Haikyuu!! 2x11 REACTION!

  • 3 months ago


00:00All right. Okay. Today, we are back with another Haikyuu reaction video.
00:07And Jordan, we are on episode number 11 of season 2.
00:13And in the last episode, we ended right in the middle, I believe, of the match between Karasuno and Fukurodani.
00:25Yeah, brother.
00:26And it doesn't seem like there's a lot of pressure on this match, and I like that.
00:31But both teams still want to win.
00:33They're just using this as an opportunity to show how much they've improved and try out different things.
00:40So it feels good watching this match.
00:42I don't feel like we're on the edge of our seats, like it's a championship or something.
00:46Yeah, it feels like everything is coming together, right?
00:49Everything that each individual player has been working on.
00:53And it seems just like one of those games where everything's going right.
00:57And as we know, I believe after this game, there may be a communal barbecue.
01:04That's right. And they were all looking forward to that.
01:08So, Jiro, we have a whole bunch of comments here to read from our wonderful patrons.
01:12Before we get into that, do you have anything else you want to talk about from the past two episodes?
01:17I wrote down some notes, but do you have any?
01:21I mean, I think you covered it.
01:22Just trying out new things.
01:24We saw Nishinoya jump from behind the line.
01:29We saw the quick attack.
01:32The different quick attack between Kageyama and Hinata.
01:36We saw, what else?
01:39Well, like a rebound.
01:41Rebound, yeah.
01:42We saw the little feint.
01:44That may be my favorite move in this entire show and in the game of volleyball.
01:49The feint and the dump.
01:50We saw Kageyama do a setter dump.
01:52We saw a cut shot, I believe it's called.
01:55Which is different from a cross, right?
01:58Which we're learning.
01:59Yeah, a lot of great moves by players on all sorts of teams.
02:05Yeah, Bokuto is incredible.
02:09He's really good. Kudo is great.
02:13I'm glad we're finally learning more about these players on these other teams.
02:17This training camp was great in that aspect.
02:20All right.
02:21I think our patrons wrote some incredible comments, so we may as well just jump into those.
02:26Let's do it.
02:27Okay, so the first comment comes to us from our guy, Sean Harding.
02:31And before we read Sean Harding's comment, Jordan, today, the day we are recording this reaction, it is Memorial Day.
02:40Yeah, man.
02:41Here in the United States.
02:44And we'll be releasing this reaction on Thursday, so it won't be Memorial Day anymore.
02:50But, Sean, we'd like to wish you and everybody who has served amongst us, if there are any others in our community who have served,
03:03we wish you a happy Memorial Day and thank you so, so much for your freaking service.
03:08Yeah, thank you all for your service.
03:11And Sean, you already know how much we appreciate you, man, and your vulnerability with us because Sean told us a little bit about himself before.
03:20All right.
03:21So Sean writes, all right.
03:24Just wanted to say I can definitely relate to how Suki's brother might have felt.
03:29I myself joined the military to be a part of the Air Force Honor Guard.
03:34I did drill in JROTC.
03:39Does the J stand for junior?
03:40I think so.
03:42You remember that in school?
03:44I remember seeing all of our friends go to ROTC.
03:47I know.
03:48I was always sort of scared, to be honest.
03:52I did drill in JROTC for years and had been to regionals with my school.
03:58I was more passionate about the drill and ceremony aspect of the military than I was going to war.
04:05That is very relatable, I'm guessing.
04:09So when I was trying to get into the team, there were so many walls that were put in front of me to try and stop me.
04:18But I always thought that as long as I work hard, I can get there.
04:22Turns out that there is a height requirement of a minimum of 5'11".
04:29I'm 5'8 with a good night's sleep.
04:31With a good night's sleep.
04:32We are the same.
04:34I'm 5'7 3 quarters with a good night's sleep.
04:36I'm 5'9 with a great night's sleep.
04:38You ain't 5'9.
