Family Empire- Houston Episode 1 - Meet the Braden

  • 2 months ago
Family Empire- Houston Episode 1 - Meet the Braden
00:00Oh, absolutely wonderful.
00:03How do you feel about that?
00:05I love it.
00:09Everything is bigger in Texas, including our family.
00:13We grew up as sister cousins.
00:15Sister cousins.
00:17That's me and my girls.
00:18You got somebody to gossip with.
00:19She shares some crazy stuff.
00:21You got somebody to talk about your husband's with.
00:24When do y'all share y'all bank accounts?
00:26I don't want to stop.
00:27And we work together.
00:28We sure do work together, Lord.
00:31At one of the most prestigious black-owned real estate
00:34companies in Texas.
00:35I'm the oldest, but Nicole, Jaquita, Keisha,
00:39they're right behind me.
00:41Monet is here.
00:42Monet came a little bit later on, but she's still very close.
00:45We're too cute to be working out.
00:47Nicole is going to tell you how she feels.
00:49You better get over it.
00:50Let's get to this business.
00:52Let's get to this money.
00:53I got million dollar houses to sell, $4 million houses
00:55to sell.
00:56Amen, amen.
00:57How long we going to pull this family card?
00:59Jaquisha is definitely the ying to my yang.
01:02She going to kill me for saying this,
01:03but she's overly dramatic.
01:06You know, I got to use my Madam Broker for it.
01:09Excuse me, Madam Broker is speaking.
01:12Let me tell you about my sister, Jaquita.
01:14She's loose at the mouth.
01:15She goes for the gutter.
01:16If you want me to apologize, I will, but it won't be genuine.
01:20We grew up together.
01:22We have four generations of family.
01:24Everybody in Houston knows the Brighton name.
01:26That's all thanks to our grandfather and grandmother,
01:29Frank and Oscarine Brayden.
01:31They were real estate entrepreneurs.
01:33Our grandparents' legacy, it lives on,
01:35and it lives on through us.
01:37We call ourselves the G2s.
01:39We have the aunts and the uncles.
01:40My mom, they follow in G1.
01:43People say you cannot work with family.
01:46I am a true living testament that you can.
01:49We're bosses, right?
01:50You get to slap them.
01:51You get to cuss them out.
01:52He should have been in the meeting.
01:54He the one who created this mess.
01:56And you get to be right back together.
01:58Good afternoon.
01:59Happy rodeo season.
02:01I love everybody, but we all have problems.
02:04You're not going to be disrespectful to one another.
02:06Leave me alone about this.
02:07Shut the f*** up!
02:09I love working with you guys.
02:10I do too.
02:11Yeah, I love it.
02:12I wouldn't have it any other way.
02:24Be some fun.
02:28Good afternoon.
02:29Happy rodeo season.
02:31How y'all doing?
02:32Yes, let's round it up.
02:33We're going to have our weekly meeting in about 10 minutes.
02:36So if you don't have your updates,
02:37now's the time to start preparing for them.
02:39All right?
02:40Let me go check on Jamesha.
02:41Where's Jamesha?
02:42Did you bring up the sales meeting?
02:43It's really important that we get this house
02:45under a contract.
02:46When we started the brokerage of Brayden Real Estate Group,
02:49it was an accidental blessing, OK?
02:51I want to see that closed, and I want
02:53to see it in escrow.
02:54Knock, knock.
02:54Hey, Cole.
02:55Hey, hey, hey, hey.
02:56Thanks, Amari.
02:57Hey, you ready for the meeting?
03:00We didn't have a plan.
03:01We just realized we didn't want to work for anybody else.
03:03We wanted to create our own real estate
03:05journey and the vision and the value of what we know
03:08and what we know as family.
03:10We're wrapping up Q1, so we will go
03:11over all of the Q1 projections.
03:13Everybody else has their talking points.
03:16Well, let's get ready for this meeting,
03:17so I don't want to keep them waiting.
03:18All right.
03:20Nicole and I expressed our interest
03:22in getting our real estate license to Granny,
03:24and she paid for it.
03:26And now Brayden Real Estate Group
03:27has completely surpassed my greatest expectations.
03:31How are y'all today?
03:32We're good.
03:34Is everybody prepared?
03:35We are.
03:37Always, Miss Handy.
03:38Let's start off with Q1 projections.
03:40We are projected to have a $52 million in sales volume.
03:46That's what I'm talking about.
03:48That's good.
03:49I remember we started off with, like, five agents.
03:51Just little fives, little agents.
03:53Queda, A'Nikki, Monet, they were like,
03:56oh, y'all not leaving us behind.
03:57Let's just give Jaquita a round of applause.
04:00She will be bringing 19 new listings
04:03to Brayden Real Estate Group.
04:05Look at you taking over the meeting, OK?
04:08I started off as a full-time pharmacist.
04:11I made more as a part-time realtor,
04:13and then I was like, what the fuck?
04:15I'm working hard at this pharmacy for it.
04:17OK, so let's move on.
04:19We have our Brayden Company photo shoot coming up.
04:25The attire will be all black Brayden fashion.
04:28Is Chris ready?
04:29Of course he's ready.
04:30He stays ready.
04:30OK, perfect.
04:31All right, perfect.
04:32All right now, Mrs. Martin.
04:33It's not only the sister cousins that are part
04:36of this real estate dynasty.
04:38It's also the husbands.
04:40My husband, he's a top producing agent.
04:42We also have Jaquita's husband, Chris.
04:44He's our talented videographer and photographer.
04:48The only husband that doesn't work at Brayden Real Estate
04:50Group is Larry.
