A blonde woman looked at me deeply, then...

  • 2 months ago
A blonde woman looked at me deeply, then...
Japanese Manga in English
Manga video to learn English
00:00I'm Kent Sato, a second-year high school student and an introvert.
00:05I spend my days studying for the future, not enjoying my youth.
00:10I can't believe I forgot my notes for pre-study.
00:13I'm getting careless.
00:15Did I lose?
00:17Someone in the classroom.
00:18So, I dare Lina to...
00:20It seems like it's better not to get involved.
00:45She's the center of attention in our class.
00:48The most glamorous girl in the school, Lina Kimura.
00:52If she confessed to anyone, they should be thrilled.
00:56But on the flip side, if you were to refuse, even in a daring game, I'd become the enemy
01:02of every guy in the school.
01:06Well, there's no helping it.
01:10I'll have to get a new set of notes.
01:12But man, I feel sorry for the guy who's going to be confessed to.
01:16Well, it's not my problem.
01:19That I had in mind.
01:21The next day.
01:22Thanks for coming, Kent.
01:25The poor guy.
01:27It's me!
01:28Um, I think you probably already know, but there's something I want to tell you.
01:36Would you go out with me?
01:40Is that so?
01:41If I say no here, my peaceful school life will be over.
01:46Or will it?
01:48Even if I say yes, they'll probably say I'm punching above my weight, right?
01:53Either way, my school life is ruined!
01:55I won't stand for that!
01:58In that case, there's only one choice.
02:00Um, so?
02:02What's your answer?
02:05Sure, let's go out.
02:09Well, you're the one who confessed, right?
02:12Just so you know, I'm not into you.
02:15Actually, I've never been in love or anything like that.
02:20So we can date, but I might not end up liking you.
02:23Is that okay?
02:25How about that?
02:26If I play the role of a thoroughly cold guy, maybe she will turn me down.
02:31This way, I can continue my ordinary life as usual.
02:38That means I'll be your first love, right?
02:41I'm so happy!
02:42I'll definitely make you fall for me.
02:47Why would it turn out like this?
02:49She's way too into this!
02:51Oh, I see.
02:53Well, do as you please.
02:55I'm going home.
02:56How serious can someone be about a daring game?
03:00I don't want to keep dating and become the enemy of every guy, so I'd rather be disliked.
03:06But she turned out to be more persistent than I thought.
03:09Against my coldness, she came at me even harder.
03:13Hey, hey, Kent!
03:15Can I start calling you Ken from now on?
03:19Come on, we're dating, right?
03:22You can call me Lina, okay?
03:27Uh, no thanks.
03:29No way!
03:31Calling each other properly is a great way to get closer.
03:34You're really calculating, aren't you?
03:37Well, of course.
03:39I want you to fall for me quickly.
03:41Is that so?
03:43As expected of a popular girl, she's natural.
03:46But I won't be swayed!
03:48Well, see you tomorrow.
03:52Ken, wait!
03:54Want to walk home together?
03:57Why are we holding hands?
04:01But we're a couple.
04:03Oh, are you blushing?
04:06Did I make your heart race?
04:08N-no, just let go!
04:11If you call me Lina, I might consider it.
04:17It's Lina, okay?
04:19Try saying it.
04:24What is it, Ken?
04:26I said Lina, so can you please let go?
04:30Did I say something like that?
04:34Shall we go home, Ken?
04:36She's tough!
04:38Furthermore, when going to school in the morning...
04:41I'm heading out!
04:43Good morning, Ken!
04:45It's a nice day today, isn't it?
04:47It would have been nice if it was raining, then we could have shared an umbrella, right?
04:51Just kidding!
04:54Why are you here?
04:57I thought we could go to school together.
05:00I can go to school by myself, so you don't have to come!
05:04I know that, but...
05:06You see?
05:08I just want to be together even more!
05:11School hours aren't enough for me!
05:13Come on, let's go!
05:15Even if you say that...
05:17I won't fall in love with you!
05:20Wait, Ken!
05:22If it's a chase, I won't lose!
05:26I can't handle this!
05:28Why isn't she discouraged even though I'm being so cold?
05:32Two weeks passed, but no matter how cold I was...
05:35Lena's advances didn't stop.
05:37In fact, they escalated further.
05:39And before they knew it, the class had officially recognized them as a couple.
05:44And strangely enough...
05:46So, we've decided that the lead roles will go to Lena and Kent!
05:53Due to the recommendation of their classmates...
05:56Lena and I were chosen as the lead roles in the play.
05:59The play, titled Romeo and Juliet Scramble...
06:02Was conceived by the Culture Festival Executive Committee Chairman, Ron Tenshin...
06:08And the well-known anime nerd, Tamotsu Otakura.
06:11Yay, Ken! Let's do our best together!
06:15If we're going to do this, let's aim for first place!
