• 3 months ago
00:00:20Sorry, Sarge.
00:00:21Pick a man.
00:00:23Bring your kit.
00:00:24Yes, Sarge.
00:00:40No Toto.
00:00:41No, Sarge.
00:00:48Did they feed us?
00:00:49No, just mail.
00:01:04Myrtle's having puppies?
00:01:07You get anything?
00:01:10Oh, I'm bloody starving, aren't you?
00:01:12Thought we might get some decent grab out here.
00:01:14It's the only reason I decided against the priesthood.
00:01:20What have you got there?
00:01:21Ham and bread.
00:01:22Where did you find that?
00:01:23I have my uses.
00:01:30Tastes like old shin.
00:01:32Cheer up.
00:01:33This time next week it'll be chicken dinner.
00:01:35Not me.
00:01:36My leave got cancelled.
00:01:38They say why?
00:01:39No idea.
00:01:41It's easier not to go back at all.
00:01:50Something's up.
00:01:51Did you hear anything?
00:01:53Has to be the push, right?
00:01:55Ten bob says we're going up.
00:01:57We're not taking that bet.
00:01:59Do you know I'm right?
00:02:00No, because you haven't got ten bob.
00:02:04In your own time, gentlemen.
00:02:06Is there any news, Sarge?
00:02:07News of what?
00:02:08The big push.
00:02:09It was supposed to happen weeks ago.
00:02:10They told us we'd be home by Christmas.
00:02:11Yes, well, sorry to disrupt your crowded schedule, Blake,
00:02:12but the brass hatch didn't fancy it in the snow.
00:02:13More for Pete, Sarge.
00:02:14I could have done with some turkey.
00:02:15Well, I'll make sure to relay your displeasure, so come on.
00:02:17So what's on the cards then, Sergeant?
00:02:18Hunter up to something.
00:02:19Any idea what?
00:02:21But it's about to ruin our weekend.
00:02:27Now, listen.
00:02:28Erinmore is inside, so tidy yourselves up.
00:02:30Never know.
00:02:31Might be mentions in dispatches for this one.
00:02:34If you don't bugger it up.
00:02:38Must be something big if the General's here.
00:02:46Lance Corporals Blake and Schofield, sir.
00:02:49Which one of you is Blake?
00:02:52You have a brother, a lieutenant in the Second Ovens?
00:02:54Yes, sir.
00:02:55Joseph Blake, is he...
00:02:57As far as I know.
00:02:58And with your help, I'd like to keep it that way.
00:03:00Sardis tells me you're good with maps, is that true?
00:03:02Good enough, sir.
00:03:03So, we are here.
00:03:07The Second Ovens are advancing here.
00:03:09How long will it take you to get there?
00:03:11I don't understand, sir.
00:03:12Sir, that land is held by the Germans.
00:03:14The Germans have gone.
00:03:15Don't get your hopes up.
00:03:17It appears to be a strategic withdrawal.
00:03:19They seem to have created a new line nine miles back here, by the looks of it.
00:03:22Colonel McKenzie is in command of the Second.
00:03:24He sent word yesterday morning he was going after the retreating Germans.
00:03:27He is convinced he has them on the run.
00:03:29But if he can break their lines now, he will turn the tide.
00:03:32He is wrong.
00:03:33Colonel McKenzie has not seen these aerials of the enemy's new line.
00:03:36Come round here, gentlemen.
00:03:38Three miles deep.
00:03:39Field fortifications, defences, artillery, the like of which we've never seen before.
00:03:43The Second are due to attack the line shortly after dawn tomorrow.
00:03:46They have no idea what they're in for.
00:03:48And we can't warn them.
00:03:49As a parting gift, the enemy cut all our telephone lines.
00:03:51Your orders are to get to the Second at Quassy Wood, one mile south-east of the town of Auguste.
00:03:55Deliver this to Colonel McKenzie.
00:03:57It is a direct order to call off tomorrow morning's attack.
00:03:59If you don't, it will be a massacre.
00:04:01We will lose two battalions.
00:04:02Sixteen hundred men, your brother among them.
00:04:04Do you think you can get there in time?
00:04:06Yes, sir.
00:04:07Any questions?
00:04:08No, sir.
00:04:09Good. Over to you, Lieutenant.
00:04:12Supplies, gentlemen.
00:04:14Map, torches, grenades, and a couple of little treats.
00:04:17Leave immediately.
00:04:18Take the strength west, up on Salkey Hall Street, then northwest on Paradise Alley at the front.
00:04:21Continue along the front line until you find the Yorks.
00:04:23Give this note to Major Stevenson.
00:04:24He's holding the line at the shortest span of no man's land.
00:04:26We'll cross there.
00:04:27It'll be daylight, sir. They'll see us.
00:04:29If you're concerned, you should meet their resistance.
00:04:35Sir, is it just us?
00:04:37Down to Gehenna, or up to the throne.
00:04:39He travels the fastest who travels alone.
00:04:41Wouldn't you say, Lieutenant?
