Jenny Scordamaglia - Gyza Piramids Egypt Episode

  • 3 months ago
Sexy Jenny in Egypt


00:30welcome to joe there's the days in the toilets of the effort of doha hats off
00:52okay guys welcome to egypt
01:00so traffic is crazy and it's 12 midnight 12 20 look getting a very private tour right now
01:18about the nile river this is it you can't see anything now but you'll see it
01:25egyptians are very nice people so so far so good yeah i'm so funny as well and very funny yes
01:31it's very rare name he does not have a common name his name is muhammad it's not it's not
01:38rare name no it's not coming here you say muhammad and everybody goes
01:44like a thousand people thousand million a million of million of people million people
01:50around 140 million really they named
01:59we're learning how to dance while we drive this is trash trash
02:12good morning so this is our room balcony it is really cold in the morning
02:18like it's cold at night and then it's cold in the morning and we are right here
02:48we're ready to go
03:14hey guys so welcome to giza pyramids i'm actually in a quest of energy reception so my idea of
03:21these kind of pyramids is that you have to come here and really not just look at it and say oh
03:25look how beautiful history but actually just take some time to embrace it absorb the energy
03:32what in my personal level what we know about the pyramid is like is that they were made
03:38because there is a really high energy that comes in this area of the world and this was one way for
03:44them to preserve it so it's basically concentrated in the pyramids and we are visiting in the month
03:49of ramadan which is a holy month as well so uh that makes the energy a lot more special so the
03:54weather is chilly it's not hot so far so um yeah let's let's get ready to learn some
04:25all right guys so welcome to the pyramid of kiosk uh we have an anthropologist
04:30it will be anthropologist social i have a i have a associate degree in social anthropology
04:35specializing in ancient and modern operations okay so he's going to tell us a little bit about
04:39the history uh of course you guys can read this but since we're here it's so exciting
04:44yeah so tell us a little bit about this pyramid well we're on the valley of the kiosk dynasty
04:49which is comprised by kiosks kufu or kipra and misery those are their grandfather their father
04:55and the sap respected this pyramid was going 4,700 years before christ so hence
05:01we're talking about a structure that is 6,700 years old
05:20so it's hard to take some time to just
05:25absorb everything you know when you're with a guide and everything it's just run run run but
05:30it's important that you take some time to just sit and meditate or try to meditate and
05:36feel the vibe and feel the energy of this place it's incredible like every pyramid
05:53so tell us a little history this is marcello palermo i'm a social anthropologist so this is
06:13part of what was ancient migrations because lots of people of the ancient world actually migrated
06:17here because it was one of the first settlements of humanity of modern civilized elements this
06:22structure is dated from 4,700 before christ so it's around 6,700 years old this is the pyramid
06:29of the grandpa chaos what's the name of this pyramid the pyramid of chaos okay chaos was
06:36the first pharaoh of the dynasty of greece
06:42so we talk about something that is 6,700 years old
06:52tiring they don't allow you to bring cameras in which is ironic because you know everybody has
07:09we made it this is the most fantastic thing because you have the main chunk there it is
07:23this is how low it is you guys so you gotta be careful and bring comfortable clothing
07:27uh pants preferably but like light ones don't be claustrophobic all right guys so we are came up
07:36came down um yeah it's it's hard to really concentrate and feel the energy because there's
07:42so many people and so loud i feel like this should be a sacred place where you don't
07:46scream or people are not talking so much but tourism you know but um it is an energy place
07:53so make sure you meditate a little bit when you get out
08:07we made it we're live we're live now i have to find my mom somewhere in the crowd
08:12i feel so good to be outside it was super hot it was very heavy yes you have to uh i would say bring
08:18water but honestly i think the less you have on you the better so i left my backpack with our
08:22guide and everything and yeah so and be here early because there's so many people here
08:33the ancient times and all its splendor was 140 feet tall now it's around 130 between 130 35
08:40136 roughly and it's a rough estimate i think they understood that it was an energy place and
08:46it was a sacred place because this is a place like i was thinking earlier like people actually
08:51should meditate here they should be quiet they should be relaxed but you go inside and everybody
