What happened? What's the problem?
02:42Sorry to have brought you here, Angeli.
02:43But we received a message
02:45that not even the pimp who speaks better English understands it.
02:48What is it, Angeli?
02:50Well, it's about gringoland, Angeli.
02:52Well, I think it's a very big lawsuit
02:55because it talks about a lot of money.
02:57I'm thinking that maybe it's like a fine
03:00or some kind of export interest.
03:02Don't say it, Lupita.
03:04But it's a big one.
03:06And if we have to pay it,
03:08I'm sure our earnings will go to the ground.
03:10Oh no, my head is already hurting.
03:13It was a lot of stress.
03:15Do you know Café Aspirina Fuerte Calidia Dolores?
03:18Severos de Cabeza?
03:21Thank you very much.
03:23Don't mention it. I always bring it with me.
03:25Wait, let me see the message, please.
03:28Come on, let's see what it says.
03:35What does it say?
03:37No, what lawsuit or what lawsuit?
03:39They inform us that our jams
03:40have just won an award in the field of organic
03:43and homemade flavor.
03:49And the money you mention is an extra bonus
03:51that you will be able to share among all of you.
03:54Oh my God!
03:56Oh my God!
04:00Yes, yes, yes, here it says.
04:02No way!
04:04Oh, I had not believed it!
04:10With the loss of memory, Rebeca seems different.
04:14And if she really changed?
04:16Yes, and if God really did us that miracle?
04:19I'm worried that you insist on believing everything to Rebeca.
04:22You just have to put on the face of suffering
04:24so that it falls round.
04:26Helena, I remind you that every time you trust her,
04:29that canija comes out with a low.
04:31Please, friend, think well if you are going to give her a new opportunity,
04:36if you are going to receive her again.
04:37You know what?
04:39I feel lost.
04:41So confused.
04:43Rebeca is still my daughter.
04:45I gave her life.
04:47She was born from me.
04:49She carries my blood.
04:51Sometimes it's hard for me to call her daughter.
04:53I am her mother.
04:57I'm so sorry, friend.
05:00Maybe if I had not left her alone 20 years ago,
05:03if she had grown up with me,
05:04with her father, her brothers,
05:06she would have been different.
05:10The guilt I still feel is the age I lost her.
05:14It's something that will haunt me forever.
05:17We can't change what happened, friend.
05:19Your daughter is back.
05:21And it's not your fault that Rebeca preferred to listen to hatred and envy
05:25instead of choosing love.
05:29My daughter.
05:35What happened?
05:37Yes, I know they erased your hard drive, Mana.
05:42What has it done to live without memories?
05:44As if you had never lived.
05:46You really don't remember anything at all?
05:49You also come to complain to me.
05:52Everyone who comes has something against me.
05:55And I can't defend myself because I don't remember anything.
05:58What did I do to you?
06:00Calm down, daughter.
06:01I'm not here to argue with you.
06:03I mean, you did act like a mule with me,
06:05but you didn't kill me either, did you?
06:08If I came,
06:10it's because I'm really worried about you.
06:12We went to Cuatacha a few years ago,
06:14and because of that friendship that brought us together,
06:16you can still count on me.
06:18For this one.
06:21Oh, a hug.
06:27You're going to laugh a good joke.
06:29You're going to laugh a good joke, Mati.
06:31Listen to this.
06:33I was with Pedrito, Mr. Emilio's son-in-law,
06:35and they started playing with the yoyo,
06:37but Mr. Emilio's stick got stuck,
06:39it bounced,
06:41and it flew in Pedrito's face.
06:43It was very funny, Mati.
06:45I remember you because you always laugh at those things.
06:49Doesn't it make you laugh?
06:51No, Javi.
06:53It seems like you're only interested in your jokes,
06:55but you don't care that I won't walk again.
06:57Get out of bed.
07:00I don't care, Mati.
07:02Besides, Fatima says you're going to get better.
07:05That's not true. Fatima doesn't know anything.
07:07Nobody knows anything.
07:09Can you imagine how she feels?
07:11It's horrible not knowing if I'm going to walk again or not.
07:15I feel useless, Javi.
07:17I can't even go to the bathroom alone.
07:20It's your fault, Mati.
07:22She doesn't love anyone anymore.
07:29Not even me.
07:31No, no, no, no.
07:33It's not against you, Javi.
07:35Remember what your boss said.
07:37Mati thinks her life doesn't make sense because of the accident,
07:40but you and I have to unite with her.
07:44We have to be patient.
07:46Only then will we be able to help her.
07:48I already told her everything,
07:50but she won't listen.
07:52She won't listen to me.
07:54She won't listen to me.
07:56She won't listen to me.
07:58I already told your boss that she can count on me.
08:01Can she count on you?
08:03Of course she can count on me.
08:05That's it.
08:07I'm going to go with my mom to do some studies
08:10and then I'll come back for Javi, okay?
08:12You know, I've never seen myself taking care of a child.