00:04:42Yes, sir. I would.
00:04:44Good luck.
00:04:52Blake, let's talk about this for a minute.
00:05:05We just need to think about it.
00:05:06There's nothing to think about. He's my big brother.
00:05:07We should at least wait until it's dark.
00:05:08Erinmore said to leave immediately.
00:05:09Erinmore's never seen no man's land.
00:05:11We won't make it ten yards.
00:05:12If we just wait...
00:05:13You heard him. He said the Bosch is gone.
00:05:15Is that why he gave us grenades?
00:05:23This way, you dummy.
00:05:30All I'm saying is that we wait.
00:05:32Yes, he would say that, because he's not your brother, is he?
00:05:36Look, the last man I spoke to, Jones, forgot that he didn't have a brother.
00:05:39You don't know, Blake. You weren't there.
00:05:42Excuse me. Excuse me.
00:05:48You're going up a down trench, you bloody idiot.
00:05:50What did the General say?
00:05:59All right, say the Bosch have gone.
00:06:01Nine miles would take us, what, six hours?
00:06:02Eight at the very most.
00:06:03So we've got time to wait until the sun sets.
00:06:05This enemy territory, we've got no idea what we're walking into.
00:06:07Blake, if we're not clever about this, no one will get to your brother.
00:06:10I will.
00:06:13We're here.
00:06:14This is the front line.
00:06:16Now we need to find the orcs.
00:06:49What's with your shotgun? Get out of the way, mate.
00:06:51Who the fuck do you think you are?
00:06:52Let go! Let go of me!
00:06:53I don't look down on sergeants!
00:06:54They're not fucking wounded!
00:06:55All right, I'm sorry, all right? I'm sorry!
00:06:56We're all commissioned.
00:06:57Orders from the General.
00:06:59Get out of the way.
00:07:02Just watch where you're going.
00:07:22It's bloody quiet.
00:07:24Was it like this before Tefal?
00:07:25I don't remember.
00:07:27You don't remember the song?
00:07:28Not really.
00:07:29Come on.
00:07:31Well, you did all right out of it.
00:07:33At least wear your ribbon.
00:07:35I don't have it anymore.
00:07:37You lost your medal.
00:07:38It's down the way.
00:07:44Stay low.
00:07:49We've got to stay careful there.
00:07:50He's stepping on the dead.
00:07:51And that's not a sergeant.
00:07:53We'd better watch him, the man has dug out with a bloody hose.
00:07:54Do you know where the orcs are?
00:07:55Next bend, he'll be standing on top of half of them.
00:07:56Shot to hell tonight, you know.
00:08:04The orcs?
00:08:05Yes, Corporal.
00:08:06Where's Major Stephenson?
00:08:08Couple of nights ago, Corporal.
00:08:09Lieutenant Leslie has come on.
00:08:10Where can we find him?
00:08:11Next dugout.
00:08:23Lieutenant Leslie, sir?
00:08:24What is it?
00:08:25We have a message from General Aramore.
00:08:26Are you all relieved?
00:08:27No, sir.
00:08:28When the fucking hell are they due?
00:08:29We don't know, sir, but we've got orders to cross here.
00:08:30That is the German front line.
00:08:31We know, sir.
00:08:32If you'll just take the letter.
00:08:35Settle a bet.
00:08:36What day is it?
00:08:39Well, none of us was right.
00:08:40This idiot thought it was Tuesday.
00:08:41Sorry, sir.
00:08:42Are they out of their fucking minds?
00:08:43One slow night, the boss thinks the Hun have just gone home.
00:08:45Do you think they're wrong, sir?
00:08:47We lost an officer and three men two nights ago.
00:08:49They were shot to bits, patching up wire.
00:08:50We dragged two of them back here.
00:08:51Nearly bodied them.
00:08:54The German are sure the enemy have withdrawn.
00:08:55There are aerials at the new line that shut up.
00:08:56We fought and died over every inch of this fucking place.
00:08:58Now they suddenly give us miles.
00:08:59It's a trap.
00:09:02But you know, there's a medal in it, for sure.
00:09:04Nothing like a scrap of ribbon to cheer up a widow.
00:09:07All right.
00:09:10Where's the nearest way through, sir?
00:09:11Our wire's a mess, but there is a path through of sorts.
00:09:14Let him look.
00:09:18Straight ahead to the left, past the dead horses.
00:09:19There's a gap directly behind them.
00:09:22Because if it's dark, you follow the stench.
00:09:23When you get to the second wire, look out for the bowing chap.
00:09:26There's a small break just beside him.
00:09:27The German line is 150-odd yards after that.
00:09:29Watch out for the craters.
00:09:30They're deeper than they look.
00:09:31If you fall in, there's no getting out.
00:09:33This way.
00:09:35Wake up, Kilgore.
00:09:36Bloody waste of space.
00:09:37Any cover, sir?
00:09:38Any way to jump off?
00:09:39No. The sap trench was blown to hell weeks ago.
00:09:40It was full of bodies, anyway.