04:40So there was no way for me to ever perform as an official honor guardsman.
04:46Is it just me or does that kind of sound crazy?
04:50That there's a height requirement?
04:52Yeah, like 3 inches.
04:54I wonder what the purpose of it is.
04:57Yeah, that's a little interesting.
04:59And I mean, in today's society, it's not like men are growing.
05:04Is this just for men or is this for women too, the height requirement?
05:08Don't ask me that.
05:10I have no idea, brother.
05:11All right, Sean, fill us in if you know anything more about this height requirement.
05:17But I could perform on my base team and that's the highest I would ever go.
05:22It shattered me mentally and emotionally to know that everything I had been working for since I was 14 years old, I would never be able to accomplish.
05:32I had to reset and reevaluate what I wanted.
05:35I had worked so hard to where I was.
05:37So I decided that if base was the highest I could go, then I'd be the best on base.
05:42I love that.
05:43Love it.
05:44Luckily, someone saw how hard I was working.
05:47And after a year on the team, I was selected to become a training instructor for the Air Force Honor Guard.
05:52So I guess those that really can't do T.
05:59But I said all that to say all the whole I had kids from my old high school who were still looking up to me at the time.
06:09Being denied performing at the top level but still be associated with it.
06:15Having to lie and say I was on field but was actually just prepping for the funeral really hurts.
06:23But you do it to keep their flame lit.
06:26Even if yours is just an ember.
06:29That's poetry right there, Sean.
06:31Just my take on it.
06:33As always, love the work you fellas do.
06:35Stay up.
06:37Stay up, brother.
06:39Love these comments from you, man.
06:42Sean is a good dude.
06:46I can tell.
06:47Sean, you lay it all out there and you're very vulnerable.
06:51And it's hard for a lot of us guys out here and people in general to do.
06:57So we appreciate you modeling that for us.
06:59But, yeah, let us know a little more about that height requirement.
07:02And, yeah, this is fascinating.
07:07It's real, though, this last line.
07:09But you do it to keep their flame lit even if yours is just an ember.
07:13It comes to a point where you do certain things for other people, for the generation behind you.
07:20Because you can have an impact on them.
07:22Yeah, and it's crazy how widespread it is.
07:26It's not just sports where this happens.
07:30Sean's talking about it happening in a military context.
07:34Which is fascinating.
07:35Right. Exactly.
07:36All right. Thank you, Sean.
07:37Stay up, Sean.
07:39Appreciate you, man.
07:40All right, Jared, we have another long one here from our wonderful patron Mary Rose Olsen.
07:45And Mary Rose writes,
07:47Hi, guys. Great reaction as usual.
07:49In response to your comments of having regrets about not pursuing something, I have some thoughts.
07:55My knowledge of volleyball was practically zero when I first started.
07:59And I had never even watched any professional games live or on television during my entire time as a player.
08:06I personally played volleyball only in grade school and middle school, and I really loved it.
08:12It was the first and only sport I could play on an even playing field with others at the time due to my height.
08:19Another shorty here.
08:23I've always been very short, even now in my adulthood.
08:26I stand tall at 5'2".
08:29That's very standing tall of you.
08:33I don't know what the hell I'm saying.
08:34Our mom was around that height.
08:36I think our mom might have been a little shorter.
08:40Mary Rose says,
08:41Also, looking back, my knowledge of the game was extremely undeveloped since my school was small.
08:48I had no knowledge besides what I had learned in practice from my coaches.
08:53I only knew of the positions spiker, setter, and libero.
08:58And regarding spiker, Mary Rose writes,
09:01Didn't even know about the official titles of wing spiker and ace without fully understanding their purposes.
09:08I was my team's setter like Kageyama, but I didn't fully understand the potential this role had.
09:13All my coaches told me when I asked why I was the setter was this,
09:19You're small and fast, so you're practically guaranteed to be able to move quickly and get the second hit.
09:25I mean, that's a pretty good reason.
