• 3 months ago


00:00:00It is the final day of the experiment.
00:00:08Over three months ago, you all got married to a complete stranger.
00:00:14You were full of hope, excitement, and real energy about what was ahead over this experiment.
00:00:22There has been some major highs, some real love stories.
00:00:27There's also been some heartbreak and real disappointment.
00:00:32What's important here is that you have learned something about yourself, both as an individual,
00:00:38but also as you are in relationships that you can take away into the real world.
00:00:46Last night, you all came together as a group.
00:00:51And what a dinner party it was.
00:00:55Frankly, last night, we were quite shocked with how quickly things escalated.
00:01:00I guess it just goes to show how many issues there are still within the group that have
00:01:05not yet been resolved.
00:01:08So what we hope for you is tonight that you can start to get some real closure around
00:01:13the issues that you're still holding.
00:01:16But what we need from you is a commitment to think about some of your words and how
00:01:22it impacts on the people around you.
00:01:26Now before we get started, I need to tell you that Sam has decided not to attend tonight.
00:01:33I'll be held accountable for things.
00:01:43So now let's go back to the very beginning and relive your wedding days.
00:01:50I'm running away.
00:02:04What am I doing?
00:02:07So how are you feeling?
00:02:08Shit in my pants.
00:02:17Oh my God.
00:02:20Oh my God.
00:02:22It's okay.
00:02:23It's okay.
00:02:41Holy shit.
00:02:46I'm Lauren.
00:02:47Nice to meet you.
00:02:49I didn't even catch your name again.
00:02:51What's your name?
00:02:53Lovely to meet you, Daniel.
00:02:57Um, where's the groom?
00:03:00You know what time it is?
00:03:01No, no.
00:03:09I've arrived.
00:03:10No freaking way.
00:03:14How are we going?
00:03:15Been as dry as a dead dingo's dong anyhow.
00:03:21I'll just hold your hand because I'm like really cold.
00:03:23Yeah, for sure.
00:03:24Yeah, yeah.
00:03:25No, that's even worse.
00:03:28I should probably tell you when I'm nervous, my hands sweat.
00:03:34It's going to slide on.
00:03:35It's going to slide right in there.
00:03:40I'm Bronson.
00:03:41Hi Bronson.
00:03:42Can we get rid of your eyebrow ring please?
00:03:44Oh my god!
00:03:49As we begin this unique journey together,
00:03:51I want you to know that here in front of everyone that we both love,
00:03:57I'll give you everything that I am.
00:04:00I will always support you as your best friend.
00:04:03I promise that this adventure won't be boring.
00:04:06I'm excited for literally everything we have ahead.
00:04:09Oh my god!
00:04:13I'm ready to embark on this journey hand in hand with you.
00:04:16Thank you for taking a chance on us.
00:04:18Let's do it!
00:04:23So ladies and gentlemen,
00:04:24it is my greatest pleasure to now announce you husband and wife.
00:04:30You may kiss your bride.
00:04:41Oh my god!
00:04:47Oh that was good!
00:04:53Like what you said is everything I could have wanted you to say.
00:04:57Should we have a hug?
00:05:02Oh my god!
00:05:14I mean there's so many memories there aren't there?
00:05:19Jules, Cam, what's it like?
00:05:22Oh, just incredible.
00:05:25It puts everything in perspective.
00:05:27And pretty, pretty beautiful.
00:05:31I don't know, when we met something happened,
00:05:33like our words mirrored each other.
00:05:36It looked like we'd known each other for a long time.
00:05:39And it felt really special very quickly.
00:05:42It's amazing to watch back.
00:05:44You're really special.
00:05:47Now Ning and Mark, Rocky start initially.
00:05:50Rocky's a kind word to use.
00:05:54It was very cold that day and I tried to warm Ning up.
00:05:57And that got shut down pretty quickly.
00:06:00Then the word vomit started coming and I couldn't control it.
00:06:03And then that's it.
00:06:04That's pretty much our wedding.
00:06:10Martha, what was your first impression when you laid eyes on Michael?
00:06:14He looked really, really sweet and kind.
00:06:17And like he was nervous, but he still had like this calming effect.
00:06:21He has like the kindest eyes and he was like smiling through his nerves.
00:06:25What about for you, Michael?
00:06:27Well, when I saw Martha walking down the aisle, I was really, really happy.
00:06:32She kind of waltzed up with a big smile on her face, all relaxed.
00:06:36And I tried to hold my nerves as well as I could.
00:06:38I think I had a massive vein going through my forehead,
00:06:40which gave it all away and had the leg shakes.
00:06:43But we got along instantly.
00:06:45You know, there might not have been a love at first sight,
00:06:48but there was something.
00:06:51Yeah, we did get along really well.
00:06:55Now what about you two, Mike and Heidi?
00:06:57There seemed to be an immediate connection as soon as you laid eyes on each other.
00:07:01Is that what happened?
00:07:03I thought she was gorgeous from the get-go.
00:07:06What did you think, Heidi?
00:07:08I thought good.
00:07:12Well, let's get you up on the couch to find out
00:07:15where you're really at currently in your relationship.
00:07:22Hi, guys.
00:07:24How are you going?
00:07:27Well, I've got to say, guys, I, for one, shocked
00:07:31that last night we saw you walk in on your own
00:07:34and it doesn't appear like you guys are still an item.
00:07:38What happened?
00:07:41Well, I wish I had better news for you, John.
00:07:47You know, despite all of your support and encouragement,
00:07:52we just couldn't keep up our end.
00:07:55And it's kind of heartbreaking to tell you that.
00:08:03So I moved to the Gold Coast immediately after the experiment.
00:08:07I know.
00:08:08That's great.
00:08:09A big decision.
00:08:10It's just what I do, Trish.
00:08:11I was in love.
00:08:12And we were great for a little bit,
00:08:15and then we went a little bit rocky,
00:08:17and then we just went bad,
00:08:19and then it was like we thought when we got out of the experiment
00:08:24that we would just thrive and get better and better.
00:08:28But without our training wheels, we just, we fell off.
00:08:36I kind of lost myself in the experiment.
00:08:38I came in as one person and I left as another person.
00:08:41I guess I didn't like the person that I was at the end.
00:08:44I felt like I lost a part of myself.
00:08:48As much as I love this man,
00:08:50we were not bringing out the best in each other.
00:08:52We were not making ourselves better people by being together.
00:08:56Well, look, you know, as a couple,
00:08:59we have marvelled at how you've gone throughout this process.
