[Eng Sub]Scapegoat Bride: Ex-Husband, Spare Me [Part.2

  • 2 months ago
CEO only used girl as a tool to vent lust, but regrets when learns she had terminal cancer!
00:00:00Hey, did you have anything to do with my mom's death?
00:00:10What, Jingbei?
00:00:12Did you on earth relate to my mom's death?
00:00:18I just wanted to teach Tang Wangwang, that bitch, a lesson because she offended my daughter.
00:00:24What's more, Jingbei?
00:00:26I did all this for you.
00:00:29That old bitch had killed your mother.
00:00:32She deserves to go to hell.
00:00:37So she told the truth.
00:00:39You lied to my mom's death because of Li Yunong.
00:00:43Li Yunong's life matters, but my mom's not?
00:00:47What, Jingbei? Why?
00:00:48Shut up! Your mother is a killer.
00:00:50She deserves to die.
00:00:52But you hurt Yunong.
00:00:55You should pay.
00:00:59Well, since you think I did that, I have nothing to say.
00:01:05Next thing is to call the police.
00:01:15Hello, police office.
00:01:16There's a killer.
00:01:17Who told you to do that?
00:01:19But a killer should face their punishment.
00:01:21Get away!
00:01:22Don't call the police.
00:01:44Have a good rest. I'm leaving.
00:01:56Find some guys to teach Tang Wanwan a lesson in prison.
00:02:03Five million reward.
00:02:09Tang Wanwan, this time I'll take you down to hell.
00:02:17Zhuhai, give me the surveillance camera data.
00:02:19I'll bail Tang Wanwan out.
00:02:26Tang Wanwan's prison
00:02:39Don't you go to the wrong place?
00:02:40This is woman's prison.
00:02:45So what?
00:02:47We came here for some pleasure.
00:02:53Do you know who I am?
00:02:54I'm Ms. Hua.
00:02:55If Mr. Hua knows this, he won't let you go.
00:02:59Don't you think I don't know?
00:03:01Mr. Hua hates you so much.
00:03:05Tell the truth.
00:03:06It's Mr. Hua who sends us here.
00:03:09It's him?
00:03:11Mr. Hua said you hurt Ms. Ling.
00:03:14Anyone who can teach you a lesson will get a good reward.
00:03:21Did you hurt Yunong?
00:03:22Yunong, up to now, you should pay.
00:03:27Hua Jinbei, how cruel you are.
00:03:36Don't touch me. Let me go.
00:03:38Don't touch me. Let me go.
00:03:41Let me go. Don't touch me. Let me go.
00:03:47Bitch, dare to hit me?
00:03:52Hua Jinbei, I hate you.
00:03:57Wow, bitch resist hard. How about we...
00:04:02Mr. Hua said we should torture her hard.
00:04:05Go, open the video recorder.
00:04:23Come on.
00:04:42Tell me, with which hand did you touch her?
00:04:44Son of a bitch, do you know who I am?
00:04:47The Hua Crypto you know.
00:04:48I am under Hua Jinbei's command.
00:04:56Wanwan, wake up. It's safe now. I'm here. Wanwan.
00:05:02Hua Jinbei, there are a lot of ways to revenge me.
00:05:06Why you choose this one?
00:05:08Wanwan, it's not me.
00:05:11You're injured. I'll take you to the hospital.
00:05:13Hua Jinbei, how I regret to have fallen in love with you.
00:05:17If there is an afterlife, I'll choose never to meet you.
00:05:32Hua Jinbei, if I die, take care of Grape.
00:05:36I won't let you die. You should live to pay me back.
00:05:39If you died, I'll abandon Grape. Do you hear me?
00:05:48Zhou Hai, find out who dared to hurt my wife on behalf of my command.
00:05:57Mr. Huo, the wound is minor. She needs rest for blood loss.
00:06:03Find out anything?
00:06:04The prisoner has confessed that it was the warder who ordered your name to do this.
00:06:09The warder? How dare he?
00:06:12Who is behind him?
00:06:14The warder said...
00:06:16Brother Jinbei, how is sister Wanwan?
00:06:19Clean it up.
00:06:22Is this case conducted by you?
00:06:28Did you do that thing to Tang Wanwan?
00:06:31Brother Jinbei, why do you think so?
00:06:34Don't you know what kind of person I am?
00:06:38I thought you'd understand what I meant by the way I handled that thing with your mother last time.
00:06:46That's my warning to you.
00:06:48Brother Jinbei, you've got me wrong idea.
00:06:52If I wanted to hurt sister Wanwan, why would I wait until now?
00:06:57I'm here to talk.
00:06:59What's that?
00:07:02I want to testify to the police, say it's all a misunderstanding.
00:07:07Sister Wanwan, she hurt me by accident. In that case, she can get out of jail.
00:07:14Of course. I really didn't want to hurt sister Wanwan.
00:07:19Brother Jinbei, you must trust me.
00:07:21Li Yunong, I thought I had never really seen your mind.
00:07:30Tang Wanwan, it's all your fault. Why don't you go to hell?
00:07:39Sister, which room is Tang Wanwan?
00:07:42It's in the very back room.
00:07:46Hi, the little bastard. Do you still remember me?
00:07:55Hi, the little bastard. Do you still remember me?
00:08:00You're the bad woman.
00:08:02You little bastard. How dare you swear at me?
00:08:05Bad woman, you're not gonna get me.
00:08:10You little bastard. I'm gonna kill you sooner or later.
00:08:24Mom, you're awake.
00:08:36What's the matter, my little grape? Why are you crying?
00:08:40Mom, you don't want me either?
00:08:43How could it be? Mom would never abandon grape.
00:08:47Mom, you're lying. You just don't want me anymore.
00:08:51They say you lost a lot of blood and went to heaven.
00:08:55I will never see you again. Then I will become a child without mother and father.
00:09:06My good girl, mom would never abandon you.
00:09:11Huh, it's really a mother-daughter bond.
00:09:18Huh, what a lovely mother-daughter relationship.
00:09:22What are you doing here?
00:09:24To see whether you die or not.
00:09:27I have arranged so many people for you.
00:09:30What a pity you don't know how to enjoy.
00:09:34You hired those people?
00:09:36Once Wajinbei knows it, he will realize who you really are.
00:09:41You're funny.
00:09:42You seriously think Wajinbei don't know anything?
00:09:45It's just a crisis in it.
00:09:47It's all because you hurt me.
00:09:50Don't bully my mom.
00:09:55Little asshole, I'm gonna kill you.
00:09:59Get out.
00:10:05What are you doing?
00:10:08Jinbei, honey, I came here just to check if sister Wanwan is okay.
00:10:12I have never thought of that.
00:10:14She asked this little child to push me.
00:10:17See, I got injured.
00:10:19It's not true, dad. She bullied mom first.
00:10:22Jinbei, darling, I don't know how sister Wanwan teach her kid.
00:10:26She just let this little child lie to people.
00:10:29Tell me the truth, Crepe.
00:10:31On this aunt's face, why there is a wound?
00:10:34No lying, you hear me?
00:10:37I'm worried mom will be bullied so I push her.
00:10:41How could you push people?
00:10:42Who teach you to do that?
00:10:44You're in such a young age.
00:10:45How dare you to hurt people?
00:10:47But she bullied mom first.
00:10:51Enough, Wajinbei.
00:10:53Crepe is still a little kid.
00:10:54Why you yell at her?
00:10:56I'm teaching my child.