09:27Yeah, makes sense.
09:28Very quick.
09:29At the level my team was playing, receives almost always went haywire and didn't reach the setter position perfectly.
09:36So I was constantly running around.
09:38When I started high school, I didn't even try to play anymore because I thought I was too short and unskilled to continue.
09:44Especially since my high school was known to have an extremely skillful volleyball team going on 10 years for the state championship winners now.
09:53Yeah, that is.
09:55That's a dynasty.
09:56That's the high school dynasty right there.
09:5910 years?
10:02So picture me, a 14-year-old child who was still well under five foot, trying to enter high school and play on that team.
10:10Now in my adult years, I inconsistently play recreationally, but I do regret not even attempting to join my high school team and seeing how I could have developed as a player.
10:23That's a tough regret to sit with.
10:25Those regrets returned to me full force when I watched High Q for the first time and rewatched many times after and saw the inner workings and interesting intricacies of the game that I had never witnessed or thought of before.
10:39I enjoyed other activities in high school, and I'm glad I still get to play volleyball for fun.
10:44But sometimes you can't help but wish that you could turn back time and do things differently.
10:50Sorry for the long rant.
10:51Have fun continuing to watch.
10:53And bora hei.
10:56There is no apology necessary for this long rant, as you called it.
11:01This is not a rant.
11:03This is your life, Mary Rose.
11:05And we appreciate you for bearing your life and laying it all out there, just like Sean did.
11:14Incredibly relatable.
11:18We often have moments like these.
11:22Like little memories just enter your mind, and you think, oh, my gosh, why did I do this or why didn't I do this?
11:31How I get through that, and maybe this will help Mary Rose, maybe it'll help other people out there, is literally think of one thing and one thing only, the butterfly effect.
11:45Like the smallest thing, like me picking up this pen right here, that just impacted you and me.
11:53But then if you think about, like in Mary Rose's case, she didn't play volleyball in high school.
12:03That may have contributed to her ending up where she is today.
12:11I don't know if she has a spouse or kids.
12:15Think about it.
12:16If you played volleyball in high school, you may not have those things.
12:17No, and that's real.
12:18It's true.
12:19That's very real.
12:20Because the smallest things, it's the butterfly effect, the smallest things can impact subsequent things.
12:28It's just a fact.
12:33That's very real.
12:34Mary Rose could have had a life-altering injury.
12:38Could have tore a ligament or something that impacted the way she moved or the way they moved in their life moving forward.
12:47So yeah, the butterfly effect is a real thing.
12:51It is hard though.
12:52It is hard because you never know.
12:54Like I don't know how you picking this pen up will impact the both of us.
12:59But we know that it stopped time for a minute.
13:02Like you could have just maybe made a quick move if I didn't pick this pen up.
13:08That just saved both of us from getting hit by a car.
13:13We always used to play that game.
13:14We really did, especially when we're leaving the house.
13:17We used to leave the house and we used to, wait, wait, wait, five seconds, five seconds.
13:23All right.
13:24That just stopped a car accident.
13:26You're going to make it back safe.
13:28So there's a level of superstition, but regret is still hard nonetheless to sit with, Jer.
13:31I still look back and think, why didn't I just do that?
13:35Why didn't I just, it could be the simplest thing.
13:37Why didn't I just talk to that girl?
13:41My life would have been completely different, but maybe I'm glad I didn't.
13:47It could go both ways.
13:49You got to be careful.
13:50So you just got to sit with this.
13:54You got to find peace in the uncertainty and the unknown.
13:58And we are not philosophers or spiritual leaders.
14:04We're just here to share some experience with you.
14:07Thank you very much, Mary Rose, for sharing your story and being vulnerable.
14:11Appreciate you, Mary Rose.
14:12All right, Jorn.
14:13We have a few more comments.
14:14Oh, we're reading all the comments today, brother.
14:16All right.
14:17The next comment comes to us from Murmur.