00:09:41Your best bet is to pop over here.
00:09:45If you do get shot, try to make it back to the wire.
00:09:46We won't come after you, not till it's dark.
00:09:48And if by some fucking miracle you do make it, send up a flare.
00:09:50Don't have any, sir.
00:09:51Well, get in one, Kilgore, and make yourself useful.
00:09:53Yes, sir.
00:09:56Through this holy unctuant, may the Lord pardon you your faults
00:09:58and whatever sins thou has committed.
00:10:02I do hate losing these to the hunt, so when they start shooting at you,
00:10:05could you be so kind as to throw it back?
00:10:06Thank you, good chap.
00:10:15You sure?
00:10:20844 Beauty.
00:11:35You all right?
00:11:37Look for cover.
00:11:50Sap trench.
00:12:51Let's go.
00:12:58There it goes.
00:13:00Keep going. We're halfway.
00:13:46There's a gap in the wire.
00:14:26Let's go.
00:14:43There. That's the front line.
00:15:01Fuck me.
00:15:02They really have gone.
00:15:17Your hand all right?
00:15:19Put it through an effing jammer.
00:15:21Patch it up.
00:15:22You'll be wanking again, you know, Tyler.
00:15:24Wrong hand.
00:15:46They're not long gone.
00:16:02No good.
00:16:19This might be a way through.
00:16:37Look at this.
00:16:39It's massive.
00:16:42I built all this.
00:17:15Here's our way through.
00:17:16Let's go.
00:17:18What about this?
00:17:22Bloody hell.
00:17:25Even their rats are bigger than ours.
00:17:31What do you think's in the bags?
00:17:33You cannot be that hungry.
00:17:38Look at him.
00:17:39Cocky little bastard.
00:17:41You could eat this, though.
00:17:42What is it?
00:17:43Bosh dog meat.
00:17:45What's in the other boxes?
00:17:47What's wrong?
00:17:49Don't move.
00:17:51Where is it?
00:17:53It goes from here to the door.
00:17:57Oh, no.
00:18:27Wake up!
00:18:28Wake up!
00:18:31Scott! Scott!
00:18:34Stand up! Stand up!
00:18:36Stand up!
00:18:39Come on!
00:18:40Stand up!
00:18:44The whole thing's coming down!
00:18:47Come on!
00:18:49You keep hold of me!
00:18:59You need to keep moving!
00:19:00Come on!
00:19:01I can't see! I can't see!
00:19:04Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop!
00:19:06It's a blind shot!
00:19:07But we have to jump!
00:19:09Come on!
00:19:11You're going to have to jump!
00:19:12Just jump!
00:19:13I can't! I can't see!
00:19:14You need to trust me!
00:19:20Don't let go of me!
00:19:21Don't let go!
00:19:25Where's the lights?
00:19:33Stop! Stop!
00:19:35Just let me stand.
00:19:38Fucking 18 bastards!
00:19:39Fucking 18 bastards!
00:19:44Careful! They may have left other traps!
00:20:00The dust!
00:20:01So much dust in my eyes!
00:20:04Have some of mine.
00:20:09I wish I'd shot that right now.
00:20:11And I wish you'd picked some other bloody idiot.
00:20:14Why in God's name did you have to choose for me?
00:20:16I didn't know what I was picking you for.
00:20:17No, you didn't.
00:20:18You never know.
00:20:19That's your problem.
00:20:22All right then, go back.
00:20:24Nothing's stopping you.
00:20:25You can go all the way bloody home if you want.
00:20:27Just don't.
00:20:28I can't.
00:20:29I can't.
00:20:30I can't.
00:20:31Just don't.
00:20:33I didn't know what I was picking you for.
00:20:35I thought they were going to send us back up the line
00:20:36off for food or something.
00:20:38I thought it was going to be something easy.
00:20:40All right?
00:20:41I never thought it would be this.
00:20:47So do you want to go back?
00:20:51Just fire the fucking flare.
00:21:02Up yours, Lieutenant.
00:21:14Do you know where we are?
00:21:17The coast is directly southeast.
00:21:19And if we keep that bearing,
00:21:21we should make it.
00:21:25Come on then.
00:21:32Come on.
00:21:43Look at that.
00:21:44They destroyed their own guns.
00:21:46They destroyed their own trenches too.
00:21:48What do you mean?
00:21:50I think they wanted us to go that way.
00:21:51They wanted to bury us.
00:21:57You bastard rats.
00:22:03Did you hear that story about Wilco?
00:22:05How he lost his ear?
00:22:06I'm not in the mood.
00:22:07Keep your eyes on the trees.
00:22:08Top of the ridge.
00:22:11I bet he told you it was shrapnel.
00:22:13What was it then?
00:22:16you know his girl's a hairdresser, right?
00:22:18And he was moaning about the lack of bathing facilities
00:22:19when he wrote to her.
00:22:21Remember those rancid Jake's arrows?
00:22:24she sends him over this hair oil.
00:22:26It smells sweet.
00:22:27Like golden syrup.