00:10:57It's none of your business.
00:11:00Wajinbei, Crepe is a young little girl.
00:11:03Can you please talk to her gently?
00:11:05Crepe is spoiled by you.
00:11:07I can't believe such a little girl dare to do this kind of fierce thing.
00:11:11This is how you educate her?
00:11:12Why are you mad at her?
00:11:13So what? To teach her?
00:11:15When she is bullied, she can't fight back?
00:11:17Wajinbei, ever since Crepe was born,
00:11:19do you take any responsibility as a father?
00:11:22You have no right to educate her now.
00:11:24Fine, I will teach her by myself from now on.
00:11:31From now on, Tang Wanwan is not allowed to see Crepe again.
00:11:34In case she will mislead my child.
00:11:40I don't want you to be a bad example.
00:11:42Don't go too far.
00:11:44Mr. Lee.
00:11:45This is Mr. Hua's family business.
00:11:46Please leave.
00:11:57It's been five years.
00:11:58When did you ever look at her?
00:11:59Why just by one of your words can you separate me and Crepe?
00:12:02Are you a human being?
00:12:03Since you can't teach the kid, I'll do it.
00:12:06I don't want my daughter to grow up like her mother and grandmother.
00:12:10To be a murderer.
00:12:11Brother Jinbei.
00:12:13I don't think that's a good idea.
00:12:15After all, Sister Wanwan is Crepe's biological mother.
00:12:19My daughter doesn't need a murderer as her mother.
00:12:23If you want to see Crepe again, you'll have to be a servant.
00:12:28Just in time.
00:12:29The whole family needs a nanny.
00:12:35I hate you.
00:12:38It seems you've recovered.
00:12:40Then come back to the whole family with me.
00:12:42I'll teach you the rules.
00:12:44From now on, you'll be the whole family's nanny.
00:12:52Everything in this house will be done by you.
00:12:58From today on, you'll be the nanny of the whole family.
00:13:01You'll do everything in this house.
00:13:06How can you treat me like this?
00:13:08You don't have to do it, but you'll never see Crepe again.
00:13:11Give her something, Zhou Hai.
00:13:13Yes, sir.
00:13:23From today, everyone's job, including feeding, clothing, and housing, you know.
00:13:28Tang Wanwan will take care of them all.
00:13:30No one is allowed to help her.
00:13:32Brother Jinbei.
00:13:33After all, Sister Wanwan is your wife.
00:13:36If I let her take care of me, I don't think that's a good idea.
00:13:40Maybe I'd better go back to the hospital.
00:13:44You know, there's no need to be kind to a woman like her.
00:13:48Just stay here and let her take care of you until you've recovered.
00:13:56Miss Tang.
00:13:57Miss Wan treats you like that.
00:14:01It's fine, Aunty Liu.
00:14:03I'm used to it.
00:14:11How are you, little Crepe?
00:14:13Bad woman.
00:14:14What are you doing here?
00:14:19Bad woman.
00:14:20What are you doing here?
00:14:23Dad, why do you bring a bad woman to our house?
00:14:27Don't be rude.
00:14:28Call her Aunty.
00:14:30Mother Liu said, bad woman.
00:14:33Dad, why do you bring a bad woman to our house?
00:14:37Don't be rude.
00:14:38Call her Aunty.
00:14:39Mother Liu said, Dad brought another Aunty home.
00:14:41He wants to find a stepmother for Crepe.
00:14:44Crepe has her own mom.
00:14:46Crepe doesn't want this bad woman to be Crepe's stepmother.
00:14:50Mother Liu.
00:14:53That's what you say to little Crepe.
00:14:56Mr. Huo.
00:14:57Brother Jinbei, Crepe is still so young.
00:15:00It's normal.
00:15:01What other people do around her, she'll learn from that.
00:15:05I don't mind.
00:15:06Maybe you could go do your job first.
00:15:09I'll play with Crepe for a while.
00:15:11But she...
00:15:12Don't worry.
00:15:13Crepe is so cute.
00:15:14I like her very much.
00:15:16It's just that we didn't have much contact before.
00:15:19She's just a bit shy.
00:15:20Let's get to know each other better.
00:15:22And connect to each other.
00:15:24And then we'll be good.
00:15:28That's good.
00:15:37You won't get away this time, will you?
00:15:42I'll be your mom in the future.
00:15:45You have to learn to please me.
00:15:47Got it?
00:15:49Bad woman.
00:15:50Big bastard.
00:15:51You're cheating.
00:15:52I don't want to be...
00:15:54Bad girl.
00:15:55You have to be punished.
00:15:57Oh, it hurts.
00:16:01Oh, it hurts.
00:16:09Mom, I'm scared.
00:16:11Don't be scared.
00:16:17How dare you hit me.
00:16:18Just because you dared to touch my daughter.
00:16:20One slap is not enough to pay you back.
00:16:26What are you doing?
00:16:30What are you doing?
00:16:32Brother Jingbei.
00:16:33I'm just trying to cultivate my relationship with Grape.
00:16:36Sister Wanwan hit me right away.
00:16:39Look at my face.
00:16:45You did it?
00:16:46Yes, I did.
00:16:49Whoever hurts my daughter, I'll kill him.
00:16:53You should feel lucky.
00:16:54I didn't kill her.
00:17:00Did I tell you to go?
00:17:02Apologize to Yu Nong.
00:17:05Why should I apologize to her?
00:17:07She deserves it.
00:17:09Do you know that she just took Grape?
00:17:11Sister Wanwan.
00:17:12I don't know what I've done to offend you.
00:17:14Shouldn't I have come back?
00:17:16I shouldn't have gotten involved between you and Jingbei.
00:17:20But I...
00:17:21I can't control my feelings for him.
00:17:26Please forgive me.
00:17:28Forgive you?
00:17:31Then go to hell.
00:17:32I'll forgive you if you die.
00:17:34Tang Wanwan.
00:17:38Since you can't stand me.
00:17:41I'll leave.
00:17:43Brother Jingbei.
00:17:44Take care.
00:17:46Don't you want to die?
00:17:47Go ahead.
00:17:48You can't die with this little force.
00:17:50Tang Wanwan.
00:17:51Have you had enough?
00:17:53Am I wrong?
00:17:55Brother Jingbei.
00:17:56Brother Jingbei.
00:17:57Don't fight over me.
00:17:59You saved my life.
00:18:01It's not worth it.
00:18:07You're making up again, aren't you?
00:18:09Where's the arrogance?
00:18:10When you were bullying Grape.
00:18:13When Hua Jingbei come.
00:18:14You are pretending to be innocent again.
00:18:16Sister Wanwan.
00:18:17Go ahead.
00:18:19If you're scolding me.
00:18:20It can make you feel better.
00:18:22Then do it.
00:18:24If you don't feel enough.
00:18:27You can hit me.
00:18:28What's wrong with you?
00:18:30You can't bully mom.
00:18:32This is the good daughter you've taught.
00:18:34Very good.
00:18:37Next time.
00:18:38Don't let me see you bully Yunlong.
00:18:42You'll never see little Grape again.
00:18:51Why does dad protect that bad woman?
00:18:53Does dad not like me?
00:18:55I didn't do anything wrong.
00:18:57I want to see mom.
00:18:59I'm so scared.
00:19:03Don't be afraid.
00:19:05Mom will take you away from here.
00:19:21What's up?
00:19:24Let's divorce.
00:19:28I've thought about it.
00:19:29Grape is not that young now.