14:19Murmur writes, happy IQ Thursday, everyone.
14:21Fox says, y'all don't understand how much I need this today.
14:25Got you, Fox.
14:26Kiki says, I love how Kuro constantly advises Suki and Hinata.
14:33He's such a great captain.
14:35Completely agree.
14:37Miss Brizzy says, just dropping a comment to say Bokuto is my favorite character after Hinata.
14:46So happy to be rewatching this anime with you guys.
14:49Also, last time I said I am your nice neighbor and you were wondering if I meant Canada or close to your hometown in New York.
14:57But I meant Canada.
14:59People call us the nice or sorry people because we say sorry all the time.
15:05And Cheryl says we do.
15:11It's not the worst thing in the world.
15:13No, not at all.
15:14All right.
15:15We're going to get through these last few.
15:18The next comment comes from Wiskyun.
15:20And they write, a wipe is when you use the block at your advantage.
15:24So to make the ball go out from the block's hands, the other term used could be block out, which is easier to see what it is about exactly.
15:35Next, we got the difference between a cross and a cut shot.
15:39A cross is the most common way to hit the ball because your arm goes from left, from up left to down right.
15:47I'm not even going to try it.
15:51Could it be your left hand too?
15:53If you're left handed.
15:55So a cross is the most common way to hit the ball because your arm goes like from up left to down right.
16:03Where a cut shot is almost the same but the amplitude is way better.
16:07Which makes the ball hit the court literally on the other side of the court going close to the net.
16:12It's whole course.
16:13And as Kyoko said, it could be really hard on your shoulders if you're not strong or stretchy enough.
16:20Hope that helped.
16:23No, we appreciate that.
16:24We'll be using comments like these going forward for reference.
16:29So a wipe, cross, and cut shot.
16:34The next comment comes to us from Tylo.
16:36And I wonder if Tylo is related to Tyla.
16:39I doubt it.
16:42You may not know who Tyla is but she has a beautiful song called Water.
16:51Was that because you like the song or you like her?
16:54Oh, I love the song, Jordan.
16:57Absolutely love the song.
16:58I'm being honest.
16:59Like that is a...
17:00That's a jam right there.
17:01That's a jam right there.
17:02Yeah, it is.
17:03Tylo writes, I don't know if anybody told you yet but Takeda teaches modern Japanese literature.
17:09So it makes sense why he never misses.
17:13That makes sense.
17:14Yeah, Takeda never misses, brother.
17:16And then 520cat says, as always, I love to see your reactions.
17:20Although for now, he's quite a minor character.
17:24Akashi is my favorite.
17:27So I'm glad you picked up on how quickly he calculated whether or not he should set to Bokuto.
17:33I'm currently in Japan and the temperature is rising.
17:36So I really understand how difficult this summer training camp must be.
17:40It gives me even more respect for their hard work.
17:43The training camp arc will be wrapping up around next episode.
17:48But it's one of the most nostalgic for me and I think a lot of other people.
17:53I hope you liked it as much as I did.
17:56I'm also glad you appreciate Yachi so much.
17:59I recently wrote about her for an assignment in my manga class actually.
18:04As a good example of a female character in a shounen, boy-oriented genre, anime.
18:10She's really an asset to the team.
18:13Oh, that would be a fascinating topic.
18:17I wonder how many other characters like Yachi exist within the shounen genre.
18:27Maybe 520cat can inform us.
18:31Alright, thank you very much, Tylo and 520cat.
18:34Yeah, thank you both.
18:36And Yachi truly is an asset to the team.
18:40She's brand new but she's making an imprint.
18:43And what stuck out in one of the last few episodes was her willingness to stay with the guys around them.
18:50Particularly Kageyama to practice, to help them practice.
18:55She's not complaining like, oh, I'm so tired, I gotta go.
18:58Nah, man, she's there for whatever.
19:00I love that.