00:22:30loves the smell.
00:22:32He doesn't want to cast it around in his pack.
00:22:35he slathers it all over his barnet,
00:22:37goes to sleep,
00:22:38and in the middle of the night,
00:22:39he wakes up
00:22:40and a rat
00:22:41is sitting on his shoulder
00:22:42licking the oil off his head.
00:22:44Wilco panics
00:22:45and he jumps up
00:22:46and when he does,
00:22:47the rat bites clean through his fucking ear
00:22:48and runs off with it.
00:22:50He made a hell of a fuzz.
00:22:53The best of it was,
00:22:54he put so much bloody oil on himself
00:22:55that he couldn't wash it off.
00:22:56He was like a magnet.
00:22:57The rats left us alone
00:22:58but they couldn't get enough of him.
00:23:00Poor bastard.
00:23:06Heading back home.
00:23:07I wonder what they saw.
00:23:10Watch the ridge, Lance.
00:23:14Well, that's your medal sorted then.
00:23:16What do you mean?
00:23:17Lance Corporal Blake
00:23:18showed unusual valour
00:23:19rescuing a comrade from certain death.
00:23:20Blah, blah, blah.
00:23:22You reckon?
00:23:24I do.
00:23:27that'd be nice
00:23:28since you lost yours.
00:23:29I didn't lose mine.
00:23:31What happens to it then?
00:23:32Why do you care?
00:23:33Why do you not?
00:23:35I swapped it with a French captain.
00:23:37You swapped it?
00:23:38For what?
00:23:39A bottle of wine.
00:23:41What did you do that for?
00:23:42I was thirsty.
00:23:44That's a waste.
00:23:46You should have
00:23:47taken it home with you.
00:23:48You should have
00:23:49given it to your family.
00:23:51Men have died for that.
00:23:53If I got a medal,
00:23:54I'd take it back home.
00:23:55Why didn't you just take it home?
00:23:56Look, it's just a bit of bloody tin.
00:23:57It doesn't make you special.
00:23:58It doesn't make any difference to anyone.
00:24:00Yes, it does.
00:24:02And it's not just a bit of tin.
00:24:03It's got a ribbon on it.
00:24:07I hated going home.
00:24:09I hated it.
00:24:11When I knew I couldn't stay.
00:24:13When I knew I had to leave
00:24:14and they might never see me.
00:24:32They chopped them all down.
00:24:43They might be dukes.
00:24:45Hard to tell when they aren't in fruit.
00:24:47What's the difference?
00:24:49When people think there's one type.
00:24:51There's lots of them.
00:24:52Converts, Greenhands, Montmorins.
00:24:53They're all the same.
00:24:55They're all the same.
00:24:56There's lots of them.
00:24:57Converts, Greenhands, Montmorins.
00:24:58Sweet ones, sour ones.
00:25:00Why on earth would you know this?
00:25:01Mum's got an orchard back home.
00:25:03Only a few trees.
00:25:05This time of year, it looks like it's been snowing.
00:25:07Blossom everywhere.
00:25:09And then in May,
00:25:10we have to pick them.
00:25:11Me and Joe.
00:25:13Takes the whole day.
00:25:15So these ones are all goners?
00:25:17I don't know.
00:25:18They'll grow again when the stones rot.
00:25:19You'll end up more trees than before.
00:25:24It looks abandoned.
00:25:25Let's hope so.
00:25:27We have to make sure.
00:25:50I'll take front, you take back.
00:25:56Come on.
00:26:26Did you find anything?
00:26:29I don't like this place.
00:26:56Come on.
00:26:58Come on.
00:27:23Map says
00:27:25get over that ridge.
00:27:26It's a straight shot to the coast.
00:27:57Is that our friends again?
00:27:59Looks like it.
00:28:03Who's winning?
00:28:04Us, I think.
00:28:06Two on one.
00:28:09I got him.
00:28:47This wasn't supposed to happen.
00:28:49That's Blossom.
00:28:53It's all right.
00:28:54It's all right.
00:28:55It's all right.
00:29:04No, no, no!
00:29:15Oh, God, no.
00:29:16Oh, my God, no!
00:29:19Jesus, no!
00:29:20Oh, Jesus!
00:29:21We have to stop the bleeding.
00:29:23Stop it! Stop it!
00:29:24We're going to be all right.
00:29:25We're going to stand up.
00:29:30No, I can't.
00:29:31I can't.
00:29:33We have to get to an aid post.
00:29:34I can't.
00:29:35I'll carry you. It isn't very far.
00:29:36Just bring a doctor here.
00:29:37We can't. We have to go together.
00:29:39We've got to get up.
00:29:40We've got to get up.
00:29:46Please, stop!
00:29:47Put me down!
00:29:48Put me down, you bastard!
00:29:50Put me down!
00:29:58You have to try to keep moving.
00:29:59Let's just sit.
00:30:00Let me sit.
00:30:01We can't.
00:30:02We have to find a second, remember?
00:30:03Your brother.
00:30:04We have to go now.