00:09:03There's been highs, there's been lows.
00:09:05Why don't we take a moment now
00:09:07and look back at your time in the experiment?
00:09:11HE SIGHS
00:09:15Heidi and my story is one of ups and downs.
00:09:20Well, we scored.
00:09:22This is it.
00:09:24Did I say that?
00:09:26Just joking.
00:09:27I can't imagine a better match for me.
00:09:33Immediately we had chemistry.
00:09:36What are you doing?
00:09:38Like I've never seen, like I've never felt with another woman.
00:09:42I saw my hands to go wherever they were.
00:09:45Oh, boy.
00:09:47Morning, world.
00:09:48Oh, what a view.
00:09:50Oh, my God.
00:09:53Oh, my God, they're amazing.
00:09:55Thank you.
00:09:56You don't meet someone that makes you feel like Heidi makes me feel every day.
00:10:00Start pedalling, start pedalling.
00:10:02You have a break and then I have a break.
00:10:04When it's good, it's wonderful for us.
00:10:06I'm just pushing at the moment.
00:10:08It's magical and it feels great.
00:10:10And then when it's bad...
00:10:12There's a few things that have come up.
00:10:14It just feels awful, like soul-destroying.
00:10:17How do we figure it out that you, you know, don't overreact?
00:10:20What do you mean I don't overreact?
00:10:22How do we figure out that you don't speak to me like that?
00:10:24The biggest problem that we have is our communication.
00:10:27We don't speak the same language.
00:10:29I'm not sure if we ever will.
00:10:31Like I moved out of home when I was still in high school.
00:10:33Oh, no.
00:10:34I lived by myself.
00:10:35I had to go and live in foster care.
00:10:37I just felt like there was no room for me ever in the world.
00:10:40How hot is it today?
00:10:45I'm not your therapist.
00:10:46This isn't therapy.
00:10:49You're just telling me.
00:10:51You know, I can't listen any more than a couple of minutes at a time.
00:11:05I might have screwed it up.
00:11:09Well, maybe I'll try and fall in love with you.
00:11:12Oh, my God.
00:11:14I will.
00:11:15No, babe, don't say that.
00:11:22This is why I'm single.
00:11:25At 44, you know.
00:11:29So I don't know how we can come back from this.
00:11:34Hold hands together and make a vow to each other.
00:11:38All right?
00:11:39Here and now, today, from this moment on, is the rest of your life.
00:11:43Make a fresh start.
00:11:46We can't let this go, like what we have together.
00:11:49It's just too precious.
00:11:52Now I know what this feeling in my heart is.
00:11:58It's love.
00:12:02I love you.
00:12:05Oh, my God, do you really?
00:12:08Oh, my God.
00:12:13Oh, my God, I love you.
00:12:20I love you.
00:12:21Oh, my God.
00:12:32So, Heidi, Mike, to see that...
00:12:38..what happened?
00:12:41Look, we don't see things the same.
00:12:43I mean, I think that's the essence of our problem,
00:12:46just the way we see things.
00:12:48For example, that argument on the sand that day,
00:12:52that was the first big argument that we had,
00:12:55and from there, you know, there was more arguments to come,
00:13:00but it definitely wasn't my intention to hurt her like she was,
00:13:04but from there, I don't know, the wheels came off
00:13:08and I was in damage control a lot of the time, I felt like.
00:13:13I have just a different perspective,
00:13:16but that's our whole relationship, you know, the whole time.
00:13:20I thought it was like this and he thought it was like this,
00:13:23and that's ultimately why we can't be together.
00:13:28It's a crying shame because we had, you know, this great chemistry.
00:13:34Mike, were you in love?
00:13:39I was, yeah. Yep.
00:13:43Are you still in love?
00:13:47Yeah, probably.
00:13:52It takes a lot to break my heart.
00:13:58Do you think you fell in love?
00:14:00Yeah, totally.
00:14:04Are you still in love?
00:14:23Did he break your heart?
00:14:25Did he break your heart?
00:14:41Heidi, is there anything that you'd like to say to Mike,
00:14:45anything you'd like to get off your chest?
00:14:51I guess I want to say thank you.
00:14:55I just, I really want to say thank you for being my husband.
00:15:01Even though this has been the hardest thing I've ever done
00:15:04and it's, it literally, it's hardcore,
00:15:08I don't regret a single second and I'm so grateful for you
00:15:13and, yeah, thank you for being my husband.
00:15:19Thank you for everything. Thank you for cuddling me at night.
00:15:25Thank you for everything.
00:15:33I'm a bit sad to talk.
00:15:45We just got so close, but...
00:15:49It's just something that works, so you've just got to leave it alone.
00:15:54But I do love her.
00:16:02And I'm thankful for that.
00:16:04I'm thankful for that.
00:16:16It was a beautiful journey.
00:16:21And, um...
00:16:30Oh, God, I'm sorry.
00:16:32I need help.
00:16:51I'm glad I got to share it with you.
00:16:53I know. I'm so glad you're my husband.
00:16:57Guys, this is one of the rawest moments I've seen on this couch.
00:17:08Is there any chance of a reconciliation here?
00:17:11I'm here.
00:17:24I miss you.
00:17:25I know, I miss you too.
00:17:34This is one of the rawest moments I've seen on this couch.
00:17:39Is there any chance of a reconciliation here?
00:17:52I miss you.
00:17:53I know, I miss you too.
00:18:10It'll be all right.
00:18:17I'm sorry I hurt you.
00:18:22I didn't mean to break your heart.
00:18:29I'm sorry.
00:18:31I wish it wasn't like this.
00:18:35We tried so hard.
00:18:38Didn't we?
00:18:43Who knows?
00:18:44Maybe one day.
00:18:47Sounds like the door's still slightly ajar.
00:18:50I think, I actually think, like, we're forever changed.
00:18:55You know?
00:18:56If we got someone else, it wouldn't have smashed us open like it did.
00:18:59Yeah, that's a good point.
00:19:02Like, I've changed so much.
00:19:03And thank you to you guys.
00:19:04And thank you to all you guys.
00:19:06Like, we just made some of the best friends in, like, the whole world.
00:19:11And I just love you all.
00:19:13And, like, maybe we did find love after all.
00:19:16You know?
00:19:17It was over.
00:19:19There's no doubt that you two took a real chance for love.
00:19:23You gave it everything.
00:19:25And we wish you all the best for the future.
00:19:28Thank you very much.