08:15It's exhausting, but much more fun than I expected.
08:19Now you understand me.
08:22You don't know how much I appreciate you, my love.
08:24The best brother can't be my son.
08:35Thank you for supporting me,
08:37for giving me so much strength.
08:40I'm the luckiest to have you by my side, Fatima.
08:47Mom, Sandra is the new employee.
08:50She's very good at serving tables,
08:52and she's gained a lot of experience in the neighborhood.
08:55If we didn't hire her, we'd be crazy.
08:57She's very good.
08:59Thank you very much, Santi.
09:01No one had done so many favors for me.
09:03Nice to meet you, Ms. Elena.
09:05The pleasure is mine.
09:07Welcome to the restaurant, Sandra.
09:09Thank you very much.
09:11I'm really excited.
09:13I never imagined working in a place like this.
09:15I promise I won't let you down.
09:18Mom, could you accompany her to sign her contract?
09:23Yes, of course.
09:25Follow me, please.
09:27Thank you very much, Santi.
09:32Angeli is coming back.
09:34Perfect. Thank you very much, Brenda.
09:37You must be patient, dear.
09:39These surgeries are delicate and it takes time to recover.
09:42We are also very worried.
09:45You can walk, but I can't, Mom.
09:48That's why you have to think things through before you do them.
09:52What you did was stupid.
09:55I don't doubt that escape was the idea of that vandal.
09:59He's wasting them.
10:08You'll see, Pedrito, what a surprise I have for you.
10:16Hello, welcome.
10:20Excuse me.
10:22Look how handsome you are, kid.
10:26You look like a catrina, Pedrito.
10:29Yes, you look like a banana, squashed and ugly.
10:33Pedrito, what kind of fashion is that?
10:36He started it.
10:38I prepared this surprise for you because Petrita told me
10:44you were sad all over the house.
10:48Thank you very much, sir.
10:51I would also like you to call me Abuelo.
10:56But I'm not used to it yet.
11:00You don't say costume, you say acostumbro.
11:07Pedrito, we all missed you a lot in the neighborhood, right, Mommy?
11:13Of course, my love. We couldn't wait to visit you, Pedrito.
11:18Thank you very much, sir. I mean, Mr. Emilio.
11:23He's Abuelo.
11:27What the hell are you doing here, Wanda?
11:30I want to see my son. Just that, Misael. Let me see him.
11:34You can't stop him. I'm his mother.
11:38I know your heart is made of stone and nothing moves you,
11:42but here's the DNA test that shows Pedrito is my son.
11:49Oh, look.
11:51It's not true. Pedrito is your son.
11:55Look at what I do with your results.
11:58It will make you cheap.
12:03Listen to me very well, Wanda.
12:06If I see you around here again, I'm going to call the police
12:10and I'll make sure you're locked up for the rest of your life.
12:14Get out of here.
12:17Get out.
12:21Get out!
12:28You heard the doctor.
12:30Tomorrow's appointment is just to rule out that you may have something, Cristina.
12:35Let's not get ahead of ourselves, okay?
12:37Yes, you're right.
12:39And Adolfo, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart
12:41for being there for me.
12:46I am very grateful and it was definitely better
12:49that Fatima didn't know or accompany me.
12:52I don't want to worry them anymore.
12:54They are already too overwhelmed with so many problems.
12:56Cristina, listen to me.
12:58You are very important to Fatima and to Jose Emilio.
13:01You are very important to everyone in this family, including me.
13:05That's why I'm going to ask you that if you need to talk,
13:08whatever it is, at any time.
13:11Tell me you'll call me, okay?
13:13Yes, I promise. Thank you.
13:15But I'll be fine, right?
13:17You yourself told me that tomorrow's appointment is just to rule out that I may...
13:24Well, is there anything I need?
13:28Just tell me what it is, okay?
13:30I don't want anyone to find out.
13:32No, I don't want my children or anyone to find out, please.
13:35Not yet.
13:37Yes, yes, yes, yes.
13:39Don't forget that I'm here for you, okay?
13:42Thank you. Really, thank you very much.
13:44Go with the turtles.
13:47What is it that no one can know, Miss Cristina?
13:50Let me guess the mystery.
13:52You two are already flirting, is that it?
13:55Monica, you have no idea what a big nonsense you're saying.
13:58Oh, please.
14:00What else could it be, Adolfo?
14:02Be very clear how you melt when you tell her.
14:05Here I am for you, Cristina.
14:07That's enough, Monica, enough.
14:09Please, leave her alone.
14:11Enough. I'm not here.
14:13Not today. Not today, Monica.
14:15You're crazy.
14:17What are you talking about?
14:19Talking about crazy.
14:21You two are a pair of hypocrites.
14:23If you're worth it, I'm worth the whole convent.
14:34Bruno, where are you?
14:35Where are you?
14:38I bought this gift for my son, grandfather.
14:41I hope he likes it a lot.
