• 3 months ago
"Invest in Knowledge, Grow with Confidence"
00:00Namaskar Ji!
00:02You all know that I have cancer of blood
00:06and the title of this video is
00:08Cancer's very very very very
00:12Desi Treatment
00:16which doesn't have any medicine
00:20doesn't have any medicine
00:22only science and logic
00:26go and ask anyone
00:28why do we have cancer
00:30no doctor will be able to answer
00:32why do we have cancer
00:34I am sitting on the border
00:36between India and Pakistan
00:40I am sitting in Andheri
00:42West Shastrinagar
00:44and this is the border
00:46there is a cafe on this side of the border
00:48which I like
00:50why am I sitting on this side of the border
00:52I am telling you that story
00:54a new shop has opened
00:56a new restaurant has opened
00:58it's name is Papa Della's
01:00it's written on the top
01:02so I have a habit
01:04that whenever a new place opens
01:06I go there
01:08you all are watching this video
01:10keep sharing
01:12I have a habit
01:14that whenever a new place opens
01:16I go there
01:18giving encouragement to a new place
01:20is our duty
01:22or someone educates
01:24so I came inside
01:26and found out
01:28when did you start this place
01:32this place opened on 24th February
01:36when I used to sit
01:38on the other side of the border
01:40painting work used to be going on
01:42I still remember that smell
01:44that the smell of paint used to come here
01:48today when the place opened
01:50400 people are watching this video
01:52please share
01:54407 people are watching
01:56I am telling you the cure of cancer
01:58which is so local
02:00and which most of the doctors
02:02don't tell you
02:04doctors didn't tell me
02:06it's been three years
02:08I am still alive
02:10I am taking allopathic medicines
02:12which are made in Italy
02:14it costs 250,000 rupees per month
02:18there is a local cure
02:20which I am telling you again and again
02:22I will tell you the local cure of cancer
02:24not only of blood cancer
02:26any type of cancer
02:28and the cure I am telling you
02:30will keep you away from cancer
02:32and you won't have to spend
02:34lakhs of rupees on your medicines
02:36and tests like me
02:38when you open your eyes
02:40it's morning
02:42so this restaurant opened
02:44I went inside
02:46there was a lady
02:48I talked to her
02:50I asked her if it's new
02:52she said yes
02:54I asked her if it's your place
02:56she said yes
02:58I asked her what do you get
03:00she said pizza, pasta
03:02I said okay
03:04then she used a word
03:06the moment I heard that word
03:08my antennas started working
03:10I said
03:12this word
03:14I am yearning to hear
03:16no one speaks
03:18doctors don't speak
03:20I have been to big hospitals
03:22I have paid 250,000 rupees per month
03:24for medicines
03:26but this word
03:28which is the most important
03:30in the context of cancer
03:32no one speaks
03:34either they don't know
03:36or if they start using this word
03:38which I will tell you in this video
03:40700 people are watching this video
03:42and I am telling you to share
03:44again and again
03:46standing here
03:48the owner of this restaurant
03:50who has gone in green dress
03:52he told me that word
03:54he is a nutritionist
03:56by profession
03:58and a nutritionist
04:00opened this restaurant with his partner
04:02and that word
04:04I will tell you now
04:06I am searching for that word
04:08since last 3 years
04:10that word
04:12you have to listen carefully
04:14thank you Muhammad Daud
04:16you are watching this video from Pakistan
04:18thank you for sending star support
04:20in this video
04:22what I am telling in this video
04:24is valid in Pakistan, India
04:26and America
04:28but mostly doctors
04:30will not tell you
04:32why cancer happens
04:34cancer happens because
04:36in your body
04:38if you follow the principles of Ayurveda
04:40then Vata
04:42Pitta, Kapha, Vata
04:44these three
04:46are the systems of Ayurveda
04:48my grandfather
04:50was an Ayurvedic doctor
04:52I have been taking Ayurveda since childhood
04:54my body is not used to
04:56taking allopathy
04:58so when I will have cancer
05:00I will have to take allopathy
05:02because the world knows that allopathy
05:04cures cancer
05:06you are watching this video live
05:08I am telling you again and again
05:10share this video
05:12cancer happens
05:14when alkalinity
05:16reduces in your body
05:18then acidity increases
05:20from that acidity
05:22cancer is born
05:24so if you want to stay away from cancer