00:19:29You can return to the group.
00:19:30Thank you.
00:19:31See you guys.
00:19:37You guys.
00:19:44Time to get our next couple up.
00:19:48It's fair to say that they've had some controversial times throughout the experiment.
00:19:56Nick and Cyril.
00:20:04Thank you so much.
00:20:05Thank you so much.
00:20:11Oh, whoa.
00:20:12Well, look at you two.
00:20:15It's been a hell of a ride, hasn't it?
00:20:17Your journey on this experiment.
00:20:19I was a bit of a roller coaster.
00:20:21Yeah, to put it lightly.
00:20:23Learned a lot about myself.
00:20:25Learned a lot about Cyril.
00:20:26Met some really wonderful people.
00:20:28So, yeah.
00:20:29She certainly kept you on your toes.
00:20:31Oh, yeah.
00:20:32Yeah, definitely.
00:20:34And when you look back on the relationship with Cyril,
00:20:37was there more good than bad?
00:20:41It's all right. Just say it.
00:20:42No, no, no.
00:20:43Like I said, when things were good, they were really good.
00:20:46But when they were bad, they were...
00:20:49Yeah, really bad.
00:20:50And for me, that sort of outweighed the good.
00:20:53And, yeah, that's sort of why we went our separate ways.
00:20:57What about you, Cyril?
00:20:59What was your take on the experience with the experiment?
00:21:02I think I took a lot away with me, to be honest.
00:21:05A lot of things that, you know, I did admit that I needed to change.
00:21:08But I also stood my ground when I said,
00:21:11I am what I am. Stand by it.
00:21:13Not everyone likes it.
00:21:15But that's me.
00:21:17You kept in contact?
00:21:19He sends me fight videos.
00:21:21Oh, God!
00:21:23So that's when, you know, the friendship's grown to that next level.
00:21:28Well, Cyril, I think it's fair to say
00:21:31that you're certainly one of our more colourful personalities.
00:21:35You bring plenty to the table.
00:21:39So let's take a look at your time.
00:21:41Just me?
00:21:42I don't know.
00:21:44I'm little, but I've got a very big personality
00:21:48and I won't hold back.
00:21:50Just remind me not to get on your wrong side.
00:21:52No, no, I want you to trust me.
00:21:54Trust me.
00:22:03Oh, no!
00:22:05It's worse than your butthole!
00:22:10Oh, f*** no! No, Nick!
00:22:13I'm not wearing that, that's f***ed up!
00:22:18F***, f***, f***!
00:22:25What are you doing?
00:22:28I'm f***ing selfish.
00:22:30Don't sweat in front of the food!
00:22:35Run and jump.
00:22:36This girl's crazy, I know it.
00:22:38He knows he married a crazy girl.
00:22:41What are you doing? Calm down, he's not going to do anything.
00:22:44They're fricking hands.
00:22:46You kiss me now.
00:22:55What have we got here?
00:23:00Hey, what up?
00:23:02Your cyclone's here.
00:23:04She just calls people on their bullshit, really.
00:23:06Blake, the world doesn't revolve around you, Sam,
00:23:08you ain't King Dingaling.
00:23:12You know for a fact when I'm f***ing angry, I just yell.
00:23:17Tamara, she wanted to f*** your husband.
00:23:21Oh, shit.
00:23:24I don't give a f*** if I'm a f***ing rude bitch.
00:23:29From now on, Martha,
00:23:31stay the f*** out of my life,
00:23:33don't make a comment about my life, or next.
00:23:39From start to the finish of this experiment,
00:23:42I've been a woman of my word.
00:23:45Some female's code is a hoo-ha code,
00:23:47and that's about it, they focus on that.
00:23:51Anything that ever comes out of my mouth,
00:23:53for me, it comes from my heart,
00:23:54and that's exactly how I think of her.
00:23:58There goes the bad bitch.
00:24:07Who was that girl? Oh my God.
00:24:11She's crazy.
00:24:13Cyrelle, how does it feel when you watch that back?
00:24:16I love it.
00:24:18I'm proud of myself.
00:24:20Like, you know, I say what's on my mind.
00:24:24People may not like what I say,
00:24:26but the thing is, in my heart, it's the truth.
00:24:31What about last night at the dinner party?
00:24:34There was a big exchange between you and Martha.
00:24:39Any regrets about that?
00:24:46No, no regrets there.
00:24:48Take some responsibility.
00:24:52If you do something to me, if you hurt me,
00:24:54I'm going to retaliate.
00:24:55That's so childish, you're a baby.
00:24:58That's the woman who threw red wine yesterday.
00:25:09Well, ladies, it's clear you both have your differences,
00:25:11and that's probably not going to be resolved tonight.
00:25:14But focusing on the two of you here,
00:25:16you have kept us on our toes.
00:25:19It's never been boring.
00:25:21I just hope that you are both able
00:25:23to take something away from this experience.
00:25:26I have. I've taken a friendship with him away.
00:25:30So that's what we've gotten.
00:25:32I hope that that can continue,
00:25:33and you can both move on to more positive relationships
00:25:37and maybe even support each other through that.
00:25:40Yeah, thank you.
00:25:41Wish you all the best.
00:25:44Well done.
00:25:45Thanks, guys.
00:25:46Up here.
00:25:48Thanks, guys.
00:25:59That's all right.
00:26:06Well, now it's time to get Elizabeth up here
00:26:09to talk about her time in the experiment.
00:26:14Thank you.
00:26:20Now, unfortunately, you're here on this couch on your own.
00:26:25Are you surprised that Sam's not here?
00:26:29Did you get a chance to speak to him last night?
00:26:34It was just a huge disappointment
00:26:36and a huge letdown for me.
00:26:39Do you know why he didn't come tonight?
00:26:41Because I think he's scared of what's going to come up on there.
00:26:45He never owns up to anything.
00:26:47Nothing at all.
00:26:48It's literally like he can do no wrong.
00:26:51So you think he's done a runner
00:26:52so he doesn't have to face the music?
00:26:57There's always some elaborate excuse for something.
00:27:00He always disappears.
00:27:01He never wants to own up to anything.
00:27:05She's right.
00:27:09Why don't we take a moment
00:27:11to look at your time with Sam during the experiment?
00:27:25What the...
00:27:27Hell hath no fury like Lizzie's scorn.
00:27:30He made up bullshit to me, made up bullshit to you fellas, OK?
00:27:33That's why he's not here.