00:30:05You can start on without me.
00:30:06I'll catch up.
00:30:07You can't stay here.
00:30:08We have to move.
00:30:09All right?
00:30:10We have to move.
00:30:11Come on.
00:30:12Come on.
00:30:13Come on.
00:30:14That's it.
00:30:15Come on.
00:30:16Come on.
00:30:19Your brother.
00:30:20We have to find your brother.
00:30:22You'll recognise him.
00:30:24He looks like me.
00:30:25And he's a bit older.
00:30:35What's that, eh?
00:30:38Are we being shelled?
00:30:40They're embers.
00:30:41The barn's on fire.
00:30:45I've been hit.
00:30:47What was it?
00:30:49You were stabbed.
00:30:52Come on, Tony.
00:31:01Yes, I think you were.
00:31:22Come on.
00:31:34Will you write to my mum for me?
00:31:36I will.
00:31:39Tell her I wasn't scared.
00:31:43Anything else?
00:31:46I love them.
00:31:48I wish that...
00:31:50I wish that...
00:31:55Talk to me.
00:31:57Tell me you know the way.
00:32:01I know the way.
00:32:03I'm going to head south-east into Lake Atakust.
00:32:05I'll pass through the town, then out to the east, all the way to Kwasil Wood.
00:32:09It'll be dark by then.
00:32:11That won't bother me.
00:32:12I'll find the second.
00:32:14I'll give them the message.
00:32:15And then I'll find your brother.
00:32:17Just like you.
00:32:18I look forward to it.
00:32:48Come on.
00:33:18Come on.
00:33:42You all right, mate?
00:33:44Yeah, it's all right. It's OK.
00:33:46Come on, then.
00:33:49Oh, shit.
00:33:53What happened to him?
00:33:55Was it the plane?
00:33:56We saw the smoke.
00:34:09Go and fetch his things.
00:34:10Yes, sir.
00:34:13A friend.
00:34:16What are you doing here?
00:34:18I have an urgent message for the second battalions.
00:34:20Orders to stop tomorrow morning's attack.
00:34:22And where are they stationed?
00:34:23Just beyond Akust.
00:34:25Come with me.
00:34:30Come with me, Corporal. It's an order.
00:34:32We're passing through Akust. We can take you some of the way.
00:34:49Come on, Sergeant.
00:34:50Put more men on the bench.
00:34:52And the trusses will be heavier now.
00:34:54Maybe a tie squeeze.
00:34:55No, you're not going to be able to just lift it.
00:34:57Keep it at the front end, to the left.
00:34:59Jesus, they don't make things easy, do they?
00:35:01We could at least have been treated with a bit of grace, bastard.
00:35:04You're not one of mine.
00:35:05No, sir.
00:35:06He has an urgent message to deliver to the second devil, sir.
00:35:08Can you get past it?
00:35:09No, sir.
00:35:10Oh, for God's sake, just move it!
00:35:12There's room in the casuals' truck, sir.
00:35:13He has orders.
00:35:14Yes, yes, all right.
00:35:15Come on, now. You can get through there fast.
00:35:17How did you get here, sir?
00:35:19Across no man's land.
00:35:20Just outside Bropon.
00:35:22It was not all nice.
00:35:23Bumped into a couple of huns stragglers on the way.
00:35:24He made a nuisance of himself.
00:35:26You going up to the new line?
00:35:27We're tempted to.
00:35:28The Newfoundlanders have pushed forwards and requested reinforcements.
00:35:31I'm sorry about your friend.
00:35:33May I tell you something that you probably already know?
00:35:36He doesn't do to dwell on it.
00:35:38No, sir.
00:35:39Hop on.
00:35:40Make some space there.
00:35:42Come on, in you get.
00:35:54All right?
00:35:55I'm going to get wet.
00:35:58Welcome aboard the night bus to fuck knows where.
00:36:02Is that a dead dog?
00:36:04It's a dead dog.
00:36:05It's a dead dog.
00:36:06It's a dead dog.
00:36:07It's a dead dog.
00:36:08It's a dead dog.
00:36:09Is that a dead dog?
00:36:11You got a frag?
00:36:12Yeah, what have you got?
00:36:25Carry on with that story.
00:36:26Oh yeah, right.
00:36:27So, when we get off the train, Beaufort comes up to us and he's having a right go.
00:36:31Lance Corporal, whatever one does, one never lets the bandit slip.
00:36:33Then Scott comes out in the train.
00:36:34He wipes his hand on the back of Beaufort's jacket.
00:36:36Shit, all down his back.
00:36:37Was that meant to be catching Beaufort?
00:36:38Oh, piss off of you.
00:36:39You can't do any better.
00:36:40Vince, your wife will stop with embarrassment for the entire expedition.
00:36:44You're what?
00:36:45Bloody awful.
00:36:46You don't know?
00:36:47You better even speak the bloody language.
00:36:48He's got a better grasp of it than you do.
00:36:49Well, go on then, John.
00:36:50I'll give you a hug.