05:26medical bills
05:28stay away from expenses
05:30then reduce your acidity
05:32how to reduce acidity
05:34how to reduce acidity
05:36by increasing alkalinity
05:38acidity reduces
05:40everyone studied chemistry
05:42in school
05:441100 people are watching this video live
05:46everyone studied chemistry in school
05:48you must have heard of
05:50pH scale
05:52on pH scale
05:54the number 3,4,5,6
05:56are the symptoms of acidity
05:58the number 8,9
06:00are alkaline
06:04and the owner of this restaurant
06:06this restaurant is not even open for a month
06:08his name is Pappadilla
06:10he gives pizzas,pasta
06:12olive oil
06:14and he uses big words
06:16which the villagers like me
06:18don't understand
06:20that is basil
06:22but what can I do
06:24I studied a little English in my previous life
06:26basil means basil
06:28and when there were
06:30big basil leaves
06:32which I ate
06:34I ate the whole pizza
06:36one person can't eat the whole pizza
06:38but I ate
06:40and I saw
06:42after eating the whole pizza
06:44do I have acidity or not
06:46I don't have
06:48because the ingredients
06:50they put in their pizza
06:52are alkaline ingredients
06:54if you want to stay away from cancer
06:56increase alkalinity in your system
06:58say bye bye to coca cola
07:00say bye bye to beer
07:02say bye bye to Fanta
07:04tell all your kids
07:06that coca cola increases acidity
07:08from butter
07:10acidity increases
07:14mom says at home
07:16son eat less butter
07:18no mom I like that butter
07:20taste is good
07:22when you reach my age
07:24acidity will increase
07:26show your kids
07:28tag your relatives
07:30because we have to
07:32invest in India's next generation
07:34my fight is at the last stage
07:36of cancer
07:38according to allopathy
07:40I have 6 months, 14 years, 1 year
07:44but I am a fighter
07:46you have been watching me making videos for 5 years
07:50and in this video
07:52I told a big thing in a small
07:54simple thing
07:56in a village
07:58they will tell you
08:00to insert neem
08:02what will you say
08:04colgate, pepsodent
08:12fluoride interacts
08:14with your pituitary gland
08:16pituitary gland
08:18Google it
08:20it's pituitary gland
08:22It impacts the pituitary gland and the fluoride attacks it.
08:27But since childhood, we say to our parents,
08:30Son, did you brush your teeth in the morning?
08:33Did you apply toothpaste?
08:35Did you apply it at night?
08:37The fluoride in the toothpaste is impacting your pituitary gland.
08:43But you don't find toothpaste in cities.
08:47If you look at the nearby trees, you will find coconut trees.
08:50You won't find neem tree.
08:51Apply neem tree.
08:52On March 7, a viewer of AAM Press thought that it was my birthday that day.
08:58So he planted a neem tree in my name.
09:01He asked me which tree to plant.
09:03I said, plant neem tree.
09:05Her name is Mahi.
09:06She lives in Delhi.
09:07I have never met her.
09:08I had also posted that photo on this timeline.
09:12But my birthday happens every day.
09:14Like yours happens every day.
09:16I wake up in the morning.
09:17You wake up in the morning.
09:18We get up from a subconscious state.
09:20We watch sunrise.
09:21I am posting so many photos of sunrise every day.
09:25Because sunrise, which is the sunrise in the morning, gives you vitamin D.
09:32You think, there is sunlight.
09:33After 10 AM, I will go out in the sun, I will sweat.
09:38Then I will get vitamin D.
09:39In that, UV rays will be there.
09:41You think that I will go to the gym for 2000 rupees per month.
09:44Then you will say, no, no, that other gym is better.
09:46He charges Rs. 10,000 per month.
09:48Hey, man, use your brain carefully.
09:50You are going to sweat.
09:52The AC is on since morning.
09:53So, how will your glands open?
09:55I am telling you about local cancer treatment.
09:58Increase the alkalinity.
09:59Reduce the acidity.
10:01This restaurant, come and eat here.
10:04The owner of this restaurant
10:06is a nutritionist himself
10:08with whom I have been sitting for 1.5 hours.
10:10She had the time to talk to me.
10:13No owner has the time to talk to one customer.
10:15But she took out the time.
10:17She said, I am understanding your problem.
10:19He is half my age.
10:21But he took out 1.5 hours for me.
10:23And I already knew all this.
10:27I keep digging with a sledgehammer.
10:29I keep digging for information.
10:30My name is Robin Hood.
10:32I am not Pakpak Swami
10:34that I will come at 9 o'clock
10:35and beat the government on television.
