mirza to wrr gya

  • 2 months ago
mirza da abu koi ni
00:00I have a message for the students of Mirza Muhammad Ali Jelmi
00:04You are a joker and he has put a lot of knowledge in you
00:07In case of Tauheed, I am with Muhammad Ali Mirza
00:11Whatever he says is correct in case of Tauheed
00:14But there is a girl who has made a mistake that he is not reading the Quran correctly
00:18He was not reading the Quran correctly
00:20He has made a mistake
00:22Girls should not come to TikTok like this
00:24But she has come with hijab and told that he is reading it wrong
00:28Why are you making a meme on him?
00:30You are saying that he is not reading the Quran correctly
00:32You are saying that he is reading it wrong
00:34You are a joker and he has put a lot of knowledge in you
00:36He has put a lot of knowledge in you
00:38You have given this knowledge to people
00:40You have brought this change
00:42You cannot change
00:44You are a big hypocrite
00:46You don't consider a person as a human being
00:48You consider him as God
00:50Everything about him is right
00:52Because he is God
00:54Someone said something about him
00:56You consider a person as a human being
00:58You consider him as God
01:00You don't consider a person as God
01:02You are a joker
01:04You are the biggest joker
01:06You are the biggest memer
01:08You are the biggest joker
01:10These days students of Muhammad Ali Mirza are coming here
01:12He is giving you a lot of knowledge
01:14I am with him in case of Tauheed
01:16He is saying a good thing
01:18But someone has made a mistake
01:20It was his mistake
01:22It was his mistake
01:24You are trying to make a joke
01:26You are doing the work of Muslims
01:28He is saying that he has changed the Ummah
01:30You are a prophet
01:32You have changed the Ummah
01:34What kind of Ummah have you changed?
01:36You are making a joker
01:38You are a joker
01:40You don't compromise in the matter of women
01:42You are a Sayyid
01:44You are a Sayyid
01:46You have to respect the Sayyids of big families
01:48A girl has made a mistake
01:50You have accepted her
01:52Tauheed is a strong belief
01:56But this is a wrong thing
01:58What knowledge do you have?
02:00You have eaten a banana
02:02You have taken a banana
02:04He has said something to your God
02:06This is a wrong excuse
02:08Be brave to take a banana
02:10You are making a meme
02:12Be brave to take a banana
02:14You should be ashamed
02:16Islam doesn't teach that women should be insulted
02:18Or that someone should be considered as God
02:20Islam teaches that women should be considered as God
02:22And that they should be made a peaceful community
02:24If he is saying that he has changed the Ummah
02:26He is saying that he has done this and that
02:28He should be a peaceful person
02:30He should talk with arguments
02:32Where are you giving these arguments?
02:34He is making a joke
02:36He is insulting women
02:38You should be insulted
02:40Your aunt has also gone
02:42Uncle, first marry your aunt
02:44Then marry your disciple
02:48Your aunt has gone
02:50Yes, saying Kalam-e-Kufr breaks the Nikah
02:52Okay Mirza sahib
02:54Saying Kalam-e-Kufr breaks the Nikah
02:56Now what is your opinion about Kalam-e-Kufr?
02:58Tell us
03:00Because if we tell
03:02People will say that this is a wrong or a false opinion
03:04So you tell us
03:06The next thing is
03:08The people who give verdicts
03:10That Allah has punished him
03:12These are Kalam-e-Kufr
03:14To say about a person
03:16Because this has to do with Ilm-ul-Ghaib
03:18Okay, so Mirza sahib has this verdict
03:20To say about a person
03:22That Allah has punished him
03:24This is Kalam-e-Kufr
03:26Because this has to do with Ilm-ul-Ghaib
03:28Now what does Mirza sahib say?
03:30Let's listen
03:32My name is Ali
03:34Keep in mind
03:36One name is Ali
03:38Second child is from Mongolia
03:40Your Sufis are also from Mongolia
03:42Allah has punished them
03:46Allah has punished the Muslims
03:48In the form of Mongols
03:50I am a Mongol
03:52When our ancestors were infidels
03:54At that time Allah punished them
03:56Allah punished your Sufis
04:02The purpose of all these clips
04:04Is to end
04:06The excuse that
04:08Kalam-e-Kufr was a slip of tongue
04:10Now what happens with Kalam-e-Kufr
04:12Let's end this slip of tongue issue
04:14Let's watch another clip
04:32Let's watch another clip
