• last year
THE CURE Short Film-(1080p)
00:49Fuck fuck
00:52Victor calm down proceed to the extraction point stand by for instruction. Do you have the cure in the case?
00:59Everybody's fucking dead man. Everybody's fucking dead
01:04Please confirm that you have the cure secured. Yeah, we have the fucking cure, but where's the fucking meeting point?
01:12They killed everybody in the fucking lab
01:16Victor pull over in front of the white building emergency personnel is on the way
01:21What is this place?
01:28Victor come in is everything. Okay, guys
01:32Identified Caucasian male approaching the car. Who the hell is this guy?
01:37The case is exposed
01:41They got it
01:49Mission is of utmost importance
01:53You're gonna have my own personal SEAL team you're gonna have an off-the-record f-35
02:00All the bases are covered
02:06That's right, this mission is about the cure not that other treatment that loses potency over time
02:14This is the miracle cure the one that's gonna take away all traces of that disease in your daughter's system
02:22Then when this mission is all done
02:24Hell, maybe one day you can be sitting across from your daughter just like this right at this table
02:29She's eating a big old ice cream
02:31Sundae and you look in her eyes and you see those eyes full of life
02:34Then you're gonna be very thankful that I put you on this mission
02:47Right gentlemen
02:53Patching you through
02:54Two days ago. Our lab in Los Angeles has been attacked by militants hired by our competitors
02:59Our lead scientist managed to escape with our asset intact
03:04Unfortunately, he was ambushed and the case has been stolen by this individual
03:08Maxwell Powell, mr
03:10Powell has wasted no time in negotiating the sale of our property to our competitors
03:14He's planning to rendezvous buyers at their headquarters within the next 35 minutes
03:19Your mission is to intercept the sale and bring my case back
03:25You'll drop Noah at his delivery point from there on you'll proceed on foot
03:29Noah will take the pre-arranged shortcuts and should be able to intercept the target on multiple checkpoints
03:39The reaper you will push mr. Powell to checkpoint alpha
03:43Delta team your orders are on standby. Do not want a necessary civilian detention
03:49You will only engage if the situation gets ugly with all due respect
03:53We have enough firepower to deal with the situation and eliminate the target efficiently
03:57Are you sure you want to leave it on the hands of just one guy Delta team?
04:01I give the orders around here and you will sit tight until further instructions. Roger that
04:11Fire one coming in at five six six. Oh five niner. I'm ready to engage you copy
04:16Sapphire one is your eye in the sky should provide you with any updates and tactical support if you need it
04:22If you need to take your doses do it now
04:27I don't want any distractions once this missions underway
04:30Why don't you take any shot man
04:33You have two hours, bro. You don't wait till the last 10 seconds before you take it. I live life on the edge, baby
04:38Oh, it's got me this far
04:43These things aren't cheap, all right, they're actually quite expensive
05:08Based my syringe is malfunctioning. I have less than 40 minutes on this shot. Please advise over 40 minutes
05:13There's plenty of time to complete this mission. We'll have a shot ready for you when you land
05:20We will eradicate this disease but before we can do that we must succeed today
05:29Your daughter's counting on you
05:44This monkey gets all the action and we get to what dick around
06:04We're in position
06:16Okay, now we wait
06:21That gun is an ancient piece of shit you should have brought the scar
06:34Got it
06:47Start the music
06:56Target is right down below me heading West buckle up
07:02Noah target at three o'clock approaching fast proceed to checkpoint alpha
07:15Reaper go ahead and smoke him
07:38You're up targets gonna be coming in from the right
07:50Time to intercept 10 seconds
08:00Target is still on the moon
08:40Scanning give me 10 seconds updating waypoint stand by
08:43It's about two clicks along the curved road going away from the highway
09:27What's the situation with Bruce
09:48Perfect shot right now right now shoot him. Let me show you what this ancient piece of shit can do
10:13Fuck fuck it's jammed. It's damn
10:54Targeted approaching checkpoint Bravo Noah pals coming around the corner get him now
11:09Reaper you're gonna be in the crossfire stand back. Let Noah take the shot
11:31The target is eliminated great job everybody Sapphire one you're confirmed to get back to base
12:05No, you did really good out there today
12:08Now Reaper's gonna bring you back to base we're gonna take care of your daughter as I promised you got it
12:16Give me a secure line to Reaper
12:26Noah's closing in on your location. I told him that the cures for public release
12:32But you and I know very very well that that's not gonna happen. I
12:36I need you to take him out. I understand
12:49So I finally got the case, huh? Yeah, man you did good
13:35Don't know what the hell is going on down there. He's gone, sir. Jesus Christ. You just bring me my case back
13:57Sir hostile targets are closing in at coordinates two three eight four nine
14:01I've got 12 no 15 vehicles and fast approach Reaper. Come in
14:08Satellite imagery tells me enemy personnel are now leaving their headquarters. They're the buyers for our stolen case
14:32Reaper you got to get out of there go
15:00Sapphire one we got a situation here and I'm gonna need you to turn around
15:03I want you to provide backup for Reaper and then I want you to find Noah and take that son of a bitch out
15:08For me, he's heading for the safe house. I have 21 minutes left on my timer
15:13I need my next dose as soon as possible. I'll double your pay. You just turn around take care of this problem
15:19Are you fucking serious? I just completed the mission
15:22I'm gonna land have my shot ready for me
15:25Sapphire one you don't do what I'm telling you to do
15:27You are not gonna get that shot and I will watch you rot in that cockpit when you land
15:33You better hurry up and get it done before it's too late
15:51Sapphire one's gonna take care of this one for you. I have a visual on the target
16:12Reaper can handle the rest on his own you track down. No one take that son of a bitch out for me
16:34Approaching the safe house T-minus 60 seconds
16:3930 seconds
16:48I have a visual on the target
17:33Don't even think about coming back here before he's dead
17:53We've arrived at the south entrance of the tunnel ready for instructions
17:56I want you to find him in that tunnel and bring him back to me alive
18:00Or dead is just as good we're gonna get in the douchebag alive
18:09Whoever takes no out gets a hundred thousand dollar bonus
18:59Delta team. Give me a sit rep. What's going on with no matter handling it now?
21:59Be advised you guys are heading right into a construction zone
23:21What's he getting out of this truck
26:53Dude you're right. That's a nice car mind if I take a look
26:59Whoa, whoa, wait a minute. What's going on here? What are you doing? You might want to get out of the car
28:48Reaper they blew it. Every one of those incompetent bastards is dead
28:52Noah's out there and he's gonna be looking for you Reaper. I need you to get me that case before he finds you
33:37Noah I know you can hear me
33:42And I know you're upset
33:44But what you don't understand is this
33:47We cannot give this cure to the public
33:50The world's population is approaching 9 billion people be released this medication and we will have catastrophic
33:58Consequences now, I promised you I'd take care of your daughter
34:02And I'll keep that promise
34:05But you must return to me. What is mine you do that?
34:10Everything that's happened is behind us daughter's counting on you Noah
34:14And you are running out of time no you are running out of time
36:15Everyone get ready Noah's coming