04:52That's Nicole's husband.
04:53Larry is always working.
04:55But to be honest, I think he would be perfectly
04:58OK with being a house husband.
04:59So Nicole, go sell some more houses.
05:01We're going to have to wrap it up because we have to get on
05:04to the family dinner.
05:05But thank y'all so much for your updates.
05:07We appreciate it.
05:08And we'll see y'all.
05:09Y'all have a great evening.
05:10Have a good evening.
05:14I'm in a high ride.
05:18So what's on the menu?
05:19Oxtails, smothered pork chops, smothered chicken,
05:23fried chicken.
05:24Then your brother added the brisket.
05:26When the Brayden family gets together, we eat.
05:30We're from Texas.
05:31We're from the South.
05:32We fellowship over food.
05:33Oh, we love food.
05:34Oh, food makes us happy.
05:36Food is our love language, as you can tell by our hips.
05:40Everything is bigger in Texas, including the people.
05:42Oh, hello, auntie.
05:45It's a lot of us that make up this Brayden family.
05:48We have my mom, my aunts, my uncle, and then
05:53all of their children, my cousins.
05:56The matriarch of the Brayden family
05:58is none other than Oscarine Brayden.
06:02And with a name like Oscarine, you ain't got no choice
06:04but to run some.
06:06You know what I mean?
06:07She keeps us together.
06:09She works hard.
06:10We work hard.
06:12And that's how we show our love for her.
06:14You see Granny?
06:15Say, hey, Granny.
06:17Aw, you're smiling when you see Granny.
06:21Yes, what you do today?
06:22Oh, cook.
06:23You cook, Granny?
06:25Oscarine, Granny, she had something
06:28like a stroke that impacted her vocal cords.
06:31But the speech might not be sharp, but her mind is.
06:34Hey, Granny.
06:36We're ready to eat now.
06:37Can we start eating now?
06:39Who we waiting on?
06:40The handies?
06:41So she'll be here soon.
06:42She'll be here soon.
06:43Y'all want to go get in a circle?
06:45We're going to pray.
06:47Uncle Bubba, if you could lead us in prayer.
06:49Father God, thank you for this day.
06:50Thank you for the Brayden family.
06:52Thank you for the ones who prepared the food.
06:54In Jesus' name we pray, amen.
06:57Hey, everybody.
06:58I know everybody hungry.
06:59Y'all want to be the one between y'all and y'all food.
07:02But Quita, if you could share the special sentiment today.
07:05Yes, so in honor of the January birthdays,
07:09we had something special made in memory of our loving Pawpaw.
07:14Pawpaw passed away a little over a year ago.
07:16Pawpaw was the kindest soul.
07:18He was the balance that we need to Granny, OK?
07:21We're like, Granny, can we have some money?
07:22She's like, what y'all need money for?
07:24Pawpaw was like, just take this, but don't tell Granny.
07:27Well, yeah, but we just can't have this dinner
07:28without thinking about the patriarch of our family
07:31and the beauty that he left with us as a collective.
07:34So let's eat, because that's what Pawpaw would want us to do.
07:38Yes, amen.
07:40Did you bring the barbecue sauce, honey?
07:42Brisket does not need barbecue sauce.
07:44It don't need barbecue sauce.
07:45James, some people want barbecue sauce for their barbecue.
07:49Some people don't know how to barbecue.
07:51You need barbecue sauce on brisket.
07:52I don't need barbecue sauce.
07:54So your brisket.
07:55My stuff juicy.
07:56Your stuff juicy.
07:57I got the oyster oil ready for you.
07:58Hey, what's going on?
08:00Nicole, I'm late.
08:01Y'all didn't want me to eat.
08:02I'm sorry, you know.
08:03I'm sorry, we couldn't wait too much.
08:05Nicole Denise is always going to show up fashionably late.
08:08Hey, everybody.
08:09Hey, hey, everybody.
08:12I'm never really late for my family.
08:14It's just I'm not there as soon as they get there.
08:17I'm never late for those that pay me, honey.
08:19I'm never late to the checks.
08:21Well, we hate Larry couldn't make it.
08:23I'm going to pack my plate.
08:24Yes, make sure you take him some oxtails.
08:26I know, because especially Charlotte cooked them,
08:28so he'll eat anything that Charlotte
08:30cooks for the past month.
08:31He's been working the night shift,
08:33so he won't be able to come to anything.
08:35Right now, Larry's on a night project at his job.
08:37He works consistently 12-hour shifts.
08:40And actually, this is something we've
08:42been dealing with for years.
08:44When we first got married, he worked two weeks on,
08:47two weeks off.
08:48So he was literally away from the home
08:50for two full weeks at a time.
08:53You know, I'll be honest, there was some issues in the past.
08:56We got to take more time for each other.
08:57We just got to put a little effort into it.
08:59I'll be honest.
09:00I've been holding on to a lot of things, like, internally,
09:03like, grudges I've had towards you from things
09:05that you've done in the past.
09:06I don't feel like it's cool for us to be sitting in a house,
09:10not talking to each other.
09:11And I'm too old to start over now.
09:12I've been at a game too long.
09:13Oh, no, I'm not too old to start over.
09:14I mean, I think I'm a good kid.
09:17It's not easy finding intimacy when you're basically on two
09:21totally different schedules.
09:22Larry always have to work.
09:24Story of our lives.
09:25He'll be, hopefully, at the next big function we have.
09:31Coming up on Family Empire.
09:33We need you in the office.
09:36What you mean?
09:37There's no point.