00:19:31You're with Li Yunlong.
00:19:32And she...
00:19:35You can't even wait to leave me.
00:19:37Shall I give you some punishment?
00:19:39So that you'll learn from your mistakes.
00:19:42Aren't you afraid that your Li Yunlong.
00:19:44Feel sad when she knows it?
00:19:46Why do you mention her?
00:19:47We're a couple.
00:19:49As long as we're not divorced.
00:19:51You must fulfill your duties as a wife.
00:19:54Serve me well.
00:19:57Wa Jinbei.
00:19:58You're really a bastard.
00:19:59You love Yunlong so much.
00:20:01I'll let you two get married.
00:20:03And divorce with me.
00:20:07Brother Jinbei.
00:20:08Are you in the room?
00:20:12Brother Jinbei.
00:20:13Are you in the room?
00:20:15Brother Jinbei.
00:20:21Brother Jinbei.
00:20:25If your mistress sees like this.
00:20:27She'll be sad.
00:20:28Are you jealous?
00:20:31You're not worth it.
00:20:32Brother Jinbei.
00:20:40Am I interrupting you two?
00:20:42Tang Wanwan.
00:20:43Get out of here.
00:20:45Get out.
00:20:55Brother Jinbei.
00:20:56I didn't mean to disturb you.
00:20:58I came to bring you some milk.
00:21:03Brother Jinbei.
00:21:04I didn't mean to...
00:21:07Your clothes are wet.
00:21:09Go back and clean up.
00:21:11Brother Jinbei.
00:21:12I'll go back and clean up.
00:21:14Wait for me.
00:21:19Brother Jinbei.
00:21:21I'm ready.
00:21:22We can...
00:21:25Brother Jinbei.
00:21:26You know what?
00:21:28These years.
00:21:29There's not a single day that I haven't thought about you.
00:21:32Brother Jinbei.
00:21:34Promise me.
00:21:35You'll only love me in your life.
00:21:40Brother Jinbei.
00:21:41You're so nice.
00:21:43What do you like about me?
00:21:45Definitely, I like your gentleness and kindness.
00:21:49Brother Jinbei.
00:21:50Right, Li Yunhong.
00:21:53Definitely, I like your gentleness and kindness.
00:21:56Right, Li Yunhong.
00:22:06What's this?
00:22:07What is it?
00:22:08You don't know?
00:22:19What is it?
00:22:22I put a camera in the living room.
00:22:24In order to see and take care of Kruip.
00:22:27I didn't expect to use it on you.
00:22:29Without this video.
00:22:31I wouldn't have known underneath your kind face.
00:22:34You have a dirty spirit.
00:22:40You have a dirty spirit.
00:22:44No, Brother Jinbei.
00:22:47I was just trying to scare her.
00:22:50It seems that you've forgotten everything I told you before.
00:22:55No, Brother Jinbei.
00:22:57I didn't mean it.
00:22:58Get out.
00:22:59Don't ever let me see you again.
00:23:01Brother Jinbei, I...
00:23:04Will you live on your own?
00:23:06Or should I send someone to kick you out?
00:23:14Brother Jinbei.
00:23:17What's wrong with you?
00:23:19Brother Jinbei.
00:23:20My heart hurts.
00:23:22Help me.
00:23:23I'll take you to the hospital now.
00:23:34Tang Wenwen.
00:23:35I'll take Yunhong to the hospital first.
00:23:37I'll explain when I get back.
00:23:43Tang Wenwen.
00:23:53Mom, what happened to you?
00:23:58Mom, don't leave grape.
00:24:09Tang Wenwen.
00:24:10I contacted a doctor.
00:24:12My mom has fainted.
00:24:13Please save her.
00:24:15What did he say?
00:24:16Little grape.
00:24:17Tell me where you are.
00:24:18I'll come to you now.
00:24:20We're at home.
00:24:22Come quickly.
00:24:23Come and save my mom.
00:24:30Grape, don't be afraid.
00:24:31Uncle is here.
00:24:32We'll take your mom to the hospital.
00:24:43Zhou Hai.
00:24:44Check it out for me.
00:24:45What did Li Yunhong do recently?
00:24:47Be quick.
00:24:52Li Yunhong.
00:24:53I hope it's what you said.
00:24:55This is just an accident.
00:24:58I will never forgive you.
00:25:05Brother Jinbei.
00:25:06What's this?
00:25:08Brother Jinbei.
00:25:09What's this?
00:25:11What is it?
00:25:12See it by yourself.
00:25:15See it by yourself.
00:25:20So you've returned to China long ago.
00:25:22And you tried to kill Wenwen at the hospital.
00:25:26I didn't.
00:25:27I didn't.
00:25:28Let me explain.
00:25:29What do you have to explain?
00:25:32I've had this verified.
00:25:34It's not fake.
00:25:36Because you saved my life.
00:25:38You can go now.
00:25:42No, Brother Jinbei.
00:25:43I was wrong.
00:25:44I know.
00:25:45I was wrong.
00:25:46Please don't kick me out.
00:25:47Li Yunhong.
00:25:48I've always believed in you.
00:25:49I've never doubted you.
00:25:51But why did you lie to me?
00:25:53Why didn't you show up when you returned to China?
00:25:56Why did you try to kill Tang Wenwen and Grape?
00:26:00Because I love you so much.
00:26:02Brother Jinbei.
00:26:04Tang Wenwen took you away from me.
00:26:06A dirty trick.
00:26:07And forced me to leave.
00:26:09What if that day,
00:26:10I had gotten on that plane,
00:26:12I'd be dead.
00:26:14So you tried to get her killed.
00:26:17Even if you hate her.
00:26:20But what's wrong with Grape?
00:26:23I didn't.
00:26:24She lied.
00:26:26I admit it.
00:26:29I did say those things.
00:26:30But I just wanted to scare her.
00:26:33So that Sister Wanwan would divorce you.
00:26:36How could I love and have hurt Grape?
00:26:38She's your child.
00:26:40How could I do that?
00:26:44Brother Jinbei.
00:26:45I know.
00:26:47We can never go back.
00:26:49Don't worry.
00:26:50I'll leave.
00:26:52I'll wait until I'm better.
00:26:53I'll take my mom with me.
00:26:54Then no one will bother anyone but Sister Wanwan anymore.
00:26:58Is that okay?
00:26:59I've made arrangements.
00:27:01Someone will take you away the day after tomorrow.
00:27:04From now on,
00:27:05behave yourself.
00:27:12It's not fair.
00:27:13It's not fair.
00:27:17Brother Jinbei.
00:27:18You can fall in love with Tang Wenwen.
00:27:20Why can't you love me?
00:27:30I love you.
00:27:35I love you.
00:27:40Your disease really can't be delayed any longer.
00:27:42You know you almost...
00:27:44You have to listen to me this time.
00:27:45Go abroad with me.
00:27:46For treatment.
00:27:48Grape saw you faint.
00:27:49She was almost scared to death.
00:27:50Do you really trust someone else to be Grape's stepmother?
00:27:53I know you not.
00:27:54She won't be a good stepmother.
00:27:57You're right.
00:27:58Brother Mosheng.
00:27:59No matter who takes care of Grape,
00:28:00I wouldn't feel relieved.
00:28:02I want to leave.
00:28:03I will actively cooperate with the treatment.
00:28:06Go abroad with me for a medical consultation soon.
00:28:09Brother Jinbei.
00:28:10Should I tell him you're sick?
