Calls for Tougher Penalties for Driving Without a License

  • 2 months ago
Legislators are calling for tougher punishments for people caught driving without a license, saying the current fine of just over US$730 is not enough of a deterrent. There have been 40,000 incidents involving license-less drivers in the last five years, more than the number of drunk driving cases.


00:00Legislators are calling for tougher penalties for people caught driving without a license.
00:05The current fine of just over $730 U.S. dollars was already doubled last year,
00:11but it hasn't done much to curb the rate of incidents.
00:14More than 40,000 accidents involving drivers without a license have been recorded
00:18in the last five years. That's more than the number of incidents involving drunk drivers.
00:23One legislator has suggested introducing prison terms for offenders,
00:28pointing out the costs of the problem to society.
