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Emmerdale 1st July 2024


00:00We can't just kidnap her.
00:12Yes, we can. We need to get her away from him.
00:14She is not happy.
00:15Yeah, I know, but...
00:16Oh, come on.
00:17I mean, it is a bit weird, isn't it? Not telling us about the miscarriage. You think we're
00:21the first people she'd come to, especially now Lisa's not around.
00:24Exactly. And where the hell is Mandy when I specifically told her to be here on time?
00:27She's here.
00:28Oh, late as per usual.
00:30Oh, yeah, I'm sorry. He looks so scared.
00:31It's fine. You're here now. Just shut up.
00:32Where's she and Ed?
00:33Oh, he's on his way.
00:34Yeah, and what's the plan?
00:35You know what the plan is? Ejection bell out of that house.
00:40Fancy a bacon butty?
00:41With a fried egg on top. That'd be great.
00:44How's your tea? Milky enough?
00:47Hello! Grab me a coat.
00:48Yeah, I'm sure you'll need a coat, Ronnie. We're not rolled.
00:49What, where are we off?
00:50Home. Girly day in. You know it's chilly, don't you?
00:51She's been a bit down because of Samson. Manny and Pebby's all round.
00:52And the best bit is...
00:54Hey, I'd love to, but I can't leave Tom.
00:55Good job we found some babysitters, then.
00:56Lads, do you want to come in?
00:58Here are your nurses for the day.
00:59And we brought your medication.
01:00I can't drink. I'm on painkillers.
01:01Listen, Tom, we've thought of everything.
01:03I'd love to, but I've just told you I can't.
01:04Yes, Belle, yes, you can.
01:05So, Tom, do you want to put your big boy pants on and tell her it's fine?
01:06It's fine.
01:07It's fine.
01:08It's fine.
01:09It's fine.
01:10It's fine.
01:11It's fine.
01:12It's fine.
01:13It's fine.
01:14It's fine.
01:15It's fine.
01:16It's fine.
01:17It's fine.
01:18Oh, she don't need permission from me.
01:19So it's okay, then.
01:20Go ahead.
01:21Hijack my wife, why don't ya?
01:22You heard the man.
01:23Let's get her out of here.
01:24Go, go, go, go!
01:25I'll get these at the fruit shop.
01:26Why not answer your phone?
01:27I've been busy.
01:28Come and go and see Winty.
01:29I thought you weren't feeling very well.
01:30I wasn't, but I'm better now.
01:31I'm better now.
01:32I'm better now.
01:33I'm better now.
01:34I'm better now.
01:35I'm better now.
01:36I'm better now.
01:37I'm better now.
01:38I'm better now.
01:39I'm better now.
01:40I'm better now.
01:41I'm better now.
01:42I'm better now.
01:43Come on, go see Winty.
01:44I thought you weren't feeling very well.
01:46I wasn't, but I'm better now.
01:48Yeah, I bet.
01:50It's amazing what back-to-back cartoons can do.
01:53So can I.
01:54Yes, but no running off.
02:01That was just the list of yesterday.
02:04Oh, you know, the usual.
02:06He's doing all he can, blah, blah, blah.
02:09I just hope that Matty's holding up.
02:12Matty will be fine.
02:13Well, how would you know?
02:15Because I went to see him.
02:19Well, why didn't you say anything?
02:21Because you'd been avoiding me.
02:23And you weren't there when I got up.
02:25Plus, you didn't answer any calls.
02:27And I didn't want to worry you.
02:29About what?
02:32Matty's got a cellmate.
02:35A cellmate?
02:38Does he do his trans?
02:43It won't be long before he finds out.
02:45Oh, God, this is the last thing that Matty needs.
02:48Why didn't you tell me?
02:50Because I didn't get the chance.
02:51No, you couldn't be bothered more like.
02:52And do you know why?
02:53Because he's not your son.
02:58How is everything, lads?
03:00Oh, you know, we're getting there.
03:06You're going to tell us a lie.
03:08Oh, like a bull in a flaming china shop, man.
03:10She needs to know.
03:12Know what?
03:12OK, fine.
03:16Look, today isn't about Lydia.
03:20Today is about you.
03:22What are you on about?
03:24We just wanted you to have a safe space.
03:26So you could talk to us, be open.
03:29You know, and honest about stuff.
03:32What stuff?
03:33Well, your miscarriage for starters.
03:36You promised you wouldn't say anything.
03:37Oh, come on, Belle.
03:38We're a family, they deserve to know.
03:41I'm off home.
03:42Oh, don't be daft.