06:20I understand Lena, but me as the lead?
06:23Maybe the scriptwriter, Otaku, should reconsider this.
06:27My name is not Otaku! It's Otakuda!
06:30If you look at the script, you'll see that you are the only choice for the lead!
06:35We even conducted a survey among our classmates!
06:38And this casting is perfect!
06:41I'm with you, it'll be fine!
06:44T-there's no way I can refuse this!
06:46I have no choice!
06:48A-alright! I may not be very good, but I'll do my best!
06:53At that moment, I thought that as long as I could memorize the script, everything would be fine.
06:58But that was a big mistake.
07:01My acting skills, which were practically non-existent, made even delivering lines a challenge for me.
07:08Oh, Romeo! It's only your name that's my enemy!
07:12Please throw away that name!
07:15If you do, I'll also throw away my name.
07:19Then, would you mind giving me everything else except the name?
07:23Just call me Lover in one word.
07:26Can't! Put a bit more emotion into it!
07:30It'll be even better than earlier!
07:33They're trying to be considerate, but I can see it for myself.
07:37I'm a terrible actor.
07:39Once I had taken on the role, I was determined to see it through to the end.
07:44I practiced relentlessly on my own.
07:46I'm not improving at all. Maybe I should back out even now.
07:51Oh, Ken! I thought you'd be here after all.
07:55Huh? Why are you here?
07:58I thought you had a strong sense of responsibility, so I figured you were practicing in secret.
08:05I wanted to support you, even though you didn't want me to find you.
08:11Hey, how about you let me practice with you? We'll improve faster together.
08:16Let's surprise everyone!
08:19Is it okay?
08:21Of course! I'm your girlfriend after all. You should rely on me more.
08:26Uh, thank you.
08:28Starting from the scene earlier, could you try imitating me?
08:36From the moment you call me your lover, I will cease to be Romeo, and will henceforth be known only as your lover.
08:47Amazing! You're really good at this!
08:51Really? Thank you! I practiced because I didn't want to lose to the hardworking Ken.
08:58Besides, I like you, you know? So my feelings naturally come through.
09:06You've been practicing not just the lines, but also your vocal delivery, right? I like that about you too.
09:12She noticed even that?
09:15Alright, let's try saying it together.
09:21Lena, did she really confess as part of a punishment game?
09:25Just doesn't seem like there's any reason for her to go this far for someone she doesn't even like.
09:31Thanks to practicing together, I gradually improved to a level where I wouldn't be called a terrible actor.
09:37As we spent more time together, I somehow forgot that I should be cold towards Lena.
09:43During one practice
09:45Oops! I messed up!
09:48Brad, are you okay?
09:50We have some here too. Oh, and here as well.
09:54Thanks a bunch, you two!
09:57This should be the last, I think.
10:01Oh, there's some more here.
10:08Oh my! What are you two doing? Don't tell me you're practicing a kick?
10:17No, we're not!
10:19When we went to observe a rehearsal for another class' performance.
10:24We might get a better view from here.
10:27It's dangerous. You should watch these kind of things from a distance.
10:32It's fine, it's fine!
10:39Are you okay?
10:41Y-yeah. Thanks, Ken.
10:45S-sorry for pulling you! I knew it was dangerous!
10:49Huh? It's totally fine. You helped me, right? I'm happy.
10:55Afterwards, we moved to the back together.
10:59It should be safe here, so you can let go now.
11:02Just a little longer like this? Please?
11:08Alright. Honestly, this is troublesome. At this rate, might think we're both in love.
11:15One month later, one day before the culture festival.
11:19My acting skills had improved, and my classmates praised me as well.
11:24We had come to the rooftop for a special practice to make the final adjustments.
11:28This is where she confessed to me, right? It feels like such a long time ago.
11:34So, it's the scene where you express love to Juliet, who's pretending to have taken sleeping pills.
11:41Juliet, don't go. I'm right here with you.
11:45J-Juliet, this is the kissing scene, but...
11:50Ken, are you okay?
11:53I-I'm sorry! I'll do it properly next time.
11:56What should I do? I know it's just for the performance, but I can't!
12:05Hey, even if it's just for the performance, you don't want to kiss me?
12:15I've been trying so hard all this time to make you like me. I wonder if I'm just not that attractive.
12:24This seems serious, right? But still, it was a daring game, right?
12:35The confession you did to me, I overheard that it was supposed to be a daring game the day before.
12:41I-I'm sorry! You might not believe me, but my feelings for you, Ken, are genuine.
12:51I've wanted to tell you for a long time, but I couldn't bring myself to say it as my feelings for you grew.
12:59So no matter what I say, it might just sound like an excuse, right? I'm sorry.
13:05It's okay. Besides, I-at first, I tried to be cold and make you dislike me, so it would be easier for you to reject me. I'm sorry.
13:16I see...
13:18Hey, can I ask you something?