00:28:13Don't tell him.
00:28:14I don't want anyone to feel sorry for me.
00:28:16Especially him.
00:28:19Although I know...
00:28:20No matter what happens to me,
00:28:22even if I die in front of him,
00:28:23he wouldn't look at me one more time.
00:28:25But I'm afraid if he knows,
00:28:27Grape will know.
00:28:30Without further ado,
00:28:31let's head out right now.
00:28:34Tang Wangwang.
00:28:35You caused Brother Jinbei to drive me away
00:28:38and you still want to go abroad for medical treatment?
00:28:41You're just dreaming.
00:28:42You just wait and see.
00:28:55Didn't I say that...
00:28:56Brother Jinbei.
00:28:57Help me.
00:28:58Help me quickly.
00:28:59Sister Wangwang is going to set me on fire.
00:29:01Help me.
00:29:02Help me.
00:29:04I heard Sister Wangwang
00:29:06was going to elope with my brother.
00:29:08I know you love Sister Wangwang very much,
00:29:10so I want to stop her.
00:29:12But I didn't expect Sister Wangwang
00:29:14could be so vicious.
00:29:15She wanted to set fire to silence me.
00:29:18I'm sorry.
00:29:19I'm sorry.
00:29:20I'm sorry.
00:29:21I'm sorry.
00:29:22I'm sorry.
00:29:23I just set fire to silence me.
00:29:26Brother Jinbei,
00:29:27go to the airport quickly.
00:29:28Go and stop them.
00:29:33Tang Wangwang.
00:29:35You're dead this time.
00:29:40get the car ready for the airport.
00:29:42arrange people to the hospital to save Yunnang.
00:29:44Catch the person who set the fire.
00:29:45Be quick.
00:29:47Tang Wangwan.
00:29:53In the overseas,
00:29:54Professor Martin's team
00:29:55is currently the best in the world.
00:29:57That's a good chance to inhibit
00:29:58the spread of cancer cells.
00:30:00When you are well,
00:30:01you can feel at ease
00:30:02and accompany Grey.
00:30:04That's right.
00:30:06Once I leave,
00:30:07when I return,
00:30:08I don't know if Grey can recognize me.
00:30:20Who are you?
00:30:21You let me go.
00:30:22I'm Li Mochan.
00:30:23I would like to ask,
00:30:24where do you want to take my woman?
00:30:26Let me go.
00:30:31Huo Jinbei,
00:30:32Wanwan doesn't want to go with you.
00:30:33Let her go.
00:30:36Huo Jinbei,
00:30:37Wanwan doesn't want to go with you.
00:30:38Let her go.
00:30:39This is between us.
00:30:40It's none of your business.
00:30:42Huo Jinbei,
00:30:43you must be crazy.
00:30:52Let me go.
00:31:18Wanwan doesn't want to go with you.
00:31:20What are you going to do?
00:31:21How intimate you were with Li Mosheng.
00:31:23You even abandoned grape for him.
00:31:26Tang Wenwen, I must have diminished you.
00:31:30Don't say anything.
00:31:31Anybody relevant.
00:31:33My relationship with brother Mosheng is not as dirty as you think.
00:31:36You deny your relationship?
00:31:39Let me ask you.
00:31:39Did you send someone to burn Yu Nong in the hospital?
00:31:45Did you send someone to burn Yu Nong in the hospital?
00:31:48To burn Yu Nong?
00:31:51You look too highly up to me.
00:31:53Yu Nong was choked by the smoke.
00:31:55She didn't wake up till now.
00:31:56In order to elope with Li Mosheng,
00:31:59you now even dare to commit murder and set on fire?
00:32:02You love him that much?
00:32:03That's how you think of me?
00:32:04Then why are you in the airport with Li Mosheng?
00:32:07Wasn't it because...
00:32:09you feel guilty and afraid?
00:32:11It's up to you.
00:32:12Anything I say won't win your trust.
00:32:14We caught him in a village near the airport.
00:32:16Just bring him there.
00:32:17Send me the location.
00:32:21Get out.
00:32:23I need to take a pill.
00:32:26You want to call Li Mosheng?
00:32:28Not a chance.
00:32:29Take him in.
00:32:30Take him in.
00:32:36Miss Tang, you trapped me so hard.
00:32:42I even don't know you at all.
00:32:46You can't be this unethical.
00:32:49You asked me to kill Yu Nong.
00:32:51You said you'll take all the liabilities.
00:32:53And that I won't go to jail.
00:32:55Now things got exposed.
00:32:57You think nobody tells on you?
00:32:59I'm telling you.
00:33:01I've got evidence.
00:33:02I've got evidence.
00:33:04Where's the evidence?
00:33:06Where's the phone?
00:33:10Guajingbei, trust me.
00:33:12It's not true.
00:33:13Trust me.
00:33:14Tang Wanwan,
00:33:16run off with Li Mosheng.
00:33:18Even dare to murder.
00:33:19Have you considered for grape?
00:33:26how can you have the nerve to ask me this?
00:33:28Even if I was selfish
00:33:29and didn't consider the grape,
00:33:31what about you?
00:33:32Ever since grape was born,
00:33:33have you ever taken the responsibility
00:33:35as her father for just one day?
00:33:38I don't confess anything.
00:33:40I've never done.
00:33:41The only wrong thing I've done is
00:33:43that I fell in love with you
00:33:45when I was too young.
00:33:48It seems like you're not gonna admit your fault.
00:33:58I will come back in a while.
00:34:01Report him to the cops.
00:34:04Mr. Tang,
00:34:05don't give up on me.
00:34:06Mr. Tang.
00:34:08Mr. Huo,
00:34:09how about your wife?
00:34:12Now that you don't admit your fault,
00:34:14you stay here and reflect on yourself.
00:34:16Until you admit it's your fault,
00:34:18you can go back.
00:34:32You wanna use your watery eyes
00:34:33to evade liabilities again?
00:34:38I'm gonna die.
00:34:40I'm gonna die soon.
00:34:43Then die ahead.
00:34:59Why should a murderer's daughter
00:35:00can't go to school?
00:35:02You get out.
00:35:03For no one care for her.
00:35:05How about...
00:35:07You get out.
00:35:09I actually wanna know
00:35:11who dare to lay a finger on my girl.
00:35:15I'm the only one who can bully you.
00:35:18As you wish, Guajingbei.
00:35:22I'm literally dying now.
00:35:24If I had an ex-wife,
00:35:26I would never meet you
00:35:28and never fall in love with you again.
00:35:32Brother Xinbei.
00:35:36How is she?
00:35:37Mr. Huo, it's bad.
00:35:39And the rescue is nearly unsuccessful.
00:35:42Mr. Huo, as an onlooker,
00:35:44I really couldn't put it up.
00:35:45The perpetrator is very brutal.
00:35:47He's trying to kill Miss Li.
00:35:49Do you know who did it?
00:35:51Is that Tang Wanwan
00:35:53who have a problem with Miss Li?
00:35:55Don't talk nonsense.
00:35:57Sister Wanwan's mother just died.
00:36:00She's heartbroken.
00:36:02How could she do that?
00:36:03If it's not her, who else?
00:36:06There are many ways to kill people.
00:36:08Why was on fire?
00:36:10I remember Miss Tang's mother was died in a fire.
00:36:14Is there a connection between the two things?
00:36:17Dr. Tian, you should leave.
00:36:20I need to talk to Brother Xinbei.