00:27:35Plus, an unlikely alliance is formed...
00:27:38Are you hearing yourself?
00:27:40Elizabeth deserves closure.
00:27:42..as Innes finally breaks down her walls.
00:27:46This is so hard.
00:27:51This is so messed up.
00:27:53And later...
00:27:55Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide.
00:27:58There has been some talk circulating
00:28:01that something happened between Jess and Nick.
00:28:06Let's take a look.
00:28:10Oh, my God.
00:28:22So you think he's done a runner
00:28:24so he doesn't have to face the music?
00:28:28There's always some elaborate excuse for something.
00:28:31He always disappears.
00:28:33He never wants to own up to anything.
00:28:36She's right.
00:28:38She's right.
00:28:40Why don't we take a moment
00:28:43to look at your time with Sam during the experiment?
00:28:51OK, he's hot.
00:28:53Shit, he's hot. OK.
00:28:55I'm really happy. I'm glad.
00:28:57Are you happy? Yeah, I'm happy.
00:29:01Oh, my God. It's happened.
00:29:03I've never really dated girls, I guess,
00:29:05as big as Elizabeth in the past.
00:29:09What the...?
00:29:11Maybe I'll get her running in the mornings or something,
00:29:13maybe drag her out of bed, I don't know.
00:29:15She'll be right. We'll get her going.
00:29:17She'll be fine.
00:29:19Quickly, he's struggling.
00:29:21I don't know.
00:29:27Just found out my ex-partner's mum's passed away.
00:29:31And, yeah, so she wants me to go to the funeral.
00:29:39Oh, my God, babe.
00:29:41Honey, I'm home.
00:29:43I'm seeing Daggett.
00:29:45Maybe a little picnic inside?
00:29:47Yeah, a little picnic inside.
00:29:49Looks good.
00:29:51The more time we spend together, the worse it's getting.
00:29:53Bite into it.
00:29:55Mm, delicious.
00:29:57I'm just not feeling it at all.
00:29:59Do you like a little strawberry? Yeah.
00:30:05She was trying to force-feed me Nutella and stuff.
00:30:07I was pretty turned off by her.
00:30:09Then all of a sudden, she's trying to eat my face off.
00:30:11What the...
00:30:13She's making moves.
00:30:15She's just jumping on me, you know.
00:30:17I'm not into it.
00:30:19So I reach the hand up, the right hand,
00:30:21sort of go to push her away, cos I'm like,
00:30:23look, we can't do this, I'm not feeling it, you know.
00:30:25So she grabs the hand,
00:30:27and she just goes like...
00:30:31And then she moves to the thumb,
00:30:33and I'm like, stop, like, stop.
00:30:35Can you stop telling people that I'm trying to f*** you?
00:30:37You put your thumb in my mouth, right?
00:30:39You put your...
00:30:41You thought this was Cadbury chocolate.
00:30:43No, you put your thumb in my mouth.
00:30:45You put your thumb in my mouth.
00:30:47OK, that's a lie, Sam, that's a lie.
00:30:49I think, through this experiment,
00:30:51I've been quite nice to Elizabeth.
00:30:55He just blatantly denies that what he did.
00:30:59You're a liar, Sam.
00:31:01But unfortunately, I'm going to get the blame.
00:31:11What the hell is that?
00:31:15You just met me on the wedding, right?
00:31:19You judge me by my appearance,
00:31:21that I'm a larger girl,
00:31:23I'm a heavy girl, OK?
00:31:25So what is he setting the tone
00:31:27for all women out there?
00:31:29You're not worthy enough
00:31:31if you're not, what,
00:31:33you know, a size six or below.
00:31:35You're not worthy enough.
00:31:37You don't deserve
00:31:39the time of day.
00:31:41You don't deserve any of that.
00:31:45I am just appalled
00:31:49that he would just make it so free
00:31:51to comment on a woman's weight.
00:31:55That, to me, is absolutely despicable
00:31:57and disgusting.
00:31:59Disgusting, OK?
00:32:01As women,
00:32:03it's a hard enough time
00:32:05in this life, OK?
00:32:07It is a hard enough time.
00:32:09We get so much thrown at us.
00:32:11We have men sitting there going,
00:32:13you know,
00:32:15I don't want a bar of it.
00:32:17Were you expected to look
00:32:19a certain way? Because it's men like that.
00:32:21Absolutely disgusting.
00:32:23Disgusting, and then saying
00:32:25that I'm trying it on with him, force-feeding him stuff.
00:32:27Are you absolutely
00:32:29out of your mind that I'm jumping on you in bed?
00:32:31Are you out of your mind?
00:32:33Why are you trying to belittle me?
00:32:35I do not understand that because that's what he's like.
00:32:37He's just trying to belittle me, making up stories
00:32:39to tell the boys
00:32:41because that's what a gentleman does.
00:32:43He made up bullshit
00:32:45to me, made up bullshit to you fellas, OK?
00:32:47That's why he's not here.
00:32:49Because they're lies.
00:32:53The wedding night he spooned me,
00:32:55he held me the night, and then I'm there
00:32:57looking like a crazy person going, well,
00:32:59I thought you felt
00:33:05I was being
00:33:07fed totally different things by him.
00:33:09And then he's just going around,
00:33:11she's a fatty who wants to bang me.
00:33:19Hang on a second. Look,
00:33:21he shouldn't have said those things
00:33:23about your body. That's unfair.
00:33:25But put it this way,
00:33:27I've seen the way you treat me.
00:33:29So I've seen how you behave.
00:33:31I can only imagine that you drove him away
00:33:33with that behaviour. That's the truth of it.
00:33:35No, Mike, stop with this BS.
00:33:37You're always protecting him. He's got to be
00:33:39held accountable for some of the things he does.
00:33:41You've been sitting here berating my mate,
00:33:43and what, we've just got to sit idly by and listen
00:33:45to it?
00:33:47I mean, we're all flawed
00:33:49here. But did you have a relationship
00:33:51with Sam? Like, did you spend
00:33:53time alone with him, like, in a room?
00:33:57So do you know him like she would
00:33:59know him, or seen sides of him?
00:34:01Or like I have?
00:34:03I've spoken to him
00:34:05probably more than you have.
00:34:07Exactly, so why didn't he speak to me more?
00:34:09He's meant to be in this experiment with me, not you, Mike.
00:34:11You know what? I'll stick up for my mate.
00:34:13He's not here to speak for himself.
00:34:15Are you hearing yourself?