09:38We need to make sure that Granny understands
09:41this could be a million dollars worth of property
09:43that stays in the family name.
09:45Growing up as a kid, I would see little things,
09:47you know, that kind of bothered me.
09:49We was taking pictures.
09:50You know, I'm kind of left out the picture
09:51because this is just our family.
09:54We can't joke with a sensitive sister.
09:56Y'all have a good night.
09:57Thanks for the crawfish.
09:58You're welcome.
09:59Don't take this microphone off me.
10:09Oh, y'all got a little more plate of food.
10:11It's about to break.
10:12Oh, yeah.
10:13Hey, Kiki.
10:14Hey, Kiki.
10:16LaKeisha, Nicole, and Monet have the same dad.
10:18Hey, bubba.
10:19How you doing?
10:20Keisha has a different mother.
10:22Hey, girl.
10:23How you doing?
10:24Hey, mom.
10:26They were raised in two different households.
10:28I think it's very clear that with LaKeisha
10:30and I being half sisters, growing
10:32up in different households, there's some sensitivity
10:34to our relationship.
10:36I did not recall at my young age
10:38that I was sat down properly and had the conversation,
10:42like, this is your auntie, this is your sister,
10:45this is your cousin.
10:46Hey, granny!
10:48You look nice.
10:50Keisha does not know how to approach me
10:52in certain instances.
10:54I do feel like I have to walk on eggshells around her.
10:58Could you give me a little more, please?
11:01No, seriously, we do have a pretty big week coming up.
11:03And so, like, are we ready for the photo shoot Saturday?
11:05Do we have everything that we need?
11:09So then we're not ready.
11:10Let's make sure we send out an announcement
11:13to tell everybody they need to come camera ready.
11:15We have not had a company photo in four years.
11:19We have grown tremendously.
11:21So this is a milestone photo shoot for us.
11:24So it has to be airtight.
11:26Anything else you need?
11:28I mean, I don't know. You kicked me out the office.
11:29Here we go with this.
11:30I'm trying to see, you know.
11:32Kicked you out the office, Chris.
11:33So you want to flex on your authority now?
11:35No, I was not.
11:36Stop telling people I kicked you out the office.
11:37We didn't work at home for the last week.
11:39Because we want you.
11:41Three months.
11:42Three months.
11:43Stop telling people I kicked you out of the office.
11:45This is what happened.
11:46Chris comes into the office.
11:47He's not a realtor, so he doesn't do real estate work.
11:51So I don't think he has a good understanding
11:52of what's required of the agents
11:54when they come into the office.
11:55Chris likes to play with them, entertain them.
11:57The agents came to me and asked me a question
12:00about their marketing.
12:01That's how the conversation may have initiated, Chris.
12:04But that's how it's known. When they came to me,
12:06Nicole's in the office, Chris, she needs to leave.
12:08I didn't. That is so not true.
12:11Nicole is a hardworking woman, and I push hard.
12:16We bump heads the most, but we work together the most.
12:19Our creative mind spaces, they're always, like, on 1,000.
12:23Because I see things in my creative way,
12:25and she see things in her creative way.
12:27But it takes a lot of talking him off the ledge.
12:29And then sometimes, working with family,
12:30it be young people. They don't see your greatness.
12:32But when it comes together, it is magic.
12:36We need you in the office,
12:38and we need you to stop saying I kicked you out the office.
12:42Why you mean?
12:43There's no point.
12:45I think at this point, we're not getting anywhere.
12:48Next time or one of the times we're in the office,
12:50we can hash this out.
12:51I'm trying to have a couple more drinks.
12:53I'm trying to eat some more oxtails.
12:54And y'all ain't put a rule in my family time.
12:57We don't get to do that at all.
12:58Chris, can you give me some more oxtails, please?
13:01Don't spit in it, Sealy.
13:03Let's go talk to Granny.
13:04I don't like to get caught in the middle of it.
13:06It makes me feel extremely uncomfortable.
13:08Chris always expects me to have his back,
13:10even sometimes when he's not right.
13:13It's hard being that middle person.
13:14It really is.
13:15We had one of our sales meetings today.
13:17It went over very well.
13:19Now, with the brokers, we have 98 agents.
13:22We almost at 100 agents.
13:23And I just wanted to share that with y'all,
13:26because I don't think we share enough what you did for us
13:29when y'all, when you and Papa paid for our real estate
13:32We never knew that it was going to open the doors
13:36to this type of opportunity.
13:38And I know, Granny, you used to always say,
13:39when you open a brokerage?
13:41You remember you said it all the time, Granny.
13:42You was like, when you going to open a brokerage?
13:44It's those seeds that you did for us that kind of got
13:47us where we are today.
13:48So I just want to thank you for that, Granny, and the legacy
13:51that y'all have done for us.
13:52So I appreciate you, Granny.
13:54I'm happy, and I'm glad that y'all are in business.
13:59And I'm glad y'all doing so good.
14:02I'm proud of y'all.
14:03Yeah, I'm trying not to cry over here.
14:04Let me, let me, let me.
14:05Granny, what else?
14:06Can you tell us about your land?
14:09Still want to sell it, or have you
14:11decided to give it to us yet?
14:13Papa said he wanted us to have that land.
14:15And Granny said she don't remember Papa saying that.
14:16You don't remember?
14:18Mama, I can't stand on you with that one.
14:19He did.
14:20He wanted some land.
14:21Granny and Papa have been acquiring real estate
14:24probably since their early 20s.
14:26They've bought land.
14:26They've built apartment complexes, reception halls,
14:29beauty shops, daycares.
