• vor 5 Monaten
Lucas und Mathias sind mit 8 Jahren die besten Freunde. Ihre Väter sind Holzfäller und die Wälder der Vogesen sind ihre Heimat. Doch in einem schrecklichen Autounfall, den Lucas Vater verursacht, kommt Mathias ums Leben. Der Unfall wird vertuscht. 20 Jahre später kehrt Lucas für die Beerdigung seines Vaters zurück in die Wälder seiner Kindheit. Doch Mathias Vater lauert in den Wäldern und sinnt in Schlitter: Evil in the Woods seit 2 Dekaden auf Rache.
00:00It's a long time since you last came.
00:02Who is this guy?
00:03The neighbor of our parents.
00:06He is hot.
00:08This was his big buddy.
00:10My son Mathias.
00:12He had a bicycle accident.
00:14Do you remember?
00:22Tell me Louis, have you seen Mathias?
00:26I haven't seen him.
00:28Tell me, Louis, have you seen Mathias? He should have been home by now.
00:31We haven't seen anyone.
00:37His father was the best butcher in the region.
00:39But he was hard to deal with.
00:44Wood is my whole life.
00:45I love spending time with my machines.
00:51Is that your shit?
00:52A sledgehammer.
00:53Honestly, it doesn't look that dangerous.
00:55I hope a sledgehammer never hits you, man.
01:05It's no use trying to escape!
01:09This is my forest!