00:34:19Elizabeth deserves closure.
00:34:23She had some sort of connection
00:34:25and a relationship there.
00:34:27You know, I stand by it.
00:34:29I'm sorry that he shamed you. He shouldn't have done that.
00:34:31That was a mistake, but you just,
00:34:33you two weren't going to work.
00:34:37Okay, alright, cool.
00:34:41So right before you and Sam left
00:34:43the experiment,
00:34:45Sam admitted
00:34:47to being involved within
00:34:53we're about to find out
00:34:55to what extent.
00:34:57Oh, shit.
00:34:59So right before you and Sam left
00:35:01the experiment,
00:35:03Sam admitted
00:35:05to being involved
00:35:07within us.
00:35:11we're about to find out
00:35:13to what extent.
00:35:15Oh, shit.
00:35:17Oh, shit.
00:35:19Oh, shit.
00:35:21Oh, shit.
00:35:23Oh, shit.
00:35:25Oh, shit.
00:35:27Within us.
00:35:29And now we're about to find out
00:35:31to what extent.
00:35:41Oh, my God.
00:35:45is so hot, so I sent
00:35:47him a message.
00:35:51How are you?
00:35:53You're obviously more my type. I knew that
00:35:55Already it was pretty obvious when I seen you. I was like that is like my type of snack
00:36:00Oh, really, I hope a delicious snack. I hope yeah good one
00:36:06Yeah, maybe we should wait till like the dinner party you come get me for a moment
00:36:13It's got to be a hundred thousand women in this country that would be absolutely thrilled to be you know sitting here right now with you
00:36:20Cats off to you you're a bit a gentleman the whole way through
00:36:25Your mother would be very impressed with you
00:36:29Stand by that I already know Bronson was his day
00:36:33so I may as well just like
00:36:35They stay I guess I have to do the same
00:36:40That zip is killing me yeah, I wore the zip for a purpose. I bet you did
00:36:43I know he just wants to do tonight. That's quite obvious
00:36:46Should we bail?
00:37:04I obviously know what Ines's intentions are I'd love to facilitate that those intention
00:37:30Wow you like this Mike you like this one feel good now
00:37:37The fact that this is happening all behind the scenes with Ines is great. I love it. It's funny
00:37:41It's it's like a stuff you to Elizabeth
00:37:45Who is he
00:37:51We're gonna have to like just play it smart and just you know keep this a secret it's kind of exciting I
00:38:01Actually couldn't really see myself falling in love with Sam
00:38:05yeah, so I'm gonna be saying leave and
00:38:08Then we can you know be together
00:38:11outside of the experiment
00:38:13So you obviously you see me in your life long term
00:38:17Just like that
00:38:21Innocence come on way too strong I
00:38:25Think she's definitely falling for me. I've had to dodge one bullet for another bullet
00:38:39Like that's mind-blowing like I'd like I'm like who is that guy like I'm sorry like wow like obviously we were offered
00:38:47Opportunities to be able to tell people what was actually happening
00:38:52But obviously the dinner parties is like the worst place you want to raise like this topic
00:38:57We did ask you in a nice way the girls night, and you were like no none at all I
00:39:03Sort of actually just gave Sam
00:39:06Full control in when to raise the issue, okay, probably shouldn't have done
00:39:13Innes would you feel comfortable to come up and join her on the couch and talk to us about your perspective
00:39:20Yeah, sure absolutely
00:39:26Thank you for standing up for me before they appreciate your strength because I don't think I have it in me
00:39:36In us for you watching that how did that make you feel?
00:39:47It's so conflicting I never realized how like
00:39:55Elizabeth was by my actions
00:40:00Which is really sad to see
00:40:03Ah this is so hard for me to do
00:40:08Sam told me he wanted to make it work on our terms outside of the experiment, but
00:40:15It just didn't happen so he had strong feelings for it. Yeah huge I
00:40:22Chose to see the best in him, but like Elizabeth did say he says one thing and does another
00:40:28It's sad because you know
00:40:30Some of the things he promised me were huge
00:40:33But it just sucks because if you tell a girl
00:40:37That you want to be with her. Let's live together, and then you just ghost her
00:40:43There's gonna be a lot of repressed emotions there. I
00:40:47Think you left this both hanging
00:40:51Innocent what point did you start to realize that maybe Sam wasn't being completely real with you
00:40:57Like the times he would try to convince me
00:41:01You know he could see a future with me like something just didn't feel right inside of me
00:41:08And I felt really tense around him
00:41:16You're the other hurt party in all of this
00:41:21How do you feel now that everything's out in the table?
00:41:25It's still disappointed
00:41:28But yeah, I don't hold a grudge. She's in pain doesn't make me feel any better
00:41:33Still piss off at Sam though
00:41:36you know I thought maybe a beer afterwards we had to sort some things out, but
00:41:39Some things can't get fixed over a beer now. I
00:41:42Just feel like I just wasted two weeks my life. Oh, that's very the worst thing about it, and I got made it
00:41:48Look like a dickhead
00:41:53Definitely don't think you look like a dickhead if anyone looks like a dickhead. I think it's me
00:42:01I'm I apologize if you feel disrespected
00:42:11Unfortunately I did have to make some sacrifices at your expense
00:42:17To stay in the experiment to be with Sam I
00:42:24Thought he was worth it
00:42:29Like yesterday when I seen him
00:42:32Like I just found it hard to like look at him in the face even and I was just so I was so angry
00:42:39About just like how he left me
00:42:42He was very good at like making you think you know you you're the shit person
00:42:49I'm not saying I'm perfect
00:42:52I'm I'm heavily flawed and heavily flawed
00:42:57but you know when someone is like
00:43:01Consistently doing these things to you
00:43:06with empty
00:43:08Promises and then just like totally falling off the face of the earth
00:43:11and blocking me and
00:43:14Then they're telling you that you're batshit crazy
00:43:17And then you're like oh well. I'm now the now. I'm batshit crazy, so I'm the problem, and then you just hate yourself
00:43:42And then I didn't even expect to like fall for Sam like the way I did
00:44:03You know I've gone through life just sort of
00:44:08Like fending for myself
00:44:12So it's really hard for me to open up to a man
00:44:21And then when you have someone
00:44:26I don't know when you when you find someone and you can
00:44:30Like be so open and vulnerable with them obviously you guys didn't see what we were like behind closed doors
00:44:36Or what our personal communications were like
00:44:45Don't know it's just so it's just devastating
00:44:51It's just so hard
00:45:13Know and I'd like I have a soft spot for him, too
00:45:16and I just feel bad that like he's not here and like he can't share his truth because
00:45:22He should be entitled to that as well
00:45:25Certainly Sam was given the opportunity like everyone else to be here tonight
00:45:30He chose not to do that
00:45:33That's his choice
00:45:36Mike you've heard more information now. There's more out in the table about Sam. What's your position now look?