00:36:28Brother Xinbei,
00:36:29Dr. Tian is saying that
00:36:31for the sake of the patients,
00:36:33try not to get angry.
00:36:36And Sister Wanwan,
00:36:38is she back yet?
00:36:42And Sister Wanwan,
00:36:43is she back yet?
00:36:45Tang Wanwan should be home by this time.
00:36:47Don't worry about her.
00:36:49I have something else to do.
00:36:50Have a good rest.
00:36:51I must be going now.
00:36:59I'm lying in bed in the hospital.
00:37:01Brother Xinbei is still thinking about that bitch.
00:37:04Tang Wanwan, damn you.
00:37:35Damn it.
00:37:37There's no need to worry about that woman.
00:38:05Huo Xinbei,
00:38:07I'm dying.
00:38:18What kind of trick is this?
00:38:35Hello, Mr. Huo.
00:38:38This is the municipal second precinct.
00:38:40Do you know Miss Tang Wanwan?
00:38:42Yes, I'm her husband.
00:38:44What's the matter?
00:38:45The case is that we got a report
00:38:48that her body was found in Tonghe village.
00:38:52How much money did Tang Wanwan gave you?
00:38:56What do you mean, Mr. Huo?
00:38:58I asked how much money Tang Wanwan gave you
00:39:02to help her in this scene.
00:39:07It's fake.
00:39:08It's all fake.
00:39:10I can't be late for a meeting today.
00:39:18She must be playing tricks again.
00:39:21Make such a bitter plan on purpose.
00:39:26Her body was found in Tonghe village.
00:39:33Mr. Huo, something's wrong.
00:39:36Miss Tang, Miss Tang, she's dead.
00:39:41Mr. Huo, Miss Tang is dead.
00:39:44What did you just say?
00:39:45Miss Tang is dead.
00:39:46Two hours ago, she was found in Tonghe village.
00:39:49You're also acting for Tang Wanwan, aren't you?
00:39:52You tell her I've forgiven her.
00:39:55Don't let her act again.
00:39:57Tell her, tell her that from now on
00:40:00she just needs to be with grape
00:40:02and live a good life as long as she's fine.
00:40:07Mr. Huo, she's really dead.
00:40:10Her corpse is in the morgue.
00:40:12The medical examiner has arrived
00:40:14to perform an autopsy on her.
00:40:18Don't touch her.
00:40:19No one can touch her.
00:40:22Zhou, I want to see her.
00:40:27Take me to her.
00:40:50Zhou Hai, look.
00:40:54She just fell asleep.
00:40:57She's just mad at me.
00:41:00Disappointed in me.
00:41:04Wanwan, how could you die?
00:41:14Wanwan, without my permission, how can you die?
00:41:21Wanwan, get up.
00:41:25Brother Jinbei doesn't blame you anymore.
00:41:28You get up.
00:41:30We take grape to school.
00:41:32Let's take grape to school together, shall we?
00:41:50It's because it's too cold
00:41:53and you don't want to get up, right?
00:41:55It's okay.
00:41:57I'm here to keep you warm.
00:41:59I'm here to keep you warm.
00:42:02Mr. Huo, my condolences.
00:42:09It's too dark here.
00:42:11It's too cold and dark.
00:42:15I want to take her home.
00:42:17I want to take her home.
00:42:20When you get home, you'll be fine, Wanwan.
00:42:24The doctor told me
00:42:26Ms. Tang may have cervical cancer
00:42:29and died of it.
00:42:30For the specifics, we have to wait for the medical examiner.
00:42:33What did he say?
00:42:35What did she die of?
00:42:38What's her cause of death?
00:42:41The doctor said maybe she died of cervical cancer.
00:42:44She wasn't treated promptly.
00:42:46It was too late.
00:42:49I got to take my pill first.
00:42:56Do you want to contact Li Mosheng?
00:42:58You're daydreaming.
00:43:05That must be a trick she played on me.
00:43:08She did this on purpose.
00:43:10She did this on purpose.
00:43:16Where will you take her?
00:43:23There was something wrong.
00:43:25Li Mosheng, maybe you already knew that.
00:43:27You tell me.
00:43:28Did you make her do this?
00:43:30Took a pill and pretended to be dead?
00:43:41Why don't you hit back?
00:43:43Can you tell me now?
00:43:49You asked me
00:43:51if I gave some pills to Wanwan and made her sleep here.
00:43:54I tell you.
00:43:55If I have a miracle drug,
00:43:57when I knew she was diagnosed with advanced cervical cancer,
00:44:02I will give her immediate treatment.
00:44:05When I knew she was diagnosed with advanced cervical cancer,
00:44:09I will give her immediately.
00:44:11This may never happen.
00:44:13She passed away in the middle of nowhere.
00:44:18In terms of doctor from abroad,
00:44:20they were waiting to tend to her.
00:44:22But she loves you.
00:44:23She knew if she went with you,
00:44:25that would delay her treatment.
00:44:26She will die.
00:44:27She chose to go ahead and follow you.
00:44:29So what did you do?
00:44:31What have you done to her?
00:44:36Four years.
00:44:38The ordeal was terrible.
00:44:41You wish her death.
00:44:45did this go as you expected?
00:44:48She died.
00:44:51You were super looking forward to it.
00:44:54She died.
00:45:01I didn't think of it that way.
00:45:04I said it in a moment of anger.
00:45:06Didn't expect her to die.
00:45:09You didn't think of that.
00:45:11But you did it.
00:45:13In the past four years,
00:45:15if you gave her a simple gesture of trust,
00:45:17she would feel no need to hide the disease.
00:45:20She would want to live.
00:45:21She would give herself a chance.
00:45:26What about you?
00:45:28You knew that.
00:45:30Why didn't you tell me?
00:45:33Tell you?
00:45:34Can you believe this?
00:45:40Even if she was not sick,
00:45:42she is a woman.
00:45:44How can you throw her in the middle of nowhere?
00:45:47She is a human.
00:45:49She can feel scared and horrible.
00:45:56Did you know,
00:45:57when a villager found her,
00:45:59what was she like?
00:46:00She was in pain.
00:46:02She was about to be eaten
00:46:04by a wild animal.
00:46:08I never thought that.
00:46:10I only went mad.
00:46:13I didn't expect her to die.
00:46:19That's okay.
00:46:21Tang Wenwen.
00:46:23No father.
00:46:24No mother.
00:46:26No body will fasten on you.
00:46:28No one will hate you.
00:46:29Only grape will cry
00:46:31for her dead mother.
00:46:34You can enjoy your life now.
00:46:36Your great life.
00:46:55Grandpa Huo.
00:46:56Take care of yourself.
00:47:07Huo Jinbei.
00:47:09What kind of evil are you doing?
00:47:13Wenwen is such a good girl.
00:47:15And she was harmed by you like this.
00:47:19Are you satisfied now?
00:47:22Are you satisfied
00:47:24with your broken family?
00:47:26Huo Jinbei.
00:47:28After I die,
00:47:30how do I have the courage
00:47:31to face her parents
00:47:33and your daughter?
00:47:35How should you tell her?
00:47:37She lost her mother.
00:47:39I told you to stop torturing her.
00:47:42Stop torturing her.
00:47:44Why didn't you listen?
00:47:46Why didn't you listen?
00:47:50I want mom back.
00:47:52I want mom back.
00:47:54I want mom back.
00:48:20Wenwen was Aiden.
00:48:22I took this picture of her.
00:48:25I didn't expect this.