03:43I'm not being daft.
03:44You've got me here under false pretenses.
03:45Yes, because we happen to care about you.
03:47Why didn't you tell us?
03:49Normally, we'd be the first people you told.
03:53Belle, this isn't like you.
03:55I need to get home to Tom.
03:56No, you don't.
03:57OK, Tom is fine.
03:58If anything, you need a break from him.
04:00And anyway, he'll be having a whale of a time.
04:02So, um, how are you?
04:11You know, after the miscarriage.
04:16He knows.
04:20Well, don't be like that.
04:21I'm not being like anything, Jimmy.
04:23I'm fine.
04:24It's just Belle I'm worried about.
04:26She's not coping.
04:27Well, I wonder how the girls are getting on.
04:30Probably comparing notes, knowing them.
04:35You can tell he hasn't been married very long.
04:37Well, that's what women do when they get together, don't they?
04:39Discuss the partners.
04:41They'll definitely be dissecting you.
04:44Being the newbie on the scene.
04:46Fresh meat.
04:49So, when did it happen?
04:52About a week ago.
04:55And the reason I didn't say anything
04:56is because you've all had so much going on with Samson.
04:59Oh, Luffy.
05:02How did Tom take it?
05:04He was upset.
05:06For me, mainly.
05:08And you didn't suggest he might tell us?
05:10I mean, we are family after all.
05:13It was my decision not to.
05:15You told Mac and Noah?
05:17Because he knew how devastated you were.
05:20After your ectopic pregnancy.
05:21Well, then he should have asked me!
05:22It's all right, Gerard.
05:23No! I'm sorry!
05:25It's all beginning to sound a bit like
05:26it's one rule for him and another for her.
05:30Marlon's just wondering if you've had a chance to look at the menu.
05:32Yep, we certainly have.
05:35I'll have the chicken liver pate, please.
05:38Followed by the beef stocking off.
05:41And for you, Chas?
05:42Get us another bottle.
05:51What is wrong with you?
05:52I'll tell you what's wrong with me.
05:53We're getting nowhere with her.
05:54At least she's talking.
05:55No! It's all a load of rubbish!
05:57She's just telling us what we want to hear.
06:01Maybe she's hiding something.
06:02I know she is. It's so obvious!
06:04Well, you pecking her head every five minutes isn't going to help, is it?
06:07She needs to feel relaxed and then she might start opening up.
06:11Lisa would want us to make sure that she's OK.
06:14And that is exactly what we're doing.
06:16Just need to go easier on her.
06:21I'll try.
06:26Yeah, well, just let me know if you hear anything, OK?
06:31Thank you. Bye.
06:33If anything's happened, we'd have heard.
06:36And you're 100% sure of that, are you?
06:39He'll be fine.
06:41And how did you work that out, Cain?
06:44Cos I gave him a pep talk.
06:45You did what?
06:47Yeah, told him to stick up for himself.
06:48I mean, how is that helping him?
06:52He's not you!
06:53I can't do right for doing wrong, can I?
06:55Well, no way should you have sat on this information.
06:57So what should I do?
06:58Be supporting me!
06:59It's not too hard to understand, is it?
07:01I am your wife, remember?
07:05What is it?
07:06It's Minty. He's dead.
07:13Do you know what?
07:14If I was on death row and they said to me,
07:18you can have a night with whoever you want, including Tom Hardy,
07:23or an extra large portion of your favourite pudding,
07:26then I'd have to be pudding every time.
07:28Me and all.
07:29No, I'd choose our father.
07:32Cos I would.
07:33He's the love of my life.
07:35Doesn't taste as good as sticky toffee pudding.
07:36Shall we get back to what we were talking about earlier?
07:38Oh, I don't wonder what that was then, eh?
07:40As if we don't know.
07:42Maybe it's time to lay off your Prosecco, Mande.
07:48Who is it?
07:52Hey, Tom, you having a good time with lads?
07:54Man, shut up.
07:55Bugger off.
07:56I'm just gonna take this outside.
08:06Sorry. Couldn't hear myself thinking there.
08:09Do you have to treat animals when you can't stand?
08:11Oh, nothing. Just Mande be Mande.
08:13You OK?
08:14No. I'm missing you.
08:16Humans are humans.
08:18Why don't you come home?
08:21Hey, is it time you'll see him later?
08:23Give us a minute, yeah?
08:24What you doing then?
08:26Sorry, people having too much fun here.
08:30Yeah, but we don't like old animals, do we?
08:32Just cos they don't...
08:33Why would you do that, Charity?
08:35Cos you're supposed to be spending the day with us.