13:23Even if you knew it was a daring game, why did you agree to date me?
13:29And why did you put so much effort into the play?
13:34W-Well, I just thought that refusing would cause problems later on.
13:39And as for the play, I didn't want to disrupt the atmosphere for everyone else.
13:44So, you really don't have any feelings for me?
13:51Oh! There they are! We are having a costume fitting!
13:56Ran is calling for you two. Are we interrupting something?
14:01Uh, well...
14:03It's totally fine! Thanks for coming to get us.
14:07I'll head over first, Ken. I'm sorry for lying all this time.
14:12Uh, yeah...
14:15Is it about the confession for the daring game?
14:18Yeah, but...
14:20Sorry we pushed you guys in a weird way.
14:25Lena has liked you for a long time, but couldn't bring herself to confess.
14:31What do you mean?
14:34Well, this is a secret.
14:38It turns out that Lena disliked guys who were only interested in her appearance and would approach her because of it.
14:45A while ago, when she was being approached by punks from another school, I happened to pass by and helped her.
14:52When you pulled her hand and helped her escape, she thought you were different from others.
14:57But I think I just did it because she was blocking the middle of the road.
15:02Even so, I think she was happy that you stood up for her and protected her.
15:08For Lena, who had been approached based solely on her appearance, your kindness in taking action was good enough reason for her to develop feelings for you.
15:17It seems her friends were worried about her feelings for me, and that's why they proposed this daring game.
15:24But a daring game isn't the right way to go about it. We were wrong.
15:30Sorry for doing something unnecessary.
15:33But Lena liking you and having the courage to confess is real.
15:38Thank you for telling me.
15:41That's right. There wasn't a single line what Lena said.
15:45I've been running away. I can't stay the same.
15:49With that thought in mind, I decided to ask something to those two.
15:53Otakura, Ron.
15:55What's going on?
15:58If it's about costumes, they're over here.
16:01No, it's not about that. Actually, I have a favor to ask.
16:06And so, the day of the Culture Festival arrived.
16:09Let's do our best today. This will be the last time we talk like this, so don't worry.
16:16Yeah, I'll give it my all today, too. Will you stay until the end?
16:21Hm? Of course I will.
16:24The play continued smoothly, heading towards its finale.
16:27It was the iconic scene where they mistakenly believe each other to have died due to a tragic misunderstanding.
16:34Oh, Romeo. Why?
16:39Even though I love you so much.
16:43Even though we love each other.
16:46I truly wanted to be with you forever.
16:51I wanted to be by your side, too.
16:54I won't let that happen, Juliet.
16:57Huh? What? R-Romeo?
17:03Ken, what's going on?
17:06Sorry, I changed the script with Otakura's help.
17:10Uh, okay.
17:13I was foolish. For the first time in my life, I had someone I wanted to be with no matter what.
17:19But I let myself be weighed down by meaningless obligations, and I couldn't summon the courage for so long.
17:28Now is the time for me to confess my true feelings to you, because I want to live with you.
17:34Even if this play ends.
17:37I love you from the bottom of my heart.
17:42No. No way.
17:46It's not a lie. The kind-hearted god of love appeared and revealed all your plans to me.
17:52I was only sleeping, waiting for you to wake up.
17:58Juliet, the dream is over. From now on, let's turn our happy dream into reality together.
18:05Yes. Together. Forever.
18:14Happy ending!
18:16I'm moved!
18:18And so, the play ended successfully.
18:21I was surprised.
18:24Sorry, we decided to keep it a secret from you to make it more realistic.
18:29It's okay. You really did a great job acting.
18:33But more importantly, about what you said earlier.
18:38Is it true? That even after the play ends, you want to be with me?
18:43Yeah, if you're okay with it, of course. Because I love you.
18:49It feels like a dream. Really. I'm so happy.
18:57I'm sorry for being so cold.
19:00That's fine. Cold Ken was cool, and I always knew you were a kind person deep down.
19:08Now, the audience is waiting for you all.
19:11Let's go for the greetings!
19:14You're right. Let's go, Ken.
19:18Yeah, Lena. Our play won the grand prize at the culture festival and ended up being a great success.
19:26After that, as for Lena and me, we officially started dating. And on our days off, we would go on dates.
19:34What do you think of today's outfit?
19:37It looks really nice. Everything suits you, Lena.
19:44What's wrong?
19:46You know, Ken, I might have felt more excited when you were being cold.
19:51At that time, I was just getting carried away.
19:55If you ever act cold again, I might actually like it.
19:59That's impossible. Even if it's an act, I can't be cold to you because I love you.
20:05Say what again?
20:07Is this on purpose?
20:10Come on, I'll say it too. I love you, Ken.
20:16There might still be misunderstandings and miscommunications between us in the future.
20:21But as long as we remain true to our feelings, we can overcome anything together.