19:01And it seems like her and Hinata have a very close and budding relationship.
19:08I love seeing their interaction.
19:11And she's helping Hinata and Kageyama improve their relationship.
19:16It's amazing.
19:17Alright, we have four final quick comments.
19:23The first one comes from our patron, Patty.
19:25Patty writes, the third cog was the whole team when they managed to score with a synchronized attack.
19:31Ah, okay.
19:32So that makes sense because Takira was going down the list of cogs and that synchronized attack was beautiful.
19:40So that was the third cog, Patty says.
19:42E4H says, man, I love Bokuto so much.
19:45I think we're starting to like him a lot too.
19:48And then we have two quick ones from Malaylay.
19:50And Malaylay says, next episode is my fave.
19:53And also Bokuto is my favorite character.
19:56Hands down, he's so precious and inspiring.
20:00Alright, it is time to get into Malaylay's favorite episode.
20:05We are on episode number 11 of Haikyuu! Season 2, everybody.
20:09And it's titled above.
20:11Let's jump into things.
20:13Let's go.
20:20So he was in the middle of his breakdown, right?
20:22Oh, yeah.
20:42Wanna skip it?
20:43Up to you, boss.
20:44Let's jump right in.
20:50I'm interested to see how he gets through this.
20:56Look at him.
20:58He's like frozen.
20:59Seems like his teammates know how to sort of deal with it though.
21:02Maybe they pick up the slack in the meantime.
21:29Was that a dump?
21:35This is a close one right here.
21:40Oh, I like that.
21:46He may look like the big brother, but he's actually the baby.
22:01Alright, match point.
22:40Come on, Asahi.
22:44Looks good.
22:57He's about to come back in.
23:01It's his time.
23:04Come on, Suki.
23:05Come on, Suki's gonna block it.
23:08Suki's gonna block it, yo.
23:26Damn you, Bokuto.
23:32They forgot about him.
23:33He's good.
23:36What if it was just a ploy all along?
23:51That's trust.
24:00Oh, now he's back.
24:01Oh gosh.
24:05He keeps saying, hey, hey, hey, I want a fat elbow.
24:07Yeah, all I hear is fat elbow.
24:13That's simple, too.
24:16That's what it is.
24:17The ace's weakness brings out the other's strengths.
24:20Can we go back just a second?
24:24And at the same time becomes a strong root for the team that's hard to break.
24:36I never thought about it like that.
24:51That's what it comes down to, man.
24:57Ooh, that was interesting what he just said.
25:00Look, our team isn't at the point where any of them can be that selfish yet.
25:05So he's identifying Bokuto's behavior as selfish.
25:20Yeah, I thought it was pretty good.
25:57Come on.
26:00They got what they needed out of this match.
26:25Here he goes.
26:26Lach, brother.
26:27Here he goes.
26:31Get a beautiful color.
26:42Wait, I need to hear that again real quick.
26:44I gotta hear it again.
26:45I didn't think he was going to black.
26:47But that's the team's color.
26:49When you mix colors, they become muddled and dirty, right?
26:54But once you finish mixing, you get the color black, which won't be overtaken by any other color.
27:00It's a dominant color.
27:01Please make our team's color black, which fits us, Crowley.
27:15They're like, just please get out of here.
27:18They're like, we want to eat.
27:20Love it.
27:22Makes you annoyed.
27:23Love it.
28:06Sounds like Aaron in AOT, dude.
28:21Come on, man.
28:35He knows.
28:37He knows.
29:07Here we go.
29:08Oh, yes.
29:10We're Sasha.
29:11We need some watermelon.
29:19That onion is making him cry.
29:48What was that?
29:49Was that a stomach growling?
29:50I think so.
29:56Meat war.
29:58It's a meat war.
30:03Oh my gosh, they're all drooling.
30:07Are they going to compete to see who can eat the most meat, dude?
30:12I hope not.
30:17All right, get some vegetables.
30:21Oh, snap.