00:36:51I'll give you a hug.
00:36:52Rossi, never in my 200 years as a soldier have I seen such a sorry excuse for a lapidus.
00:36:56Shut it.
00:36:57That is total shit.
00:36:58Oi, you're going to take me deep back with that?
00:37:00You could do with a new set.
00:37:04You got somewhere you need to be?
00:37:07Oh, no.
00:37:08Someone's driving this.
00:37:19We should reverse.
00:37:22Try to reverse.
00:37:31Everyone needs to get out.
00:37:32All out.
00:37:34Come on.
00:37:35All right.
00:37:36Keep the bloody air on.
00:37:38One, two, three.
00:37:45We need to get some wood.
00:37:46Put it under the wheels.
00:37:47No, we haven't got the time.
00:37:48We all need to cross.
00:37:49Come on.
00:37:50Come on!
00:37:54Please, I have to go now.
00:37:57All right, come on, lads.
00:37:58Come on.
00:37:59Come on, boys.
00:38:00One, two, three.
00:38:07Come on, boys.
00:38:08One last push, yeah?
00:38:09One, two, three.
00:38:19Back in.
00:38:20Get back in.
00:38:22You all right?
00:38:24Dear driver, how about you try to keep it on the bloody road for a change?
00:38:26Oh, piss off.
00:38:36Come on.
00:38:42So where are you going?
00:38:44I have to get to the second Devons, just past the coast.
00:38:48They're attacking at dawn.
00:38:49I have orders to stop them.
00:38:50How come?
00:38:52They're walking into a trap.
00:38:53How many?
00:38:54Sixteen hundred.
00:38:59Why did I send you on your own?
00:39:01They didn't.
00:39:02There were two of us.
00:39:04So now it's down to you?
00:39:07You'll never make it.
00:39:11Yes, I will.
00:39:16Thank you.
00:39:19Look at it.
00:39:20Fucking look at it.
00:39:22Three years fighting over this.
00:39:24We should just let the bastards keep it.
00:39:26I mean, who machine guns cows?
00:39:27The ones with extra bullets.
00:39:31They know if they don't shoot the cow, you will eat it.
00:39:34Still bastards.
00:39:35Yeah, it's not even our bloody country.
00:39:37How long gone do you reckon they are?
00:39:39What, you need me to catch up with them?
00:39:41What happened to this bloody miracle this morning?
00:39:42Yeah, they're probably right around the next corner.
00:39:44Piss off. No, they're not.
00:39:46Why don't they just bloody walk about?
00:39:48Don't they want to go on?
00:39:49They hate their wives and mothers.
00:39:51In Germany, it's called a shepherd.
00:39:53They're retreating.
00:39:54They're miles back.
00:39:56Got them on the ropes at least.
00:39:58We don't.
00:40:01Oh, bollocks. What's up now?
00:40:02Not another bloody tree.
00:40:03The bridge is down.
00:40:05That's a shame.
00:40:06Looks like I'll be getting out here.
00:40:07Good luck.
00:40:08Keep some of that luck to yourself, pal.
00:40:10Don't get me needing it.
00:40:11Good luck, Maglog.
00:40:12Good luck, Garth.
00:40:13Good luck.
00:40:14Can't close it up.
00:40:15I hope you get there.
00:40:16Thank you.
00:40:18The next bridge is six miles.
00:40:20We'll have to divert.
00:40:21I can't, sir.
00:40:22I don't have the time.
00:40:23Of course.
00:40:25Best of luck.
00:40:26Thank you, sir.
00:40:30If you do manage to get to Colonel McKenzie,
00:40:32make sure there are witnesses.
00:40:34They are direct orders, sir.
00:40:35I know.
00:40:37But some men just want the fight.
00:40:40Thank you, sir.
00:40:45Move up!
00:41:00Move up!
00:41:30Move up!
00:42:00Come on.
00:43:00Come on.
00:43:30Move up!
00:43:31Move up!
00:43:32Move up!
00:43:33Move up!
00:43:34Move up!
00:43:35Move up!
00:43:36Move up!
00:43:37Move up!
00:43:38Move up!
00:43:39Move up!
00:43:40Move up!
00:43:41Move up!
00:43:42Move up!
00:43:43Move up!
00:43:44Move up!
00:43:45Move up!
00:43:46Move up!
00:43:47Move up!
00:43:48Move up!
00:43:49Move up!
00:43:50Move up!
00:43:51Move up!
00:43:52Move up!
00:43:53Move up!
00:43:54Move up!
00:43:55Move up!
00:43:56Move up!
00:43:57Move up!
00:43:58Move up!
00:43:59Move up!
00:44:00Move up!
00:44:01Move up!
00:44:02Move up!
00:44:03Move up!
00:44:04Move up!
00:44:05Move up!
00:44:06Move up!
00:44:07Move up!
00:44:08Move up!
00:44:09Move up!
00:44:10Move up!
00:44:11Move up!
00:44:12Move up!
00:44:13Move up!
00:44:14Move up!
00:44:15Move up!