00:48:28Mr. Li gave you this.
00:48:29This is from the hospital.
00:48:30The disease report of Ms. Huo
00:48:32and Dr. Tian
00:48:33is abnormal transactions
00:48:34for four years
00:48:35with an overseas account.
00:48:36The disease of Ms. Tang
00:48:37is probably related with Dr. Tian.
00:48:44Say it.
00:48:45As investigated,
00:48:46this account probably
00:48:48belongs to Ms. Li.
00:48:51Li Yunong.
00:49:02When I get everything done,
00:49:04I'll get back to you.
00:49:21You are still undergoing chemotherapy.
00:49:24You should avoid the UV ray.
00:49:26I think he still cares about you.
00:49:30If you want to get back with him,
00:49:32you still have time.
00:49:55Brother Mosheng.
00:49:56Take me away.
00:49:58I don't want to stay here.
00:50:01I'm taking you away.
00:50:03I'm taking you away now.
00:50:07I've experienced death once.
00:50:09Whatever he does,
00:50:10I don't care anymore.
00:50:14You really don't care?
00:50:16Why did you ask me to give him evidence?
00:50:18Expose your chemotherapy
00:50:20and come here.
00:50:22You can't lie to me.
00:50:26my life will be uncertain as I go.
00:50:28Grape is just a kid.
00:50:30I still hope that
00:50:31she has a safe environment to live in.
00:50:33What about you?
00:50:35Li Yunong is your sister.
00:50:36Why did you help me this much?
00:50:40Just take it as a compensation
00:50:41to offset the sins.
00:50:46Throughout my whole life,
00:50:47I've been living for my family,
00:50:49for my family members.
00:50:51This time,
00:50:52let me listen to my heart,
00:50:53get free of those responsibilities
00:50:55and go wherever you are.
00:50:57Goodbye, Tang Wenwen.
00:51:00Goodbye forever,
00:51:02Hua Jinbei.
00:51:07Brother Jinbei,
00:51:08what are you doing?
00:51:10What are you doing?
00:51:18Brother Jinbei,
00:51:19what are you doing?
00:51:20What are you doing?
00:51:24Brother Jinbei,
00:51:26they hurt me.
00:51:31That's right.
00:51:34Brother Jinbei,
00:51:35don't act like this.
00:51:36I'm scared.
00:51:40This is not enough to be scared.
00:51:43Did you think back when
00:51:44you were framing Wenwen
00:51:46when you were framing Wenwen?
00:51:48Wenwen was scared too?
00:51:50She felt hurt too?
00:51:55What are you talking about,
00:51:56Brother Jinbei?
00:51:57I don't understand.
00:52:00You don't understand, huh?
00:52:05Mr. Hu,
00:52:06that's her.
00:52:07She ordered me to drug Miss Tang
00:52:09while she was pregnant
00:52:10so that she had over amount of progesterone
00:52:12and got cervical cancer.
00:52:14That's her.
00:52:15That's her.
00:52:16You're scaring me.
00:52:17Brother Jinbei,
00:52:18it was not me.
00:52:20It was him.
00:52:21He and Tang Wenwen
00:52:22were getting close.
00:52:23They wanted to frame me.
00:52:25Don't believe him.
00:52:26If I don't believe him,
00:52:28shall I believe you?
00:52:30Take him in.
00:52:38Do you know him?
00:52:41Do you know him?
00:52:43I don't know.
00:52:46I know.
00:52:50He's the arsonist.
00:52:52Brother Jinbei,
00:52:53you find him.
00:52:54Why not send him
00:52:55to the police station quickly?
00:52:57I also think he looks familiar.
00:53:00On the day you came back,
00:53:02the driver who almost killed Wenwen and Craig
00:53:05was also him, right?
00:53:08I don't know what you're talking about.
00:53:15My heart hurts now.
00:53:17Take them down.
00:53:21This Dr. Tian and Wang Dahai
00:53:23provided for us in the past four years.
00:53:25They helped you frame Miss Tang.
00:53:27This is the evidence
00:53:28and your illness all fake.
00:53:31Mr. Hu,
00:53:32she was the one who deceived Miss Hu.
00:53:33She told Miss Hu that
00:53:35she switched her mother's heart for herself
00:53:37and making Miss Hu think you killed her mother.
00:53:41Brother Jinbei,
00:53:44Brother Jinbei,
00:53:45you can't treat me like this.
00:53:47I'm your savior.
00:53:50I know I did something wrong.
00:53:53What I said and done,
00:53:55all because I love you.
00:53:58You love me.
00:54:00You don't love me.
00:54:02You love to be Miss Hu.
00:54:06If not for four years ago,
00:54:08why you find people design and frame me
00:54:12and you just appeared and helped me.
00:54:20No, you can't treat me like this,
00:54:22Hu Jinbei.
00:54:24Hu Jinbei,
00:54:25you're a scumbag.
00:54:28If you believed Tang Wanwan before,
00:54:30would she ended up like this?
00:54:34You are here pretending you love her.
00:54:39Get me off.
00:54:41Get me off.
00:54:42Hu Jinbei,
00:54:43do you think you have the right to accuse me?
00:54:45We are the same.
00:54:46We all love someone who doesn't love us.
00:54:48Hu Jinbei,
00:54:49you will die like a dog.
00:54:53You are right.
00:54:56I don't have the right to.
00:55:04I will be with you soon.
00:55:07Just wait for me.
00:55:29you will leave me behind too?
00:55:33Oh, my sweetie grape.
00:55:35Dad will never leave you.
00:55:38Dad's just
00:55:40missing your mom.
00:55:47Hi, grape.
00:55:48There are gifts mom prepared for you.
00:55:50From four to eighteen,
00:55:51mom prepared all gifts for you.
00:55:55Hi, grape.
00:55:56I got some gifts for you.
00:55:58From four to eighteen,
00:56:00I've already got all the gifts.
00:56:02In the future,
00:56:03without mom,
00:56:04you must do that,
00:56:05your dad says.
00:56:07Hu Jinbei,
00:56:08if you're watching this video,
00:56:10I'm sure I'm dead.
00:56:12For the sake of our relationship,
00:56:14please take care of grape.
00:56:17It is my last request.
00:56:26anything you say,
00:56:28I will do anything you say.
00:56:31I will take care of grape.
00:56:35Miss Tang,
00:56:36I must tell you
00:56:37something before the operation.
00:56:38It can be harmful to your nerve,
00:56:40and you may suffer
00:56:41from slight memory loss.
00:56:42If the surgery begins,
00:56:43it won't stop.
00:56:44Are you ready?
00:56:50I'm ready.
00:56:56Memory loss?
00:56:57It might also be a good thing.
00:57:00Hu Jinbei,
00:57:01I'm gonna completely forget you.
00:57:04Forget you?
00:57:13Who are you?
00:57:19Who are you?
00:57:21It seems like she had a memory loss.
00:57:23Well, it is not so bad.
00:57:24She can move on in her life
00:57:26in the future.
00:57:32my name is Li Moxian.
00:57:35I'm your fiancé.
00:57:36You are my fiancé.
00:57:38Your name is
00:57:39Fang Wan.
00:57:43I'm Fang Wan.
00:58:02I got it.
00:58:04What happened, Moxian?
00:58:06Professor Martin said
00:58:07there were problems
00:58:08in the Nutrition Institute.
00:58:09I must go back now.
00:58:10But for this important thing,
00:58:12you are alone then.