30:23Give him some water.
30:24Nah, he needs the Heimlich.
30:26Oh, that goes quick.
30:31Oh, yeah.
30:33Oh my goodness.
30:34Oh, my.
30:36She's from the other team, right?
30:37I don't know.
30:42What is going on, dude?
30:51Ah, I see.
30:52They're going to protect Kiyoko.
31:02What happened?
31:03Oh, he's stopping them.
31:07Hey, she's protected better than the president.
31:12Look at Kemma over here, man.
31:14You playing a game?
31:15Always doing something.
31:25There you go.
31:37Some pushy work.
31:58What the hell?
32:00The titans jungle.
32:02I think we are an AOTS feature.
32:04We're not going to let that pass.
32:06Is that an AOT reference?
32:08Or is that something completely different?
32:10My question is, why does Yachi have a gun?
32:13I mean, compared to Yachi in this visual, they look like titans, Jor.
32:18They sort of do.
32:19And it may be an AOT reference.
32:21But again, I ask you, why does Yachi, the sweetest character in this show, have a gun?
32:26I mean, didn't Sasha have a gun?
32:30Yeah, that's true.
32:32But we keep seeing scenes where Yachi is around weapons.
32:38At one point, I think a knife went through her, right?
32:41I know it's just...
32:43It's the writer's fascination with horror.
32:45Yeah, I think that's what it is.
32:48But such sweet characters.
32:50I guess she's got to fight her way through the titans jungle.
32:53Gotta fight for the food.
32:54Yeah, she's got a clear plate right now.
32:57Somebody get Yachi some food.
32:59I know.
33:01Watch Hinata come in.
33:03Oh, that's a titan right there.
33:06That's abnormal.
33:10She said, I promise I don't taste good.
33:12Is that what she said?
33:13Yeah, she said she's gonna get eaten.
33:16Oh, she's not.
33:21We do have a mini Sasha in our hands.
34:01I don't know.
34:09I don't know.
34:53Who's in the Miyagi region?
35:22What'd he say?
35:23You talk big for being a top 2 for sucking.
35:27Yeah, Kenma.
35:28Get some food.
36:25Beautiful music.
36:41He's a unique breed, man.
36:54All right, we got a little grin from Kenma.
37:02What a wholesome training camp.
37:15All right, let's pause this before we continue just real quick.
37:19I mean, I think I understand why people are telling us that this is their favorite episode.
37:26Some of our patrons.
37:27This was a wholesome training camp and a chance for not only other players on different teams
37:36to learn more about each other and to give advice to each other, but for us as the audience
37:42to meet and get to know these other players as well.
37:45And it's beautiful seeing that competition doesn't make people hate each other.
37:51It just makes them improve their own game and leave with respect for each other.
37:57That's the way games are supposed to be played.
37:59I love that.
38:01Great points.
38:02I really like what they did with, what's his name?
38:10I forget who said it.
38:11I think it was Kochukai.
38:12He said the ace's weakness becoming the team's strength.
38:19And then was it Akashi or somebody who said he self-destructs at random times.
38:28We didn't expect to see that happen.
38:31You have this big macho man of a character who is so dominant and then he just breaks down.
38:40And then he's sort of seen by some as a bit selfish, a bit immature.
38:47He's a kid.
38:48Yeah, he's a kid.
38:50But it's so realistic because there are so many young kids who grow their bodies and their athleticism
38:59before they're able to grow their emotional maturity.
39:04That's a good point.
39:05Their mental toughness.
39:07So that was fascinating.
39:09That's a great, great point because these kids are in high school.
39:14You can say that for some college kids.
39:17Most college athletes.
39:19Some NBA players, professional players.
39:22I think of Anthony Edwards.
39:24Oh my goodness, I was about to say the same thing.
39:26The man is 22 years old.
39:27He's 22!
39:28That man is 22 years old, Jerry.