14:44The important thing is that Pedrito sees that you were thinking about him, boy.
14:51Excuse me.
14:53Don Amy, may I?
14:58Pedrito, look what I brought you.
15:02It's a gift for you.
15:03Take it.
15:05I don't want anything.
15:08Let's see, open it.
15:10I promise you'll like it.
15:12I didn't tell you.
15:17Well, if you don't want to open it, I'll open it.
15:20Tell me if you want to, okay?
15:25If I tell you all this,
15:27it's because you asked me to keep an eye on Pedrito
15:30while everyone goes to the office.
15:33You know I trust you a lot, Pedrito.
15:36Tell me,
15:38how did my great-grandson behave?
15:42First, he was playing with the other kid.
15:45The engineer's son.
15:47Look at him, Javi.
15:51No, he was very happy.
15:53He jumped and jumped.
15:55But as soon as he left, Javi was very sad.
15:58And he just goes and looks out the window like my temper.
16:03You know what, Mr. Emi?
16:05It looks like he's not here.
16:10I'm going to talk to him.
16:12If you'll excuse me.
16:16Well, what gift did you bring my great-grandson?
16:21Look, Pedrito, it's a premium phone
16:24with all the games you can imagine.
16:26Do you like your gift?
16:28I don't want anything.
16:30But it has 5G technology.
16:34But what are you going to know about that, kid?
16:38Pedrito is too young to play with these games.
16:43You should have bought him a yo-yo or marbles.
16:47That little device won't bring you closer to your son, Isael.
16:54You should get to know him.
16:56Give him your time.
16:58Play together.
17:00Give him love.
17:02Your love and understanding is what your son needs.
17:15The number you have dialed is turned off.
17:18Oh, Ximena isn't answering.
17:21What are you doing, Ximena?
17:25Is she with the cook?
17:36What do you want, Romina?
17:39I told you Bruno and Monica left a while ago.
17:43But how long ago did they leave?
17:46I don't know, 40 minutes, 42.
17:48No, no, no, they didn't leave together.
17:51What's your business, Romina?
17:56No, no, no, nothing. Thanks.
18:01Thank you.
18:02Thank you.
18:30Rebecca, you're right.
18:32I don't want to be paid.
18:34You must understand that Pedrito is very worried.
18:38He thinks his mother is going to look for him in the neighborhood.
18:43He is very excited to meet her again.
18:48How do you know that, grandfather?
18:50Pedrito told me a long time ago.
18:53Look, if you really want to get close to him
18:57and show him that you care, look for his mother.
19:01Help him find her, boy.
19:05Never, grandfather.
19:07That woman is not going to bring anything good to my son.
19:10She's just looking for an economic benefit.
19:14So you know where she is.
19:17Excuse me, Mr. Emi. Are you going to dinner?
19:23I need to take this call. Excuse me.
19:26Go ahead.
19:27Has Cristina returned?
19:29Yes, but she was very tired and went up to bed.
19:35What do you want, Romina?
19:37Now that you were fired from the company, are you looking for me?
19:41Don't bother to justify yourself because I won't help you.
19:44Good night.
19:46Your mother set me up so I wouldn't tell you the truth about Rebecca Misael.
19:50What do you mean, Romina?
19:52What do you know about Rebecca?
19:53What do you know about Rebecca?
19:55When Rebecca pressured you at the shareholders' meeting,
19:59was it because the lady fired Rebecca?
20:01No, don't even say it. That's not going to happen.
20:03Rebecca has to pay.
20:05In fact, there's something I want to tell you.
20:10What, honey? What's going on?
20:12Maybe the photo they sent you
20:14is the way to make sure Rebecca goes to jail.
20:18I inform you that tomorrow you will be discharged.
20:21And what will happen when I leave the hospital, doctor?
20:24They have no idea where they're going to take me.
20:27According to your lawyer,
20:29if there is no one responsible for your custody,
20:32they probably won't let you go free.
20:35They're going to take you to the prison.
20:37All set, young man.
20:39Perfect. Thank you very much.
20:41Here you go.
20:42Thank you.
20:51How strange, Romina.
20:53How strange.
20:55How strange.
20:57How strange.
20:59How strange.
21:01How strange.
21:03How strange.
21:04How strange, Romina.
21:34How strange.
21:47It's Irene.
21:54Good evening.
21:56Good evening.
21:58What are you doing here?
22:00I called you.
22:01It has already been confirmed that in the fragments of the jar
22:04there were remains of the drug that caused Mrs. Alma's death.
22:08And the main suspect is Rebecca Sanchez.
22:11We expect the judge to proceed with his arrest in prison.
22:15Agent Corral,
22:17we want you to find out who sent this photo to my wife.
22:20Maybe that way we can find out who is responsible for her disappearance.
22:25This photograph may be the proof we need.
22:32If you say a damn word about me,
22:35a single word,
22:37I will not stop until I kill your son.
22:40I swear.