00:45:43It's getting harder and harder to defend him. I'll admit that
00:45:46really I
00:45:47Mean to be fair to Ennis you have really been you the whole time. You know the opposite is Sam
00:45:54I'm like who is that like I am absolutely mind-blowing like in your defense
00:46:00I don't agree with what anything that's gone on
00:46:02But you have stayed in your lane to who Ennis is the whole time
00:46:05And I'm not surprised by anything that you've done because you have been you
00:46:10That's how I feel yeah watching that
00:46:13Looking back on that now knowing what you know and sitting here together
00:46:19Having this sort of shared moment about Sam really how do you feel about?
00:46:26One another right now
00:46:35Appreciate her so much before then just standing up for me, then I that thank you
00:46:40I can I I I can really relate to that on like thank you for doing that in us like honestly. Thank you
00:46:49I have acted in a way. I probably could have been more emotionally mature about it
00:46:59Don't want to be nasty to you. I don't want it. I don't want to do that anymore
00:47:01I don't want to do that anymore. Yeah, I don't want to do it
00:47:09There's a pattern going on here, and you've been both on the receiving end of it, but you two have certainly made it very clear
00:47:17how you feel about what has gone on and
00:47:20How you've taken hopefully some learnings away from this that you can apply in the real world when it comes to relationships
00:47:29It's not about looking to a man to validate you you know you you're both very strong
00:47:36Intelligent talented women, and you've got that going for you. No one can take that away from you
00:47:41So thank you again guys for being so raw with us and honest
00:47:45We're gonna send you back to the group, and we wish you all the very best for the future
00:48:01Sorry Bronson, I'm so sorry I had to see that Jesus Christ shit. I feel sorry for him
00:48:12So played us all I guess
00:48:15Yes, oh who the fuck was that I didn't know that person was
00:48:32Well now is probably an opportune time to address an issue that
00:48:35I've personally found quite challenging in this experiment, and that is the sisterhood or the lack thereof
00:48:43Can anyone help me understand what's gone wrong here? Why do you think the dynamic has developed this way for you?
00:48:50I feel like there's always been a divide between the women that are older and the women that are younger and the women that think
00:48:56That they're women and they think that some of us are girls and some of us are fake
00:49:01See this has been more than just forming opinions and judgments
00:49:05It's about taking that to the next step and actually being quite aggressive toward each other based on those judgments
00:49:12It is unusual
00:49:14I've never been around women that scream and yell and point I found that really difficult
00:49:18I apologize if I've ever hurt anyone's feelings here. Can I ask you something?
00:49:24When you're out with your friends, and you've had a few drinks you guys don't raise your voice or point or talk over each other ever
00:49:33Know what I meant was whenever there's been a girls night when everyone's having their time to speak
00:49:39It was always you guys that would talk over the top, and it was just rude
00:49:44That's how I saw it, and I know another other people felt the same correct. Yeah, yeah, I
00:49:50Just struggled with the yelling bit like at each other
00:49:54Like I just don't understand that
00:49:56You really don't have to do that
00:49:59I'm just wondering ladies
00:50:01Are there any lessons for you?
00:50:03Is there anything that you take away from this that perhaps you might do differently with female friendships in the future?
00:50:18Only really have like three friends, so
00:50:28Yeah like
00:50:34It's an age barrier
00:50:37It's everything it's Instagram and social media. It's everything
00:50:41We are in different worlds like our we are programmed differently completely differently, and I feel like
00:50:48We're not always gonna agree, and that's okay, and you know what Jules is right
00:50:52We don't have to scream at each other and point fingers and get in each other's faces and pour drinks on each other
00:50:58totally wrong, but I
00:51:01feel like
00:51:02we're learning along the way I
00:51:06Feel like the age thing is an excuse
00:51:09Yeah, I feel like just saying oh everyone's they're different ages. Oh, that's because we don't get along
00:51:14I don't think that because I have friends of all different ages, but I think the individual people I
00:51:20Think that's what is you know the least important thing about a person is their age
00:51:27Everyone's at a different stage in their lives. They think differently they do different things
00:51:31It's not a number-based thing so I think
00:51:36There's a few things that I'd like to point out I
00:51:40Think groups of women under pressure don't cope as well as groups of men under pressure
00:51:54There's differences between men and women don't don't make don't mistake that I mean a matriarchy and a patriarchy are two different things entirely
00:52:01And this is there's different dynamics at play that we're saying these girls are falling apart and the men haven't
00:52:07Any group of women that are put in this same situation. Maybe this is just doesn't speak to their
00:52:13You know their biology
00:52:22Yeah, all right do me a favor, it's it's actually I mean there's some merit in that frankly
00:52:28Okay, yeah, but what did you not just hear what I said yeah, I did
00:52:34Did you I just don't feel you just heard what I said it was nothing about a gender thing
00:52:38I'm saying that we happen to be up
00:52:41Character and our personality yeah, yep
00:52:46You know no we heard you babe we heard you
00:52:50Men women boys girls doesn't matter, but I just think these ten particular women. They're really strong-minded and
00:52:57They clash with each other I
00:52:59Don't think it's got anything to do with gender. That's my opinion. I think Michael's now that's very true
00:53:05It's a hundred percent the personalities that are today
00:53:08Okay, so the purpose of this conversation is to talk about what's been happening within the group of women
00:53:14Not to make comparisons between men and women and who does it better
00:53:17I just hope that there's some insight here with with the ladies that yes in the future you are gonna be
00:53:23In contact with other women who have strong personalities and have strong judgments about you or opinions about you
00:53:29But that doesn't mean that you have to play dirty as a woman. I think it's important that we support each other
00:53:37That we empower each other
00:53:39That we don't compete with each other
00:53:42That we give other women an opportunity to shine
00:53:45Just like we do and that does not take away any of our power
00:53:50Well now it's time to talk to what I think is fair to say our most controversial couple
00:54:03Let's get up Dan and Jess
00:54:11Hi good to see you too, are we let me to see you
00:54:29Now it's time to talk to what I think is fair to say our most controversial couple
00:54:41Let's get up Dan and Jess
00:54:50Hi good to see you too, are we
00:54:54How are you?