39:31Right, and they hold him in the same regard at press conferences, on the court, as people like LeBron James.
39:38Well, they give him a little grace.
39:43By the way, did you see that dunk the other night?
39:45Holy! I mean, he's got one every few games.
39:49But they're still going to lose the series.
39:51I want Kyrie and Luka to win it all anyway.
39:55Beautiful match.
39:59Kyrie and Luka.
40:01It's a match made in heaven.
40:03Alright, let's keep this thing moving.
40:05Let's see what else is in store for us.
40:08Here we go.
40:09Let's go.
40:13If we can win twice at the prelims, we'll go to the qualifiers.
40:18And then up here it says the Japanese National High School Volleyball Tournament Miyagi Prefecture Qualifier.
40:24What a hell of a title.
40:26So there's qualifiers before you make it into the actual tournament.
40:43This is going pretty quick.
40:44First day, teams make it in.
40:48Make it through the first prelims.
40:50We'll be joined by the eight more powerhouse schools.
40:53And they'll play the tournament that decides the representative.
40:58Team October.
41:00Can we only play twice in the prelims?
41:03We've made it to the top 16 in the inter high prelims.
41:07So we're exempt from the first round.
41:10Wow, we're amazing!
41:14Is this the official tournament?
41:17I'm so nervous.
41:19It's the first tournament for Hitoka.
41:25It's the last one for us.
41:38Gotta love Yachi.
41:53Is that Yamaguchi?
41:55Is that Yamaguchi?
41:59Yamaguchi, nice serve!
42:00Yamaguchi, nice serve!
42:01It was hard to get the ball.
42:03It was hard to get the ball.
42:04It was hard to get the ball.
42:07One more.
42:08What are you looking at, Sensei?
42:10What are you looking at, Sensei?
42:11Oh, Ukai.
42:12Oh, Ukai.
42:13Our first year students are amazing.
42:16But there are other amazing first year students.
42:19Oh, that guy.
42:21Oh, that guy.
42:38Is that his brother?
42:39That's his brother.
42:42That's dope.
42:55You look different.
42:58You went on an expedition.
42:59Did it get tough?
43:02You look like you got tough.
43:11Dude, this is the same exact position just years later.
43:14Dude, this is the same exact position just years later.
43:15What did you say?
43:16Oh, I just got deja vu.
43:17You said I'm on a team.
43:19I believe in this time I mean he wasn't lying last time
43:49I'm so frustrated that I remember that now
43:51I can't digest that it was a good experience
43:53Seriously, what?
43:54I'm so frustrated that I remember that now
43:55I can't digest that it was a good experience
44:00I also showed you some of my worst moments
44:05I didn't do anything in high school
44:09I didn't play any of the good parts of ballet
44:13But I already knew
44:18The feeling of deciding on a spike, the pride of perfection, whether that moment exists or not, I want to be in a place where I can do it seriously until I feel it.
44:34I see...
44:37There you go. That's what Suki needed.
45:07Okay, here I go!
45:10I've been watching you for a while now, but you're always making mistakes.
45:28Whoa! Aone's gotten bigger again!
45:31Oh my, Kamasaki-san, you're here again? Are you free? Are you okay with the harvest? Aren't you wearing too many shirts?
45:37Shut up, you bastard! I thought you were my senpai!
45:40This guy truly is terrifying.
45:45In all honesty, I could have mistaken him for Grandpa Ukai.
45:55Well, first of all, let's go back to Grandpa Ukai real quick.
45:58There's Grandpa Ukai.
46:02That is hilarious, Drew.
46:06That is hilarious.
46:08Very similar posture.
46:10Maybe he's...
46:14Maybe Grandpa's not telling us the full story.
46:19Like when Kairi dressed up as Uncle Drew?
46:22Oh, no, I'm thinking more like this may be one of his offspring.
46:25Oh, I see.
46:27Or maybe a grandkid.
46:29I'm just kidding, everybody.
46:34What happened to Oikawa?