08:37He's my husband.
08:39Not your keeper.
08:40Why is he phoning you anyway?
08:42Just to see how I am.
08:44You've only been gone five minutes.
08:47He's keeping tabs on you.
08:49No, he isn't.
08:50How do you know it?
08:51Bell, what is going on?
09:09You all right, mate?
09:11No, I just got cut off.
09:13Oh, you'll learn.
09:14If I phone Nico when she was out with a girl,
09:17she'd do more than cut me call off.
09:19Are they having a nice time, though?
09:21I don't know, it all sounded a bit chaotic.
09:23Don't forget there's alcohol involved.
09:24I mean more than that.
09:25And apparently Mandy was being Mandy.
09:27Oh, maybe we should go over there.
09:31Are you insane?
09:32I'd stay well away from there.
09:35You're not thinking of phoning her again, are you?
09:37I can't leave it like that.
09:39Yes, you can.
09:40Have you got a death wish?
09:43Well, we're your family, and we love you.
09:46So what's wrong?
09:48Because I know something is.
09:50Just tell me.
09:53There's nothing to tell.
09:55OK, how can we never see you anymore?
09:58You do.
09:59Yeah, I know, but only when you're with him.
10:01And then when we do get you to ourselves, he's phoning you.
10:03You're not joined to the hip.
10:05I just need to get the crisps.
10:07Get the crisps, Gail.
10:09Andy sold your car.
10:10What's that got to do with anything?
10:13It makes you dependent on him.
10:15Cherry, I can't believe you're being like this.
10:17He's only ever been kind about you.
10:19Says how supportive you are, and look at you now.
10:21You're slagging him off.
10:22OK, fine.
10:23What about the rotary air slayer?
10:24What about it?
10:25Noah said it was absolutely fine when he left it.
10:28And then what about this recent relapse you've had?
10:31Are you really going to blame him for that as well?
10:33No, I'm not going to blame him.
10:35What about this recent relapse you've had?
10:38Are you really going to blame him for that as well?
10:40I don't know.
10:41You tell me.
10:42You better back off, Cherry, or I'll say I'm going to go home.
10:59But I don't want him to be dead.
11:03I know you don't, sweetheart.
11:07You remember I said this might happen, yeah?
11:10And why was that?
11:12Because he was an orphan, and his mummy left him.
11:15Yeah, that's right.
11:17And you know that most orphan lambs,
11:20they don't live as long as Minty has.
11:22I know, but I loved him.
11:25I know, and he loved you very much.
11:28I'm so sorry, Isaac.
11:30I'm so sorry that this has happened to you.
11:34This is the harsh reality of farming
11:36that your mum has to deal with every day.
11:38But you know what? You should be proud of yourself.
11:40What for?
11:42For making Minty's short life the happiest it possibly could have been.
11:48Let's go home, yeah?
12:09This brandy's nice. What is it?
12:12Yeah, got it from Greece.
12:14It was about ten years ago you were in Greece.
12:16So, brandy doesn't go off.
12:18Glad I stopped on Prosecco.
12:22So, are you going to go back to take a vow?
12:25I'm not sure.
12:27Not thought about it.
12:28You love that job, and you're good at it.
12:30Things change.
12:32Come on, you can't just not work.
12:36Well, she can't. She's the bright one in the family.
12:38Excuse me, I've got two O-levels.
12:40In woodwork and damp.
12:49So, how are things with you and Tom?
12:56You lot are so transparent.
12:58We're just trying to look out for you.
13:01I take it you've all got a problem with Tom, then, yeah?
13:07We want you to be happy.
13:10You know, if you're happy, then we're happy.
13:13Please, will you just stop pussyfooting around, all of you?
13:17Belle, we are worried sick about you.
13:19OK, so I'll say it, shall I?
13:21If you are with the wrong man,
13:23and he's making you miserable, you need to tell us.
13:27Well, we've all said it, haven't we?
13:30She is not herself any more. She's changed.
13:32Maybe because I've had a miscarriage, Charity.
13:37Or maybe it's because I've had a breakdown.
13:40Or maybe I'm just not some kid any more.
13:43But the way you have just spoken to me out there,
13:46in that corridor, like Tom is some kind of weirdo...
13:49No, I never said he was weird.
13:50No, but you implied it.
13:52You implied it, didn't you?
13:55So if you're asking me...
13:58..I think someone's lost the plot.
14:01Where are you going?
14:02To the bog.
14:03That all right?
14:09That went well.
14:12Every time I see her, she's...
14:14..she's changed.
14:17She's harder.