00:54:56Now you two got together under very controversial circumstances
00:55:01Jess you were married to Mick and
00:55:04Dan you were married to Tamara
00:55:07And what came to light was that you were having a relationship?
00:55:11While you were still married to them. Yes
00:55:15Now you asked us if you could continue on in the experiment
00:55:19which we allowed
00:55:21after much deliberation and consideration
00:55:24And it certainly wasn't a popular decision with the group and we know that
00:55:30So how has the relationship been going?
00:55:36Yeah, really good wait, right I'm really happy
00:55:45How have your feelings developed for Jess?
00:55:47I did get instant attraction when I saw Jess and I did get that feeling, you know
00:55:51So she's just great. It's easy to get along with you know, it makes me laugh
00:55:56And for you Jess, how have your feelings developed for Dan?
00:55:59Seeing him outside the experiment made me realize he's driven and he's passionate. He's just such a good father
00:56:09Have you met his son Jess
00:56:11Not yet, no
00:56:17So since the experiment how much time have you spent together not much not much time at all
00:56:28However, our communication hasn't dropped off we speak from morning to night phone calls FaceTime
00:56:34So hold on. Can I just clarify?
00:56:37Last night was the first time you've seen each other for six weeks
00:56:41Yeah, and it's like nothing's changed
00:56:48All right, you two well your journey has been very eventful in this experiment, let's take a look at how it all unfolded
00:57:11I said
00:57:30So, yeah, wait, so wait where you at with the ball
00:57:32I can't just walk away from this like knowing that there could be something potentially with
00:57:38You know with yourself has there been like other instances where there's been other guys
00:57:42You've been attracted to and you sort of wanted to explore that but didn't work out
00:57:54You can be honest with me too. Yeah, I'm being honest. Okay
00:58:01Feel like I'm in high school getting like made up with me first business. I never get this feeling
00:58:08So, yeah
00:58:17You're a good kisser sir
00:58:25After the dinner party, I think you're a really great guy and I would love to catch up with you when I'm back in Sydney
00:58:32Let's catch up and have a bit more of a yarn and just see how things going
00:58:38I wouldn't be
00:58:40Doing this behind Tam's back and stuff like that. If I didn't see something in the future with you as well
00:58:45Yeah, I'm 100% feel the same
00:58:46It's like how long can I sort of keep up the facade with it? Like I need it needs to come out soon. I
00:58:55Came into this experiment wanting to find
00:58:59Somebody that I could build a life with and yes, I found that but it's not with me. It's with Dan
00:59:08Nick I'm bloody sorry and to Sam as well
00:59:19Hey, hon, hello
00:59:24I am so wholeheartedly
00:59:26head over heels
00:59:28Unconditionally in love with you. I will always be blessed so long as I have you in my life and in my future
00:59:34I think you would make the most amazing mother one day and you will be the most amazing stepmother to my son and I can't
00:59:39Wait to introduce you to him. I
00:59:42Love you, Jess. I really do
00:59:52I just feel sick. I just feel sick
01:00:00It makes you disgusted to be in the bloody experiment
01:00:04It's like the piece away from everyone who was here for the right reasons
01:00:12Dan when you
01:00:14Look back on that
01:00:16How do you feel now about how you and Jess went about getting together? I?
01:00:21Don't like upsetting people. I just don't like letting people down
01:00:25And now I have I don't feel happy about it. No, I don't
01:00:30Just do you have any regrets I do wish that there wasn't the you know deception and I wish there wasn't a sneaking around
01:00:38But the outcome that I've got from it it's hard to wipe a smile from my face in the situation because I am happy
01:00:47So, let's be clear the only reason that you kept saying stay in the experiment and
01:00:53Keep Nick in there with you was so that you could
01:00:57Develop a relationship with Dan
01:01:04What does that do to your neck when you hear that oh, it's bloody, you know gut-wrenching and
01:01:09Complete and utter waste of time, especially when you got someone who's not here for the right reason
01:01:16What about you tomorrow seeing that what was that like for you
01:01:20Two people that can do that. I just I don't know shit humans basically
01:01:25It just shows a lot about who you are as an individual and that's all it is
01:01:39Jess and Dan, here's a question for both of you considering the way you've come together. Do you feel like you can trust one another?
01:01:54Surely not
01:01:57Like I can trust you
01:02:02Dan I've got to say I'm watching your body language here tonight and
01:02:07You look pretty uncomfortable. I feel bad like up here in front of Megan Tam
01:02:12I don't want to grab her and kiss her and stuff because I feel like I'm rubbing their faces
01:02:16I just I feel horrible about it
01:02:18Honestly, that's exactly how I feel and that's probably why you can say I look uncomfortable, but because I am
01:02:33What's going on your?
01:02:35Head in the hands. What's going on for you? Yeah, there's a lot of emotions mate
01:02:39Look, it's obviously bringing everything out that we wanted to hear
01:02:43But Nick what you say that before it was really interesting one about Nick. Oh
01:02:49Yeah, because um, yeah, just just hit up Nick early on
01:02:53Well, yeah, actually Nick said that during the experiment Jess had approached Nick behind my back
01:03:01So Dan was third run off the ladder
01:03:04So he's gone for anyone right? That's all it is
01:03:10Well just on that last night at the dinner party there was some talk circulating that something happened between Jess and Nick
01:03:23So why don't we put it to bed once and for all please yeah
01:03:28Let's take a look let's do it
01:03:40Nick said that during the experiment Jess had approached Nick behind my back
01:03:47So Dan was third run off the ladder
01:03:50So he's gone for anyone right? That's all it is
01:03:58So why don't we put it to bed once and for all please yeah
01:04:03Let's take a look let's do it
01:04:18Yes, I do find Nick very attractive
01:04:24I am sexually attracted to Nick. He is a very good-looking guy
01:04:37It's very hard to gauge whether or not Nick's interested
01:04:40But I do want to have a sit down with Nick and just sort of see where he sort of sees his future with Sarah
01:04:47If there is a future
01:04:56They wanted to come have a chat with you and see how you've been going on this week
01:04:59It's been a big week for you. Are you happy with Sarah?
