You will not Believe The FREEST COUNTRY In The World

  • 2 months ago
00:00Yo, what's up everybody, it's your girl Jackline back with another video.
00:07And guys, trust me, you don't want to miss this one.
00:09We're diving deep into the heart of Norway, exploring some seriously bizarre and awesome
00:14wonders you won't find anywhere else.
00:15Norway guys, this place is like stepping into another world, filled with breathtaking landscapes,
00:21unique traditions and some seriously quirky stuff.
00:25We're talking about the kind of stuff that'll make you question everything you thought you
00:29knew about the world.
00:30So buckle up, grab your passports and get ready for an adventure.
00:37Alright guys, first up on our list of Norwegian wonders is something straight out of a sci-fi
00:41movie, The Midnight Sun.
00:43Imagine this, you're chilling on a mountaintop, the clock strikes midnight and the sun's still
00:48shining bright.
00:49That's right, in certain parts of Norway during the summer months, the sun never fully sets.
00:53It's like a never-ending day.
00:55I know, right?
00:58Imagine the possibilities.
00:59You could literally hike, bike or even have a picnic at 3am with the sun beaming down
01:03on you.
01:04But here's the thing, as cool as it sounds, living with 24-7 daylight can mess with your
01:09sleep cycle big time.
01:12Norwegians have found ways to adapt though.
01:13They've got blackout curtains, special sleep masks and even apps that simulate sunset to
01:18trick their brains into relaxing.
01:22Okay, so we've talked about the midnight sun, but get this, Norway's also got a flip side.
01:29I'm talking about the polar night where the sun takes a vacation for months at a time.
01:34During the winter in the northern regions, darkness becomes the new normal.
01:38Imagine a sky that's perpetually twilight, a constant state of dusk.
01:42It sounds kind of eerie, right?
01:44But here's the thing, Norwegians embrace the darkness.
01:47They see it as a time for introspection, for cozying up indoors with loved ones and
01:51for witnessing the magical northern lights dancing across the sky.
01:55They've even got a name for that cozy feeling you get during the polar night, koselig.
02:00It's all about embracing the darkness, lighting candles, snuggling up by the fireplace and
02:04just enjoying the simple things in life.
02:10Next up on our Norwegian Adventure Viking Ships, yeah you heard me right, we're talking
02:15about those legendary wooden warships that once ruled the seas, striking fear into the
02:20hearts of sailors everywhere.
02:22And guess what, you can actually see some of these incredible vessels up close and personal
02:27in Norway's Viking Ship Museums.
02:29These museums are like stepping back in time.
02:32You can walk among these majestic ships, marvel at their craftsmanship and imagine the fierce
02:37Viking warriors who once sailed them.
02:39One of the most famous museums is the Viking Ship Museum in Oslo, which houses three original
02:45Viking ships dating back to the 9th century.
02:48It's crazy to think that these ships once sailed across the North Atlantic, raiding
02:51and trading and shaping the course of history.
02:57Hold on tight guys, because we're heading north to meet the Sami people, the indigenous
03:01people of northern Norway, Sweden, Finland and Russia.
03:04These guys are seriously cool.
03:06They've got their own unique culture, traditions and even their own language.
03:10One of the most fascinating things about the Sami people is their deep connection to
03:14nature, especially reindeer.
03:17For centuries they've lived in harmony with these majestic creatures, herding them across
03:21the arctic tundra.
03:23Think of them as the reindeer cowboys of the north, but the Sami culture is about so much
03:27more than just reindeer.
03:29They've got their own traditional clothing, music and storytelling traditions that have
03:33been passed down through generations.
03:34If you're lucky enough to visit Norway during certain times of the year, you might even
03:39catch a glimpse of a Sami festival.
03:44Alright let's talk about something everyone loves, saunas.
03:47But not just any saunas guys, we're talking about fjord saunas in Norway, which take the
03:52whole sauna experience to a whole new level.
03:55Imagine this, you're sweating it out in a traditional wooden sauna, the heat enveloping
04:01And then you step outside straight into the refreshing waters of a fjord.