14:20Nicola says it's just cos she's getting older,
14:23but it's not.
14:25She's just not my angel any more.
14:30Jimmy, what are you like?
14:32What's happened?
14:33He just spilled beer all over himself.
14:35I'll get a cloth.
14:36No, no, no, Jimmy, it's fine, I'll deal with it.
14:39Look, maybe we should call it a day.
14:41Yeah, probably.
14:42Come on, Jimmy, let's get you home.
14:44I can get myself home.
14:46Nicola's gonna kill us.
14:48I'll leave you in peace.
14:49Actually, I'm sort of up and running now.
14:52You don't fancy popping over to the woolly, do you?
15:07So this is where you're hiding?
15:10I've been worried about you.
15:13Babe, we just want what's best for you.
15:16I know that.
15:19So then talk to me.
15:21I've been talking to you all day, Charity.
15:23You're just not listening.
15:24Oh, come on, Belle.
15:30At least look at me.
15:33Look, please don't bite my head off,
15:37but I just get this feeling that Tom is...
15:41maybe not the man that everybody thinks he is.
15:45And I also sense that you don't know what to do or who to tell,
15:49so please, Belle, please tell me.
15:56You know, there's no shame in admitting
15:58that you might have made a mistake.
16:00We've all been there.
16:02I love him.
16:04Tom's the best thing that's ever happened to me.
16:07I don't believe you, Belle.
16:12Hey, listen.
16:14It's all gonna be OK, I promise.
16:16All right? No matter how hard it gets, you've always got me.
16:21Come here.
16:24Come here.
16:38Belle? What is going on?
16:40I'm so sorry.
16:42What's happening?
16:43I need to go after her.
16:44No, leave her.
16:45No, I need to.
16:46I said no. You need to stay away.
16:48And why's that, Tom?
16:50Look, she has been struggling a lot.
16:52Since the miscarriage.
16:53She's finding it hard to accept, doesn't want to talk about it.
16:56That's why I was so nervous for today.
17:01Look, she's been lashing out again.
17:03Mainly at me, but we are dealing with it.
17:05OK, so please, just leave us to it.
17:13I should probably go.
17:15See how she is.
17:17If I need your help, I will ask, OK?
17:20But other than that, just stay away.
17:23I've got this. I promise.
17:38Poor bloke.
17:45Poor Belle.
17:51How is he?
17:54He's fine.
17:56He's drawing a picture of me and my mum up in heaven.
17:59Said we'd stick it on the fridge.
18:06You were great with him earlier.
18:08Was I?
18:10You know you were.
18:12You're a good mum.
18:15And how come Holly's dead,
18:17Matty's in prison and Adam's on the run?
18:21I'm sorry.
18:23I have tried my best.
18:26No, I'm sorry too.
18:28For calling you weak and pathetic.
18:31But let's not go over all that again.
18:39Death has this weird way of putting things in perspective, doesn't it?
18:44I love you.
18:47And I love you.
18:49Right. Well, that's all that matters.
19:05Where is she?
19:07I don't know.
19:08Just as I was getting somewhere, I know.
19:10And then guess what?
19:12He shows up, doesn't he?
19:16Well, what? I'm worried about her.
19:19Maybe you're seeing things that aren't there.
19:22Come on, you saw how defensive she was over him.
19:25Well, you were giving her the third degree.
19:27Oh, I give up.
19:28Best thing she's said all day.
19:29Give it a rest, man.
19:31It's like she's obsessed.
19:41You're not mad at me, are you?
19:43Of course not.
19:44I'm mad at them for interrogating you.
19:47I'm just sorry you had to witness that.
19:50Well, don't be.
19:53It must have been awful.
19:55Who is it?
19:56It's Charity.
19:58As if I want to talk to her right now.
19:59Oh, don't be too hard on her.
20:01You should have heard what she was saying about you.
20:03Forget it. She probably didn't mean it.
20:05I want to keep her at arm's length for now.
20:08Actually, do you mind if I take this off?
20:11I fancy a bath. I just want to detoxify myself.
20:13Good idea.
20:14Are you going to be okay?
20:16I'll be fine.
20:21Take as long as you want.
20:44Hey, Tom King here.
20:46Listen, I've had time to think about that job,
20:49and, uh, yeah.
20:52Yeah, I'm really keen to be interviewed.
20:57Yes. Yes.
20:59Me and the wife have had a chat,
21:01and, um, yeah, we think relocating will actually be really good for us.
21:05Yeah, a new start and all that.
21:10Yeah, a new start and all that.
21:13So, yeah, Wales sounds perfect.