00:58:14It's not a big deal.
00:58:15Just go.
00:58:16I can pick out a wedding gown
00:58:17on my own.
00:58:18And I'll surprise you
00:58:19in our wedding.
00:58:23you are so sweet.
00:58:25I gotta go.
00:58:26I'll be back soon.
00:58:33Is there no wedding shop in China?
00:58:35Do I really need to be here?
00:58:36Ah, bro.
00:58:37Didn't I have told you?
00:58:38This is my friend's shop.
00:58:39The wedding gown is customized for me.
00:58:41Please help me get it back.
00:58:42I will be getting married in a few days.
00:58:43Come on, please.
00:58:44I will wait for you at home.
00:58:49Uh, hi.
00:58:50I'm here to pick up
00:58:51Vivian's wedding gown.
00:58:52Okay, sir.
00:58:54Hello, Vivian.
00:58:55I'm here to pick up
00:58:56Vivian's wedding gown.
00:58:57Okay, sir.
00:58:58Hello, Vivian.
00:58:59I'm here to pick up
00:59:00Vivian's wedding gown.
00:59:01Okay, sir.
00:59:32is that you?
00:59:33Where have you been all these years?
00:59:36you've got the wrong person.
00:59:37Let me go.
00:59:38Let me go.
00:59:39Let me go.
00:59:42It's real.
00:59:43It's not a dream.
00:59:46I miss you.
00:59:48I miss you too.
00:59:49Let me go.
00:59:50Let me go.
00:59:51Let me go.
00:59:52Let me go.
00:59:53Let me go.
00:59:54Let me go.
00:59:55Let me go.
00:59:56Let me go.
00:59:57Let me go.
00:59:58Let me go.
00:59:59Let me go.
01:00:01you really got the wrong person.
01:00:02I do have a husband.
01:00:04Let go of me.
01:00:09it's you.
01:00:11you're not dead.
01:00:12That's great.
01:00:15Indecent assault.
01:00:16Let her go.
01:00:20It's you.
01:00:23I'm warning you.
01:00:24I've called the police.
01:00:25If you touch my face again,
01:00:26I'll get you for that.
01:00:28I'm the one
01:00:43If you want her to die,
01:00:45just say it.
01:00:50I have some conflict with this man.
01:00:51You can go to change your clothes first.
01:00:53I have to make something clear.
01:00:55Don't worry.
01:00:56I'm okay.
01:00:59You come with me.
01:01:06You come with me.
01:01:14I took Wanwan to a research laboratory
01:01:16to cure her disease in the last two years.
01:01:18She recovered from it.
01:01:19I also lost her memory at the same time.
01:01:21But your past,
01:01:22she forgot completely.
01:01:23Never mind.
01:01:24I will help her
01:01:25remind all of the memories.
01:01:27don't you understand?
01:01:28She knew the therapy
01:01:29will cause amnesia.
01:01:31She chose to do that
01:01:32in order to forget you deliberately.
01:01:38This is her choice.
01:01:39If you still care about her,
01:01:41please leave her alone.
01:01:46Are you alright,
01:01:48I'm fine.
01:01:50Just an old friend.
01:01:52He mistook you.
01:01:53Let's go.
01:02:13I have found Wanwan here.
01:02:14Help me find out
01:02:15all the information about her.
01:02:16It's two years.
01:02:17Her name is Fang Wan now.
01:02:23I will never let you go this time.
01:02:25I don't care if you hate me again.
01:02:33Why every time I see this kid,
01:02:35I can't help feeling heartbroken.
01:02:37Do I know her before?
01:02:39Do we know each other,
01:02:40little girl?
01:02:45do we know each other?
01:02:49Oh, kid.
01:02:50Don't cry.
01:02:51It's okay.
01:02:53Oh, kid.
01:02:54Don't cry.
01:02:55Don't cry.
01:02:56If I'm wrong about something I have said,
01:02:58I'm so sorry.
01:03:00Please don't cry.
01:03:02Grape will stop crying.
01:03:03I am a well-behaved kid.
01:03:21What's going on?
01:03:22I am still not married to Brother Mosheng.
01:03:24How could we have a kid that age?
01:03:27It must be because the kid is too cute.
01:03:31what are you here on your own?
01:03:33Shouldn't you be in school?
01:03:37do you want to see mommy?
01:03:39Dad will bring you to her.
01:03:42great-grandfather said mom passed away.
01:03:46don't lie to me.
01:03:47Mommy is alive.
01:03:49She is sick.
01:03:50And it is too sick.
01:03:52But she is cured now.
01:03:54She could no longer remember things in the past.
01:03:57promise dad,
01:03:58next time you see her,
01:04:00not to call her mom.
01:04:06I am here waiting for someone.
01:04:09Waiting for someone?
01:04:11Do you know your family's contact details?
01:04:13I can put you in contact with them.
01:04:15The person I was waiting for has arrived but,
01:04:18but she forgot me.
01:04:22It doesn't matter.
01:04:23You could remind her next time.
01:04:25She forgot you this time
01:04:27doesn't represent she will forget forever.
01:04:29Remind her next time.
01:04:32I got it.
01:04:38could you send me home?
01:04:45can you send me home?
01:04:50Little girl,
01:04:51this is your home?
01:04:56are you her dad?
01:04:59I don't know why you have to see me,
01:05:01even exploit your daughter.
01:05:03Don't you think this is excessive?
01:05:06I have already sent your daughter home safely.
01:05:08I can leave now.
01:05:09Don't leave me behind, please.
01:05:11Can you stay here?
01:05:14I'm sorry, Ms. Phuong.
01:05:19You look like my wife very much.
01:05:30my wife will stay here.
01:05:33You have passed away two years ago.
01:05:35Little Crepe cannot accept the truth.
01:05:39So when I saw you yesterday,
01:05:42I mistook you for her.
01:05:44So I...
01:05:48but I'm not your wife.
01:05:50You do like this.
01:05:51I know, I know.
01:05:53Today is Little Crepe's birthday.
01:05:56Ms. Phuong,
01:05:57can you do me a favor for the sake of Crepe?
01:06:00Just playing her mother
01:06:03company her for a day.
01:06:06Is it okay?
01:06:20How odd!
01:06:21Why does everything here feel so familiar?
01:06:29It is strange.
01:06:31Everything here,
01:06:32why do they all feel so familiar to me?
01:06:39Is this the mother of the child?
01:06:41She really looks like me.
01:06:45can you remember anything from the past?
01:06:48If you can remember,
01:06:50can you blame me?
01:07:00What's up?
01:07:01Is Wanwan at your place?
01:07:03Why did you approach her again?
01:07:04Didn't you hurt her bad enough?
01:07:06Ho Jin Bae,
01:07:07have you considered the consequences of her remembering everything?
01:07:09Can you live with the consequences?
01:07:11Who will take your courage, Ho Jin Bae?
01:07:13You still don't look busy enough.
01:07:15You have time to meddle in other people's family affairs.
01:07:19Ho Jin Bae,
01:07:20for the sake of Crepe,
01:07:21I'm not mad at you this time.
01:07:23But you need to remember,
01:07:24if she remembered everything,
01:07:26I will never let you off.
01:07:28There is no need to worry about it.
01:07:32I'm sorry.
01:07:34I can't help you.
01:07:36I'm sorry.
01:07:39even if you hate me,
01:07:42it's better than forgetting me.
01:07:44I'm sorry.
01:07:46I can't help you.