14:31But this land is empty.
14:33Granny has had that land in the family for over 30 years.
14:36So she's been accruing a tax bill on that land.
14:38And I definitely understand.
14:39It's not my money, but hell no, I
14:42don't want Granny to sell this property to some stranger.
14:45This is an opportunity to magnify the legacy
14:50of the Brady family in the Northeast Houston area.
14:53The land is legacy.
14:54As your first born and loved grandchild,
14:57you know, we want to make sure that the legacy that you left
15:01is not just spent.
15:03We want to use that property to build, develop on it.
15:07And that's why it's so important for us
15:09to build generational wealth through real estate.
15:13This is my idea.
15:15OK, Granny.
15:15This your idea?
15:18They all thought like anything.
15:22I want to take all the children in the homes I own.
15:26My children, not the grandchildren.
15:29Not the grandchildren?
15:31With the recent passing of my grandfather,
15:34it gives everybody an additional sense of urgency
15:37to get their affairs in order.
15:39And that's what Granny is trying to do.
15:41She wants the cash for her children
15:43that she loves dearly before her number is called.
15:47I got to think of my children first.
15:50And I'm not saying we're not trying
15:51to get it for free, Granny, because I know you've
15:53been paying taxes for a long time.
15:55I'm her representative, and I say
15:58we need to wrap it up and move on to the next topic.
16:01It's just something that can't be answered today.
16:10Coming up on Family Empire.
16:12It's a five bedroom, five full bath,
16:166,000 square feet, premium lot for $1.4 million.
16:22I don't think it's bad.
16:47As co-CEO of Braden Real Estate Group,
16:50I always say everything you want is on the other side of fear.
16:53I will not be afraid to take that next step.
16:56And I think that's what's made me such the business
16:59woman that I am today.
17:01Cut this light on.
17:04I absolutely did not start out doing luxury.
17:07Just being honest, my average sales price
17:08my first full time year in real estate
17:10may have been like $250,000.
17:13But I sold 51 of those.
17:18Hey, hello.
17:21Isn't this fabulous?
17:22You see these lights?
17:24Oh my god.
17:25It's so good to see you again.
17:26It's been a while.
17:27Thank you for making time.
17:29You're welcome.
17:30I've been working with Solange for a couple of months.
17:32She's one of my luxury clients.
17:34She is one of the top surgeons in the Houston area.
17:37First impression.
17:38I love this.
17:40You love it?
17:42I know one of the things you said,
17:43it had to be grand when you walked in.
17:45Yes, that's my thing.
17:46When I saw it, I'm like, OK, I think this is the one.
17:49Let's see.
17:50Well, come on.
17:51So let me tell you a little bit about the home.
17:53It's a five bedroom, five full bath, 6,000 square feet,
17:58premium lot.
18:00And I got you one of the things you said, a water lot.
18:06All right, we're moving in the right direction.
18:08OK, so let's check out the primary bedroom.
18:14That tic-tac-toe.
18:16The woodwork, the ceiling woodwork.
18:17That's it.
18:18This custom.
18:19I'm telling you, there's so many custom items in this home.
18:22You ready? You ready?
18:24You ready?
18:25Nikki, stop it.
18:31These jets?
18:32These are jets.
18:33So this is a free-standing, jetted tub.
18:36Fully custom, dual head shower.
18:41Floor-to-ceiling ceramic tiles.
18:45Isn't this so amazing?
18:46All right, let's go talk about these numbers.
18:48Let's just go talk about these numbers.
18:50This is so grand.
18:50So this house is on the market for $1.4 million.
18:56I don't think it's bad.
18:57So Laundra's budget started off around $800,000.
19:02But as we started looking, honey, she has fabulous taste.
19:05And she want more.
19:06So the budget did go up to about $1.5 million.
19:09This is a beautiful home.
19:10But I am worried about traffic.
19:13So I came here after work.
19:14Nikki, I'm a surgeon.
19:16I got to be able to get back and forth to the hospital
19:19with ease.
19:20It took me more than an hour to get here.
19:21But additionally, we have to think about your price point
19:25and what that gets you.
19:26This house in the city would be $2.5 million.
19:30Very easy, right?
19:31So I know the traffic might be a little bit of a headache,
19:34but you'll get a much larger home.
19:37Well, OK.
19:41So I think I still want to make an offer that's lower than what
19:45they want for this house.
19:46Right now, interest rates are really high.
19:47People aren't buying.
19:49And I want to maximize on that.
19:50So I just let them know that I'm not willing to pay that price.
19:54Solange doesn't have children right now.
19:56But when she has children, they will
19:58be able to benefit from that one piece of property.
20:01This is what we do at Brayden.
20:03We create generational wealth.
20:05I will go, and I will run numbers
20:07on comparable homes in this area and see where we're priced.
20:09Then let's make a competitive offer against that.
20:12Just make sure you tell them that this is not something
20:15that I would move forward with unless I got what I wanted.
20:20Coming up on Family Empire.
20:22So what is your hesitancy to come into the office?
20:25It is not OK for you to not be present.
20:28Curing the land for our generation
20:30to build and begin the development process,
20:32we can't let this go.
20:33Like, this is a gem.
20:44Hello, sister.
20:46How are you?
20:49Can you believe this building has
20:50been up for, what, 30-some years?
20:53I still remember, like, the grand opening.
20:55We had the mayor come out.
20:56Yeah, the mayor.
20:57It was just a big, even though I don't think
20:59we actually had a ribbon, but it was a very big ribbon ceremony.
21:03I remember all of that.