10:38I speak the truth openly.
10:39That's why I call a fakir a fakir.
10:41That's why I call Jhola Master a Jhola Master.
10:43That's why I say Jhumla on Jhumla.
10:45Jhumla on Jhumla.
10:46Allopathy is also a type of Jhumla.
10:49Not for everyone.
10:50Not in every case.
10:51Allopathy suppresses your problem.
10:54It doesn't cure it.
10:56You know it.
10:57I know it too.
10:58I knew it before I was born.
11:00My mother's father,
11:01that is, my grandfather was an Ayurvedic doctor.
11:04He is dead now.
11:05But my mother was taught.
11:07My mother is alive.
11:08She has been feeding me Ayurveda since childhood.
11:10But we live in cities
11:12and forget that
11:13don't do toothpaste.
11:15If you go to the mall in the city,
11:17there will be 36 types of toothpaste there.
11:19Then you will say
11:20this is small, this is big, this is expensive,
11:22this will make your teeth whiter.
11:24This is what they teach you in malls.
11:26This is what they teach you in advertising.
11:28While the fact is that
11:29you know and I also know
11:31that the tooth of a neem tree
11:33is the healthiest.
11:35So share the video.
11:371400 people are still watching this video live.
11:39I am telling this for free.
11:41I have cancer on me.
11:43I am telling these things for free.
11:45I am not even taking money from you.
11:47Because I don't have a business.
11:49I am not a doctor.
11:50I don't run a hospital.
11:51I do wish to make a cancer hospital.
11:53What I have earned all over the world,
11:55I have to leave it here.
11:57If Imran Khan,
11:58the Prime Minister of Pakistan,
11:59can make a cancer hospital,
12:01if India's Tata can make a cancer hospital,
12:03then can't this Panchpur Change make a cancer hospital?
12:06I can also make it.
12:08I will make it.
12:09It's been 6 months.
12:10It's been a year.
12:11It's okay.
12:12I am doing my best.
12:13I am doing my best to make this video.
12:15All you have to do is share it.
12:17So when you get time,
12:18in Shastrinagar,
12:19there is a Mercedes showroom in a corner.
12:21There is a laboratory on top of it.
12:23The name of the laboratory is
12:24Suburban Diagnostics.
12:25I go there a lot.
12:26To get a blood test done.
12:28Today I asked the madam,
12:29who is a nutritionist,
12:30who is the owner of this restaurant.
12:33I said,
12:35is there any test for alkalinity?
12:37Is your blood alkaline or acidic?
12:39She said,
12:40I don't know such a test.
12:42She said,
12:43I will do research.
12:44That word was enough for me.
12:45When she said,
12:46I will dig deep.
12:47I will get back to you.
12:50So save yourself.
12:51Save your next generation.
12:53Save your parents.
12:54Make your systems more alkaline.
12:56Stay away from acidity.
12:58When mom says,
12:59don't drink Coca-Cola,
13:01then don't drink it.
13:02Drink lemon water.
13:04Drink lassi.
13:05Drink buttermilk.
13:06Add mint leaves.
13:09Eat mint and coriander.
13:11Eat spinach.
13:12Eat green vegetables.
13:14Eat carrots.
13:15I am not saying cow dung.
13:17I am saying carrots.
13:20Okay, bye.
13:21Share the video.
13:22It will help millions of people.
13:24Across the planet.
13:26Bye bye.
13:28It was good to eat pizza here.
13:32Thank you Vishal Siksena.
13:37Thank you Ganesh.
13:39Abhinav Bhalla.
13:41Abhinav Bhalla says,
13:43I love you from my heart.
13:45I also love you from my heart.
13:47Sir, I am there for you to serve cancer patients.
13:49Says Harvinder Singh Bhela.
13:52Runa Sangha is watching.
13:54Runa ji, share this video.
13:55Let the information reach.
14:00Middle class will stand for middle class.
14:03In demonetization,
14:04Your parents were also there.
14:06My parents were also there.
14:08You were also there.
14:09I was also there.
14:10Do you know who was not there?
14:13Which one?
14:16Devotees must have got chillies by now.
14:19But Modi ji's mother also went there to click photos.
14:21No, no.
14:22To change notes.
14:23Photos are the same.
14:24Photographers come together for free.
14:27I promised to speak bitter truth.
14:29I am doing it and I will keep saying it.
14:32Share this video please.
14:34God bless you all.
14:35Okay, bye bye.