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00:50:12Move up!
00:50:13Move up!
00:50:14Move up!
00:50:15Move up!
00:50:17I don't know.
00:50:20I have food.
00:50:25I have these.
00:50:27You can have them. Here, take them all.
00:50:29For you and the child. Here.
00:50:34She can't eat that. She needs milk.
00:50:53Thank you.
00:51:04Do you have children?
00:51:06Children? You?
00:51:09It's all right.
00:51:13She loves you.
00:51:15Go on.
00:51:45Come on.
00:52:03The sun. It's getting cold.
00:52:08He'll be all right.
00:52:10You should wait.
00:52:13Stay. Stay.
00:52:15Please. I have to go.
00:52:23Please. I'm sorry.
00:52:42Come on.
00:53:13Come on.
00:53:25I've had enough.
00:53:36I'm going to go down. He's not here.
00:53:39He's not going down.
00:53:41He's not here.
00:53:44Where's the little one?
00:53:46Where's the little one?
00:53:48Hey, where's the little one?
00:53:53Do you hear me?
00:53:57Rauma, what the hell are you doing?
00:54:04Put it down!
00:54:06Put it down!
00:58:41I am the cold wave and the thunder.
00:58:46I'm traveling fast on the floor.
00:58:51But there's no risk.
00:58:53There's no danger.
00:58:56In that quiet land to which I go.
00:59:01I'm going there to see my father.
00:59:07I'm going there no matter what.
00:59:13I'm only going over Jordan.
00:59:18I'm only going over home.
00:59:24I know dark clouds won't gather round me.
00:59:29I know my way is rough and steep.
00:59:35But golden fields lie just before me.
00:59:40Where God's redeemed shall ever sleep.
00:59:46I'm going on to see my mother.
00:59:52And all my loved ones who've gone on.
00:59:58I'm only going over Jordan.
01:00:03I'm only going over home.
01:00:08I am a poor wayfaring stranger.
01:00:13I'm traveling through this world of woe.
01:00:19Yet there's no sickness, toil, nor danger.
01:00:24In that bright land to which I go.
01:00:29I'm going there to see my father.
01:00:34I'm going there no more to roam.
01:00:40I'm only going over Jordan.
01:00:45I'm only going over home.
01:00:55You alright, pal?
01:00:57Where you from?
01:00:58He's probably got the window.
01:00:59Well, he's not one of ours.
01:01:00He's bloody soaked.
01:01:01Fuck it, let's just pick him up and take him with us.
01:01:03To find the Devons.
01:01:04What's he saying?
01:01:05What's that, mate?
01:01:06The Devons.
01:01:08I have to find the Devons.
01:01:10We're the Devons.
01:01:14You are the Devons?
01:01:15Yes, Colt.
01:01:17Why haven't you gone over?
01:01:18We're the second wave.
01:01:19They don't send us all at once.
01:01:20Yeah, we're D Company.
01:01:21We spent the night digging in.
01:01:22We go last.
01:01:24Are you alright?
01:01:26Where's Colonel Mackenzie?
01:01:27Oh, he's down at the line.
01:01:28Which way?
01:01:29This way.
01:01:30We're headed up there now.
01:01:31Oi, steady on, mate.
01:01:32Where you going?
01:01:50Let me by!
01:01:54Let me through!
01:01:55Remember, follow your platoon commander.
01:01:57Stay spread out and watch for his orders.
01:01:59Where's your commanding officer?
01:02:00He's in Hougham, Ben.
01:02:01Raise the signal flag.
01:02:03Fire the signal flag when you've taken your position.
01:02:06Now listen, and listen well.
01:02:08On the first mark, A Company will advance.
01:02:09B Company will then move to the front line.
01:02:11Sir, I have a message from General Erinmore.
01:02:12Where the fuck are you?
01:02:13The attack has been called off.
01:02:14General Erinmore has called off the attack.
01:02:15Boles, man.
01:02:16We're about to go over.
01:02:17We've got them on the run.
01:02:18You don't.
01:02:19Please don't send your men over.
01:02:20Get out of the way!
01:02:21These are direct orders from Army Command.
01:02:22Where is Colonel Mackenzie?
01:02:23Jesus Christ, man.
01:02:24Do you understand?
01:02:25Do you understand?
01:02:26Yes, sir.
01:02:27Hang on.
01:02:28NCOs, collect flags and signal flags.
01:02:29Keep moving.
01:02:36Commanders, I've sent another medic.
01:02:38We will advance.
01:02:39On the first whistleblast.
01:02:40Commander, we are on the edge.
01:02:41Commander, it's false.
01:02:42Keep moving.
01:02:43Your orders are quite the lines.
01:02:44Where is the captain?
01:02:45He's over there.
01:02:46Use the deceptive.
01:02:49Captain, I have a message.
01:02:50This attack has called off.
01:02:51You have to stop.
01:02:52You have to stop.
01:02:53You have to stop.
01:02:54You have to stop.
01:02:57Where is Colonel Mackenzie?