21:04Granny and Pawpaw were able to acquire lots of land
21:07off of Homestead, a street in Northeast Houston.
21:09They lived nearby, and they were able to build businesses,
21:13build homes, build a community.
21:16And that's what we should all be doing.
21:19We should be bettering the communities that we lived in.
21:21And that's part of their legacy.
21:23I know we were going over to the lot today,
21:24so I invited Aunt Nikki.
21:26I know we tabled it at the family dinner.
21:28Yeah, we tabled it.
21:29But we need to figure out what's what.
21:31We're bringing all the five, but we'll bring one of them.
21:33She's their representative.
21:34She's their representative.
21:34That's good enough.
21:35I'd rather work with Aunt Nikki.
21:37So, so yeah.
21:38So, yeah.
21:47Hey, Nikki.
21:48How you doing?
21:49You look pretty.
21:51We got to represent Texas.
21:52Want to start heading over there or what?
21:55This wind, ugh, being disrespectful.
21:57Yeah, it's disrespectful.
21:58So yeah, we can get over there.
22:00Aunt Nikki is the gatekeeper to Granny's
22:03real estate holdings, OK?
22:04I wanted to bring Nikki out to the land.
22:07I want her to envision what could be done with the land.
22:10And getting her on board, too, because she
22:12could talk to the G1s and get them
22:14to understand what could be done from a real estate perspective.
22:17And not only that, I needed her to talk to Granny.
22:20I'll hear Jamesha out, but I can't make any promises.
22:23Papa did say he wanted the land to go to the G2s.
22:26But I am Granny's real estate agent,
22:29and she wants to sell it and give it to the G1s now.
22:32Damn it, Nikki, what the hell happened to your sign?
22:34Leave my sign alone, please.
22:36I was getting it fixed this weekend.
22:37I'm glad, because you can't hear the braiding
22:39logo on there looking bootleg.
22:41We don't do bootleg now.
22:43The braiding wave.
22:44Wow, so being on it, I feel how deep the property goes.
22:50This land versus all the other land that Granny has,
22:52it's on a major street.
22:55It's the largest in this area.
22:57I think we can have almost 50 doors on the property,
23:01depending about the size and the layout.
23:03And I think this is the time to kind of solidify,
23:06like, what can we do with it versus selling it.
23:09But know what the appraisal is coming in.
23:12This is appraised value at $865,000.
23:15And she paid, what, $72,000 for it?
23:17$72,000, correct.
23:18So when you listed it for sale, it was kind of like, oh,
23:22hold up, this is real.
23:24The amount of development that's happening in the city,
23:27that is moving in this direction.
23:3010 minutes from downtown.
23:3110 minutes from downtown.
23:32Even that.
23:33So the amount of equity growth, in that amount of time.
23:36And so that's the part, just securing
23:38the land for our generation to build and begin
23:41the development process.
23:42We can't let this go.
23:43Like, this is a gem.
23:44Houston is a thriving metroplex.
23:47Currently, in the center of Houston,
23:48you have these great development that's coming to the area.
23:51But what happens when those areas fill up?
23:53They push out further north into the loop.
23:56And that's where we are.
23:57And now it is the perfect time to invest in the community
24:01of Northeast Houston.
24:03Do we know how much the taxes are first?
24:05Because that's her main thing.
24:06I can't keep paying taxes on this land.
24:08It's too expensive.
24:09Yeah, almost $35,000 a year.
24:11But no, the real part is, we need
24:14to make sure that Granny understands that it's not
24:17$72,000 investment.
24:19It's not the taxes.
24:20If this could be a million dollars
24:22worth of property that stays in the family name,
24:25if they can't see that this could possibly
24:27be an almost $5 to $10 million project that we have here,
24:32then I don't know what to say.
24:34You know how I was at the dinner when you brought it up?
24:36It was just too much chatter.
24:37I've always told you.
24:38You've always said that.
24:39I need this to stay.
24:41Stay tight.
24:43Seeing Jamisha so passionate about the land, yeah, I'm sold.
24:47I can see the potential.
24:48But for the other G1s and Granny,
24:50she definitely has to sell them.
24:52And if you're going to take $800,000 out of the G1's pocket,
24:57you better make sure the return is great.
25:00Let's go fix this sign.
25:02Thank you, Lord, Jesus.
25:03Can you drive it up before we have to go back here?
25:06OK, good sign.
25:06I don't think we're going to be able to fix this.
25:08I'm going to have to get my sign out.
25:09You're going to have to get Bubba to come back out here.
25:10I'm not into manual labor.
25:12I'm good.
25:14I'm living for the high life.
25:18I'm feeling like it's my time.
25:21I've been waiting for my life.
25:25I'm living in the high life.
25:28I'm living in the high life.
25:32Oh, my God.
25:34Hey, y'all.
25:35Hey, everybody.
25:36How are you?
25:40Hey, good morning.
25:41Hey, good morning.
25:42How are you?
25:44We're getting there.
25:45Yeah, you're right.
25:46OK, so y'all going to do head shots first,
25:47and then we're going to do the group photo?
25:48Yeah, then we're going to do the group shot.
25:49Good morning.
25:50Great Real Estate Group started off with Jameesha and I.
25:53We couldn't even afford our own office.
25:56Let's talk about Black excellence at its finest, OK?
25:58Now we're roughly at 100 agents in five years.
26:01I'm extremely proud of that.
26:03We're not going to hold y'all long.
26:04I know y'all feet hurt.
26:05And trust me, they hurt as bad as mine.
26:08Keshia, find out who's all Gen 8 for their head shots.
