Rajya Sabha Opposition Leader Mallikarjun Kharge proposed enacting a law to address "fake" godmen and prevent Hathras-like stampedes. This suggestion followed Chairman Jagdeep Dhankhar's obituary reference to the Hathras incident. Dhankhar indicated a potential discussion in the next session on avoiding such tragedies, with the ruling side considering legislation. Kharge highlighted the lack of regulations for religious gatherings organized by godmen, emphasizing the need for rules on venue selection, area requirements, access control, and proximity to medical facilities.
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#RajyaSabha #MallikarjunKharge #Kharge #HathrasStampede #Hathrashorror #Hathrasnews #Stampedenews #Indianews #Politics #Oneindia #Oneindianews
00:00The big incident that happened today, 135 people died.
00:05A lot of people are becoming police officers in satsang.
00:08Thank you, sir.
00:09Anyone else? No, no.
00:10A lot of sages are in jail now, sir.
00:12Fake people are coming to make money.
00:15They are making ashrams in many places and looting people.
00:20The incidents that are happening in many places,
00:24people are blinded by blind faith.
00:29And there is no law for this.
00:32I mean, there are a lot of satsangs to be done in this.
00:37How many areas should it be in?
00:41Where should it be?
00:43What is the access?
00:45How many hospitals are there in the area?
00:49If you do all this on such a blind faith,
00:54people go without understanding anything.
00:59The big incident that happened today, 135 people died.
01:06So, make it a law.
01:09Thank you, sir.
01:10Because, on such a blind faith,
01:12a lot of people are becoming police officers in satsang.
01:15Thank you, sir.
01:16Anyone else? No, no.
01:18A lot of sages are in jail now, sir.
01:20That is why I request you.
01:23I say, a lot of fake...
01:27Please, sit down.
01:30Fake sages...
01:32Leader of the house.
01:33What is happening?
01:34Fake sages...
01:36One second.
01:38One second.
01:40If the leader of the opposition is on his legs,
01:43I will not countenance anyone interrupting.
01:47I will not countenance any member interrupting anyone.
01:50Leader of the opposition is making a very important point.
01:55That point has been made to me in my chamber
01:59by leader of the house, by Shri Pramod Tiwari ji.
02:03They came to my chamber.
02:05This is an important point about partisan stance.
02:09Please, sir, point is taken note of.
02:13After the session is over today, I invite you...
02:18I am saying this because there is a law in Maharashtra
02:23which is against introspection.
02:26It is against...
02:28For introspection, there is a law in Karnataka, Maharashtra.
02:37On the same line, make a law
02:41and put restrictions on it
02:45so that the real people are allowed to come.
02:48Fake people are coming for money.
02:51They are making ashrams in many places and looting people.
02:56This is how they die.
02:57So, I request you.
02:59The statement of the Home Minister should be made on this.
03:04Tell the Home Minister or the leader of the house.
03:08Tell them.