01:07:48I can't help you.
01:07:50I'm sorry.
01:07:52I can't help you.
01:07:54I'm sorry.
01:07:56I can't help you.
01:07:58I'm sorry.
01:08:00When you see this video, I may not be around anymore since we have years of relationship.
01:08:21Why everything here is familiar?
01:08:26Have I ever really lived here?
01:08:37Am I the one-one?
01:08:53Am I too pushy?
01:08:54Should I give her some more time?
01:08:58When you see this video, I may not be around anymore since we have years of relationship.
01:09:07Please take care of Grape.
01:09:09This is my final request.
01:09:13Ms. Fang, I have three tickets to the aquarium.
01:09:21Today let's...
01:09:22I'm afraid I couldn't.
01:09:23I've got business to deal with.
01:09:24I gotta go.
01:09:25Little Grape, I'm going now.
01:09:28Listen to dad and be a good girl.
01:09:30Got it?
01:09:31Don't run around.
01:09:32Ms. Fang.
01:09:33Mr. Hu.
01:09:34Bad news.
01:09:35Ms. Tang.
01:09:36She will marry Li Mo Qian.
01:09:38Zhou Hai.
01:09:39Get the car ready.
01:09:41You can't marry him.
01:09:42You go out.
01:09:43All right, Ms. Fang.
01:09:44Mr. Hu.
01:09:45Mr. Hu.
01:09:46Mr. Hu.
01:09:47Mr. Hu.
01:09:48Mr. Hu.
01:09:49Mr. Hu.
01:09:50Mr. Hu.
01:09:51Mr. Hu.
01:09:52Mr. Hu.
01:09:53Mr. Hu.
01:09:54Mr. Hu.
01:09:55It seems like we're not very familiar, are we?
01:09:57It's none of your business who I marry.
01:10:01You've remembered everything, haven't you?
01:10:04Everything what should have happened, right?
01:10:09I don't know what you're talking about.
01:10:11Today I will marry brother Mo Xiang.
01:10:13Get out of my way.
01:10:14Don't bother me.
01:10:17But I know you.
01:10:19When you're lying, your hands sneak behind your back.
01:10:24If you don't recognize me, why are your eyes filled with hatred?
01:10:29Huo Jinbei.
01:10:30Now that you know all of this, then why are you still standing in front of me?
01:10:34You keep hurting me for Li Yunlong.
01:10:37Why do you think I would still go with you?
01:10:39I'm sorry.
01:10:41But for the past two years, I've really missed you.
01:10:50I know.
01:10:51Go away.
01:10:52I didn't lie to you.
01:10:55Everything I said is true.
01:10:56I miss you so much that I'll die without you.
01:11:04I don't know and don't want to know.
01:11:07Moreover, you're not dead yet, right?
01:11:09But I'm really dying.
01:11:11Actually, I've always cared about you.
01:11:15But considering the death of my mother, I can't release my feelings.
01:11:19I've been avoiding my affection for you.
01:11:21Because I thought I loved Li Yunlong.
01:11:24Did all the bad things to you.
01:11:26And I have made a lot of mistakes.
01:11:28I know that.
01:11:31I don't deserve your forgiveness forever.
01:11:34Once, I really wanted to let you go.
01:11:37And I'll watch you from a distance.
01:11:40But I can't.
01:11:44I had to try my best to do it.
01:11:48I love you.
01:11:52In this world, no one loves you more than I do.
01:11:57Now you realize that you love me and desire for my forgiveness.
01:12:01How can I forgive you?
01:12:04I didn't stab you thanks to my moral upbringing.
01:12:08Your confession means nothing to me.
01:12:12Shut up.
01:12:14If you have any sense of guilt about me, please don't stop me from pursuing my happiness.
01:12:19Get out of the way.
01:12:22Mo Shang, I've made my mind to marry you.
01:12:37Tang One-one.
01:12:39There is a saying that when a girl gets married, the bride will only be happy when she is taken
01:12:46to the bridegroom by her father and brothers.
01:12:49Now you have no relatives.
01:12:51Would you please let me be your family?
01:12:53Let me accompany you to the end of this way.
01:13:00It will be the last gift I could give you.
01:13:03I set you free.
01:13:06I let you go.
01:13:08Tang One-one, you son of a bitch.
01:13:11You ruined my life and now you want to marry my brother?
01:13:22Hua Jinbei. Hua Jinbei. Hua Jinbei. Hua Jinbei. Hua Jinbei. Hua Jinbei. Hua Jinbei. Hua Jinbei. Hua Jinbei.
01:13:40Why did you block the knife for me?
01:13:43I said that I wouldn't let anybody hurt you again.
01:13:48Nobody can hurt you.
01:13:51I may not attend your wedding.
01:13:56I've caused you too much trouble to ask for your forgiveness.
01:14:02Next life, if I meet you again, I will do you right.
01:14:12I love you.
01:14:22Miss Tang, Mr. Hua really loves you.
01:14:25For two years, he's educated Miss Hua himself.
01:14:29He always misses you.
01:14:31Since you can't let him go, why not forgive him?
01:14:37I don't know.
01:14:41But if he wakes up, maybe I will do that.
01:14:48Zhou Hai, please leave us alone.
01:14:57Now here's a chance to forgive you. I forgive you.
01:15:02I've heard all you just said.
01:15:04Don't wake up now.
01:15:05You just said to forgive me.
01:15:09You're fine.
01:15:12Hua Jinbei.
01:15:15Grape, why are you here?
01:15:17Here's a letter for you.
01:15:23Forgive me for leaving you without saying goodbye.
01:15:26I lied to you when you lost your memory because of my selfishness.
01:15:30I made you become my fiancée and fulfilled my dream of more than ten years.
01:15:35I know what you feel for me is guilt and gratitude rather than love.
01:15:39After this time, Hu Nong is trying to hurt you again.
01:15:42I know there's no possibility between us.
01:15:45Now that you have regained your memory and I'm back here,
01:15:48from now on, I will take the responsibility of my family.
01:15:52I won't deceive myself anymore.
01:15:54Thanks for your company in the past two years.
01:15:57Now, please also face your inner heart.
01:15:59Pursue your own happiness.
01:16:01Hey, so are you going to find him?
01:16:04He told me to follow my heart.
01:16:07Then you...
01:16:08Hua Jinbei, you owe me so much.
01:16:13I can't accept you for a while.
01:16:16I won't bother.
01:16:17But I can give you a chance for redemption.
01:16:19One-one, is this true?
01:16:23One-one, thank you.
01:16:30Sir, excuse me.
01:16:32What's the matter?
01:16:33Hello, I'm looking for Tang One-one.
01:16:36Looking for Miss Tang?
01:16:37Do you have an appointment?
01:16:39I'm her husband.
01:16:40Do I have to make an appointment?
01:16:42I've never heard that Miss Tang has a husband.
01:16:44I am.
01:16:45My child is old enough to buy some soy sauce.
01:16:49Without an appointment, you're not allowed to come in.
01:16:51It is specifically ordered by our Miss Tang.
01:16:55Young people nowadays have a good appearance.
01:16:58But I didn't expect him to be...
01:17:01Our Miss Tang is young and promising.
01:17:03She has never suffered the pain of love.
01:17:05How is it possible for her to get married?
01:17:07I tell you.
01:17:08Tang One-one is my wife.
01:17:09We are also planning to have a second child.
01:17:13Honey, I'm here to pick you up.
01:17:15Come on, let's go home.