26:13Gen 8?
26:15Y'all look fabulous.
26:17Everyone looks good.
26:18Misha and Nicole, I need y'all head shots.
26:21Being a braiding woman, it is something else.
26:24Now put that piece down.
26:26Keshia, push it that way.
26:28As I was growing up as a kid, I really
26:30didn't know where my place was.
26:31I would see little things, you know, that kind of bothered me.
26:34We was at an event, and we were taking pictures.
26:37You know, I'm kind of left out the picture
26:39because this is just our family.
26:41Nicole, Monet, I felt like I wasn't
26:45as welcome as I should have been,
26:47like how I was with my own jacket.
26:48Queda and Jamesha were my cousins,
26:51but we did feel like sister cousins.
26:55OK, everybody else, let's start coming to try to fill in.
26:59Back up, back up.
27:00Everybody, thank y'all so much.
27:02I remember when we were five agents,
27:04so I'm trying not to cry.
27:07I appreciate y'all so much.
27:09And this means, this moment is so surreal for me.
27:13When we started the brokerage, Nicole and I,
27:15it was just a crazy idea we had that my grandmother kind
27:19of spoke that life into us.
27:24Thank y'all, thank y'all.
27:29It was truly God's design for us to be
27:32able to have this brokerage, to be
27:34able to pour into these people, and base it
27:36off the values and the excellence
27:39that our family portrayed.
27:40That's why we had to name the Brokerage Braiding Real Estate
27:43Grab a shot.
27:44Two seconds.
27:45Out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out.
27:48So did y'all like the place?
27:49I loved it.
27:50I loved it.
27:51It was a great choice.
27:52I really, really loved it.
27:54As we go into next week, my hope is
27:55that we can set specified days for you
27:57to come back into the office.
27:59So what is your hesitancy to come into the office?
28:01It is not OK for you to not be present.
28:07Coming up on Family Empire.
28:09Talking about strengthening a relationship,
28:10do you make a mockery of it?
28:12It wasn't me.
28:13Oh, who, me?
28:20Let's have some set in-office days for you.
28:23Need you to come into the office.
28:24It is not OK for you to not be present.
28:26I honestly need you to take initiative sometimes
28:29and not just always wait on Ellen.
28:31You have to work together.
28:32When I fall back, then it becomes.
28:34Well, Chris, you can't fall back on a job
28:36that you're getting paid to do.
28:37What is going on, guys?
28:39And I was just telling Chris that we need
28:40him to take more of an initiative.
28:42I was just waiting on y'all direction,
28:44is what I'm saying.
28:44This is why you need to be in the office.
28:47Wait, what's going on?
28:48What's going on?
28:49We need his creative direction in the office.
28:51For everybody else that's doing this,
28:53I want to do something different.
28:54I want us to stand out.
28:55I want us to be, as Misha speak, unbreakable fashion.
28:58I really have visions that I need
29:00to be able to grow also.
29:02If I'm in charge of the marketing,
29:04trust me in some ideas.
29:05So here what I'm saying before is just a definite no
29:08or we didn't know this type of thing.
29:10I don't think we've ever told you no.
29:12My brother-in-law, he is very passionate.
29:15He don't want to come into the office because he
29:17don't feel like we respect him.
29:18I don't care if you don't feel respected,
29:21as long as you feel this paycheck.
29:22If you guys want me to come to the office,
29:25maybe we need to do a contract so there's no.
29:28That's the one thing we all on the same page about, yeah.
29:32I think we need to put everything in writing
29:33going forward.
29:35I'm so down for a contract.
29:36No room for Chris to get out of his duties.
29:41I'm hungry.
29:41Can y'all come over to my house later on today?
29:43I'll be there.
29:44I'm hungry.
29:45I'm so hungry.
29:46I'm hungry, hungry, hungry.
29:48Yep, all right, y'all, this is great.
29:49Good job, everybody.
29:50Bye, Chris.
29:51Excuse me, cut, cut.
29:56♪ I want you, honey, I don't want to get emotional.
30:07What time they supposed to be here?
30:08They were supposed to be here 10 minutes ago.
30:11That's why.
30:12You know me, I don't wait.
30:16Relax, sitting, maybe a few drinks,
30:18you know, get everybody loose and talking.
30:21You know y'all give me a two drink max.
30:24No, you wanted a half drink.
30:26Not wanting a half, dang.
30:28Oh, somebody's here.
30:28Somebody's here.
30:29Hey, you guys.
30:30Hey, Kee Kee.
30:32Now y'all already started eating.
30:34We only wait on company,
30:35you're not company, you're family.
30:37So we wasn't waiting on you to eat our crawfish.
30:38Gonna grab you a beer.
30:40Tisha, every time we get together,
30:41you know what I always think about?
30:44That time you ran away.
30:46When we had that fight.
30:47Yeah, we had that fight.
30:48She went into the pantry.
30:49Oh yeah, and took all the food out.
30:52She took Twinkies and shit.
30:54She took them frozen meals.
30:57I did take some meat.
30:58I had six of meat.
30:58I remember that.
30:59You did take some meat.
31:00Kweeda, go check on her and see what she had.
31:02I know what I was...
31:02I'm peeking around that corner,
31:03she had the meal box like...
31:06Man, somebody wouldn't really stop.
31:07She's like, you know you wanna cook, I'm running.
31:10I was bad, I didn't really...
31:11You was real bad.
31:12Oh my God.
31:14You know, those were the good old days.
31:15It wasn't as stressful.
31:17I just wanna prep you before Nicole gets here.
