Art et designTranscription
00:00♫ Musique joyeuse ♫
00:18Hmm ?
00:20Qu'est-ce que c'est que ça ?
00:23On dirait quelque chose de l'espace !
00:25Sous-titres réalisés para la communauté d'
00:55Time to get on the launching pad.
01:03That was rather good, wasn't it?
01:06Nice doggie.
01:10New Postman's really got style.
01:14New Postman!
01:25It's nice to hear them singing again. Spring's on its way.
01:33The trees are turning green, primroses are up, and the garden gnomes are coming up.
01:41Oops! What a pity. They're broken.
01:46Well, accidents will happen.
01:49Now, I put my tasty bone down here somewhere.
01:56Hmm. Not there.
02:00Not there.
02:03Not there either.
02:05Just can't leave anything around these days without somebody moving it.
02:13Fred! Look what you've done to the lawn! Get back in the house!
02:17That's enough exercise for today. I'll just rest here a while.
02:21That's the silliest dream I've had for ages.
02:24I dreamed a crazy bird flew in through the window and landed on a chair.
02:43He's only trying to keep the place tidy.
02:51It can't be birds this time.
02:55I'll find out, I suppose.
03:01Fred! Go to bed!
03:21Oh, we forgot to switch on his electric blanket.
03:33Must be a fancy dress party somewhere.
03:38They say that every dog must have his day.
03:42And I've had this one, mate.