47:00Oh, I love it.
47:04The greater serves for the lesser.
47:12From the concrete!
47:16Oh, come on now.
47:29The first preliminary round of the High School Championship Tournament,
47:33also known as the Spring High School Ballet,
47:36will be held on the same day.
47:39Let's go.
47:42All right.
47:47Finally, man. After all this time.
47:51We are here.
47:53It's real.
47:55I sort of feel like Yachi.
47:57I feel nervous.
47:58Yeah, it's getting real.
48:0295% of me tells me that they're prepared.
48:08And they're ready for this moment.
48:11They know what defeat feels like.
48:13They've been practicing all summer long.
48:17The other 5% tells me
48:20the writer of this show may throw a curveball
48:24and make us wait until the next tournament.
48:28And say goodbye to the three seniors.
48:32And put us through hell.
48:34Yeah, no matter what happens,
48:36that's gonna be the hardest part.
48:38And that's the hardest part in real life, too.
48:42We've already talked about it.
48:43When you have to say goodbye to the game.
48:46And for your teammates, you have to say goodbye
48:49to the people leaving.
48:51That's the hardest, hardest part.
48:54But I have faith.
48:55I loved seeing all of these teams.
48:58They're ready.
48:59This is what it's about.
49:00It's game time.
49:01Put everything on the line.
49:03Win or go home.
49:05That's how it is in this tournament, right?
49:08Yeah, I think so.
49:09You gotta win.
49:10You gotta scrape and claw.
49:11You have to use everything that you've learned
49:14up until this point.
49:15Practicing on your own.
49:16Practicing with the team.
49:17Practicing in the backyard.
49:20Practicing at this training camp.
49:24You have to use it all.
49:26And you have to come together,
49:27like Takeda was saying, Jerd.
49:29The cogs have to start working.
49:32We're here.
49:33Let me know if you feel the same way.
49:35But obviously, the first time around,
49:40we didn't really expect them to win it all.
49:44We felt that the chemistry wasn't fully there.
49:46With the inter high?
49:49Now, they've grown tremendous chemistry.
49:54But something still feels like it's lacking.
49:57Do you feel the same way?
49:58I mean, I feel like all the teams understand that.
50:02Karasuno is not the favorite to win this tournament.
50:04Right, right.
50:05But, I don't know.
50:09They are crows, brother.
50:11They're gonna keep eating.
50:12We still have a long high Q journey ahead of us.
50:16Oh, yeah.
50:18I guess maybe I'm not gonna get my hopes up for this tournament too much.
50:23But I expect to see maybe more progress than the last time.
50:26Yeah, I agree with that.
50:28I think that's a good way to go into this.
50:31Yeah, there are some powerhouse teams and players
50:34that they're gonna hopefully come face to face against, man.
50:38Ushiwaka, Sakusa, which I don't think we learned much about him.
50:42They mentioned one other person in the top three of the aces.
50:47But, yeah, this is gonna be fun.
50:49This is gonna be fun, everybody.
50:51All right, anything else, brother, before we start this tournament?
50:53No, I just loved seeing Suki smile.
50:56Oh, yeah, that was beautiful.
50:58And that interaction between him and his brother.
51:01I'm glad the game never left his brother.
51:05No matter what happened in high school, he still plays.
51:09And he says he still plays because of what happened in high school.
51:12Which is fascinating.
51:13All right, everybody, let's go start this tournament.
51:18Yeah, if we thought that Inter High had us on the edge of our seats.
51:22We can only imagine what this is gonna do.
51:24Thank you so much for watching this episode with us.
51:26We hope you enjoyed it.
51:28Let us know your thoughts in the comments down below.
51:30Are you ready for us to dive headfirst into the spring tournament?
51:36Better yet, let us know if we are ready.
51:39We'll see you for this next episode, everybody.
51:41We love you.
51:42Do not forget.
51:43Be kind and keep an open mind.