01:05:06Long the way I have sort of somewhat developed some sort of feeling towards you
01:05:16Haha, I didn't know this is what I was getting myself into coming into this conversation
01:05:23I think there's a lot of great qualities about you. Oh my god. Oh my god
01:05:30I don't know what to say. I've never been like
01:05:33He don't like that I
01:05:36Don't even think we should be having this conversation
01:05:42Yeah, I don't do wrong by me either because I'm friends with me I'm married you're married
01:05:47Having these conversations is not healthy. It's not good. It's you shouldn't be doing that especially if you're married
01:06:00Mean look, I was definitely surprised by Nick's reaction. I thought that I would get a different one
01:06:06We are all married here, but we've all come in here looking for love
01:06:13Look, honestly, if I have to hurt feelings along the way to get that then so be it. That's what I'll do
01:06:18He basically just shut it
01:06:23Doing all right there though
01:06:54If that's not here for the wrong reasons, I don't know what buddy is
01:06:58Yes, I'm just gonna say it your legs are like 7-eleven. They're open for business 24-7
01:07:05Honestly, so I wrote if I wanted your opinion I kick you can oh shut up
01:07:11Cyrell Cyrell what she's hit on three guys including him and you you should have told me sooner
01:07:19Guess we saw you say to Nick that you had feelings for him. This whole thing is so pathetic
01:07:26So I called Nick out and I said along the way I've developed feelings to you as like you're really good friends
01:07:32We like we hit it off straight away. We said that we're instantaneous
01:07:38Just be honest Jess
01:07:41I'm not I'm not I'm being honest and I'm not interested. I've never was interested in Nick
01:07:46And I never was I never was propositioning Nick no
01:07:54Nick from your perspective, what's she hitting on you? I
01:08:00Don't know I don't know tell the truth tell the truth
01:08:04Proposition yeah, I don't know. Jess is quite flirty. I
01:08:10Just didn't want to be in that situation. I didn't want to be in that room. That's flirt. So she hit on ya
01:08:15No, I didn't
01:08:16Well, I mean Dan, how do you feel seeing that?
01:08:24Yeah, I don't know Jess is saying that there was nothing it
01:08:29Honest man-to-man did did you have a crack here? I
01:08:38Don't know what I wouldn't what do you speak your truth, but why would you talk about I don't want to answer I said
01:08:44I want to answer that
01:08:46What did it look like to you do what it what else was that
01:08:51You even asked her the question have you propositioned anyone else just knew your response was no because I had a proposition
01:08:58Is your alliance father you are she was in a really bad place with me?
01:09:02I was in a bad place as I rail, but regardless of being a people
01:09:09You're beating around the bush
01:09:11You said I've never been hit on like that before you said
01:09:32Nick so one stop being a people please
01:09:35You're beating around the bush, I'm not beating around the bush you said I've never been hit on like that before you said
01:10:00Okay, yeah, I felt like she was hitting on me
01:10:05Yeah hundred percent
01:10:08We got there, thank you
01:10:19Jess can you understand why everyone here is so upset because it looks like I've gone from Nick to Dan which I haven't
01:10:31Can't deny what I saw there
01:10:34There's instance there where I saw her sitting on the couch the way she was talking to Nick
01:10:37And it just felt like that I was on the couch talking to that's how she talks to me
01:10:41That's probably the biggest thing to be honest with you. I just feel like I
01:10:45Feel like I honestly feel like it's been played
01:10:52Yeah, I'm hurt right now looking at that
01:11:01Can understand it and it's something that me and Dan will discuss together as a couple
01:11:04But this this instance with Nick, I just met Dan an hour prior
01:11:10My feelings towards Dan hadn't even evolved
01:11:15I honestly did come here to find love and like I felt fell in love with Jess
01:11:19I did I've heard a lot of people doing what I've done to order to feel something for Jess and
01:11:25And then looking at that now, I'm just like I feel like I'm a piece of shit honestly
01:11:37I'm sitting here calm because I I know I'm not lying
01:11:44You're just so used to doing it Jess you're just so used to it. I've got a lot to think about I really do
01:11:52Think we can all agree that you guys have had a fairly whirlwind experience in this experiment and right now
01:11:57You've got a lot of things to discuss
01:11:59It's a big challenge ahead for the both of you, but we appreciate you coming in and being accountable
01:12:05All right, go back to the group
01:12:27All right, it's now time to get our last couple up onto the couch Cam and Jules
01:12:39Are you two hello team
01:12:44You two have had an incredible ride in this experiment right from the word go
01:12:49Cam you even managed to give Jules the proposal that she never had
01:12:53Was magic made and it wrapped up their whole experience, and it just felt right
01:12:59Yeah, I want to see it is it is a little fairytale really
01:13:04Why don't we take a moment to look back now at your vow annuals and relive that special day?
01:13:10I've got a couple tissues there
01:13:13Well up a bit
01:13:28Jules to me you are nothing short of perfect and one thing I do know you're perfect for me
01:13:35So today it's about giving you and us the moment
01:13:39That we missed coming to this experiment, so this might be a little bit backwards
01:13:51Jules were you married
01:14:04Oh my god
01:14:24Awesome that was amazing. Can you really put yourself out there to propose to Jules?
01:14:28I was thinking about it all week
01:14:30And I had in my back pocket and because I hadn't seen Jules for that week and when she honestly appeared
01:14:35She just looked stunning and
01:14:37Everything just shut out like there was nothing around it was tunnel vision, and I'm just news right then that
01:14:45My decision was about to be made that it wasn't just continue. It was continue it forever
01:14:52Oh and Jules you've already got your bridesmaids picked out yeah
01:14:57Heidi and Lissa two women have had my back this whole experiment
01:15:00And I trust them and I love them and you know they've become very good friends
01:15:03And yeah, and I'd be really proud to have them by my side
01:15:08And Cam adores them as well, so this is exciting I feel like I'm getting married
01:15:20You both said that you want children yeah absolutely how far off are the children
01:15:29Well we've got another announcement I know I couldn't come
01:15:35I drank a lot last night
01:15:39How far they off we you know we I'd like this time next year to be pregnant
01:15:49That's the plan
01:15:51So yeah, I never thank you for giving me him
01:15:55Thank you such a pleasure well you must come to our wedding
01:16:04So go back to the group guys
01:16:17Well that brings us to the end of the reunion
01:16:21The experiment is over and it has been an amazing ride
01:16:27And for some of you you have found true love
01:16:31And it's remarkable for others you may be disappointed that it didn't quite work out the way you wanted it
01:16:44Take what you can from it
01:16:48Is an opportunity to get more insight into how you want to run your lives moving forward not just as a couple?
01:16:55But also as an individual