04:05Yeah you heard me right.
04:06Fjord saunas are all about that contrast therapy, the intense heat followed by a plunge into
04:11the icy cold water.
04:13Plus the views from these fjord saunas are absolutely breathtaking.
04:17Imagine soaking in the panoramic vistas of towering cliffs, cascading waterfalls and
04:22crystal clear waters.
04:26Okay guys get ready for this one because it's a bit out there.
04:29When you're driving through Norway, don't be surprised if you stumble upon giant troll
04:33statues lurking by the roadside.
04:36Yeah you heard me right, trolls.
04:38These aren't your average garden gnomes though, we're talking massive mythical creatures straight
04:42out of Scandinavian folklore.
04:45These troll statues are everywhere in Norway, from the depths of the forest to the edges
04:49of cliffs.
04:51These troll statues have become a beloved part of Norwegian culture, a quirky reminder
04:55of the country's rich folklore and love of all things whimsical.
05:01Hold on to your hats guys, because we're about to dive into the wild world of russefaring,
05:06Norway's answer to high school graduation celebrations.
05:09But let me warn you, this is no ordinary graduation party.
05:14Russefaring is a month-long extravaganza that takes place every spring and it's basically
05:18a rite of passage for Norwegian teenagers.
05:21Imagine this, thousands of high school seniors decked out in colorful overalls, driving around
05:26in decked out buses, partying 24-7 and pulling all sorts of pranks and challenges.
05:32During russefaring, Norwegian towns and cities are transformed into giant party zones, with
05:36music, dancing and celebrations happening everywhere you look.
05:40It's definitely a unique way to celebrate the end of high school, and it's something
05:44that's deeply ingrained in Norwegian culture.
05:50Alright foodies, this one's for you, get ready to meet brown cheese, a Norwegian delicacy
05:54that's as unique as it is, well, brown.
05:56Now I know what you're thinking, brown cheese, seriously?
06:00But trust me on this one, this stuff is a big deal in Norway, and it's something you
06:05have to try at least once.
06:07Brown cheese, or brunost as the Norwegians call it, isn't your typical cheese, it's made
06:12by caramelizing whey, the liquid that's left over after milk is curdled and strained.
06:18This caramelization process gives the cheese its distinctive brown color and a sweet, slightly
06:23salty and almost caramel-like flavor.
06:26Norwegians love to eat brown cheese on toast, waffles, crackers, or even just straight up.
06:34Okay guys, brace yourselves because this next one is not for the faint of heart, we're talking
06:39about ice swimming, a popular activity in Norway that involves, well, swimming in freezing
06:45cold water.
06:46Yeah, you heard me right, when I say freezing, I mean freezing.
06:50We're talking about water temperatures that can hover just above zero degrees Celsius,
06:54it sounds insane, right?
06:55But for Norwegians, it's just another day at the beach, or rather, the frozen fjord.
07:01Alright guys, let's talk about a topic that's a bit more, shall we say, sensitive whaling.
07:08Now before you jump to any conclusions, let me just say that whaling has been a part of
07:12Norwegian culture for centuries, it's deeply ingrained in their history, their traditions,
07:18and even their economy.
07:20For coastal communities in Norway, whaling has been a way of life for generations.
07:25It's provided food, oil, and other resources that have sustained them for centuries.
07:29However, in recent decades, whaling has become a highly controversial issue with strong opinions
07:34on both sides.
07:36Opponents of whaling argue that it's cruel, unnecessary, and that it threatens the survival
07:41of whale populations.
07:43On the other hand, proponents of whaling argue that it's a sustainable practice, that it's
07:47an important part of Norwegian culture, and that it provides economic benefits to coastal
07:55And that's it guys.
07:57We did it.
07:58We explored the length and breadth of Norway, uncovering hidden gems and scratching beneath
08:02the surface of this incredible country.
08:04From the bizarre to the beautiful, Norway never disappoints.
08:09Massive thanks to everyone who came along for the ride.
08:11If you enjoyed this deep dive into all things Norway, hit that like button, and let me know
08:16in the comments below which discovery surprised you the most.
