Heartfelt repentance-a key to dissolve mistakes

  • 2 months ago
Do we tend to hurt people in our day to day lives? Pujya Deepakbhai explains that we should first stop hurting other people and when the result of hurting other people comes we should not react, rather accept and no reaction or blaming in future. One should accept the mistake, repent heartily, ask for forgiveness and and vow not to repeat the mistake again.
00:00I have a question about Prachikaman and what I understood is that if I hurt
00:07somebody I do Prachikaman and if I feel hurt by somebody I also do feel I also
00:13do Prachikaman but what I understood is when there is suffering the fault is of
00:20the sufferer so if somebody feels hurt by what I do or say I cannot change it
00:27In Prachikaman if I hurt somebody I do Prachikaman and if somebody hurts me I do Prachikaman.
00:35If there is suffering the fault is of the sufferer so if somebody feels hurt by what I do or say I cannot change it.
00:44If there is suffering the fault is of the sufferer so how can I change it?
00:49If we hurt anybody then by reaction we will get suffering so this is a cause we
01:01should not hurt anybody and when somebody hurt us at that time we have to
01:07understand we have done some mistake in past the result comes through any
01:15evidence we are getting suffering you understood so first stop hurting other
01:24people then whenever somebody may hurt us we have to accept oh we have sent that
01:33some mistake we have done some mistake in past it result comes so now again I
01:41won't react if I will not react then in future there will not be any suffering
01:48come to me so we have to stop at our end we should stop hurting other people
01:57first step then anybody when hurt us we will accept he is not responsible he is
02:03not under fault it is my fault whatever I am suffering and it is finished now you
02:12understood but in Raina there is not much interest to hurt others but anyway
02:18it seems to happen and Raina's tendency is to take the guilt and the fault on
02:26himself anyway don't get guilty feeling you have to understand now in Pratikraman
02:35there are three step first is psychology I have done so and so mistake then
02:42repentance or forgiveness for our mistake and third decide not to do this
02:48mistake again that is enough three stage Pratikraman means I have made
02:54mistake I'm very sorry feel for that mistake oh I am I am doing so mistake
02:59don't do like that this is my mistake I don't want to do this mistake again
03:06please give me strength not to hurt anybody so ask strength not to do this
03:13mistake again in again so that will helpful and you can directly connect
03:19inside pure soul directly ask strength from inside pure soul whatever done is
03:27not correct and please go please forgive me please give me strength not to do
03:31this mistake again so this negativity or guilty feel automatically it will
03:38dissolve understood
