অবশেষে বৃষ্টিতে ভিজল দক্ষিণবঙ্গ! নামল তাপমাত্রার পারদ, অতিবর্ষণের জেরে নাজেহাল উত্তরবঙ্গ

  • 3 months ago
অবশেষে বৃষ্টিতে ভিজল দক্ষিণবঙ্গ! নামল তাপমাত্রার পারদ, অতিবর্ষণের জেরে নাজেহাল উত্তরবঙ্গ


00:00At last we got relief from the hot weather of South Bengal.
00:03From morning the sky is full of clouds.
00:05From Monday night it started to rain heavily in the city.
00:09It has been raining all night long.
00:10Even if it is light rain, it is not heavy rain yet.
00:15But according to Abha Doctor's prediction,
00:17it will start to rain heavily from Wednesday.
00:21Alipur Abha Doctor has predicted that it will start to rain heavily from Wednesday in Kolkata and other parts of South Bengal.
00:28In some districts heavy rainfall has also been forecast.
00:31It has started to rain heavily in South Bengal now.
00:34It started to rain from Monday and it is not heavy rain yet.
00:39For the last few months, South Bengal has been in hot weather.
00:43Even if it rains heavily in the city of North Bengal, it is not heavy rain yet.
00:48On the contrary, due to the high temperature and high humidity in most of the districts,
00:53it has become difficult for the common man.
00:56But for so many days, he has kept his mouth shut.
00:59Abha Doctor has predicted that it will start to rain heavily in one or two districts of South Bengal.
01:06Here are the districts of North Bengal which are in the middle of heavy rainfall.
01:10Abha Doctor has forecasted that it will start to rain heavily in North Bengal.
01:15Heavy rainfall has been forecasted in five districts of North Bengal.
01:19Heavy rainfall has been forecasted in Jalpaikuri district of Kotbihar,
01:22Bhari has been forecasted to have heavy rainfall.
01:26Rainfall will increase in Darjeeling and Alipur districts from Thursday.
01:31Apart from this, Abha Doctor has forecasted that it will rain heavily in two more days.
01:37It will rain in the middle of the night in Malda district as well.
01:40It means that there will be heavy rainfall on the way to Jaljome.
01:44People have been asking to clear the road since morning.
01:47The road is completely flooded.
01:54Heavy rainfall has been forecasted in the upper districts of North Bengal.
02:01Heavy rainfall has been forecasted in the upper districts of North Bengal.
02:09But people are happy that it will rain heavily in South Bengal.
02:41we already bought one india bungalow
