I held 'hard words' with Van Dijk - Koeman

  • 2 months ago
Ronald Koeman said a lot of the Netherlands' problems could be resolved if they talk more on the pitch
00:00We need to improve, but it's not only the midfield. Sometimes the communication between the centre-backs and the midfield players needs to be better.
00:09We need to communicate much more than we did. Sometimes by talking, to have good communication, you can solve problems in spaces that your opponent will take.
00:24That's training, that's talking, that's being clear to everybody, what's the way, how we like to press the opponent. That means a lot and we need to improve in that.
00:40Van Dijk said there were hard words spoken this week. Did you interfere in those conversations?
00:48I think I did. I'm responsible, so I'll be there.
00:54Why? The players can communicate with each other, but you felt the need to be there.
01:05If it's about the game, I'll be there.
