The Billionaire’s Accidental Bride Ep 251 -252

  • 3 months ago


00:00Episode 251 Busted
00:05The poll incident didn't make too much of a splash in the news, because fans were still
00:10preoccupied with Emma and Eric's relationship.
00:14The longer they stayed quiet about it, the longer the obsession continued.
00:20Charlene didn't care.
00:22As long as Amy saw the poll results, her efforts won't go to waste.
00:26Amy had agreed to her suggestion, so Charlene requested a meeting with Eric as soon as they
00:33returned to Kaleidoscope.
00:35Louise called Eric internally on her behalf and received approval for the meeting.
00:40Don't worry, Amy.
00:42I'll do my best, she said, staring sincerely into her eyes before she headed upstairs.
00:49Amy nodded and, as soon as Charlene disappeared, put her phone away and walked over to Louise.
00:56I want to listen in on her meeting, she told him.
01:00Louise shrugged and escorted her up to the top floor.
01:04Charlene sat on the sofa in Eric's office with her head lowered, too afraid to look at him.
01:10He had total control over an artist's career, and one word from him could ruin her.
01:17But she had already gotten to this point.
01:20It was too late to turn back.
01:22If he ever found out she was the one driving a wedge between Amy and Kaleidoscope, there
01:29was no telling what he would do.
01:32Charlene, her heart beating rapidly, spoke in a quivering voice.
01:38Yes, he said, leaning back on the sofa.
01:42He was wearing a brown suit that accentuated his built physique.
01:47He used to wear dark grey and black suits, but his style had slowly changed thanks to
01:53Emma and the joy she received picking out his clothes.
01:58He would wear whatever she chose, because it made him feel like his entire body was
02:04enveloped in her warmth and protected from the sometimes harsh entertainment industry.
02:11Amy was a little unhappy when she got back last night, Charlene said.
02:17Although she didn't say anything, I could tell that she was uncomfortable with you becoming
02:23Emma's manager.
02:25What does my decision have to do with her?
02:29He asked her with a piercing glare.
02:31She was so scared she looked away.
02:34There weren't many people who could face him head on.
02:38Star King has approached her with several offers, but she's never considered them before
02:44because she was happy here.
02:46She gained her status through hard work, yet she was bullied on her first day back here
02:51by Emma's fans.
02:53Sir, as her manager, I don't want her getting pushed to the wayside in favor of Emma's success.
03:00Get to the point!
03:02He had no interest in her lengthy speech.
03:06Since you're going to be Emma's manager, I think you should consider taking care of Amy too.
03:11Although she's loyal to Kaleidoscope, Star King's offer is extremely generous.
03:17She even met up with Star King's heir last week.
03:20I'm afraid she'll lose faith in Kaleidoscope because of everything that's happened, especially
03:25after getting bullied by such a ruthless newcomer.
03:29He sat up, furious.
03:31He had known what her motive was all along, but he was amused at the approach she'd taken.
03:38Did she really just call my wife a ruthless newcomer, he thought?
03:43If I become her manager, you'll be out of a job.
03:47What will you do? he asked, sounding interested.
03:51I've never met a manager who was willing to give up their job for the sake of their artist.
03:57I had no idea you were so generous.
04:02I want her to get what she deserves, she replied.
04:05I see.
04:06So having me as her manager is what she deserves?
04:10Yes, she said, hopeful that her plan was working.
04:15He was silent for a moment before he stood up and said coldly, you're right about one
04:22She does deserve better.
04:24He turned toward the doorway and said, Amy, come in and deal with your manager.
04:30Charlene paled, hands trembling as she gripped the hem of her skirt tightly and tried desperately
04:37to hide her nervousness.
04:39She had no idea Amy was standing outside the door.
04:44Amy entered the office with her arms crossed and after greeting Eric, lifted her hand and
04:50slapped Charlene.
04:53When exactly did I receive offers from Star King and meet with their heir?
04:58I might have a temper, but I'm not stupid.
05:02There's a line of people who want to be my manager, yet you were willing to give it up.
05:07Are you kidding me?
05:09Charlene's face flushed red.
05:11There was nothing she could say to defend herself.
05:15Amy turned to Eric, since Charlene is my manager, let me deal with her.
05:21I want to talk to her myself.
05:24Leave Charlene here.
05:26He replied in a cold tone.
05:28She had bad-mouthed Emma and needed to pay for that.
05:32Amy had questions, but she honored his request and quietly left the room.
05:39Charlene covered her face with her hands as tears ran down her cheeks.
05:44You clearly don't know who the boss of this industry is, he said.
05:50Sir, I...
05:52She stuttered and trailed off.
05:55Do you know what your biggest mistake was, he asked.
05:59No, she said shakily, her whole body trembling.
06:05You bad-mouthed Emma.
06:07I don't care what your plans were, or the tricks you have up your sleeve.
06:13I don't ever want to hear you talk about her like that again.
06:19Barking must have not only bought you out, but boosted your confidence too.
06:24Otherwise, you never would have had the courage to come to me directly.
06:29He sat down in his office chair and continued.
06:33You may not be a suitable manager for Amy, but I've decided to keep you by her side.
06:40Her eyes flew open.
06:41No, sir, she'll torture me.
06:45I'm not giving you a choice, but I'm sure you'll never talk about Emma again.
07:05Amy expected Eric to kick Charlene out of Kaleidoscope for what she had done, but she
07:11returned to her side in a daze.
