Bollywood heartthrob Vicky Kaushal posted a video with Karan Aujla on social media, in which they can be seen grooving to the song, Tauba Tauba. The track will be featured in their upcoming film Bad News. Both can be seen lipsyncing to the upcoming track as they groove together in the clip. Vicky’s wife, actress Katrina Kaif was all hearts as she reacted to his post.
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#vickykaushal #KaranAujla #TaubaTauba #punjabisongs #badnewz #triptiidimri #bollywood #vickykaushalgym #fitness #physicaltransformation #entertainmentnews #vickykaushalmovies
00:00Bollywood heartthrob Vicky Kaushal is gearing up for the release of his upcoming film Bad
00:05Apart from Vicky, the film also stars Shripti Dhimri and Ami work in the lead roles.
00:11It was recently announced that he is all set to collaborate with Punjabi singer Karan Ojla
00:16of Softly Fame for a song, Tauba Tauba, in the movie.
00:19Ahead of its release, Vicky Kaushal took to Instagram to share a sneak peek of Tauba Tauba
00:24which features him with Karan Ojla.
00:25Both can be seen lip-syncing to the upcoming track as they groove together in the clip.
00:30Vicky and Karan are twinning as they are sporting cool shades.
00:33Sneak peek today, song out tomorrow.
00:35Tauba Tauba, Bad News in cinemas on 19th July, his post reads.
00:40Let us tell you, the song has now been released and is all set to become the party anthem
00:45of the year.
00:46Netizens were quick to react to their lively video.
00:49One fan said, when two Punjabis together, samad jao record tootne wale hain.
00:53Another commented, Vicky baby, Tauba Tauba.
00:56Many users reacted with fire and heart emojis.
00:58Vicky Kaushal's darling wife, actress Katrina Kaif, dropped an awestruck emoji in the comment
01:04The official Instagram handle of Karan Jogar's Dharma Productions also reacted to it.
01:08The best news in our bad news, the comment reads.
01:11A few days ago, Katrina Kaif reacted to the trailer of Bad News on Instagram.
01:15In her Instagram story, Katrina congratulated the Bad News team and cheered for them.
01:20Can't wait for this, the actress wrote in her Instagram story back then.
01:24Directed by Anand Tiwari, Bad News will be released on July 19 this year.
01:28The upcoming movie also features Neha Dopia in a crucial role.
01:32Katrina Kaif and Tiger Shroff have a cameo in the film.
01:36Bad News is produced by Karan Jogar's production banner, Dharma Productions.