Hometown Boy Makes Good | movie | 1990 | Official Trailer

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A med school burnout returns to his small home town, but when he decides against telling his mother that he dropped out, | dG1fUWlDUU1OUk5Ec3M
00:00Just call me Boyd Gary, really.
00:04It all started with an innocent little lie.
00:06I made this whole doctor thing up.
00:09Now Boyd Gary is in way over his head.
00:11You did go to medical school, I presume.
00:14Hometown Boy makes good.
00:16I want to see him.
00:19He can't be disturbed in session.
00:22We had some trouble here, don't we?
00:23He couldn't let his mother discover the truth.
00:26You just couldn't wait for me to come out and visit you.
00:28So he came back home to break it to her gently.
00:31We have to talk.
00:32During Jeopardy, Boyd, surely it's not that important.
00:35But telling the truth is not going to be easy.
00:38This doctor bit is a big thing to her.
00:40Boyd, you've made me so proud.
00:43Did you meet my son, Dr. Boyd Gary?
00:46He's a psychiatrist, you know.
00:48Oh yes, we know.
00:49The one from Hollywood.
00:50You're something folks around here can point to with pride.
00:53You're good for this place.
00:54I'm no doctor, I admit.
00:55I'm no doctor, I admit, but I make a pretty good doctor figure.
00:58There he is.
00:59Hold it right there, Boyd.
01:01Finally figured it out, huh?
01:03We certainly did, son.
01:04He'll have to spend time in jail.
01:06What for?
01:07We're here to ask you to be the town shrink.
01:10Okay, who's first?
01:11I am not the first con man in history with absolutely no credentials to help people.
01:17See you next week?
01:18Dot us dot, we're cured.
01:20And he's not the first con man to stir the embers of an old flame.
01:25I told him I was in love with you.
01:27Have you told your mother the truth yet?
01:29I pulled off this psychiatric bit pretty damn well.
01:32And I've also made the woman I always loved fall back in love with me.
01:36I'm gonna get what I want for once in my life.
01:41Al Svernson's wife is left in for somebody else and he's trying to kill himself.
01:45Do your stuff, we're all cops on you.
01:47Now, they're all out to see if he can really do it.
01:52Hometown Boy makes good.
01:54Hometown Boy.