07:15Why are you still here, Amy asked.
07:19Charlene looked timidly at her.
07:21Her usual confidence was gone, and a pitiful expression remained as tears filled her eyes.
07:28Eric won't let me leave, Charlene choked.
07:32He wants to teach me a lesson by keeping me as your manager.
07:37Her expression slowly changed.
07:40She had only tolerated Charlene's schemes and backstabbing because she wanted Eric to
07:46see what her manager was really like, and hopefully offered to manage her himself.
07:52On the surface, he seemed to be doing her a favor, but in reality, it was a warning
07:59not to play tricks.
08:01Why does Emma get whatever she wants while the rest of us struggle?
08:06What does she have that we don't have?
08:08She wondered.
08:10Although Kaleidoscope's staff didn't usually gossip, Emma found out what happened from
08:17She also told her that Eric kept Charlene on as Amy's manager, even though that wasn't
08:23something he would normally do.
08:26She had suspected Amy would eventually confront Eric, but unfortunately, she and Charlene
08:33had overestimated themselves.
08:36Later that night, Eric came home to find Emma standing in front of the stove, cooking dinner.
08:42She felt his strong arms wrap around her as she laughed and exclaimed,
08:47Watch out for the oil.
08:50I just wanted to hug you.
08:52He pressed his face against the back of her neck and breathed in her unique scent.
08:58She turned off the stove and turned around to wrap her arms around his neck.
09:04Why did you send Charlene back to Amy?
09:08You usually don't keep people like that around.
09:12That was the worst punishment I could think of, and she deserved it.
09:18Amy won't go easy on her.
09:20Are you sure you're not being a bit too harsh? she asked.
09:25He wrapped his arms tightly around her waist and looked down at her.
09:30You seem to have a lot of opinions about my decision.
09:34She laughed quietly as she tilted her head and planted a kiss on his lips to appease him.
09:41Nope, as long as you're happy.
09:45He released her and headed to his study to handle some things for work.
09:50Curious, she called Luis and asked him if he could tell her more about what happened
09:55that afternoon.
09:57He told her that Charlene had asked him about her and Eric's relationship.
10:02She was curious because she knew the only reason he kept Charlene with Amy was because
10:09she had insulted Emma.
10:11She was punished because she insulted you.
10:14It's his way of telling people not to disrespect you, Luis said.
10:20Eric hadn't mentioned this at all, but she understood where he was coming from.
10:25If someone had insulted him, she would have done the same, if not worse.
10:31Emma, his obvious bias towards you is going to cause problems.
10:36Be careful, said Luis.
10:39I will, she replied, thinking about how much she loved the way Eric treated her as she
10:45hung up the phone.
10:47Once dinner was ready, she took the food into his study.
10:51She placed the food down and leaned on his back while he worked.
10:55What is it?
10:56He asked without lifting his head.
10:59I was just thinking about how well you treat me.
11:03Will you still treat me the same way years from now, or will your love fade over time?
11:09She sighed.
11:11I wouldn't be able to handle it if you betrayed me the way others have.
11:16He turned in his chair and pulled her into his arms.
11:20I can't predict the future.
11:23She stood up, but he got up, pulled her down, and pressed her against the floor.
11:28Her eyes opened wide in surprise.
11:31He'd gotten trickier lately.
11:34I'm not sure how to prove to you how much I love you, but I can take out my heart and
11:40show it to you.
11:42Would that work?
11:43She lay quietly under him as her eyes welled up and tears seeped out of the corners of
11:49her eyes.
11:50I would do anything for you, too.
11:54He swooped down and kissed her without warning.
11:58A while later, it looked like a typhoon had swept through the study as his papers were
12:04scattered all over.
12:06She lay on top of his body as her heart rate slowed.
12:10Don't you have a meeting tomorrow?
12:12What are you going to do about all these papers?
12:16He hooked an arm around her and picked up some of the documents with his other hand.
12:22This is a movie contract, but a few moments with you is worth losing out on a contract
12:28every now and then.
12:30Her ears reddened as they headed into the bathroom to wash up.
12:35After they reheated and ate dinner, they tidied up the mess in the study.
12:40He went back to reading contracts, and she leaned against his shoulder while she read
12:45a fashion magazine.
12:47It's the end of the year.
12:49There will be plenty of award ceremonies.
12:52Kaleidoscope is hosting a celebration dinner next Monday.
12:56Although we're technically celebrating our award-winning actors, it coincides with the
13:02company's twentieth anniversary, so you're expected to attend, he said.
13:10Will there be a lot of people?
13:12She asked as she laid her head on his thigh.
13:14Yes, it'll be a huge turnout.
13:18Are you going as my manager or the CEO?
13:22She asked, her voice slightly muffled.
13:26You'll find out when the time comes.
13:28He knew she didn't like going to events like this, so he reassured her.
13:34You can always leave early if you get uncomfortable.
13:39I won't be uncomfortable, she replied, eyes closed.
13:43This is your baby.
13:45Besides, I love you, not your position.
13:49Not to mention, I quite like seeing you in the spotlight.
13:54He could hear the adoration in her voice as she spoke, and as always, it gave him renewed
14:02Even though they would be the highlights of the celebration dinner, they couldn't forget
14:07that the battle between her and Amy was still in full force, and would draw a lot of attention,
14:14especially since, for the first time, they would be sharing a stage.