01:02:58Where is Mackenzie?
01:02:59Where is Colonel Mackenzie?
01:03:24I have orders to stop this attack.
01:03:26Where is Colonel Mackenzie?
01:03:27He's further up the line.
01:03:28What for?
01:03:29300 yards.
01:03:30He's in a cut and cover.
01:03:31You'll have to wait until the first wave goes over.
01:03:33No, I can't.
01:03:4030 seconds.
01:03:49You can't possibly make it that way, mate.
01:03:50Are you bloody insane?
01:03:54What the hell are you doing, lads?
01:03:57No, no, no, no.
01:04:27Head for the cliff.
01:04:28Head for the cliff.
01:04:49We're going in the deep end!
01:04:50Get ready!
01:04:51Colonel Mackenzie, he's in there!
01:04:54Let me through!
01:04:55Let me through!
01:04:56Listen to me, I have a letter! I need to see Colonel Mackenzie!
01:04:58There's no bloody way you're getting in there!
01:04:59So I don't see you on the next wave!
01:05:01Second wave, prepare yourselves!
01:05:02Colonel Mackenzie!
01:05:03Bring everything down!
01:05:04This attack is not to go ahead!
01:05:05You have been ordered to stop!
01:05:06You have to stop!
01:05:07Who the hell are you?
01:05:08Lance Corporal Schofield, sir.
01:05:09I have orders from General Erinmore to call off this attack.
01:05:12You're too late, Lance Corporal.
01:05:13Sir, these orders are from Army Command.
01:05:14You have to read them.
01:05:15Shall we hail back the second wave, sir?
01:05:16No, Major. Hesitate now and we lose.
01:05:17Victory's only 500 yards away.
01:05:18Sir, please, read the letter!
01:05:19I have heard it all before.
01:05:22I'm not going to wait until dusk or for fog.
01:05:23I'm not calling back my men only to send them out there again tomorrow.
01:05:25Not when we've got the bastards on the run.
01:05:26This is their last step.
01:05:27The Germans planned this, sir.
01:05:29They've been planning it for months.
01:05:30They want you to attack.
01:05:32Read the letter.
01:05:47Yes, sir.
01:05:49Snare them down.
01:05:50Yes, sir.
01:05:51Call up the ordnance. Turn the wounded.
01:05:52Hold the line in case they counter.
01:05:53Yes, sir.
01:06:05I hoped today might be a good day.
01:06:08Hope is a dangerous thing.
01:06:11As of now, the next week can only send a different message.
01:06:14Attack at dawn.
01:06:17There is only one way this war ends.
01:06:21Last man standing.
01:06:26Has someone seen to your wounds?
01:06:29Fuck off, Lance Corporal.
01:06:40Well done, lad.
01:06:41Thank you, sir.
01:06:44Do you know where Lieutenant Blake is, sir?
01:06:46There were two of us.
01:06:48I was sent here with his brother.
01:06:51Well, knowing Lieutenant Blake, he would have gone over with his men.
01:06:53He was in the first wave.
01:06:55How can I find him, sir?
01:06:57You have to try the casualty clearing station behind the line.
01:07:03Thank you, sir.
01:07:19Let's go.
01:07:51I have to find Lieutenant Blake.
01:07:52Do you know where he is?
01:08:09Sir, is Lieutenant Blake here?
01:08:10No idea.
01:08:11He's down the pit.
01:08:12He's down the pit.
01:08:13He's down the pit.
01:08:14He's down the pit.
01:08:15He's down the pit.
01:08:16He's down the pit.
01:08:17He's down the pit.
01:08:18No idea.
01:08:19Move along, Corporal.
01:08:21If you can walk, move to the triage area.
01:08:27Lieutenant Blake!
01:08:39Is anyone seeing Lieutenant Blake?
01:09:15Come on, boys.
01:09:16He's taken one in the leg.
01:09:17He's lost a lot of blood.
01:09:18Lieutenant Blake?
01:09:21Do you need medical assistance?
01:09:23No, sir.
01:09:24I'm from the Eighth.
01:09:25What the hell are you doing here?
01:09:27I was sent here to deliver a message.
01:09:28The Eighth?
01:09:29You must know my brother.
01:09:31I was sent here with him.
01:09:32From here? Where is he?
01:09:37It was very quick.
01:09:40I'm sorry.
01:09:48What's your name?
01:09:50Schofield, sir.
01:09:53Sorry, what?
01:09:54It's Schofield, sir.
01:09:55William Schofield.
01:10:00Well, you need some food.
01:10:01Get yourself to the mess tent.
01:10:18If I may,
01:10:20I'd like to write to your mother.
01:10:22Tell her that Tom wasn't alone.
01:10:25Of course.
01:10:28He was...
01:10:30He was a good man.
01:10:32Always telling funny stories.
01:10:35He saved my life.
01:10:39I'm glad you were with him.
01:10:44Thank you, Will.
01:10:47You're welcome.
01:11:17I love you.
01:11:47I love you, too.
01:12:17I love you, too.
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