08:55screams and yelling and talking it's like so it would be nice if they ask people to keep it down
09:01because it's i mean it's it's just respect yeah um so yeah we have a beautiful day out so we're
09:06going to continue our tour we're going to head down that way we're seeing the back of the sphinx
09:17right there but i feel blessed that we have this place almost to ourselves because there's
09:23no tourism in this area check this out unbelievable yeah
09:31this is what i like i like peace not so many tourists and so many people so the earliest
09:38you can come you guys the better and we have such a beautiful weather so i would say ramadan is a
09:43good time to come
10:03all right guys so 1500 ctesmosis the fourth was hunting he got really tired and he laid down
10:10right there to rest when he was resting he had a vision and this vision marcello is going to tell
10:14us about jenny you said it perfectly well the year was 1500 before christ in this one place
10:22after a very long and tiring hunting expedition two small seeds of four laid to rest
10:27when he laid to rest he actually started having visions visions dreams and eventually he said
10:32he thought okay what i have to do here is to create an explanator of the dreams kind of like a way of
10:37the dreams because what he thought is that this thing's right here which is actually a hybrid a
10:42connection between a lion and a human was a thing that had to be revered as such as something
10:49superior as a way to the souls as a way to the path to heaven and protection right exactly kind
10:56of a protection kind of a barrier from any harm because they were actually they were burning the
10:59stamps they were not hunting with guns of course we're talking about 1500 bc to hunting with arrows
11:04and also spears what he decided is to make the way to pave a way for people to actually walk
11:09through and the way is called the way of the dreams okay and what is the meaning for the
11:13sphinx is it only protection well this was a big piece of stone a big piece of stone exactly they
11:20made it pretty they made it pretty one of the things that it's always a mystery about the
11:24egyptians is how they figured out all those paintings and all those wonderful sculptures
11:28of have something to have something which we know as we know as hybrids so in this case because
11:33this region was actually played with lions jaywards jaguars pumas uh maybe extraterrestrial
11:38like who knows we never know did they see anything nobody knows exactly i think they
11:43had enough time in their hands to fight like actually connect and meditate and there was
11:47no technology back then could you imagine us in that time we would go crazy yeah exactly and of
11:52course we'll have a mind and vision of those times as well but in this case i mean those things the
11:57idea was to make the body of a protector of a lion and the head actually represents pharaoh
12:03chaos one of the first beautiful so it's the head of the face of pharaoh chaos and the body of a
12:09lion the idea of the sphinx is to protect the three main pyramids but the first one to go to
12:14heaven the first one to go to heaven was chaos pharaoh pharaoh chaos the second one was kufu
12:21and the third one was miss arena we're gonna continue on our tour hope you're liking it
12:33so hello um we're being told that the way that this is actually put together there's no cement
12:38here guys this is pink bannock so the way that there's a perfection a perfect line right there
12:42and no air is because apparently they um made sure that they rubbed it together until it just
12:48fit perfectly huge blocks of granite
13:06so remember this is all under sand so they dug this out crazy i don't know how many tons of
13:27sand they got out of here that was covered all the way to the head
13:58all right guys so um basically take pictures get on the camel
14:04get a view of the pyramids on the side very nice
15:17it always looks like the pyramid triangle
15:21a symbol of eternal life here for us now but because it's very strong the ancient egyptians
15:28make hats bags sandals baskets from that but now we don't need this one we need this one to make
15:35the paper first of all we cut it very thin but here we have a problem you can cut it easily
15:41because inside is water and the gelatin and the gelatin is something like fluid
15:46for that we need the wood and we keep water and the gelatin out size big or small
15:52and then two pieces and that that lasts also for six days
16:05all right guys so we have come to the markets of course where we're buying everything look at this
16:11look at this leather clothing you name it have it
16:57so now we're visiting the sakara we're going to visit the tomb of mereduka so
17:01apparently what they did is they left the best version of themselves in this
17:05tomb so you can see them with the muscles and everything not when they were older