31:20I don't wanna make it, you know,
31:21you know, uncomfortable or anything like that,
31:23but I do wanna talk about y'all, you know,
31:25like, I do wanna talk about it.
31:26We want y'all to develop that sisterly bond.
31:30I can't even imagine what you're going through,
31:33even the way we grieved over Papa.
31:36And that was our grandfather.
31:38And to have to deal with double grief.
31:41With Papa passing and then your mom passing
31:43not too far after that.
31:44But that's why it's been on me and Kweeda's heart so heavy
31:47is because I want us to be tighter.
31:51Well, since my mom passed,
31:52I do need them now in my life.
31:54You know, I don't have that.
31:55I don't have my mom, you know, here anymore.
31:58So, sorry.
32:01Um, you know, everybody had their mom
32:03and I'm the only one, you know, my mom passed away.
32:13It was real close.
32:14Like, I took care of my mom this whole time out of her life.
32:18I knew she was sick.
32:19You know, I have a good support system,
32:21but, you know, I do want to be,
32:23have that closer support system.
32:27At the end of the day, it's just us.
32:28We got to get right together
32:30because you need us more than you ever needed us before.
32:34Ever, ever.
32:34I'm really open with that because like now, you know,
32:36like I do need my family.
32:38I do need you guys.
32:39You see how you being all open, transparent, fun.
32:41When Nicole get in here, be the same Keisha.
32:43You be hard Keisha.
32:44My wall had got built up, that's all.
32:46Well, we gonna break it down.
32:48Get that wall down because we want for you all
32:50to build that relationship.
32:51It ain't no wall in between me and this house, though.
32:58Hey, Nicole.
33:00Hey, Bambi.
33:02Look, see Bambi loves me.
33:03Bambi does love you.
33:04How are you?
33:13Hey, Nicole.
33:15What you been doing today, Miss Diva?
33:18Don't call me out like that.
33:20Oh, if you want to get a beer before you sit down,
33:23you may want to do that.
33:24I do not want a beer, but can I have some champagne, Prosecco?
33:27Who does Prosecco with crawfish?
33:29All right, you did good.
33:33Quita, you want a glass?
33:34Yeah, I'm going to get me one.
33:36Don't fill it up, though, because.
33:37Quita's on a glass number two of beer.
33:40Y'all know how Quita get when she get to drinking now.
33:42If you go out and you see Quita with her second drink, run.
33:45Run as fast as you can.
33:47She has proven she cannot hold her liquor.
33:50Is it a problem with me having fun
33:52and wanting to crack jokes and drink?
33:54This is my house.
33:56I don't have anywhere to go.
33:57Why can't I be tipsy in my own house?
34:00Cousins of Brayden.
34:01She is so extra.
34:02She's so dramatic.
34:03Sister cousins of Brayden.
34:04Let her be her.
34:06As the eldest granddaughter of Frank and Oscarine Brayden,
34:09I really want to salute all of us
34:12to have a strengthened G2 bond.
34:15That's my glass.
34:18Now, who done had too many beers?
34:26So we have had a busy week.
34:29It's been, um.
34:30I'm exhausted.
34:30We got the current appraisal for the property.
34:34The property is worth $800,000 now.
34:37That's huge.
34:38That's amazing.
34:39You're not familiar with this, because we
34:40work with a lot of developers.
34:41And using the equity in the property
34:43to fund the development and the build of it.
34:45That's a solid idea.
34:47Because when we look around what's going on in that area,
34:49change is happening at a very rapid pace, right?
34:52We understand property development
34:55and how you can take a piece of land at one value
34:57and turn it into something that has much higher value.
35:00And I think Jamesha sees the bigger picture.
35:02But at the end of the day, you know, uh.
35:04Granny is the boss.
35:05You know, and she's going to do what
35:07she wants to do with her property.
35:08And y'all know Granny.
35:09If it make money, it makes sense to her.
35:11You know, but we have to show that to her.
35:13I agree.
35:14We're all at that age where we all can manage it now.
35:18Wait, who going to manage what?
35:19I'm saying like, just the, yeah.
35:20Because this is property managers.
35:22You know, we ain't got time, but you know,
35:24we pay for convenience.
35:25We don't have the convenience.
35:26Can we see a wreath out?
35:27That was pretty good.
35:28I only had half a glass.
35:29You need to stop drinking.
35:30But y'all just gave me a half a glass.
35:31That's what you told us to give you is a half a glass.
35:34Oh, but that's a good one.
35:36Y'all supposed to tilt the glass.
35:37What did y'all think about the company's photo shoot today?
35:40I loved it.
35:41We look good.
35:42This is just, just a sample.
35:44He's working on it.
35:45Honey, it looks.
35:46Look, look.
35:48We got all the faces.
35:50Hold on.
35:52Oh, my serious face looks so stupid.
35:54OK, so this is what you do.
35:55You ready?
35:56Yeah, I'm ready.
35:57Let's get a listening.
35:59Put your eyebrows up.
36:01Stop smiling.
36:04That's your serious face.
36:05Do it again.
36:07Put your eyebrows up.
36:08But Misha does.
36:09No, that's your eyes.
36:10Your eyebrows.
36:11Don't butt your eyes.
36:12This is your eyebrows.
36:13The one that's penciled on up here.
36:14Do it.
36:15That's so shady.
36:16Was that shady?
36:17It is not shady.
36:18It's just shade.
36:20That's because y'all so.
36:21It's your wall.
36:22Y'all got this wall over here.
36:24Oh, the wall.
36:25Oh, my bad.
36:26My bad.
