Explosion Wombo Combo | Sumiya Stream Moments 4424

  • 2 months ago
00:00Hello, it's been a long time since I changed my channel. I'm Xiaomo, this is Jiujiu. If you like my videos, remember to like and subscribe.
00:07Can we kill bot? Can we kill?
00:30Let's kill mid. No, let's kill top.
00:37Wait for AT. Come, come, come. I have double axe. Wait for AT.
00:47Push top.
01:00I don't have enough gold.
01:12But I can kill top.
01:20Next time I play Thunderclap, I will build another Windrunner.
01:23I have tried the Heart of Sword. It's so weak.
01:30Come, come, come.
01:41Heart of Sword.
01:46Oh my god.
01:47Is it useful? I don't know.
02:02If I see Windrunner, I can kill it.
02:17I don't have enough gold.
02:47Oh my god.
02:54Heart of Sword, Heart of Sword.
03:17I don't want to wait for their BKB. If they BKB, I'm useless.
03:47Okay, okay.
04:17Let's go.
04:47Let's go.
05:17Let's go.
05:47Let's go.
06:18I forgot to clean it.
06:40Can I shorten it?
06:44I can't explain it, but I can shorten it.
06:46I can shorten Windrunner.
06:48I will kill bot. Come, come, come. Kill it.
07:16Let's go.
07:46Let's go.
08:16Let's go.
08:46I don't have enough gold.
09:16Let's go.
10:16Let's go.
10:46Let's go.
11:17Let's go.
11:18Let's go.
11:19Let's go.
11:20Let's go.
11:21Let's go.
11:22Let's go.
11:23Let's go.
11:24Let's go.
11:25Let's go.
11:26Let's go.
11:27Let's go.
11:28Let's go.
11:29Let's go.
11:30Let's go.
11:31Let's go.
11:32Let's go.
11:33Let's go.
11:34Let's go.
11:35Let's go.
11:36Let's go.
11:37Let's go.
11:38Let's go.
11:39Let's go.
11:40Let's go.
11:41Let's go.
11:42Let's go.
11:43Let's go.
11:44Let's go.
11:45Let's go.
11:46Let's go.
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11:48Let's go.
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11:50Let's go.
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11:53Let's go.
11:54Let's go.
11:55Let's go.
11:56Let's go.
11:57Let's go.
11:58Let's go.
11:59Let's go.
12:00Let's go.
12:01Let's go.
12:02Let's go.
12:03Let's go.
12:04Let's go.
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12:12Let's go.
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12:14Let's go.
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13:41Let's go.
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13:47Let's go.
13:48Let's go.
13:49Let's go.
13:50Let's go.
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13:52Let's go.
13:53Let's go.
13:54Let's go.
13:55Let's go.
13:56Let's go.
13:57Let's go.
13:58Let's go.
13:59Let's go.
14:00Let's go.
14:01Let's go.
14:02Let's go.
14:03Let's go.
14:04Let's go.
14:05Let's go.
14:06Let's go.
14:07Let's go.
14:08Let's go.
14:09Let's go.
14:10Let's go.
14:11Let's go.
14:12Let's go.
14:13Let's go.
14:14Let's go.
14:15Let's go.
14:16Let's go.
14:17Let's go.
14:18Let's go.
14:19Let's go.
14:20Let's go.
14:21Let's go.
14:22Let's go.
14:23Let's go.
14:24Let's go.
14:25Let's go.
14:26Let's go.
14:27Let's go.
14:28Let's go.
14:29Let's go.
14:30Let's go.
14:31Let's go.
14:32Let's go.
14:33Let's go.
14:34Let's go.
14:35Let's go.
14:36Let's go.
14:37Let's go.
14:38Let's go.
14:39Let's go.
14:40Can we take this?
14:51Do you see?
14:52The Crystal is taken.
14:53He is hiding here.
14:54This angle is supposed to let him sit.
14:56Kill him.
15:09I'm going bot
15:39Do you have a cc?
15:41Do you have a net?
15:44Nice, nice
15:48Hide, hide
15:49Turn around
16:05Blackbird is low, Blackbird is low
16:06You guys just watch
16:09Blackbird is low, Blackbird is low
16:15Damn it
16:16Ganmeizu has a ninja
16:19Can you gank me?
16:27Water monkey
16:28Water monkey BKB CD
16:30Water monkey BKB used
16:32I saw it, I saw it
16:40Nice, nice
16:43He used his split push
16:55Break the passive, break the passive
16:58Nice, nice
17:05I got him, I got him
17:09I got him, I got him
17:35Nice, nice
17:40Can you dive?
17:43Dive him
17:52Water monkey BKB
17:53Water monkey BKB
17:55He's coming, he's coming
17:56Bot lane got ganked
17:57I can't kill him if you don't come
18:25Water monkey BKB
18:27Water monkey BKB
18:30Water monkey BKB
18:34Water monkey BKB
18:35Water monkey BKB
18:36Watch here, water monkey BKB
18:37Break the passive, water monkey BKB
18:45Let's go, let's go
18:46This Ganmeizu can't handle it
18:50Is there a chance?
18:53Wait for someone to kill his teammates first
18:58Break the passive
19:03Ganmeizu, we can go top
19:28Watch out for the jungle
19:34Push the turret, push the turret
19:36Water monkey BKB
19:51Is there sellingren?
19:52Is there sellingren?
19:54School of learning
19:55Is there sellingren?
20:08Is there sellingren?
20:10Is there sellingren?
20:15Beautiful, beautiful
20:19See what Iollot
20:20Go to the high ground and use your flashbang to open your vision.
20:26If you can one shot the dog, you can one shot the dog.
20:38Nice, nice.
20:40It won't be that easy to kill him later.
20:43Is there a backdoor? Backdoor?
20:50They didn't fight back. If they fight back, they might be able to beat us.
20:58Hello, I'm Sumiya.
21:00Thank you for your support and attention.
21:03I hope to have more interactions with you.
21:05Please continue to support Sumiya Office.