36:27All right.
36:28No, you take this.
36:29It's like this right here.
36:31Yeah, you overkill.
36:34I'm about to pee.
36:35OK, so.
36:37Jaquita and I, we're goofy.
36:39We're funny.
36:40Nicole, on the other hand, could be a little serious.
36:44Sometimes that does create a little tension when
36:47there's a serious conversation.
36:48Why would y'all say that?
36:49I'm curious, why would y'all say that?
36:53Before you got here, we were talking about you
36:57and Keisha's relationship.
36:59We were here about to, we were laughing and tears and crying.
37:01We have those things, so it's a lot of joy.
37:04But we feel like when you and Keisha are around,
37:07Keisha puts a wall up.
37:09And she gets kind of guarded.
37:13I guess the wall was just bothering me
37:14because I don't want to be like, not saying like, left out.
37:17Maybe I should use a better word.
37:18But I want to be their sister.
37:20The reason that wall was up there
37:21is just because, like, I want to feel protected or just trust.
37:25We know, like, OK, we can't joke with them.
37:27They the sensitive sisters.
37:28We can't joke with the sensitive sisters.
37:30You know?
37:31So we're not the sensitive sisters.
37:34We grew up different, right?
37:36But at the same time, too, like, you know,
37:39y'all just took a dig at the wall, you know?
37:41Like, you talking about strengthening a relationship,
37:44then you make a mockery of it.
37:45It wasn't me.
37:46Yeah. Oh, who, me?
37:51I mean, in all seriousness.
37:52It wasn't a mockery.
37:53And y'all still laughing about it now.
37:56Y'all made a mockery of it.
37:59We're family.
38:00You can say how you feel, right?
38:01No problem with that at all.
38:02But what we're not going to do is make fun
38:03of each other's hurtful moments.
38:05I'm going to be honest.
38:06My feelings are hurt that y'all just made a mockery of it.
38:08I'm just being honest.
38:10I am.
38:10That's a sensitive situation.
38:12And you've never expressed to me some of the things
38:14that you've expressed to them.
38:15And I get it, right?
38:17And so maybe I haven't created that safe space for you
38:19to do so.
38:20But I am still very hurt that they
38:22made light of the situation.
38:23Because for you and I, it's a serious matter.
38:25You know what I'm saying?
38:26And so I'm about to go.
38:27I didn't like that.
38:28Y'all have a good night.
38:29You have a good night.
38:30I did not mean for that.
38:31Nicole, that's not how.
38:33Thanks for the crawfish.
38:34You're welcome.
38:35And you know I'm not about to go chase anybody now.
38:38Nicole likes to pretend that everything is OK.
38:41Nicole is a strong, independent woman.
38:46And in order to be that person, you
38:48have to be able to have a level of control
38:50over your life, your family.
38:53She definitely tries to keep everything
38:56on the straight and narrow from appearances.
38:59Nicole, it just.
39:00Y'all have a good night.
39:02OK, I'll call you.
39:03Come take this microphone off me.
39:04All right, I'll call you.
39:07What a night.
39:08What a night.
39:111, 2, 3, Brayden.
39:14In this room today, the largest independently
39:17Black brokerage in Houston, Texas.
39:19We are four generations.
39:20Well, we get to be a part of the Brayden legacy.
39:23We are a part of the second generation, the G2.
39:26We crazy.
39:26I heard stretching is good before sex.
39:30We messy.
39:31She was out there being a hoe.
39:33We funny.
39:34Why are you beating on the wall?
39:35Because I feel like walking all the way to your office.
39:38G2s want to buy the large lot, the two acre lot.
39:42Realistically, you're probably looking at $7 to $10 million.
39:46Granny is not going to just give us the land.
39:49The G1s, I feel like for y'all is more of a payday.
39:52How many times has she sold off her land
39:54to pay off the G1s bill?
39:56That's not true.
39:57I don't want our family to be destroyed over money.
40:00I have not talked yet to Nicole.
40:01And I don't want you to feel pressured by anybody
40:04to do anything that you really don't want to do with it,
40:06you know?
40:07So did you pitch this idea behind our backs?
40:11We are family, and we are one.
40:13Lakeisha and Nicole, they are sisters.
40:15Lakeisha has a different mother.
40:16Two women pregnant at the same time.
40:18He not going to be a man?
40:19He not no man?
40:21Hopefully, when we tie the knot,
40:22we'll have everybody there.
40:24Caramel is my partner and girlfriend.
40:26Caramel's her real name?
40:28Or her stripper name?
40:29That's the name she gave.
40:30There was an instance with you and Keisha
40:32where there was like some arguing or bickering.
40:33Did you tell them what you did?
40:37Surviving the bravest.
40:38Hey, Nicole.
40:39Where's Larry?
40:40Where's your phone?
40:41I called you.
40:42If he's not here, where is he?
40:44We're actually looking to keep it back the salary
40:45that you have.
40:46That is a slapping face.
40:48That may not always be your husband.
40:50Ooh, I'm ready for this.
40:51Let's do this.
40:52Y'all ready?
40:52Wait a minute.
40:53We are not going to be disrespectful to one another.
40:55Yes, because I'm sister.
40:56My mother's mother died.
40:57He's just waiting to put a hand on the damn thing.
41:01Where Caramel going?
41:03Shut the fuck up.
41:05Calm down.
41:07So when do you think you're going to be
41:09able to make a final decision?
41:10Granny's going to do what granny wants to do.
41:15Nobody said building a legacy would be easy.
41:18We might as well get along.
41:19We got to deal with each other.